Google authorization window - change application name - javascript

I'm using google calendar in my web, so I need users to authorizate it to access google calendar.
The problem is, when I generate the url which shows you to login into google to let my application to access the calendar, it says "", not my application name.
I'm pretty sure I've configured everything in google developers console. I've chosen a product name, a main page url, a logo url... But it keeps showing amazonaws (I guess it takes that name because the webhook redirects to a domain)
How can I solve my problem? Thanks in advance.
PS: I'm generating the url with google nodejs's sdk, I don't know if that could be relevant.

You can change this in Credential Page of the developer console.
Once you changed it will reflect. Try testing it on OAuth 2.0 playground
Hope this helps.


Having problem on one tap sign in into my website

I am trying to integrate google one tap sign in. I place the client id and login uri as documented, but I am getting this error in the console.
Uncaught TypeError: .DumpException is not a function
Did you anyone have have faced this "DumpException" issue. If so can you please help me how you get rid of it.
Thanks in advance.
Were you running One Tap example code inside a webview?
For security reasons, web view is prohibited. So, you may see some JS errors when downloading the JS client library.
I believe this is related to Google requiring a Domain ownership verification:[domain]&pli=1
This is probably why very few people are experiencing this, as most have already verified their domain in the past for previous API credentials (Google Maps API, etc).

Is there a way to allow Google OAuth on dynamic URLs?

I'm trying to write a chrome extension that runs on every page of a website (think Reddit, YouTube, etc.)
I can inject my chrome extension into these pages fine but I cannot get the Google Sign In button to work since, obviously, dynamic URLs are not allowed by Google.
Is there a way to have my log in button redirect to a static domain that's known by Google OAuth so that authentication is successful and then somehow send the resulting BasicProfile back to the original application?
Alternatively, is there an easier way to get this information? All I want is the basic information(name, imageURL).
For reference, I am using React in my project and I currently have my sign in button set up with react-google-login.
Thank you so much in advance!

Google api key not working [duplicate]

I am developing in JavaScript/HTML/CSS an app that uses Google Maps. I am getting the following alert dialog box:
"This page was unable to display a Google Maps element. The provided Google API key is invalid or this site is not authorized to use it. Error Code: InvalidKeyOrUnauthorizedURLMapError"
The app does actually display the map element; the alert is not a problem except it should not appear at all. The map displays properly.
I have gone in to the Google Developer's Console and, in the "Credentials" section, have "edited allowed referrers" to be*
I have also gone in to the Google Developer's Console in the APIs section and enabled 11 Google Maps APIs.
After lots of referrer combinations, deleting and re-creating credentials i realized that i didn't enabled "Google Maps JavaScript API". What a shame. :)
For anyone who is having trouble to get google maps api work please check if the API enabled first.
After struggling a lot with this issue I've found 1 solution for me. It might help people who are searching for a proper and exact solution but not the comments, downvotes and links.
(Map was not displayed in my case.)
If suppose,the link of page where you are loading map is
then give thesame(exactly the same) under Edit allowed references
If you try loading the same page using:
then your page is loaded but not your map, and this alert is generated.
Use the same path(Url address) at these 2 places.
While loading the page which has map.
Under Edit allowed references.
After following this I've got rid from this alert.
First you need to go to and select APIs.
In Google Maps APIs select Google Maps JavaScript API and make sure you enable API for Google Maps JavaScript.
Secondly, you need to create an API key:
Go to Credentials
Create new key and select Browser Key
No need to specify any referrers
So you should see Any referrer allowed after you save.
After a lot of trial and error this worked for me (by Eduardo. Thanks !)
The URL that needs to be authorized is the one in the Referrer header for the requests the browser sends to Google to load the API.
Under Browser Credentials > REFERERS
Add these*
geocodezip provided the info i needed. I was indeed loading the googlemaps library twice: once in my index.html file and once in an iFrame. I changed my code so that the iFrame did not load the googlemaps library but, instead, used the parent. Thanks geocodezip!
Go to APIs menu and find "Google Maps JavaScript API" after you open it just press "Enable API"
I was able to get this to work by deleting all my referrers and allowing all. Apparently there is a bug in the developer console that is causing problems. Some people say that they can get referrers to work by deleting all then adding all back in at once instead of line by line:!topic/maps/mSVyDazRMQo
Previous things I tried:
Regenerating Key
Setting all maps apis to enabled
Hard coding absolute paths of referrers
A side note, when I didn't include my api_key everything worked fined, though I'm sure they will eventually turn you off if you don't use your api_key.
What worked for me was to use Firebug in order to find the exact URL that made the request to the Google Maps API. As stated in Google Maps API documentation on troubleshooting authorization, "How to find the correct URL" part:
The URL that needs to be authorized is the one in the Referrer header
for the requests the browser sends to Google to load the API.
In my case, lets suppose I have a website In the developer console, under Google Maps API key, I've added many combinations of referrer such as*, **,, but still the InvalidKeyOrUnauthorizedURLMapError persisted.
My solution, as I've mentioned, to use Firebug: open and look for what was the referrer making request to, and it was, and that is it. I've added* to the enabled URLs in the Developers Console under my respective API key and now everything works fine.
It is important to know where to look for on Firebug: it is the Net tab. Just click on the request to maps.googleapis ... and look for the Referer
I got it to work by exchanging the keys with my own special created keys AND reading this webpage a few times very carefully. My advice is to add or exchange your Google API Keys at before embarking in very complicated scripting.
Insert your own API keys in the very first line of the Google Map javascript:
If you have been setup all configuration like api key etc, and you still got the error,
please enable all your mandatory APIs regarding to google maps.
Google Maps Embed API
Google Maps Geocoding API
Google Maps Geolocation API
Google Maps JavaScript API

How to Prevent Authentication for Specific Sharepoint Page

I would like to set our user's Microsoft Outlook Home Page to point to our intranet news page(hosted on Sharepoint).
I finally managed to suppress some JS errors I was getting when trying this (See this question).
However, when users access this homepage through outlook, they are asked to provide their Sharepoint credentials. They are then not required to do so for the next 24 hours. The next morning, they will be asked to provide credentials again.
Is anyone aware of a way around this, perhaps by embedding a script into the page or by setting some specific page permissions? Usually, the user can access the site without having to log in if they navigate via IE, so why does this not carry over to the Outlook web browser?
Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
Many thanks
Have you push down the GPO Settings for IE Settings - Trusted Intranet Zone?
Another way is to turn on Anonymous Access to your portal. See link
to solve this problem I changed my approach completely.
Instead of linking to the web page directly in Outlook I created scheduled task which queries the SharePoint server for the news article data, and then builds an HTML page with the 10 latest articles.
This task runs hourly and the HTML file is linked to on each user's Outlook homepage.
If anyone would like to see the code I use to achieve this please efelf ree to message me.

Website FB login redirects to blank page

I'm getting a blank permissions page on facebook login using the Javascript SDK. It was working for the last few days and I'm not sure what I changed. I don't seem to be using my app secret anywhere (I do define the API key). Are there any suggestions for troubleshooting? The Facebook debug page unfortunately just had me add some meta tags related to open graph which didn't change anything. I've tried looking at the 100s of other questions like this but can't figure it out. I tried reverting to an older version of my code so I'm pretty sure it's something with the Facebook, but it was working.
The blank page is in the popup window and has something about permissions in the URL. My site doesn't require any permissions though.
This is the URL in the login window after signing in:
If I reload my page I'm signed in correctly. The app ID and Client ID are the same in the URL. Not sure if they should be but wasn't specified a client ID or means of generating one.
OK, so of course I left out a critical detail: I'm using Django. Further, I'm so reliant on Django I was serving my Facebook channelUrl in a view. Facebook's API didn't like that. After reading the story of a similarly cursed fellow, I changed my ways: URL links directly to channel.html file. No more sorrows.

