Reading JPEG file to retrieve orientation information - javascript

I've been researching ways to retrieve orientation information from a JPEG file in pure JavaScript.
An excellent way to get this information is outlined in this SO answer. Essentially one reads the entire file using readAsArrayBuffer and then processes it for the required information.
However, is it really necessary to read the whole file to retrieve EXIF information? Is there an optimization whereby one can read a subset of bytes when doing this?
For instance, this SO answer seems to suggest the first 20 bytes are good enough for the job. However, the former answer's writer himself asserts that he removed the slice statement because sometimes the tag came in after the limit (he had originally set it to 64KB, i.e. reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.slice(0, 64 * 1024));)
So what's a rule of thumb one can use when programming this sort of a thing? Or does one not exist at all? I want to write code where performance doesn't get heavily affected by the size (in bytes) of file uploaded by a user. That is my goal.
Note: I've tried Googling this information as well, however haven't found anything meaningful.

Till a more seasoned expert chimes in, I've settled for reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.slice(0, 128 * 1024));.


Using binary JSON formats with d3 xhr

I'm doing some D3 work on source data ~3GB. I figure it's maybe reasonable to load 1-10 mb in a single call before people are going to be annoyed with load times, so I'm looking at a factor of 1000 compression on my dataset before I can throw it in browser. Most of this is accomplished with various aggregations, but the less information I have to throw away, the richer the interaction, so I've been looking at binary JSON formats to maybe get a factor of 2 or so for free (maybe more if because I think I can replace some long hashes with some short integers).
Anyways, actual question. Do D3 xhr requests work with BSON, UBJSON, or smile? It seems like none of the 3 have come far enough to have an official associated MIME type (there's some recommendations but I didn't see them on the official list). Also, considering they're based off of JSON, there seems to be little mention of Javascript in the (BSON, UBJSON, smile) parsing libraries (is that because Javascript can read them natively, or no one has found it worthwhile to implement...)

Custom Stream Write Length Using Nodejs

This may already be answered somewhere on the site, but if it is I couldn't find it. I also couldn't find an exact answer to my question (or at least couldn't make sense of how to implement a solution) based on any of the official Node.js documentation.
Question: Is it possible to customize the length (in bytes) of each disk write that occurs while piping the input of a readable stream into a file?
I will be uploading large files (~50Gb) and it's possible that there could be many clients doing so at the same time. In order to accomplish this I'll be slicing files at the client side and then uploading a chunk at a time. Ideally I want physical writes to disk on the server side to occur in 1Mb portions - but is this possible? And if it is possible then how can it be implemented?
You will probably use a WriteStream. While it is not documented in the fs api, any Writable does take a highWaterMark option for when to flush its buffer. See also the details on buffering.
So it's just
var writeToDisk = fs.createWriteStream(path, {highWaterMark: 1024*1024});
Disclaimer: I would not believe in cargo-cult "server-friendly" chunk sizes. I'd go with the default (which is 16kb), and when performance becomes a problem test other sizes to find the optimal value for the current setup.

Choosing an appropriate compression scheme for data transfer over JSON

After some comments by David, I've decided to revise my question. The original question can be found below as well as the newly revised question. I'm leaving the original question simply to have a history as to why this question was started.
Original Question (Setting LZMA properties for jslzma)
I've got some large json files I need to transfer with ajax. I'm currently using jQuery and $.getJSON(). I'd like to use the jslzma library to decompress the files upon receiving them. Currently, I'm using django with the pylzma library to compress the files.
The only problem is that there's a lack of documentation for the jslzma library. There is some, but not enough. So I have two questions about how to use the library.
It gives this as an example:
LZMA.decompress(properties, inStream, outStream, outSize);
I know how to set the inStream and outStream variables, but not the properties or the outSize. So can anyone give an example(s) on how to set the properties variable (ie. what's expected) and how to calculate the outSize...
Edit #1 (Revised Question)
I'm looking for a compression scheme that lends itself to highly repeatable data using python (django) and javascript.
The data being transferred contains elevation measurements. Each file has 1200x1200 data points, which equates to about 2.75MB in it's raw binary form uncompressed. JSON balloons it to between 5-6MB. I've also looked into base64 (just to cover all the bases), which would reduce the size but I haven't had any success reading it in js. I think the data lends itself to easy compression just because of the highly repeatable data values. For example, one file only has 83 unique elevation values to describe 1440000 data points.
I just haven't had much luck, mainly because I'm just starting to learn JavaScript.
So can anyone suggest a compression scheme for this type of data? The goal is to minimize the transfer time by reducing the size for the data.
For what it's worth LZMA is typically very slow to compress as well as decompress; and thus it is more common to use bit faster compression schemes. Standard GZIP (deflate) has reasonably good balance: its compression ratio is acceptable, and its compression speed is MUCH better than that of LZMA or bzip2.
Also: most web servers and clients support automatic handling of gzip compression, which makes it even more convenient to use.
Decompression on the client side with Javacscript can take a significant longer time and highly depends on the available bandwidth of the client's box. Why not just implement a lesser but faster and easier to write decompression like rle, delta or golomb code? Or maybe you want to look into compressed Jsons?

C.S. Basics: Understanding Data Packets, Protocols, Wireshark

The Quest
I'm trying to talk to a SRCDS Server from node.js via the RCON Protocol.
The RCON Protocol seems to be explained enough, implementations can be found on the bottom of the site in every major programming language. Using those is simple enough, but understanding the protocol and develop a JS library is what I set out to do.
Being a self taught programmer, I skipped a lot of Computer Science Basics - learned only what I needed, to accomplish what I wanted. I started coding with PHP, eventually wrapped my head around OO, talked to databases etc. I'm currently programming with JavaScript, more specifically doing web stuff with node.js ..
Binary Data?!?!
I've read and understood the absolute binary basics. But when it comes to the packet data I'm totally lost. I'd like to read and understand the wireshark output, but I can't make any sense if it. My biggest problem is probably that I don't understand what the binary representation of the various INT and STRING (char ..) from JS look like and how I convert from data I got from the server to something usable in the program.
So I'd be more than grateful if someone can point me to a tutorial on these topics. Tutorial as in "explanation that mere mortals can understand, preferably not written by a C.S. professor". :)
When I'm looking at the PHP reference implementation I see (too much) magic happening there which I can't translate to JS. Sending and reading data from a socket is no problem, but I need to know how PHPs unpack function works respectively how I can do that in JS with node.js.
So I hope you can see what I'm trying to accomplish here. First and foremost is understanding the whole theory needed to make implementing the protocol a breeze. But because I'm only good with scripting languages it would be incredibly helpful if someone could guide me a bit in the HOWTO part in PHP/JS..
Thank you so much for your time!
I applaud the low level protocol pursuit.
I'll tell you the path I took. My approach was to use the client and server that already spoke the protocol and use libpcap to do analysis. I created a library that was able to unpack the custom protocol I was analyzing during this phase.
Its super helpful to start with diagrams like this one:
From the wiki on TCP. Its an incredibly useful way to visualize the structure of the binary data. Its tightly packed, so slicing it apart requires attention to detail.
Buffers and Binary
I read up on Buffer. Its the way you deal with Binary in node. -- the first thing to realize here is that buffers can be accessed bit by bit via array syntax, ie buffer[0] and such.
Its helpful to be able to dump your binary data into a hex representation. I used to achieve this.
I grabbed -- this is the equivalent to wireshark, but you can programmatically poke at all outgoing and incoming traffic. I added udp payload support:
I read through all mranney's "unpack" code
I found
I read through all their "unpack" code
Now, things to remember when you're looking through this stuff. Most of the time they're taking a binary Buffer representation and converting to a native javascript type, like say Number or String. They'll use advanced techniques to do so -- bitwise operations like shifts and such. You don't necessarily need to understand all that.
The key things are:
1) endianness -- the ordering of bits (network and host byte order can be reverse from each other) as this pertains to how things are unpacked
2) Javascript Number representation is quirky -- node-ctype goes into detail in the comments about how they convert the various number types in javascript's Number. Integer, float, double etc are all Number in javascript land.
In the end, its likely fine if you just USE these unpackers for your adventures. I ended up having to unpack things that weren't covered in these libraries, like GUIDs and such, and it was tremendously helpful to study the source.
Isolate the traffic you're looking at
Filter, filter, filter. Target one host. Target one direction. Target one message type. Focus on stripping off data that has a known fixed length first -- often times the header in a protocol is a good place to start. Once you get the header unpacking into a nice json structure from binary, you are well on your way.
After that, its one field at a time, top to bottom, one message at a time. You can use Buffer#slice and the unpack functions from node-ctype to grab each piece of data at a time.

Creating and parsing huge strings with javascript?

I have a simple piece of data that I'm storing on a server, as a plain string. It is kind of ridiculous, but it looks like this:
name|date|grade|description|name|date|grade|description|repeat for a long time
this string can be up to 1.4mb in size. The idea is that it's a bunch of student records, just strung together with a simple pipe delimeter. It's a very poor serialization method.
Once this massive string is pushed to the client, it is split along the pipes into student records again, using javascript.
I've been timing how long it takes to create, and split, these strings on the client side. The times are actually quite good, the slowest run I've seen on a few different machines is 0.2 seconds for 10,000 'student records', which has a final string size of ~1.4mb.
I realize this is quite bizarre, just wondering if there are any inherent problems with creating and splitting such large strings using javascript? I don't know how different browsers implement their javascript engines. I've tried this on the 'major' browsers, but don't know how this would perform on earlier versions of each.
Yeah looking for any comments on this, this is more for fun than anything else!
String splitting for 1.4mb data is not a problem for decent machines, instead you should worry about the internet connection speed of your users. I've tried to do spell check with 800 kb dictionary (which is half of your data), main issue was loading time.
But looks like your students records data could be put in database, and might not need to load everything at loading time, So, how about do a pagination to show user records or use ajax to request to search certain user names?
If it's a really large string it may pay to continuously slice the string with 'string'.slice(from, to) to only process a smaller subset, appending all of the individual items to the end of the output with list.push() or something similar might work.
String split methods are probably the most efficient way of doing this though, even in IE. Processing individual characters using string.charAt(x) is extremely slow and will often show a security error as it stalls the browser. Using string split methods would certainly be much faster than splitting using regular expressions.
It may also be possible to encode the data using a JSON array, some newer browsers such as IE8/Webkit/FF3.5 have fast JSON parsing built in using JSON.parse(data). But using eval(JSON) may overflow the browser if there's enough data, so is probably a bad idea. It may pay to compare for performance though.
A much better approach in a lot of cases is to use AJAX and only load some of the data at once from the server, which would also save download time.
Besides S. Mark's excellent comments about local vs. x-fer speed and the tip to re-encode using AJAX, I suggest a (longterm) move away from JavaScript in the Browser (assuming that's were it runs) to either a non-browser implementation of JS (or possibly another language).
A browser based JS seems a week link in a data-x-fer chain and nothing I would want to run unmonitored, since the browsers are upgraded from time to time and breaking your JS-x-fer might be an unanticipates side effect!

