Read Coordinates from file in javascript - javascript

I have file in javascript i am opening using
after I return it to the client it is stored like so:
[G]Hey, where did [C]we go, da[G]ys when the ra[D]ins came
[G]Down in the holl[C]ow, [G]playin' a ne[D]w game
However, I need the x and y coordinates so that I can update my canvas.
Is there any way to do this?

If we assume the first character has the position {x: 0, y: 0} and that the next line increments the y position by one, then we can use something like this to calculate the positions of the characters:
* Find the XY positions of this string
* #type {string}
const given = `[G]Hey, where did [C]we go, da[G]ys when the ra[D]ins came
[G]Down in the holl[C]ow, [G]playing a ne[D]w game`;
* Return the coordinates of the characters in a string
* #param {string} string
* #returns {Array}
const calculateXY = (string) => {
const positions = [];
let yIndex = 0;
let xIndex = 0;
string.split('').forEach(character => {
if(/\n/g.test(character)) {
xIndex = 0;
} else {
positions.push({ [character]: { x: xIndex, y: yIndex}});
return positions;
const result = calculateXY(given);
You can modify the above block an pass a multiplier so that x and y are incremented by the distance in pixels to the next character.


One javascript for mutliple divs?

I have this HTML and a script
* Increment value with random intervals.
* #param {string} id - Id of DOM Element.
* #param {number} start - Start counter value. Applied immediately.
* #param {number} end - End counter value.
* #duration {number} duration - Max duration of one iteration in ms.
function animateValue(id, start, end, duration) {
let current = start;
const obj = document.getElementById(id);
obj.innerHTML = current; // immediately apply start value
const setIncrOut = () => {
let time = Math.random() * 500;
setTimeout(function() {
if (current < end) {
current += 1;
obj.innerHTML = current;
}, time);
animateValue("value", 100, 1000000);
<div id="value">100</div>
Basically I want to use this 1 script for multiple divs:
<div id="value2">100</div>
<div id="value3">100</div>
<div id="value4">100</div>
I know that div id must match the script id, is there a workaround, so that I wouldn't need to duplicate the same script and simply use just one?
I'm planning to use over 200 of them, so I thought it's not feasible and using just one will save a lot resources.
EDIT: I figured I can use:
animateValue("value", 100, 1000000);
animateValue("value2", 100, 1000000);
animateValue("value3", 100, 1000000);
But maybe there's even simpler solution?
Try this
Use a class and since you are using let, you can just call with the object
* Increment value with random intervals.
* #param {string} id - Id of DOM Element.
* #param {number} start - Start counter value. Applied immediately.
* #param {number} end - End counter value.
* #duration {number} duration - Max duration of one iteration in ms.
function animateValue(obj, start, end, duration) {
let current = start;
obj.innerHTML = current; // immediately apply start value
const setIncrOut = () => {
let time = Math.random() * 500;
setTimeout(function() {
if (current < end) {
current += 1;
obj.innerHTML = current;
}, time);
document.querySelectorAll(".incr").forEach(obj => animateValue(obj, 100, 1000000));
<div class="incr">100</div>
<div class="incr">100</div>

Weighted random sample of array items *without replacement*

Javascript/ECMAScript 6 specific solution desired.
I want to generate a random sample from an array of objects using an array of weighted values for each object. The population list contains the actual members of the population - not the types of members. Once one is selected for a sample, it can't be selected again.
An analogous problem to the one I'm working on would be simulating a probable outcome for a chess tournament. Each player's rating would be their weight. A player can only place once (1st, 2nd, or 3rd place) per tournament.
To pick a likely list of the top 3 winners could look like:
let winners = wsample(chessPlayers, // population
playerRatings, // weights
3); // sample size
The weighted list may, or may not, be integer values. It could be floats like [0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.3], or it could be integers like [20, 10, 70, 30]. The weights do not have to add up to a value that represents 100%.
Peter below gave me a good reference on a general algorithm, however It's not specific to JS: it may be a good point of reference.
Solutions to the problem that rely on generating a second population list with each member copied weight number of times may not be a practical solution. Each weight in the weights array could be very high numbers, or they could be fractional; basically, any non-negative value.
Some additional questions:
Is there already an accumulate() function available in JS?
Is there a bisect() type function in JS that does a binary search of sorted lists?
Are there any efficient and low memory footprint JS modules available with statistical functions that include solutions for the above?
The following implementation selects k out of n elements, without replacement, with weighted probabilities, in O(n + k log n) by keeping the accumulated weights of the remaining elements in a sum heap:
function sample_without_replacement<T>(population: T[], weights: number[], sampleSize: number) {
let size = 1;
while (size < weights.length) {
size = size << 1;
// construct a sum heap for the weights
const root = 1;
const w = [ Array(size) as number[], ...weights, 0];
for (let index = size - 1; index >= 1; index--) {
const leftChild = index << 1;
const rightChild = leftChild + 1;
w[index] = (w[leftChild] || 0) + (w[rightChild] || 0);
// retrieves an element with weight-index r
// from the part of the heap rooted at index
const retrieve = (r: number, index: number): T => {
if (index >= size) {
w[index] = 0;
return population[index - size];
const leftChild = index << 1;
const rightChild = leftChild + 1;
try {
if (r <= w[leftChild]) {
return retrieve(r, leftChild);
} else {
return retrieve(r - w[leftChild], rightChild);
} finally {
w[index] = w[leftChild] + w[rightChild];
// and now retrieve sampleSize random elements without replacement
const result: T[] = [];
for (let k = 0; k < sampleSize; k++) {
result.push(retrieve(Math.random() * w[root], root));
return result;
The code is written in TypeScript. You can transpile it to whatever version of EcmaScript you need in the TypeScript playground.
Test code:
const n = 1E7;
const k = n / 2;
const population: number[] = [];
const weight: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
population[i] = i;
weight[i] = i;
console.log(`sampling ${k} of ${n} elments without replacement`);
const sample = sample_without_replacement(population, weight, k);
console.log(sample.slice(0, 100)); // logging everything takes forever on some consoles
Executed in Chrome, this samples 5 000 000 out of 10 000 000 entries in about 10 seconds.
This is one approach, but not the most efficient.
Its efficiency can be improved by using a binary indexed tree as its prefix sum.
The highest level function. It iterates k times, calling wchoice() each time. To remove the currently selected member from the population, I just set its weight to 0.
* Produces a weighted sample from `population` of size `k` without replacement.
* #param {Object[]} population The population to select from.
* #param {number[]} weights The weighted values of the population.
* #param {number} k The size of the sample to return.
* #returns {[number[], Object[]]} An array of two arrays. The first holds the
* indices of the members in the sample, and
* the second holds the sample members.
function wsample(population, weights, k) {
let sample = [];
let indices = [];
let index = 0;
let choice = null;
let acmwts = accumulate(weights);
for (let i=0; i < k; i++) {
[index, choice] = wchoice(population, acmwts, true);
// The below updates the accumulated weights as if the member
// at `index` has a weight of 0, eliminating it from future draws.
// This portion could be optimized. See note below.
let ndecr = weights[index];
for (; index < acmwts.length; index++) {
acmwts[index] -= ndecr;
return [indices, sample];
The section of code above that updates the accumulated weights array is the point of inefficiency in the algorithm. Worst case it's O(n - ?) to update on every pass. Another solution here follows a similar algorithm to this, but uses a binary indexed tree to reduce the cost of updating the prefix sum to an O(log n) operation.
wsample() calls wchoice() which selects one member from the weighted list. wchoice() generates an array of cumulative weights, generates a random number from 0 to the total sum of the weights (last item in the cumulative weights list). Then finds its insertion point in the cumulative weights; which is the winner:
* Randomly selects a member of `population` weighting the probability each
* will be selected using `weights`. `accumulated` indicates whether `weights`
* is pre-accumulated, in which case it will skip its accumulation step.
* #param {Object[]} population The population to select from.
* #param {number[]} weights The weights of the population.
* #param {boolean} [accumulated] true if weights are pre-accumulated.
* Treated as false if not provided.
* #returns {[number, Object]} An array with the selected member's index and
* the member itself.
function wchoice(population, weights, accumulated) {
let acm = (accumulated) ? weights : accumulate(weights);
let rnd = Math.random() * acm[acm.length - 1];
let idx = bisect_left(acm, rnd);
return [idx, population[idx]];
Here's a JS implementation I adapted from the binary search algorithm from
* Finds the left insertion point for `target` in array `arr`. Uses a binary
* search algorithm.
* #param {number[]} arr A sorted ascending array.
* #param {number} target The target value.
* #returns {number} The index in `arr` where `target` can be inserted to
* preserve the order of the array.
function bisect_left(arr, target) {
let n = arr.length;
let l = 0;
let r = n - 1;
while (l <= r) {
let m = Math.floor((l + r) / 2);
if (arr[m] < target) {
l = m + 1;
} else if (arr[m] >= target) {
r = m - 1;
return l;
I wasn't able to find an accumulator function ready-made for JS, so I wrote a simple one myself.
* Generates an array of accumulated values for `numbers`.
* e.g.: [1, 5, 2, 1, 5] --> [1, 6, 8, 9, 14]
* #param {number[]} numbers The numbers to accumulate.
* #returns {number[]} An array of accumulated values.
function accumulate(numbers) {
let accm = [];
let total = 0;
for (let n of numbers) {
total += n;
return accm;

Issue with offset while reading code points

Resume: I'm currently writting an ActionScript 3 lexer that transforms a source code into tokens. I chosen to interpret the input, a String with optional surrogate pairs wrapped in a class UString, by code points. Under the hood I cache the last read position by using the UStringPos class.
I've tested how it scans the identifier "huehuehue" with...
'use strict';
import {Lexer} from 'core/Lexer';
import {UString} from 'utils/UString';
import ErrorHandler from 'core/ErrorHandler';
const errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(true);
// Tell the length to the `Lexer` manually.
const lexer = new Lexer(
new UString('huehuehue'), 9, errorHandler);
// Scan first token;
const id = lexer.lookahead.value;
It should have logged "huehuehue", 9, but was another story...
Why is it missing the last 'e'? The innermost method related on scanning this is Lexer#getCommonIdentifier. I've already tested my UString part and it works okay, by the way.
Lexer Related Definitions
* Class that turns AS3 code into tokens.
export class Lexer
* #param {UString} source
* #param {Number} length
* #param {ErrorHandler} errorHandler
constructor(source, length, errorHandler)
this.source = source;
this.length = length;
this.index = 0;
this.lineStart = 0;
this.lineNumber = 1;
this.comments = [];
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
this.previousToken = null;
this.token = null;
this.lookahead = null;
this._special = [];
* Verifies the end of file.
return this.index >= this.length;
* Advance the previous, current and lookahead tokens.
* The lexer however does not depend on these tokens.
this.previousToken = this.token;
this.token = this.lookahead;
this.lookahead = this.lex();
* Consumes the next token and return it.
while (this.consumeComment())
let cp = this.source.codePointAt(this.index);
let pureIdentifier =
if (pureIdentifier || (cp === 0x5C))
return this.scanIdentifierOrKeyword(!pureIdentifier);
if (this.eof())
let loc = [ this.index, this.lineNumber ];
return new Token(TokenType.EOF, loc, loc, '<end>');
* Scan an identifier, keyword or boolean literal.
const start = this.index;
let id;
/* Like Esprima does: only identifiers containing
* escapes need some overheads. */
if (usingEscape)
id = this.getEscapedIdentifier(
id = this.getCommonIdentifier();
return new Token(
[ start , this.lineNumber ],
[ this.index, this.lineNumber ],
* Interprets an identifier. If any escape appears, switches to
* getEscapedIdentifier().
const start = this.source.position.offset;
let cp = 0;
// Jump the starting symbol.
while (!this.eof())
cp = this.source.codePointAt(this.index);
if (Character.isIdentifierPart(cp))
// Switches to escape-minded task...
else if (cp === 0x5C)
return this.getUnicodeEscapedIdentifier(
start, this.source.position.offset
else break;
return this.source.string.slice(
start, this.source.position.offset
/* ... */
'use strict';
* String wrapper with methods _based_ on code points.
export class UString
* Constructs the {UString}.
* #param {String} s String to be wrapped.
* #type {String}
this.string = s;
* Tracks the last accessed position.
* #type {UStringPos}
this.position = new UStringPos(0, 0);
* Reads a code point at specific index.
* #param {Number} index
* #return {Number}
this.position.walk(this.string, index);
return this.string.codePointAt(this.position.offset);
* Slices the internal string by code point indices.
* #param {Number} i
* #param {Number} j
* #return {String}
slice(i, j)
this.position.walk(this.string, i);
i = this.position.offset;
this.position.walk(this.string, j);
j = this.position.offset;
return this.string.slice(i, j);
* Class that tracks the position of a code point on a string.
export class UStringPos
* Constructs the {UStringPos}.
* #param {Number} index The initial index.
* #param {Number} offset The initial offset.
constructor(index, offset)
* #type {Number}
this.index = index;
* #type {Number}
this.offset = offset;
* Walks to the given index.
* #param {String} s
* #param {Number} index
* #note No backward. Track the previous position instead.
* #return {void}
walk(s, index)
for (; this.index < index; ++this.index)
this.offset += (
) ? 2 : 1
* #private
return (ch >= 0xD800) && (ch <= 0xDBFF);
Okay. So it was a problem with this.source.position.offset: when I do ++this.index, the offset of my UStringPos doesn't update. The problem was with the slice thing.
start, this.source.position.offset
This slice was based on offsets, since I had to track the previous offset where the identifier started.
I can use the slice of my own UString class and use the first parameter as an offset and the last one as a normal index.
'use strict';
export class UString
// ...
* Slices the internal string by using a pair of
* offset and code point indices.
* #param {Number} i Offset
* #param {Number} j
* #return {String}
slice(i, j)
this.position.walk(this.string, j);
j = this.position.offset;
return this.string.slice(i, j);

What is the purpose of this Javascript object key?

Consider this function in matter.js:
* Creates a new set of axes from the given vertices.
* #method fromVertices
* #param {vertices} vertices
* #return {axes} A new axes from the given vertices
Axes.fromVertices = function(vertices) {
var axes = {};
// find the unique axes, using edge normal gradients
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
var j = (i + 1) % vertices.length,
normal = Vector.normalise({
x: vertices[j].y - vertices[i].y,
y: vertices[i].x - vertices[j].x
gradient = (normal.y === 0) ? Infinity : (normal.x / normal.y);
// limit precision
gradient = gradient.toFixed(3).toString();
axes[gradient] = normal;
return Common.values(axes);
For completion, here is the Common.values() function:
* Returns the list of values for the given object.
* #method values
* #param {} obj
* #return {array} Array of the objects property values
Common.values = function(obj) {
var values = [];
if (Object.keys) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
return values;
// avoid hasOwnProperty for performance
for (var key in obj)
return values;
I can't quite figure out the structure of the axes object. I don't see the point of the axes[gradient] = normal code since the Common.values() function only returns the values and, therefore, the gradient will never be returned?
Yes, the gradient is never returned, only the normal values are. The entire process of stuffing them in that object is to avoid duplication, as the comment explains:
// find the unique axes, using edge normal gradients
If you have multiple normals with similar (up to three digits) gradients, only the last of them will be returned.

Converting Javascript Map function to Swift 2 Map function

I am rewriting this question because my first one was quite vague. I am trying to conver the following javascript function using the map function into Swift 2.
Here is the javascript function.
function compute_correlations(timeseries, test_frequencies, sample_rate)
// 2pi * frequency gives the appropriate period to sine.
// timeseries index / sample_rate gives the appropriate time coordinate.
var scale_factor = 2 * Math.PI / sample_rate;
var amplitudes =
var frequency = f.frequency;
// Represent a complex number as a length-2 array [ real, imaginary ].
var accumulator = [ 0, 0 ];
for (var t = 0; t < timeseries.length; t++)
accumulator[0] += timeseries[t] * Math.cos(scale_factor * frequency * t);
accumulator[1] += timeseries[t] * Math.sin(scale_factor * frequency * t);
return accumulator;
return amplitudes;
And here is my Swift function. I am getting an error and am not even sure I am doing it correctly. Error is noted in the code.
func compute_correlations(timeseries:[Double], test_frequencies:[NoteInfo], sample_rate:Double) -> [Double]
// 2pi * frequency gives the appropriate period to sine.
// timeseries index / sample_rate gives the appropriate time coordinate.
let scale_factor = 2 * pi / sample_rate;
let amplitudes: [Double] = { f in
let frequency = f.getFrequency()
// Represent a complex number as a length-2 array [ real, imaginary ].
var accumulator: [Double] = [ 0.0, 0.0 ]
for (var t = 0; t < timeseries.count; t++)
accumulator[0] += timeseries[t] * cos(scale_factor * frequency * Double(t))
accumulator[1] += timeseries[t] * sin(scale_factor * frequency * Double(t))
return accumulator //ERROR Cannot convert return expression of type '[Double]' to return type 'Double'
return amplitudes;
And if needed here is the NoteInfo class
class NoteInfo {
var frequency:Double!
var note_name:String!
init(theFrequency:Double, theNoteName:String){
frequency = theFrequency
note_name = theNoteName
func getFrequency()-> Double {
return frequency
func getNoteName()-> String {
return note_name
Here is where I am populating the test_frequencies
for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
let note_frequency = C2 * pow(2.0, Double(i) / 12.0)
let note_name = notes[i % 12]
let note = NoteInfo(theFrequency: note_frequency, theNoteName: note_name)
Your accumulator is a [Double], and so the result of your map becomes [[Double]]. You then try to assign it to a [Double].
You should either declare amplitudes accordingly:
let amplitudes: [[Double]] = { f in
or (depending on your needs) return only one of the accumulator fields inside your map, e.g.
return accumulator[0]

