AJAX not working in my project - javascript

I am working in php codeigniter and I tried like this in my code.
var dataSource = $.ajax({
url: <?php echo $url=$this->BASE_URL."home/destination_place" ?>,
method: "POST",
data: { id : id,firstName:firstName },
dataType: "html"
This is my returning array but it is not getting in the data source field
I hope somebody will help me to solve this.

I tend not to use .ajax because it's bulky and messy. The .get() and .post() methods work well and are nice and clean.
var dataSource = '';
$.post('<?= $this->BASE_URL.'home/destination_place' ?>',
{ id: id, firstName: firstName },
function(resp){ dataSource = resp; });
The third argument is the callback function, which takes the response as a function parameter. You can then assign it to a variable outside the callback.
Something to bear in mind is that AJAX is asynchronous. The response value will not be available until the call to the remote machine completes. For this reason, all data processing should be triggered inside the callback function, where in this case we are assigning resp to dataSource.

dataType parameter is the type of data you're expecting to get from server.
If I undearstand correctly, you want to get JSON from server, but u specified dataType as html. Try:
var dataSource = $.ajax({
url: <?php echo $url=$this->BASE_URL."home/destination_place" ?>,
method: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: { id : id,firstName:firstName },


jQuery ajax post URL with query string cannot get $_POST in server side

My url parameter need to included the query string due to the system need to pass the token everytime request a link. I would like to use ajax POST to my PHP page.
Below is my ajax code:-
var data = new Array();
data[0] = $('#coupon_code').val();
data[1] = $('#coupon_value').val();
var jsondata = {"data": data}
var json = JSON.stringify(jsondata);
processData: false,
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
However, my PHP script is like below to make sure I have everything passed to server side:
public function create()
It only have following output:-
array(2) {
string(13) "coupon/create"
string(11) "csrf1234567"
Inside the chrome insepct it shows
**Query String Paramaters**
**Request Payload**
[object Object]
It does not have POST variable to pass to my PHP. I want to use type POST, and json to accomplish this, any idea how to solve it?
change to
Thanks for the solution!
change to
Thanks for guest271314!

Getting json array to create products index problems using Php, json, JS and JSON

Having a few problems creating a products index.
It looks like you're pushing down html as well in the products.php page. Make sure the output of the php that you're retrieving from only returns JSON.
Also, check the syntax on your script:
type: "GET",
url: "products2.php",
data: 'id=' + userid,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = data[0];
document.getElementById("decription").innerHTML = data[1];
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = data[2];
document.getElementById("stock").innerHTML = data[3];
You were using $rows but attempting to access data. Adding a simple console.log(data); in the success function will dump the results to the console in chrome/firefox so you can see what is being returned. (Be sure to check the network tab as well, as it can give you some tips as to why the data isn't being properly fetched.)
I've done something similar and this worked fine for me:
$array['status'] = 0;
echo json_encode($array);
Populate the array with whatever you need.
And then:
type: "type",
url: "url",
data: {
data: data
success: function (data) {

Post JSON to PHP in AJAX for MongoDB Querying

I am constructing a Javascript object. I am using the id of user who is logged in (from a session variable) and storing it as an attribute with AJAX.
I wanted to post the resulting object as JSON via AJAX to a PHP file which then inserts the document into a MongoDB database:
var numpages=$('.page').length;
var book=new Object();
type: 'json',
url: '../scripts/getUser.php',
method: 'GET',
success: function(data){
var user=JSON.parse(data);
book.pages=new Array();
var page;
var link;
for (var i=0;i<numpages;i++){
var numlinks=$('#p'+i+' .link').length;
page=new Object();
page.text=$('#p'+i+' .textarea').text();
page.links=new Array();
for (var j=0;j<numlinks;j++){
link=new Object();
link.text=$('#p'+i+'l'+j+' .linktext').text();
link.locale=$('#p'+i+'l'+j+' .locale').text();
data: JSON.stringify(book),
url: '../scripts/addstory.php',
method: 'POST',
success: function(msg) {
//var story=JSON.parse(msg);
Here is the PHP:
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbname = 'story';
$m = new MongoClient("mongodb://$dbhost");
$db = $m->$dbname;
$collection = $db->stories;
if (isset($story)){
The document is being inserted into the database but I get this:
Notice: Undefined index: json
You have two problem, first being that ajax is async unless you specify the async flag to false which you probably don't want to do so:
Is likely to actually be empty when you come to JSON encode in the second ajax call.
To solve this you can use JQuery promises like so:
/// extra processing
}).then(function(){ $.get() // etc });
This will ensure that one Ajax calls runs after the other.
As for the missing index you don't actually need to stringify your data at all instead you can just do:
$.get('some_url', {book: book})
And JQuery will actually serialize it for you ready for PHP.
creates an object something like:
{"title":"East of Eden","author":"John Steinbeck"}
better completely remove the JSON.stringify() bit and just pass the book variable
And it in the ajax call it should be type: "POST", not method: "POST"
So in your php script you can do
Hope that helps
If you want to work exclusively with JSON, you should set your content-type header to application/json and then read that content from PHP raw input:
The javascript:
data: JSON.stringify(book),
url: '../scripts/addstory.php',
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(msg) {
The PHP:
$story = file_get_contents('php://input');
So really you just need to add one line of code and change another.
The reason $_POST['json'] was not being populated is that nowhere did you define a query string (or let jQuery define for you) that has a key json.
You could have, for example done something like this:
data: {'json': JSON.stringify(book)}
And that would have populated $POST['json'], but again if all you are looking to do is pass around a JSON string and directly insert it into Mongo, there is no reason to use form-encoding for this at all, just work with raw POST data.
Note also the problem mentioned by #Sammaye about needing to properly work with event delegation.

Parallel Ajax Calls in Javascript/jQuery

I am completely new to Javascript/jquery world and need some help. Right now, I am writing one html page where I have to make 5 different Ajax calls to get the data to plot graphs. Right now, I am calling these 5 ajax calls like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
area0Obj = $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url : url0,
async : false,
dataType : 'json'
area1Obj = $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url : url1,
async : false,
dataType : 'json'
area4Obj = $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url : url4,
async : false,
dataType : 'json'
// some code for generating graphs
)} // closing the document ready function
My problem is that in above scenario, all the ajax calls are going serially. That is, after 1 call is complete 2 starts, when 2 completes 3 starts and so on .. Each Ajax call is taking roughly around 5 - 6 sec to get the data, which makes the over all page to be loaded in around 30 sec.
I tried making the async type as true but in that case I dont get the data immediately to plot the graph which defeats my purpose.
My question is:
How can I make these calls parallel, so that I start getting all this data parallely and my page could be loaded in less time?
Thanks in advance.
Using jQuery.when (deferreds):
$.when( $.ajax("/req1"), $.ajax("/req2"), $.ajax("/req3") ).then(function(resp1, resp2, resp3){
// plot graph using data from resp1, resp2 & resp3
callback function only called when all 3 ajax calls are completed.
You can't do that using async: false - the code executes synchronously, as you already know (i.e. an operation won't start until the previous one has finished).
You will want to set async: true (or just omit it - by default it's true). Then define a callback function for each AJAX call. Inside each callback, add the received data to an array. Then, check whether all the data has been loaded (arrayOfJsonObjects.length == 5). If it has, call a function to do whatever you want with the data.
Let's try to do it in this way:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
var area0Obj = {responseText:''};
var area1Obj = {responseText:''};
var area2Obj = {responseText:''};
var url0 = 'http://someurl/url0/';
var url1 = 'http://someurl/url1/';
var url2 = 'http://someurl/url2/';
var getData = function(someURL, place) {
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url : someURL,
success : function(data) {
place.responseText = data;
getData(url0, area0Obj);
getData(url1, area1Obj);
getData(url2, area2Obj);
if server side will be smth. like this:
public function url0() {
$answer = array(
array('smth' => 1, 'ope' => 'one'),
array('smth' => 8, 'ope' => 'two'),
array('smth' => 5, 'ope' => 'three')
public function url1() {
$answer = array('one','two','three');
public function url2() {
$answer = 'one ,two, three';
So there, as you can see, created one function getData() for getting data from server and than it called 3 times. Results will be received in asynchronous way so, for example, first can get answer for third call and last for first call.
Console answer will be:
"one ,two, three"
PS. please read this: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ there you can clearly see info about async. There default async param value = true.
By default, all requests are sent asynchronously (i.e. this is set to true by default). If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false. Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation. Note that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser, disabling any actions while the request is active...
The following worked for me - I had multiple ajax calls with the need to pass a serialised object:
var args1 = {
"table": "users",
"order": " ORDER BY id DESC ",
var args2 = {
"table": "parts",
"order": " ORDER BY date DESC ",
url: args1.local_domain + '/my/restful',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
type: "POST",
dataType : "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data : JSON.stringify(args1),
error: function(err1) {
alert('(Call 1)An error just happened...' + JSON.stringify(err1));
url: args2.local_domain + '/my/restful',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
type: "POST",
dataType : "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data : JSON.stringify(args2),
error: function(err2) {
calert('(Call 2)An error just happened...' + JSON.stringify(err2));
).then(function( data1, data2 ) {
data1 = cleanDataString(data1);
data2 = cleanDataString(data2);
console.log("ids" + e.id)
console.log("dates" + e.date)
function cleanDataString(data){
data = decodeURIComponent(data);
// next if statement was only used because I got additional object on the back of my JSON object
// parsed it out while serialised and then added back closing 2 brackets
if(data !== undefined && data.toString().includes('}],success,')){
temp = data.toString().split('}],success,');
data = temp[0] + '}]';
data = JSON.parse(data);
return data; // return parsed object
In jQuery.ajax you should provide a callback method as below:
url : url0,
async : true,
dataType : 'json',
or you can directly use
jQuery.getJSON(url0, function(data){
You won't be able to handle it like your example. Setting to async uses another thread to make the request on and lets your application continue.
In this case you should utilize a new function that will plot an area out, then use the callback functions of the ajax request to pass the data to that function.
For example:
$(document).ready(function() {
function plotArea(data, status, jqXHR) {
// access the graph object and apply the data.
var area_data = $.parseJSON(data);
url : url0,
async : false,
dataType : 'json',
success: poltArea
url : url1,
async : false,
dataType : 'json',
success: poltArea
url : url4,
async : false,
dataType : 'json',
success: poltArea
// some code for generating graphs
}); // closing the document ready function
It looks like you need to dispatch your request asynchronously and define a callback function to get the response.
The way you did, it'll wait until the variable is successfully assigned (meaning: the response has just arrived) until it proceeds to dispatch the next request. Just use something like this.
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: function(data) {
area0Obj = data;
This should do the trick.
Here's a solution to your issue: http://jsfiddle.net/YZuD9/
you may combine all the functionality of the different ajax functions into 1 ajax function, or from 1 ajax function, call the other functions (they would be private/controller side in this case) and then return the result. Ajax calls do stall a bit, so minimizing them is the way to go.
you can also make the ajax functions asynchronous (which then would behave like normal functions), then you can render the graph at the end, after all the functions return their data.

Reusing 'data' passed in the jquery-ajax call

I'm using jquery's .ajax() method on a button click.
I wanted to know if there a way in whcih I can use the data that I passed in the data-part of the AJAX call in my success() function.
This is my code,
url: //my URL here..
type: 'POST',
projDets : projDetailsArray,
error: function(){
alert('Error loading Project Information');
success: function(html){
//I wanted to re-use 'projDets' that I'm passing in the
//'data' part of my code..
Any help will be appreciated.
You could wrap the $.ajax parameter in a closure, set up the "data" value as a local variable, and then reference it both for the "data" value and inside the "success" function:
$.ajax(function() {
var data = {
projDets: projDetailArray
// ...
return {
url: // your URL here..
type: 'POST',
data: data,
error: function(){
alert('Error loading Project Information');
success: function(html){
// just reference "data" here!
Pritish - a quick and dirty way would be to store the json array in a jquery .data() object and then retrieve it as required.
1st, set the data: element to a named array:
// set 'outside' of the $ajax call
var projDetailsData = {projDets : projDetailsArray};
// now store it in a div data object
$("#targetDiv").data("myparams", projDetailsData);
// the data part of the $ajax call
data: projDetailsData,
to retrieve it again:
// get the value stored and call the $ajax method again with it
var projDetailsDataCopy = $("#targetDiv").data("myparams");
worth a try maybe!!
[edit] - also, you could of course store the array in a module level vaiable -yuk!! :)

