What is the purpose of spreading props in React Higher Order Components? - javascript

I'm trying to understand React's Higher Order Component structure, but all the resources just assume you already understand what the purpose of the spread operator is doing in the higher order component when you write:
BaseComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} . Why is it necessary to spread out the props like that if a component is already being passed in as props?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
const EnhanceComponent = BaseComponent => {
return class EnhancedComponent extends Component {
state = {
name: 'You have been enhanced'
render() {
return (
<BaseComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} />
export default EnhanceComponent;

The answer is directly explained in the docs:
Convention: Pass Unrelated Props Through to the Wrapped Component HOCs add features to a component. They shouldn’t drastically alter
its contract. It’s expected that the component returned from a HOC has
a similar interface to the wrapped component.
HOCs should pass through props that are unrelated to its specific
concern. Most HOCs contain a render method that looks something like
To understand this you should know what {...this.props} does. In your case
const EnhanceComponent = BaseComponent => {
return class EnhancedComponent extends Component {
state = {
name: 'You have been enhanced'
render() {
return (
<BaseComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} />
export default EnhanceComponent;
EnhanceComponent HOC does a simple operation of adding a state name to the component currently being rendered, so essentially when you use this HOC, you should be able to pass the props required by your original component directly to it rather than consuming them in the HOC, which is what {...this.props} spread syntax is for. You can read this answer for more details on how ... works
Consider the case of a simple component which is used like
<MyComponent className='wrapper-container' onClick={this.handleClick} />
and defined as
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
const { className, onClick} = this.props;
Now if you use an HOC over this component like
const EnhancedMyComponent = EnhanceComponent(MyComponent);
You would render it like
<EnhancedMyComponent className='wrapper-container' onClick={this.handleClick} />
and now if you don't write {...this.props} in your HOC, then the MyComponent will no longer have className and onClick as props

For example you have a component and you want to enhance it:
const Message = props => (
<div className={props.type}>
const EnhancedMessage = enhance(Message);
Then you can use enhanced component somewhere in your code:
<EnhancedMessage type="alert" message="Something went wrong" />
If you don't spread props passed to HOC how will Message component know about passed props?

Simple answer :
Spreading props is not mandatory
If you want to keep props of a component, to be there after wrapping, then spread props in wrapper component otherwise don't spread it.


How to get React props outside component

I need a way to load the correct language of this script, and that info is a props value. Roughly put, it would look something like this:
class AddressInput extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
export default scriptLoader(
)(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AddressInput));
I understand that this.props isn't accessible outside the component, so how would I be able to get scriptLoader to get a dynamic value?
You're basically there. You even have the idea of making it an HOC. Here is the impelementation:
function scriptLoader(WrappedComponent) {
return (props) => {
const dynamicUrl = `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?&language=${props.language}`;
return <WrappedComponent {...props} url={dynamicUrl}/>
The HOC is accepting a prop called language, creates the url, and passes it down to the wrapped component, under the prop name url. Obviously, all these prop names can be changed at your discretion.
// usage in the parent
<AddressInput language="en"/>
// what is available in your presentational component
class AddressInput extends React.Component {
render() {
console.log(this.props.url) // https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?&language=us
return (

Use ref in Higher Order Components

I have a Table component that I want ref to be attached to.
Use: Table.js
class Table extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
rows: 1,
dataLength: props.dataLength,
this.tableRef = React.createRef();
componentDidUpdate() {
//using ref
this.tableRef.current ..... //logic using ref
this.state.rows ..... //some logic
render() {
<TableContainer ref={this.tableRef} />
<CustomPagination />
This works fine, but now my requirement has changed, and I want to reuse the Table component with pagination applied to all the Tables in my App. I have decided to make a HOC withCustomPagination.
Use: withCustomPagination.js HOC
import CustomPagination from 'path/to/file';
const withCustomPagination = tableRef => Component => {
return class WithCustomPagination extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
rows: 1,
dataLength: props.dataLength,
componentDidUpdate() {
tableRef.current.state ..... //logic using ref, Error for this line
this.state.rows ..... //some logic
render() {
return (
<Component {...state} />
<CustomPagination />
export default withCustomPagination;
New Table.js:
import withCustomPagination from '/path/to/file';
const ref = React.createRef();
const Table = props => (
<TableContainer ref={ref} />
const WrappedTable = withCustomPagination(ref)(Table);
HOC withCustomPagination returns a class WithCustomPagination that has a componentDidUpdate lifecycle method that uses Table ref in the logic. So I try to pass ref created in Table.js as argument to withCustomPagination, i.e curried with ref and Table stateless component.
This use of ref is wrong and I get error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of null.
I tried using Forwarding Refs, but was unable to implement it.
How do I pass the Table ref to withCustomPagination and be able to use it in HOC?
In this case you can use useImperativeHandle
It means you have to forward ref and specify which function or object or,...
you want to share with ref inside your functional component.
Here is my Hoc example :
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
export function CommonHoc(WrappedComponent) {
const component = class extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
return component;
and it's my stateless component
const HomeController=(props,ref)=> {
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
showAlert() {
return (
export default CommonHoc(forwardRef(HomeController));
Either restructure your code to not use a HOC for this or try using React.forwardRef:
Refs Aren’t Passed Through
While the convention for higher-order components is to pass through
all props to the wrapped component, this does not work for refs.
That’s because ref is not really a prop — like key, it’s handled
specially by React. If you add a ref to an element whose component is
the result of a HOC, the ref refers to an instance of the outermost
container component, not the wrapped component.
The solution for this problem is to use the React.forwardRef API
(introduced with React 16.3). Learn more about it in the forwarding
refs section.
via Higher-Order Components: Refs Aren’t Passed Through
In the forwarding refs section there are code examples you could use to pass refs down, but trying to yank them up will fail in your case with:
Warning: Stateless function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail.
In a project we took a different approach. There's an EnhancedTable component that handles all of the pagination logic and in itself has the dumb table component and the pagination component. It works pretty well but this means you would have to drill props (or use a store lib like Redux or Mobx) and add new ones that will handle pagination options. This will result in some refactoring of Table uses and you'll have to be more explicit but I would take it as a boon rather than a hindrance.
I was able to solve a simmilar issue that brought me to this thread without using forwardRef or useImperativeHandle.
By creating the ref at a higher level, and passign it down into the component and sub components that I needed to act on with the ref.
/** Parent Component has access to ref and functions that act on ref **/
import { useRef } from 'react';
const formRef = useRef(); // ref will have dom elements need accessing
const onClickFunction=()=>{ //sample function acts on ref
var inputs = formRef.current.querySelectorAll('input')
/* Act on ref here via onClick function, etc has access to dom elements
in child component and childs child components */
<ComponentGetsAttachedRef formRef={formRef} />
//^ref sent down to component and its children
<ComponentNeedingRef onClickFunction={onClickFunction}/>
//^function with access to ref sent down to component
/** Child component needs to act on ref**/
export const ComponentNeedingRef = ({ onClickFunction}) =>{
<button onClick={onClickFunction}>
/* Child component recieves ref and passes it down */
export const ComponentGetsAttachedRef = ({ formRef}) =>{
//ref comes in as prop gets attached to props or utilized internally
return (
<ChildsChildComponent formRef={formRef}/> //sub component passed ref down

What is memo in react?

I am learning latest react features. As per docks memo works like shouldComponentUpdate or PureComponent in functional component but how do I use this memo concept in functional component.
Say I have below component using class
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Test extends Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return this.props.text != nextProps.text;
const { text } = this.props;
Functional component
function Test = props => {
const { text } = props;
How can I write class component using memo in functional component
Memo works as a higher order component, and you can simply just wrap your functional component export with it. Every time your application updates, memo will automatically perform a shallow comparison of props to determine if they've changed, and if the component needs to re-render.
export default React.memo(Test);
React.memo() is a HOC that takes a functional component and returns a component that behaves the same as a PureComponent.
const MyComponent = React.memo(function MyComponent(props) {
/* only rerenders if props change */
React.memo also accepts a compare function as second argument. By using this function, we can compare props not in a shallow way but whichever way we want to. This gives more control over preventing update of component.
Use this function when your props contain complex Objects and you want to compare fields of these Objects while determining if your component should update.
const MyComponent = React.memo(function MyComponent(props) {
/* only rerenders if props change */
}, (props1, props2) => {
prop1.my_property_to_check === prop2.my_property_to_check

React functional props

Let me show you an example first:
<List hidden={this.state.hideList} />
For this case I would like hidden prop to function in the following way: if value is true – hide component or show otherwise. And List shouldn't be aware about this prop.
I don't know much about React internals, but it seems to be possible. We just need to extended React.Component class. Maybe extending globally with all functional props isn't good idea, but having something like this at the top would be nice:
import { ReactComponent } from 'react'
import extend, { hidden } from 'react-functional-props'
const Component = extend(ReactComponent, hidden)
It reminds me directives in Angular.js, but here we are able to combine them.
You can just return null or undefined in the render method to prevent it from rendering, or use a conditional class to hide it, like this:
return !this.state.hideList && <List />;
And about the
In React, you can use higher order component (HOC) to achieve what you need, for example:
const Hideable = Component => (props) => {
const { isHidden, ...otherProps } = props;
return !isHidden && (<Component {...otherProps} />);
const HideableList = Hideable(List);
return (
<HideableList isHidden={this.state.hideList} /> // The isHidden props is handled by the HOC
But for a simple use case like this, I think just handle the hide and show in the parent component is much more clearer.

How to pass in a react component into another react component to transclude the first component's content?

Is there a way to pass one component into another react component? I want to create a model react component and pass in another react component in order to transclude that content.
Edit: Here is a reactJS codepen illustrating what I'm trying to do. http://codepen.io/aallbrig/pen/bEhjo
<div id="my-component">
/**#jsx React.DOM*/
var BasicTransclusion = React.createClass({
render: function() {
// Below 'Added title' should be the child content of <p>Hi!</p>
return (
<p> Added title </p>
React.renderComponent(BasicTransclusion(), document.getElementById('my-component'));
You can use this.props.children to render whatever children the component contains:
const Wrap = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>
export default () => <Wrap><h1>Hello word</h1></Wrap>
Note I provided a more in-depth answer here
Runtime wrapper:
It's the most idiomatic way.
const Wrapper = ({children}) => (
const App = () => <div>Hello</div>;
const WrappedApp = () => (
Note that children is a "special prop" in React, and the example above is syntactic sugar and is (almost) equivalent to <Wrapper children={<App/>}/>
Initialization wrapper / HOC
You can use an Higher Order Component (HOC). They have been added to the official doc recently.
// Signature may look fancy but it's just
// a function that takes a component and returns a new component
const wrapHOC = (WrappedComponent) => (props) => (
<div><WrappedComponent {...props}/></div>
const App = () => <div>Hello</div>;
const WrappedApp = wrapHOC(App);
This can lead to (little) better performances because the wrapper component can short-circuit the rendering one step ahead with shouldComponentUpdate, while in the case of a runtime wrapper, the children prop is likely to always be a different ReactElement and cause re-renders even if your components extend PureComponent.
Notice that connect of Redux used to be a runtime wrapper but was changed to an HOC because it permits to avoid useless re-renders if you use the pure option (which is true by default)
You should never call an HOC during the render phase because creating React components can be expensive. You should rather call these wrappers at initialization.
Note that when using functional components like above, the HOC version do not provide any useful optimisation because stateless functional components do not implement shouldComponentUpdate
More explanations here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31564812/82609
const ParentComponent = (props) => {
//...additional JSX...
//import component
import MyComponent from //...where ever
//place in var
const myComponent = <MyComponent />
//pass as prop
<ParentComponent childComponent={myComponent} />
You can pass it as a normal prop: foo={<ComponentOne />}
For example:
const ComponentOne = () => <div>Hello world!</div>
const ComponentTwo = () => (
<div>Hola el mundo!</div>
<ComponentThree foo={<ComponentOne />} />
const ComponentThree = ({ foo }) => <div>{foo}</div>
Facebook recommends stateless component usage
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160608001717/http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/reusable-components.html
In an ideal world, most of your components would be stateless
functions because in the future we’ll also be able to make performance
optimizations specific to these components by avoiding unnecessary
checks and memory allocations. This is the recommended pattern, when
function Label(props){
return <span>{props.label}</span>;
function Hello(props){
return <div>{props.label}{props.name}</div>;
var hello = Hello({name:"Joe", label:Label({label:"I am "})});
i prefer using React built-in API:
import React, {cloneElement, Component} from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
export class Test extends Component {
render() {
const {children, wrapper} = this.props;
return (
cloneElement(wrapper, {
Test.propTypes = {
wrapper: PropTypes.element,
// ... other props
Test.defaultProps = {
wrapper: <div/>,
// ... other props
then you can replace the wrapper div with what ever you want:
<Test wrapper={<span className="LOL"/>}>
You can pass in a component via. the props and render it with interpolation.
var DivWrapper = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div>{ this.props.child }</div>;
You would then pass in a prop called child, which would be a React component.
Late to the game, but here's a powerful HOC pattern for overriding a component by providing it as a prop. It's simple and elegant.
Suppose MyComponent renders a fictional A component but you want to allow for a custom override of A, in this example B, which wraps A in a <div>...</div> and also appends "!" to the text prop:
import A from 'fictional-tooltip';
const MyComponent = props => (
<props.A text="World">Hello</props.A>
MyComponent.defaultProps = { A };
const B = props => (
<div><A {...props} text={props.text + '!'}></div>
ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent A={B}/>);
Actually, your question is how to write a Higher Order Component (HOC). The main goal of using HOC is preventing copy-pasting. You can write your HOC as a purely functional component or as a class here is an example:
class Child extends Component {
render() {
return (
If you want to write your parent component as a class-based component:
class Parent extends Component {
render() {
return (
If you want to write your parent as a functional component:
const Parent = props => {
return (
Here is an example of a parent List react component and whos props contain a react element. In this case, just a single Link react component is passed in (as seen in the dom render).
class Link extends React.Component {
return (
class List extends React.Component {
<List element = {<Link name = "working"/>}/>,
Let's create a Wrapper Component:
export const Wrapper = (props) => {
<Menu />
<Footer />
You can now enclose your new into an existing structure.
You will enclose the Component in a Route for example:
<Route path="/" element={<Wrapper><ExampleComponent /></Wrapper>} />
You can pass your component as a prop and use the same way you would use a component.
function General(props) {
return (<props.substitute a={A} b={B} />);
function SpecificA(props) { ... }
function SpecificB(props) { ... }
<General substitute=SpecificA />
<General substitute=SpecificB />
you can pass your react component into another component and emit the function from child
import CustomerFilters;
const handleFilterChange = (value) => {
fetchFilterComponents = {<CustomerFilters onSelectFilter={handleFilterChange} />}
return (
<select className="filters-dropdown" onChange={onSelectFilter}>
<option>Select Filter</option>
{customerFilterOptions?.map((filter: any) => {
return <option value={filter.value}>{filter.name}</option>;

