Cookie Script for remembering lanuage setting website - javascript

i found this code on stackoverflow for a website translation but when i use it, the website flickers like it is going to the same/or other page every millisecond.
I am using this script :
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
$(function () {
var url = '';
var english_page = 'index-eng';
var dutch_page = 'index';
if ($.cookie('default_page') != null) {
if (window.location.href != url + '/' + $.cookie('default_page')) {
window.location.href = url + '/' + $.cookie('default_page');
$('#english').click(function () {
$.cookie('default_page', dutch_page, { expires: 999 });
alert('Dutch was set as the default language');
$('#dutch').click(function () {
$.cookie('default_page', dutch_page, { expires: 999 });
alert('Dutch was set as the default language');
});</script> </head>
i am using this code for my image button:
<img id="dutch" src="images/dutch.png">
<img id="english" src="images/english.png">
I left the website like this so you can test it on my friends website
Click back on forth on english button and then again on the dutch button.
Sometimes it works when you click on english and sometimes it doesnt when you click on the english and dutch button.
I really appreciate the help. Cause i was happy when it worked like for seconds and then i saw this problem that i couldn't fix now. Been looking and changing (default_page) and deleting some lines to look where the problem starts but i don't know how to work with this jquery code.
Thanks for your time.

$('#english').click(function () {
$.cookie('default_page', dutch_page, { expires: 999 });
alert('Dutch was set as the default language');
You're making it so no matter what that whenever you click Dutch or English, it'll set it to the dutch page still. Therefore, your default page cookie is trying to update to a new variable and it's continuously calling the old one. Try setting the English function to this:
$('#english').click(function () {
$.cookie('default_page', english_page, { expires: 999 });
alert('English was set as the default language');
Could be wrong, but I'm just curious as to what that does. Pretty sure that could be causing something though.

With my answer above, also do this.
In your script.js file, change this:
document.getElementById("mybtn").addEventListener("click", function(){
To this:
document.getElementById("mybtn").addEventListener("click", function()){


jQuery reset star-rating.js

I am using this plugin
I want to reset my form. But how can I reset these stars??
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
//some other inputs reset
Please help on how to reset these stars to zero or null.
Here is the full code.
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
jQuery(function($) {
click: function(clicked_rating, event) {
I don't know if this is the best approach, since I'm not familiar with this library...
But I achieved a reset like this:
$('.star-rating').replaceWith("<span class='rating'>0/10 stars</span>");
<script src=""></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<h1>This is a good script!</h1>
<span class="rating">9.5/10 stars</span><br>
<button id="resetStars">Reset stars</button>
I'm not familiar with the plugin, but looking at the link you provided, can't you just update the text inside of the element to reflect an empty or zero rating? Something like:
$("#btn-reset").on('click', function() {
It looks like all you need to do is set the content to 0. Then re initialize the method.
You could try something like this; an attempt to set default blank stars on initial page load, or Click.
$(document).ready(function() {
Then refresh page to rest:
$( ".reset" ).click(function() {
If you don't want to refresh page, you could try:
$( ".reset" ).click(function() {
You may have to re-initiate your click feature on the star with similar jQuery to re add the appropriate Class when needed.
If this doesn't help or work; could you create a to fully replicate your issue; and then we could solve it. If it were me; I'd find a better plugin to use or just write it from scratch at that point.
A bit another approach by re-rendering your rating stars from scratch using custom renderRating function.
<div class="rating-stars"></div>
<button class="reset-rating">Reset rating</button>
var defaultRating = "0/5";
function renderRating(rating) {
var ratingEl = $('<span />').addClass('rating');
var ratingStr = rating || defaultRating;
$('.reset-rating').on('click', function() {
Preview on JSFiddle
This should reset it to 0:
$('#starrating').star_rating('rating', 0);
Here's the format to call the public methods:
Should your click event be inside the document ready? If it is outside document ready, that can sometimes cause issue. I hope this helps :)

How Can I Insert My Javascript Into My Drupal Site/Node

I'm trying to insert a cookie that is provided by a video host that will resume a video where the user left off. They have an example that obviously works. When trying to insert this into my Drupal site, the cookie won't work. The video just starts back at the beginning.
I have enabled "PHP input filter", as I read that I needed to do that for drupal to insert the script. Please see the code that is in my node below.
Can anyone help me figure out why this isn't working, how to get it to work, or a better way of doing this with Drupal?
Thank you,
<script type="text/javascript">
wistiaEmbed.ready( function() {
var all_cookies = document.cookie.split(';'), // gets the value of the cookies on the page
cookie_str = "resume_video=",
resume_cookie = does_resume_cookie_exist(all_cookies);
function does_resume_cookie_exist(cookie_arr) {
var i, curr_string, found;
for (i = 0; i < cookie_arr.length; i++) {
curr_string = cookie_arr[i];
if (curr_string.substring(0,5) === cookie_str.substring(0,5)) {
// we've found it!
found = curr_string;
return found;
function set_cookie_time(t) {
document.cookie = cookie_str + t.toString(); // this takes the time (t) and sets the cookie with that time
if (resume_cookie) {
num = resume_cookie.split('=')[1];
start_time = parseInt(num);
wistiaEmbed.time(start_time).play(); // plays the video at the specific time defined in the cookie upon return to the page
} else {
set_cookie_time(0); // places a cookie on the visitor; // starts the video from the beginning
wistiaEmbed.bind("timechange", function(t) { // on timechange, reset cookie
wistiaEmbed.bind("end", function() { // if person has watched the entire video, sets the video to beginning upon retun
<div id="wistia_npcc5k96s9" class="wistia_embed" style="width:640px;height:508px;"> </div>
<script charset="ISO-8859-1" src=""> </script>
wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("npcc5k96s9");
</script>**strong text**
What version of drupal are you using? Does the code that you gave actually output in your request response?
There are several solutions to this (IMO).
If the code is showing up in the response, it could be some other javascript error that preventing your code from executing.
If that snippet of code is applicable to all nodes of that type you can use the node_view hook in order to inject your code on that node type, for example (I am assuming D7):
function mymodule_node_view($node, $view_mode)
if($node->type =='video_page')
drupal_add_js('resume_video.js'); // this js holds your code snippet
Here's a reference that could help you out
You can similarly inject that snippet of code at the theme layer using a theme hook, probably hook_preprocess!system!theme.api.php/function/hook_preprocess/7
Hope that helps.

Simple Modal | Age Verification on First visit | Close but no cookie

I have been trying to get SimpleModal Age Verification page to popup on the first visit to my site. Meaning if the previous site wasn't me display popup. The code below is what I have so far. Basically the issue is that I am getting the popup once in a while for no reason when I click a link. I can't find a rhyme or reason too it. I have had a lot of help from the people here with this code. I'll get a little further then a problem pops up, then i'll fix that and another one pops up. I hope I'm getting pretty close here. ;)
Thanks guys!
<div class="age" id="verify">
<div><img src="/image/white.png"></img></div>
<div id="noman">ARE YOU OVER 18?</div>
<p> If not, leave now and we wont tell your mom.
</br> By continuing you agree you are 18 or older.
<div id="YN">
if ( document.referrer == null || document.referrer.indexOf(window.location.hostname) < 0 ) {
$("#verify").modal({opacity:85, position: ["20%",""], onOpen: function (dialog) {
dialog.overlay.fadeIn('slow', function () {
dialog.container.slideDown('slow', function () {'slow');
return false;
<script type="text/javascript" >
function redirect(url) {
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
var referLink = document.createElement('a');
referLink.href = url;
} else {
location.href = url;
The problem is that you use document.referrer, but its use should be avoided.
For example, I have disabled it using Firefox's about:config page.
Or even if enabled, it doesn't work with
Then, better use something like sessionStorage (or localStorage).

Creating Dynamic Javascript AJAX

Alright, I'm currently working to create on an account mainpage a applet to show each "kid" the user has registered to the site. My idea is simple :
Kid 1 / Kid 2 / Kid 3
As buttons (with style and such) when he goes on this page. When he clicks on one of those buttons/names, I use javascript to show the description of the infos of the kid, etc. When I click on another name, the current content closes and shows the new appropriate content.
The content is dynamically created, so the id's of the divs containing the info are named after the number of kids. Example : content_Info_Kid1, content_Info_Kid2, ... It doesnt matter how many kids there are, they will be named content_Info_Kid32 if need be.
Now, I'm not too comfy with AJAX and javascript in general. In fact, I am not at all.
My first idea was to do this in a separate javascript file.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#KID_1").click(function () {
if ($("#content_info_kid1").is(":hidden")){
$("#KID_2").click(function () {
if ($("#content_info_kid2").is(":hidden")){
$("#KID_3").click(function () {
if ($("#content_info_kid3").is(":hidden")){
Obviously, this is not dynamic. And I don't want to create 32 alternatives, of course. Can somebody point me the right direction to create a dynamic way to show my content based on the number of kids ?
EDIT (see bottom for updated on loading just one kid data at a time)
An example on how you could achieve that:
<style type='text/css' media='screen'>
button { margin-left:20px; display:inline; }
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.7.1.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function loadKidData(kidID) {
switch (kidID) {
case 1 : $('#kName').text(' John Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' Speedy');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Booling');
case 2 : $('#kName').text(' Mathews Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' Slowy');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Basketball, baseball');
case 3 : $('#kName').text(' Jackson Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' J-DOE');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Archery');
case n : $('#kName').text(' Enne Doe');
$('#kNickname').text(' The-Nanny');
$('#kHobbies').text(' Anything goes');
default : $('#kName').text('');
jQuery( function () {
$('.nav').click( function () {
loadKidData($(this).html().replace('KID ','')*1.0); // *1.0 same as parseInt(...,10).
<button class='nav' >KID 1</button><button class='nav' >KID 2</button><button class='nav' >KID 3</button>
<div id='KID_INFO' style='margin:20px auto; overflow:auto; ' >
<p>Name:<span id='kName'></span></p>
<p>Nickname:<span id='kNickname'></span> </p>
<p>Hobbies:<span id='kHobbies'></span> </p>
Sample at:
Now, as far as dynamically displaying the data, it will have to do with your resources: database? If so, you could read the data and pass it over:
$.get('url-of-the-database-reading-script',function (data) {
// assumed all data comes back formatted:
I can/could help you further, more details would help. Are you using classic asp (.asp); php; etc?
Instead of this:
jQuery( function () {
$('.nav').click( function () {
loadKidData($(this).html().replace('KID ','')*1.0); // *1.0 same as parseInt(...,10)
Do this:
jQuery( function () {
$('.nav').click( function () {
$.get('your-data-fetching-url?kidID='+$(this).html().replace('KID ','')*1.0, function (data) {
//assumed the data comes back formatted:
Note that I put a question mark at the end of the url; followed by the querystring kidID=
Give each "Kid" button the same class and use that for the click handler. From there, you can associate the "content_info_kid" with the "kid" button either by
1)Using the index of the element. The button for kid2 should be index 1 relative to its parent and the content_info for kid2 should also be index 1 relative to its parent.
2)Extract the number from the ID of the button.
Both approaches are documented below.
// get number from index (this starts at '0')
// if your kid #'s start at 1, you should add 1 to this
var id = $(this).index();
// OR...get number from id where id format is kid_{#}
var id = $(this).attr('id').split('_').pop();
// now we have the number to append to everything else
// we should also associate all "content_info" with a class
// which we will call "kid_content"
// hide all of the 'kid_contents'
// show the one we want
// normalize all buttons
// bold this one

jQuery Cookie Question

I've looked around a lot, and can't seem to find anything that's simple enough for me to do...
I've set up a web page that detects which browser is currently running, and if it's something other than Firefox 4.0, it displays a hidden div that gives a warning stating that the page is best viewed in Firefox 4.0 or greater. Within that div is a button that hides the div onclick.
I'm looking for a way to remember that this button has been clicked during a session, so that when a user clicks on my "home" page, they don't get the same message every time.
Current code:
<script src="js/browsercheck.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// external script "browsercheck.js" checks
// which browser/version is being used
// check browser and display message if != Firefox 4.0 or >
function checkBrowser() {
var browser = BrowserDetect.browser;
var version = BrowserDetect.version;
if (browser == "Firefox") {
if (version >= 4) {
// do nothing
} else {
document.getElementById("browser").innerHTML = browser + " " + version;
// remove overlay if user commands
function removeCoverall() {
<div id="coverall" style="visibility:hidden;">
<p>I see you're using <span id="browser"></span>. Please use Firefox.</p>
<button type="button" onclick="removeCoverall()">I understand</button>
Using jQuery and the cookie plugin, you can do:
function removeCoverall() {
$.cookie("user_clicked_ok", "true");
$(window).ready(function() {
if ($.cookie("user_clicked_ok")=="true") {removeCoverall();}
More details at:
In the removeCoverall function you could set a cookie which indicates that the user closed the div and in checkBrowser function verify if the cookie is present before showing the div.
You seem to have the right idea, you need cookies! YUM!
function removeCoverall() {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime()+(7*24*60*60*1000));// expires in one week
document.cookie = 'skipNotify=1;expires='+date.toGMTString()+'; path=/';
Now retrieving the cookie can be difficult in javascript, but you can use PHP!
function checkBrowser() {
<?php if(isset($_COOKIE['skipNotify']))echo'return;';?>
var browser = BrowserDetect.browser;
var version = BrowserDetect.version;
if (browser == "Firefox") {
if (version >= 4) {
// do nothing
} else {
document.getElementById("browser").innerHTML = browser + " " + version;
The above code injects a return statement if the user has the cookie, so the call to the function won't do anything.
As mentioned in the other posts, I highly recommend you use jQuery for all your javascript needs. It's very popular, stable and useful! I only gave my answer as it does not use any third party solution.

