Snap.svg Load svg in order not available - javascript

I'm trying to get the (load in order) example to work. Here is my code.
I load snap.js and then my code in loadsvg.js it has my plugin. Then main.js with my code calling the function. I get a error in console that says "base.loadFilesDisplayOrdered is not a function". So it can't find it any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Snap.plugin( function( Snap, Element, Paper, global ) {
function addLoadedFrags( whichSVG, fragList, runWhenFinishedFunc ) { // This is called once all the loaded frags are complete
for( var count = 0; count < fragList.length; count++ ) {
myEl = whichSVG.append( fragList[ count ] );
Paper.prototype.loadFilesDisplayOrdered = function( list, afterAllLoadedFunc, onEachElementLoadFunc ) {
var image, fragLoadedCount = 0, listLength = list.length, fragList = new Array(), whichSVG = this;
for( var count = 0; count < listLength; count++ ) {
(function() {
var whichEl = count,
fileName = list[ whichEl ],
image = Snap.load( fileName, function ( loadedFragment ) {
onEachElementLoadFunc( loadedFragment, fileName );
fragList[ whichEl ] = loadedFragment;
if( fragLoadedCount >= listLength ) {
addLoadedFrags( whichSVG, fragList, afterAllLoadedFunc );
} );
Then i call it in main.js
var base = Snap("#svgout");
var myLoadList = [ "svgs/layer.svg", "svgs/cutout.svg" ];
var myDisplayList = { "Bird.svg": "zoom", "Dreaming_tux.svg": "fade" };
base.loadFilesDisplayOrdered( myLoadList, onAllLoaded, onEachLoaded );

The problem is, you are trying to create Snap into a div element. Snap only works on SVG elements.
<div id="svgout"></div>
<svg id="svgout"></svg>
And the error should go away.


Check if a set of objects intersect another set of objects

I have an object(LineA) that is composed of 4 children and sub-children. They are Meshes(MeshLineMaterial) and ArrowHelpers. Then I have another set of objects(Other Lines) of the same kind.
Sample object:
castShadow: false
children: Array(2)
0: ja {uuid: "B883597B-392D-41EB-A306-33A2F065A5B1", name: "PathA", type: "Mesh", parent: Hc, children: Array(0), …}
1: tb {uuid: "8B507A56-437C-47C5-9A0A-43DE9D8DE0D4", name: "", type: "Object3D", parent: Hc, children: Array(2), …}

length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)

frustumCulled: true
layers: Pf {mask: 1}
matrix: U {elements: Array(16)}

matrixAutoUpdate: true
matrixWorld: U {elements: Array(16)}

matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: false
nObjType: "Path"

name: "Path"

parent: wd {uuid: "20293B1F-868F-4A06-9A24-AF14738955A8", name: "", type: "Scene", parent: null, children: Array(121), …}

position: n {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
quaternion: ua {_x: 0, _y: 0, _z: 0, _w: 1, 
_onChangeCallback: ƒ}
receiveShadow: false
renderOrder: 0
rotation: Qb {_x: 0, _y: 0, _z: 0, 
_order: "XYZ", 
_onChangeCallback: ƒ}
scale: n {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
selectable: true
type: "Group"
up: n {x: 0, y: 1, z: 0}

userData: {}
uuid: "CC27818D-5EEE-4A89-A39C-7F56C8C8F9BB"
visible: true
eulerOrder: (...)
id: 561
modelViewMatrix: U {elements: Array(16)}
normalMatrix: Y {elements: Array(9)}
useQuaternion: (...)

__proto__: B

I am trying to create a system where when I create LineA, it shouldn't collide/cross with Other Lines.
I have tried the bounding box and raycaster:
function collision()
var originPoint = LineA.position.clone();
var bb=new THREE.BoxHelper(LineA, 0x00ff00);
var collidableMeshList = OtherLines;
for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < bb.geometry.attributes.position.array.length; vertexIndex++)
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster( bb.position, bb.geometry.attributes.position.array[vertexIndex] );
var collisionResults = ray.intersectObjects( collidableMeshList );
if ( collisionResults.length > 0)
hit = true;
I tried referring to this example
function detectCollisionCubes(bb, Line2bb){
bb.geometry.computeBoundingBox(); //not needed if its already calculated
var box1 = bb.geometry.boundingBox.clone();
var box2 = Line2bb.geometry.boundingBox.clone();
return box1.intersectsBox(box2);
None of them seems to be working in my case.
They show no error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

pts.js 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: ' Error when trying to use an image for a particle

I'm wanting to load the same an image for particles in pts.js.
When I try to use a local image from my assets folder I get the error "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE:" in the console.
I read somewhere this may be due to the image trying to be used before it has even been loaded in...
I've also tried using an external link to some other image rather than a local one and that works. So not sure what is happening with my local files.
I just tried this on chrome rather than firefox and I'm getting a new and more detailed error message.
"Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state." in pts.min.js:6.
Still not sure exactly what is wrong.
Pts.quickStart('#hello', 'transparent')
var world
// Loading in image to be used
var myImg = new Image()
myImg.src = '/assets/img/myImage.png'
start: (bound, space) => {
// Create world and 100 random points
world = new World(space.innerBound, 1, 0)
let pts = Create.distributeRandom(space.innerBound, 20)
// Create particles and hit them with a random impulse
for (let i = 0, len = pts.length; i < len; i++) {
let p = new Particle(pts[i]).size(i === 0 ? 10 : 20)
p.hit(0, 0)
world.particle(0).lock = true
animate: (time, ftime) => {
world.drawParticles((p, i) => {
// Image variable for the particle to be drawn as
action: (type, px, py) => {
if (type == 'move') {
world.particle(0).position = new Pt(px, py)
resize: (bound, evt) => {
if (world) world.bound = space.innerBound
For drawing images on canvas, the image needs to be loaded first. You can keep track of it using myImg.addEventListener( 'load', ... ).
Once it's loaded, you can use it in form.image( myImg, ... ) in Pts' animate loop.
Here's a working example based on your code above:
Pts.quickStart( "#pt", "#123" );
//// Demo code starts (anonymous function wrapper is optional) ---
(function() {
var world;
var imgReady = false;
// Loading in image to be used
var myImg = new Image()
myImg.src = '';
myImg.addEventListener('load', function() {
imgReady = true;
}, false);
space.add( {
start: (bound, space) => {
// Create world and 100 random points
world = new World( space.innerBound, 1, 0 );
let pts = Create.distributeRandom( space.innerBound, 100 );
// Create particles and hit them with a random impulse
for (let i=0, len=pts.length; i<len; i++) {
let p = new Particle( pts[i] ).size( (i===0) ? 30 : 3+Math.random()*space.size.x/50 );
p.hit( Num.randomRange(-50,50), Num.randomRange(-25, 25) );
world.add( p );
world.particle( 0 ).lock = true; // lock it to move it by pointer later on
animate: (time, ftime) => {
world.drawParticles( (p, i) => {
if (imgReady) {
console.log( p )
form.image(myImg, [p.$subtract( p.radius ), p.$add( p.radius )] );
world.update( ftime );
action:( type, px, py) => {
if (type == "move") {
world.particle( 0 ).position = new Pt(px, py);
resize: (bound, evt) => {
if (world) world.bound = space.innerBound;

How can I check if all vimeo videos on page were played on click of a button?

I have 4 Vimeo embedded videos on a page and a button (next) to move to the next page. I would like to allow the user to move to the next page only after they have viewed all 4 videos.
I start by collecting all videos:
var iframes = $( '' );
Then I loop through them to use the vimeo api and check if they were played:
var videos = [];
var videos_flags = [];
for( var i = 0 ; i < iframes.length ; i++ ) {
videos[i] = new Vimeo.Player( iframes[i] );
videos[i].on('play', function( data ) {
videos_flags[i] = true;
} );
Eventually, if I do console.log( videos_flags ) I get 3 empty and 1 true no matter how many videos I have played.
$( '.next' ).on( 'click', function() {
console.log( videos_flags );
} );
What am I doing wrong?
Its about closures, you need to bind the variable to your elements.
function bindValue (n, videos) {
return function() {
videos_flags[n] = true;
for( var i = 0 ; i < iframes.length ; i++ ) {
videos[i] = new Vimeo.Player( iframes[i], options );
videos[i].on('play', bindValue(i, videos_flags));
A working example here. (added options when creating video player just to avoid the extra attributes data-vimeo-id or data-vimeo-url needed by the player, you should not need those)
An even better solution with let (the i variable is all you need to change):
for( let i = 0 ; i < iframes.length ; i++ ) {
videos[i] = new Vimeo.Player( iframes[i], options );
videos[i].on('play', function( data ) {
videos_flags[i] = true;
} );
Example here.
A better explanaition of why here.

Indesign script update window?

Edit: I am also open to other suggestions on what I could do.
How can I update my window with the onChange event? My solution works, but I need the groups to collapse when not visible.
w.DD.onChange = function() {
switch (this.selection.text){
case 'Headline':
w.visiblegroup.visible = false;
w.visiblegroup = w.texted;
w.texted.visible = true;
I have tried to use, w.update(with documentation, still not sure what .update actually does) after adding the elements in the case itself. But I can't figure this out.
w.DD.onChange = function() {
switch (this.selection.text){
case 'Headline':
w.add('checkbox', undefined, 'User-Color');
Does anyone have a clue how this might work?
I generally avoid using LayoutManager and do all teh maths by myself which I trust better but that's my humble opinion…
var w = new Window("dialog");
w.preferredSize = [200,200];
w.DD = w.add( 'dropdownlist', undefined, ["A","B"] );
w.DD.selection = 0;
w.DD.alignment = ["fill","top"];
//Setting a stacked group to items overlay = w.add('group'); = 'stack'; = ["fill","top"]; = ["fill","top"]; ='panel',undefined, "A"); ='panel',undefined, "B");
//dummy text to show "collapsing" = w.add('statictext',undefined, "Collapse ?");
w.DD.onChange = function() { = w.DD.selection==0; = !; =100; = 50 : 100; =;
w.onShow = function() {; = = 50; =;
To collapse the groups and window you will need to use the layout() method of your window. This will load the LayoutManager that controls the automatic layout behavior for a window or container. The LayoutManager has a method called layout() too, this method invokes the automatic layout behaviour and invoked automatically the first time the window is displayed. Thereafter, the script must invoke it explicitly like so:
An example of how to use the layout manager by Gerald Singelmann:
function main() {
var win = new Window("dialog");
var maingroup = win.add("panel");
maingroup.orientation = "column";
add_group( maingroup );
var show_btn = win.add("button", undefined, "show");
show_btn.onClick = function() {
var txt = "";
for (var n = 0; n < maingroup.children.length; n++) {
txt += maingroup.children[n].edit.text + "\n";
alert("Da steht: \n" + txt );
function add_group( maingroup ) {
var group = maingroup.add( "group" );
group.edit = group.add("edittext", [undefined, undefined, 200, 20], maingroup.children.length ); = group.add("button", undefined, "+"); = add_btn;
group.minus = group.add("button", undefined, "-");
group.minus.onClick = minus_btn;
group.index = maingroup.children.length - 1;
win.layout.layout( true );
return group;
function add_btn ( e ) {
add_group( maingroup );
function minus_btn ( e ) {
var ix = this.parent.index;
maingroup.remove( maingroup.children[ix] );
win.layout.layout( true );

How to display only one image in ezpublish JS slider

I'm a beginner php developer, and have a shockingly poor fluency in Javascript. An ezpublish website I'm working on has this slider in as a default piece of code, but it displays three items. How can I edit it to show only 1 item? The code is:
(function() {
YUI( YUI3_config ).use( 'node', 'event', 'io-ez', function(Y, result) {
Y.on('domready', function(e) {
var offset = 0;
var limit = 1;
var total = {$block.valid_nodes|count()};
var handleRequest = function(e) {
var className ='className');
if ( className == 'carousel-next-button' ) {
offset += 1;
if ( offset > total )
offset = 0;
if ( className == 'carousel-prev-button' ) {
var diff = total - offset;
if( offset == 0 )
offset = 0;
offset -= 1;
var colContent = Y.Node.all('#block-3 .col-content');
colContent.each(function(n, e) {
var height = n.get('region').bottom - n.get('region').top;
n.setStyle('height', height + 'px');
n.set('innerHTML', '');
var data = 'http_accept=json&offset=' + offset;
data += '&limit=' + limit;
data += '&block_id={$}'; 'ezflow::getvaliditems', { on: { success: _callBack
}, method: 'POST', data: data } );
var _callBack = function(id, o) {
if ( o.responseJSON !== undefined ) {
var response = o.responseJSON;
var colContent = Y.Node.all('#block-{$} .col-content');
for(var i = 0; i < colContent.size(); i++) {
var colNode = colContent.item(i);
if ( response.content[i] !== undefined )
colNode.set('innerHTML', response.content[i] );
var prevButton ='#block-{$} input.carousel-prev-button');
prevButton.on('click', handleRequest);
var nextButton ='#block-{$} input.carousel-next-button');
nextButton.on('click', handleRequest);
A hand with this would be great x
Looks to me like this code loads each item after the user clicks prevButton or nextButton. So the simplest way to force only a single item to display is probably to hide those buttons.
Without the markup it's hard to say what the optimal solution is, but I would try to find out what makes the particular markup you're working with into a carousel (I'd guess a class containing "carousel") and remove that so that it's just a single item without the carousel functionality.
For what it's worth, this question is not specific to eZ Publish or PHP so I'd consider removing those tags.

