Can i set the state here? React-Native - javascript

In the getMatches function, I want to set the state, with the matches associated with the leagueID. Where I am running into problems is how to setState in the get Matches function.The fetch response gives me exactly what I want back. Its an array with matches associated with the LeagueID. That setState will run twice because I am using 2 leagueIds. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
export default class MatchView extends Component {
state = {
matches: null,
leagueName: null
componentWillMount = () => {
}//end componentwwillMOunt
// componentDidMount = () => {
// console.log("league_array", this.state.leagueName)
// }
getLeagueNames = () => {
let leagueArray = [];
.then(res => res.json())
.then(leagues => {, id){
leagueArray = [...leagueArray, league]
})//end .map
leagueName: leagueArray
}// end getLeagueNames
getMatches = (leagueID) => {
let LeagGamesArray = [];
.then(res => res.json())
.then(fixtures => {
LeagGamesArray = [...LeagGamesArray, fixtures]
** this.setState({
matches: LeagGamesArray
}) ** Setting the state here dosent work, just keeps running the code over and over again.**strong text**
renderItem = () => {
if(this.state.leagueName != null){
let leagueID = league.league_id
let fix = this.getMatches(leagueID)
return (
<LeagueName key={league.country_id} league={league}/>
}.bind(this))//end maps..We .bind(this) b/c we want to change the meaning of this. We first use it in the .map function, but we also want to use this to call the getMacthes function.
} else {
return null;
}//end renderItem
return (
strong text

Your renderItem method calls getMatches(leagueID), which in turn fires-off your fetch which results in setState and a subsequent render... and repeat.
You should call getMatches from elsewhere, like componentWillMount. Or by some user interaction (or even timer) that you use to generate a refresh.


useCallback with updated state object - React.js

I have a POST API call that I make on a button click. We have one large state object that gets sent as body for a POST call. This state object keeps getting updated based on different user interactions on the page.
function QuotePreview(props) {
const [quoteDetails, setQuoteDetails] = useState({});
const [loadingCreateQuote, setLoadingCreateQuote] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if(apiResponse?.content?.quotePreview?.quoteDetails) {
}, [apiResponse]);
const onGridUpdate = (data) => {
let subTotal = data.reduce((subTotal, {extendedPrice}) => subTotal + extendedPrice, 0);
subTotal = Math.round((subTotal + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100
setQuoteDetails((previousQuoteDetails) => ({
subTotal: subTotal,
Currency: currencySymbol,
items: data,
const createQuote = async () => {
try {
const result = await usPost(componentProp.quickQuoteEndpoint, quoteDetails);
if ( {
/** TODO: next steps with quoteId & confirmationId */
} catch( error ) {
return error;
} finally {
const handleQuickQuote = useCallback(createQuote, [quoteDetails, loadingCreateQuote]);
const handleQuickQuoteWithoutDeals = (e) => {
// remove deal if present
if (quoteDetails.hasOwnProperty("deal")) {
const generalInfoChange = (generalInformation) =>{
setQuoteDetails((previousQuoteDetails) => (
tier: generalInformation.tier,
const endUserInfoChange = (endUserlInformation) =>{
setQuoteDetails((previousQuoteDetails) => (
endUser: endUserlInformation,
return (
<div className="cmp-quote-preview">
{/* child components [handleQuickQuote will be passed down] */}
when the handleQuickQuoteWithoutDeals function gets called, I am deleting a key from the object. But I would like to immediately call the API with the updated object. I am deleting the deal key directly here, but if I do it in an immutable way, the following API call is not considering the updated object but the previous one.
The only way I found around this was to introduce a new state and update it on click and then make use of the useEffect hook to track this state to make the API call when it changes. With this approach, it works in a weird way where it keeps calling the API on initial load as well and other weird behavior.
Is there a cleaner way to do this?
It's not clear how any children would call the handleQuickQuote callback, but if you are needing to close over in callback scope a "copy" of the quoteDetails details then I suggest the following small refactor to allow this parent component to use the raw createQuote function while children receive a memoized callback with the current quoteDetails enclosed.
Consume quoteDetails as an argument:
const createQuote = async (quoteDetails) => {
try {
const result = await usPost(componentProp.quickQuoteEndpoint, quoteDetails);
if ( {
/** TODO: next steps with quoteId & confirmationId */
} catch( error ) {
return error;
} finally {
Memoize an "anonymous" callback that passes in the quoteDetails value:
const handleQuickQuote = useCallback(
() => createQuote(quoteDetails),
Create a shallow copy of quoteDetails, delete the property, and call createQuote:
const handleQuickQuoteWithoutDeals = (e) => {
const quoteDetailsCopy = { ...quoteDetails };
// remove deal if present
if (quoteDetailsCopy.hasOwnProperty("deal")) {

Will there be an issue when this.setState is used inside of .then?

While I was working on a project, there some case that I have to change a state when user update a data.
Here is the code :
state = {
changedReservationStatus: toJS(this.props.reservationViewModel.getReservation())
reloadPageData = async () => {
const { reservationViewModel, reservationOrderViewModel } = this.props
const reservation = toJS(reservationViewModel.getReservation())
await reservationViewModel.fetchReservation( => this.setState({ changedReservationStatus }))
( reservation variable contains a data of an array. )
When user clicks save button, reloadPageData function works and then await reservationViewModel.fetchReservation starts to work, it triggers this.setState after .then statement.
But as you may know reservationViewModel.fetchReservation and this.setState both work asynchronously.
when I console.log this.state.changedReservationStatus inside render function, it renders the data I want to get.
But is it okay to use this.setState inside of Promise?
Will there be any issue?
Try the following solution .
state = {
changedReservationStatus: toJS(this.props.reservationViewModel.getReservation())
reloadPageData = async () => {
const { reservationViewModel, reservationOrderViewModel } = this.props
const reservation = toJS(reservationViewModel.getReservation())
await changedReservationStatus = reservationViewModel.fetchReservation(;
this.setState({ changedReservationStatus });

Rendering component before fetching data has been finished

I'm trying to fetch data by creating a function. In that function I am doing trying to set state and I am calling it from the componentDidMount method, but I am having a few problems:
I am not sure if while is good practice to be used, because I am looping and changing my endpoint so I can get new data every time.
I have tried to return data from the fetching function and use setState inside componentDidMount, but I had a problem, I suspect because componentDidMount is running before fetching has completed
I have tried to use res.json() on the data using a promise, but I got an error that res.json is not a function.
state = {
title: [],
image: [],
rating: [],
getData = () => {
let i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
.then(response => console.log(response))
.then(response => this.setState({[i],
.catch(error => console.log(error));
componentDidMount() {
If your goal is to render your JSX after you're done fetching information, then I'd suggest creating an additional item in your state, isLoading, that you can set to true or false and render your JSX conditionally.
Based on the example you provided below, it'd look like the following:
class Shows extends React.Component {
state = {
title: [],
image: [],
rating: [],
isLoading: true
componentDidMount() {
getData = () => {
// I've created a URL for each request
const requestUrls = Array.from({ length: 9 })
.map((_, idx) => `${idx + 1}`);
const handleResponse = (data) => {
// `data` is an array of all shows that you've requested
// extract information about each show from the payload
const shows = =>
// handle shows data however you need it
// and don't forget to set `isLoading` state to `false`
isLoading: false,
title: =>,
image: => show.url),
rating: => show.rating.average),
const handleError = (error) => {
// handle errors appropriately
// and don't forget to set `isLoading` to `false`
isLoading: false
// use `Promise.all()` to trigger all API requests
// and resolve when all requests are completed
Promise.all( => axios.get(url))
render() {
const { isLoading, title, image, rating } = this.state
// prevent showing your `JSX` unless data has been fetched
// ideally, show a loading spinner or something that will
// tell users that things are happening;
// returning `null` won't render anything at all
if (isLoading) {
return null
return (
This way, with Promise.all, it's a lot easier to reason about all these calls that you're making.
Other than that, using componentDidMount to fetch data from an API is the right place to do it, but I'd stay away from the while loop and use Promise.all for all your requests and map to create an array of promises (requests) that can be passed to Promise.all and handled all at once.
Working example:
The way in which you are setting state will result in the last data from api to be saved in state and it will render only last call
Do it like this
getData = () => {
let i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
.then(response =>{
let prevState=this.state.title
.catch(error => console.log(error));

React state in render is unavailable inside return

I have these methods that do some fetching, and then once done, they set the state. But the render is called before the state is done and does not update.
The below seems to work on it's own, but takes a minute to finish.
//returns an promise with Array
getTopIDs(url) {
return fetch(url).then(blob => blob.json()).then(json => json)
// makes a URL fetchs JSON and return promise with single ID
getStory(id) {
let url = `${id}.json?print=pretty`
return fetch(url).then(blob => blob.json()).then(json => json)
// call above methods, set state when done
componentDidMount() { //
let arr = []
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let data = this.getTopIDs("").then((idArr) => {
idArr.forEach((id, index) => {
this.getStory(id).then(res => {
//resolve once all pushed to arr
// set state once array is completed
promise.then(res => {
return this.setState({data: arr})
Then in the render below it logs 'no', 'no' and stops. Trying it outside the return it logs 'no','yes'. Searching other posts for this I tried setting a boolean when done and using the state callback but those did not work (full disclosure: I don't really understand the setState callback option)
render() {
return (
? console.log('yes')
: console.log('no')
I need render to handle only when done. How can I do it?
Add fiddle:
Your method this.getStory() is async but your handling of the array creation is sync inside your promise.
You need to either use async/await or only run your resolve(arr) after idArr.forEach() is for sure completed (which may be easier to do using Promise.all( where the ... is returning the result from this.getStory()).
This is how you'll want to set your state inside getStory:
this.setState(prevState => ({
data: [, res]
As mentioned in the comments, this would render the component for each data point in the forEach.
In order to avoid this issue, this is how componentDidMount() should be formatted:
componentDidMount() {
const arr = [];
this.getTopIDs("").then((idArr) => {
idArr.forEach((id, index) => this.getStory(id).then(res => arr.push(res)));
this.setState(prevState => ({ data: [, arr] }))
This also lets you get rid of the promise.then call at the end.

Asynchronous ActionCreator in React Redux

I'm pretty new in React-Redux. Was working on an application. The thing is that I faced some issues with asynchronous execution of Redux actionCreator, may be.
Below is my component. Say, I want to call an actionCreator from componentDidMount() or from an onclick event listener.
class Dashboard extends PureComponent {
componentDidMount() {
let something = [];
something = this.props.products;
Or , the function this.props.getProductsAndPackages(); can be an onClick event handler that does the same thing, context is the same. I'll ask my question after first explaining my code.
At the lower side of my Dashboard container:
Dashboard.propTypes = {
getProductsAndPackages: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
products: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
products: state.products.products,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
getProductsAndPackages: () => dispatch(getProductsAndPackagesActionCreator()),
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Dashboard));
My actionCreator goes like:
export const getProductsAndPackagesActionCreator = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
let url = 'xyz';
if(!!localStorage.getItem('_token')) {
const local_token = localStorage.getItem('_token');
const fullToken = 'Bearer '.concat(local_token);
axios.get(url, {headers: {Authorization: fullToken}})
.then(response => {
if ( === 200) {
} else {
.catch(error => {
} else {
.then(response => {
if ( === 200) {
} else {
.catch(error => {
Now, I want my getProductsAndPackagesActionCreator() to return a Promise or anything that would allow my something variable to get the actual data returned from the server. Right now, by the time I'm getting actual data, the line something=this.props.products has already been executed and I get back the initialValue that was set for products.
I know, whenever I'll receive the populated products, component will re-render, but that does not help my decision making.
I'm using redux-thunk, by the way.
What should I do now ? Sorry for such a long post.
Actually I wanted getProductsAndPackagesActionCreator() to return a promise, which was pretty straightforward, to be honest. I figured out that if you just return the axios.get() or, it will return a promise. So, the modified code looked like below:
export const getProductsAndPackagesActionCreator = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
let url = 'xyz';
if(!!localStorage.getItem('_token')) {
return axios.get(url, {headers: {Authorization: fullToken}})
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
} else {
return axios.get(url)
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
And then, I could do something like below in componentDidMount() or on any onClick event:
this.props.getProductsAndPackages().then(() => {
clicked_product: this.props.product_by_id
}, () => {
//do other stuffs
Feel free to let me know if there's any issue.
I think you are close to getting what you want. First of all, you should understand that redux actions and react actions like setState are asynchronous, so you have to apply your logic keeping this in mind. I'm going to explain what i think in some points:
You have called the action creator in the correct place componentDidMount, also you can call this action in any onClick if you want.
As soon as you dispatch the action you are changing your redux state setting loading true I suppose. So now you can access this property in your render function, so you can render a Loader until your api call finishes.
When your ajax function finishes, with an error or not, I suppose you are setting loading to false and updating your products data, so you can render now your loaded products in your dashboard.
Are you sure that you have to compare your empty products array with the received data? Maybe you can check in your render function if (!this.props.products.length) return null, when you load your page you will see a loader function and later your dashboard with the products.
If you really need to compare previous products with received products componentDidUpdate is your method. In this method, you can access your previous props and compare with actual props, be careful comparing arrays, remember [] === [] is false. Maybe you can compare the length, something like
if(prevProps.products.length !=== this.props.products.lenth){
Just to say that componentDidUpdate is executed after render, so be careful with your code to no-execute extra renderings.
Hope it helps, if you dont understand anyting just tell me :)

