Front-End Website learning sources [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've seen a lot of awesome websites from Awwwarrds ranking and trying to learn how they made their websites, all their effects are just wonderful and beautiful. But I have no clue how to do something similar, I understand this involves a lot of javascript. Is there somewhere on the internet I can learn how to achieve this? I only understand javascript to the part of using packages like JQuery.
For example what i saw.
I just want to know where I can learn the basic of this effects, and able to make something great as they can.Any recommend source?

I maybe a bit biased being newbie as well, but i found most useful resources for me are: //Absolutely free, contains huge amount of topics
(HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, JQuery etc, you name it) //A book, well, actually THE book for me.
Covers almost everything needed to get started
You-Dont-Know-JS //Same as above, amazing read
I hope you will find something useful.


How to apply JavaScript in real life [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So I'm new to computer science and programming, and I've recently learned Javascript, and though I've seen all the incredible things I can do with it, I haven't actually figured out how to do those things. I was wondering if anyone could give any suggestions to help me out with some interesting and applicable ways I can use my Javascript knowledge.
There are a lot of beginner projects. The best way to learn will be to build something. Either think of a real world problem that you would like to solve or use some of the provided links for some inspiration:
Beginner JS projects - strongdan
Beginner JS projects - romeojeremiah

Where to find some real programming assignments for a beginner webdev? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Hello, folks!
So here I am - a total beginner in webdev without any profound education on the topic, but still aiming to get a real webdev job sometime soon.
And while the assignments in the courses I've taken employ practical use of the languages(HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, jQuery), they nevertheless lack real-life examples, like something that a real client might want.
Googling on programming challenges as to the aforementioned languages gave out mostly the same; I mean yes, there were some interesting things, but they're still far from the real clients' demand, IMO.
So the question is: where can a beginning webdev find some real assignments to perform in order to comprehend the gist of modern webdev through practice and become able to answer the clients' possible demand? Just for the sake of experience, that is, payment is not obligatory.
Any links/replies will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
For real beginner:
But the best thing you can do is trying to implement an own idea / copying an existent idea ... Just think of something basic.
If you need any help, use google first and then ask on stack-overflow to solve your problem.

Creating a catalogue template [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm making my first steps learning to code. I have been taking some courses on internet about css, html, javascript, php and mysql. Since some months ago I decided to continue learning while I experiment with wordpress.
As a beginner I always start watching templates, which I decompose to analize and then I see what can I do.
I'm looking for a template with a really basic structure. I would like to use my content as an ipad magazine does:
Do you have some suggestion about a template with a similar structure? Or at least fiddle that could give me a clue about how can I proceed?
Thank you
You can look at the Bootstrap Templates wich are pretty much easy to understand and learn from it.

What JavaScript library can you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to use JavaScript on my web page. In particular I would like to have a auto-completer (like stackoverflow use for tags). I also would like to have drop down menus and so on.
I think, for these purposes it make sense to use a JavaScript library (I never did it before). I browsed Internet the first option that I found was jQuery, I also found a list of other libraries.
So, I have a hard time choosing between these libraries and would like to ask your advise. My requirements to the library as as follow:
Of course cross-browser functionality (works on as many browsers as possible).
Easy to use (good documentation with examples + active community).
Possibility to change the code (corresponding copy right + good documentation of the code).
Thank you in advance for any help.
Go for jquery and jquery UI which contains a nice autocomplete plugin. It's a javascript framework which gathered lots of pace, there's an enormous community and it is very likely you will find a plugin for every needs. It is guaranteed to work cross browser and you get a great documentation.

Javascript library for dockable panels/tabs? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In the process of converting a .NET rich application to Javascript. One of the GUI features folks liked a lot was to rearrange their application layout. In .NET this was accomplished via Sandock:
Anything like this for Javascript?
The closest I know to that is the javascript library ExtJS. I've used it in a few projects very successfully since it allows you to create rich Web UIs very similar to windows UIs (or widgets).
The learning curve can be a bit steep though if you aren't that familiar with javascript, however the community is quick to respond and helpful.
If ExtJS is not your cup of tea, there is a rather nice jquery port of the same concept.
Demos here: (particularly this)
I needed this very thing, and did not find any to my liking so I decided to write my own. It is almost complete, but you can check it out here:
Edit: Still being developed actively, but fully functional now.
If you are still looking for a javascript dock panel implmentation, I just created one myself. You can find it at

