dynamic change of the displayed HTML div class. - javascript

My html file looks like this:
<div class="nav">
<div id="Home">
<p>My content one</p>
<div id="Work">
<p>My content two</p>
And I want always to display only one div id on my page.
If I press 'Home', display div id: Home.
Else I press a Work, display div id: Work.
I would like this change to be dynamic (without reloading the page) because then I want to add transition.

Like i said in my comment to your question i strongly recommend to use something like https://angular.io/guide/quickstart
But if you still want to solve it native you could do the following:
function changeMenuState(state) {
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByClassName('content').length; i++) {
document.getElementsByClassName('content')[i].style.visibility = "hidden"
document.getElementById(state).style.visibility = "visible"
document.getElementById('link1').addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById('link2').addEventListener("click", function() {


JS: How to hide parent div with multiple nested divs, based on child div's content

Here's the code I'm looking at:
<div class="blotter_workshopitempublished blotter_entry">
<div class="blotter_author_block">
<div class="blotter_avatar_holder">
<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/steam_profile_id">
<div class="playerAvatar online">
<img src="https://steamcdn-a_medium.jpg" data-miniprofile="number">
added an item to their favorites </div>
I'd like to hide all occurrences of "blotter_workshopitempublished blotter_entry" based on "steam_profile_id" or "nickname" (one or the other, I don't care, but "id" would be better), which are inside nested divs.
I looked at several other similar questions but still need help; I'll use this inside a Tampermonkey script.
Something like this should help:
const blotters = document.querySelectorAll('.blotter_workshopitempublished.blotter_entry');
blotters.forEach(blotter => {
const id = blotter.querySelector('a').href.split('/').pop();
if (id === "put whatever id you want to hide in here") {
blotter.style.display = "none";

Getting an image overlay/class to show onclick depending on the class of a parent element

I was just assigned my first project for work and am having some trouble with the last details.
Essentially, when a user clicks a list item in a class of "answerPick" is added to the li. When the user clicks another li item to change their answer the class of "answerPick" is removed from the first choice and added to the new choice. At the end of the form, the user submits and I take all values attached to li items with a class of "answerPick".
Here is an example of the structure of one of the form questions:
<!--Section B-->
<section id="section-b" class="grid">
<div class="content-wrap">
<div class="section-question">
<img src="/Images/modules/GiftThemeHeader_418x50.jpg">
<ul class="answer-options-grid">
<li class="answer" data-url="relaxation"><img src="/Images/modules/Relaxation_200x150.jpg" class="baseimg"> <img src="/Images/modules/Check1Mobile.png" class="topimg">Relaxation</li>
<li class="answer" data-url="skincare"><img src="/Images/modules/BodyCare_200x150.jpg" class="baseimg"> <img src="/Images/modules/Check1Mobile.png" class="topimg">Body Care</li>
<li class="answer" data-url="date-night"><img src="/Images/modules/DateNight_200x150.jpg" class="baseimg"> <img src="/Images/modules/Check1Mobile.png" class="topimg">Date Night</li>
<li class="answer" data-url="at-home-spa"><img src="/Images/modules/Spa_200x150.jpg" class="baseimg"> <img src="/Images/modules/Check1Mobile.png" class="topimg">At-home spa </li>
You'll notice I have an image called "Check1Mobile" right next to the selected image. This image is automatically hidden via .hide().
Basically what I'm trying to do is have the check image show using .show(), when the li item is clicked and is given the class "answerPick". I'm trying to only target specific instances of the class "topimg" during the click function because I use that image/class for each of the form questions.
Here is a snippet of code. I can include everything but I am a javascript scrub so it is messy, to be honest.
$jq('.answer img').click(function () {
if ((this).parent().hasClass('answerPick')) {
else {
} });
Based on the piece of code you have written it should be:
$jq('.answer img').click(function () {
if ($jq(this).parent().hasClass('answerPick')) {
But I can also suggest :
$jq('.answer img').on('click', function () {
const el = $jq(this)
Here's a jsfiddle for live example.

toggle pictures by hovering ul li

I need it to be a javascript solution only please. Please refer to this demo.
The goal is to hover the dots on the right bottom corner and swap the images accordingly. But what it does now is showing a blank page when hovering, and the whole ul becomes vertical and goes to top left corner. What did I do wrong here???
<div id="wrapper">
<section id="contentWrapper">
<div id="resistorContent" class="content">
<section id="resistorDetail1"><img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic1.jpg"></section>
<section id="resistorDetail2"><img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic2.jpg"></section>
<section id="resistorDetail3"><img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic3.jpg"></section>
<section id="resistorDetail4"><img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic4.jpg"></section>
<li onMouseOver="showDetail(resistorDetail1)"></li>
<li onMouseOver="showDetail(resistorDetail2)"></li>
<li onMouseOver="showDetail(resistorDetail3)"></li>
<li onMouseOver="showDetail(resistorDetail4)"></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
var children = document.querySelectorAll('.content > section[id]')
function showDetail(target){
for (var i = 0, child; child = children[i]; i++) {
child.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(target).style.display = 'block';
.content section:not(:first-child) {
display: none;
Thank you in advance!!
Here is the working fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/2qz2srqs/3/
Your code was very close, but it had a few minor issues.
The first was a copy-paste error, you had two elements with the id of resistorDetail3.
Second, your syntax for the onmouseover event was incorrect. Prefix any javascript with javascript: and ensure it has proper syntax.
Third, your showDetail method expected a string id of the element to show. In your onmouseover declaration you had showDetail(resistorDetail1) instead of showDetail('resistorDetail1').
Finally, when you javascript is referenced in the HTML, you need to make sure you load the javascript first. Just by taking a look at the developer's console you could see that it through an error "showDetail is not defined.. I switched it to No wrap - in <body> and it worked fine.
BUT I highly recommend against directly referencing javascript from your HTML. Instead, load the HTML first and then use the DOM ready event of javascript to bind your events. That will increase your load time and make it easier to switch to something like jQuery/Zepto if needed.
Full Code
<section id="contentWrapper">
<div id="resistorContent" class="content">
<section id="resistorDetail1">
<img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic1.jpg" />
<section id="resistorDetail2">
<img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic2.jpg" />
<section id="resistorDetail3">
<img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic3.jpg" />
<section id="resistorDetail4">
<img src="http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/40000483/images/pic4.jpg" />
<li onmouseover="javascript: showDetail('resistorDetail1')"></li>
<li onmouseover="javascript: showDetail('resistorDetail2')"></li>
<li onmouseover="javascript: showDetail('resistorDetail3')"></li>
<li onmouseover="javascript: showDetail('resistorDetail4')"></li>
var children = document.querySelectorAll('.content > section[id]');
function showDetail(target) {
for (var i = 0, child; child = children[i]; i++) {
child.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(target).style.display = 'block';
Here's another working fiddle.
The issue was a couple things.
You were passing undefined vars into your onmouseover attributes. You wanted strings (I quoted them)
In JSFiddle, you don't automatically get the window scope, so you have to assign a function as a property of a window if you want to be able to hit it with an event attribute.

2 divs should open 2 different divs

sorry for the title, I don't know how I should have said it better (my brain is currently melting because of this problem I can't solve).
Here's a description of my problem:
At first I have one div with a list of names in it:
<div id="objekt1">
<ul id="listeNamen">
<li> Hans Mustername </li>
<li> Hans Mustername </li>
<li> Hans Mustername </li>
When I click on a name in this div, a second div box (#objekt2) pops up, with more information about the person I clicked on. In this div box there may be a link to even more details, if you click this #objekt3 (new div box) should pop up.
If I already clicked on the link in #objekt1 and click it again, there shouldn't be any more div added, same goes for #objekt2.
Now I've tried it using jQuery, sadly it doesn't work the way it should. If I click the link in #Objekt1 2 times, 2 divs will be added. If I click the link in #Objekt2 no div is added.
Here's my jQuery code for this:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
function checkDiv(){
var anzahlDiv = $("div").length;
if (anzahlDiv == 1){
$('<div id="objekt2">testlink #1</div>').insertAfter("#objekt1");
}else if (anzahlDiv == 2){
$('<div id="objekt3">testlink #2</div>' ).insertAfter("#objekt2");
$('#objekt1 ul li a, #objekt2 a').click(function () {
Is there anyone here who could help me out on this one please? :(
I would do it by adding some data attributes to the html, and then process those with generalized javascript. It's more readable, and no need to modify code if the data changes.
Basically I added a data-show attribute to the links, which is a comma separated list of the div ids that needs to be visible when the link has been clicked.
<div id="objekt1">
<ul id="listeNamen">
<div id="john-info" class="infodiv">
Info about John.
More info
<div id="john-moreinfo" class="infodiv">
More info about John.
<div id="mary-info" class="infodiv">
Info about Mary.
More info
<div id="mary-moreinfo" class="infodiv">
More info about Mary.
.infodiv {
display: none;
$("body").on("click", ".infolink", function (event) {
var dataShow = $(this).attr("data-show").split(",");
$(".infodiv").each(function (index, div) {
var divId = $(div).attr("id"),
visible = dataShow.indexOf(divId) !== -1;
Here is a working demo jsfiddle.
Since you want different actions for different objects you should have differnet functions e.g.:
//Based on your curent code
function for_objekt1()
if (anzahlDiv == 1){
$('<div id="objekt2">testlink #1</div>').insertAfter("#objekt1");
}else if (anzahlDiv == 2){
if (anzahlDiv == 3){
or something similar
Incase if you have fewer divs to show then you can do like this
<div id="objekt1">
<ul id="listeNamen">
<li> Hans Mustername </li>
<li> Hans Mustername </li>
<li> Hans Mustername </li>
<div id="test"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function first(){
$('#test').html('or any thing you want');
function second(){
$("#test").html("other thing you want"
In case you have dynamic content the you can create a single function and pass its id the function and change the content of the div as you would like. It may not solve the problem but hope it would be helpful enough :)

mouseenter/leave & mouseover/out problems

$( ".title").mouseenter(function() {
var which = $(this).index();
$('.globalnav li').find('.dropdown').hide().eq(which).show();
}).mouseleave(function() {
var which = $(this).index();
$('.globalnav li').find('.dropdown').hide().eq(which).hide();
<ul class="globalnav">
<div class="title">Home</div>
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="navlinks">
<div class="linkstitle">Title</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>
The above code is what I am using right now which does not work in Chrome as intended *I need to hold my click down to view the div. I use mouseover, it does not work properly in IE and FF.
I am also having trouble showing the associated div of the title (on title hover, show specific div) due to the nature of the coding format itself (client given code). Right now, on hovering over a title, it shows the first li's content for "navlinks".
Here's a fiddle to show you
Why are you using the index of the .title element, if the other LI's look like that, the which variable will always be 0, and it's not the way to target the right .dropdown ?
Try something more like this
$( ".title").on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
var dropdown = $(this).closest('li').find('.dropdown').toggle(e.type=='mouseenter');
And if you want the dropdown to be visible while hovering it, place it inside the element that triggers the mouseleave
<div class="title">
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="navlinks">
<div class="linkstitle">Title</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>
<div class="navlink">Link1</div>

