How to handle front-end and back-end paths on browser refresh - javascript

I'm using React, React-router and Play Framework to serve and render an application.
This is what my Routes.jsx looks like:
const Routes = (
<Route path="/">
<Route component={App}>
<Route path="attributes/:itemId" component={AttributesContainer}/>
<IndexRoute component={ItemsContainer}/>
export default Routes
As you can see, path /attributes/:itemId renders a component called AttributesContainer.
This path is called from ItemsContainer in this function:
_onClickAttributes(itemId) {
browserHistory.push({pathname: '/attributes/' + itemId});
Everything works just fine there. But if I refresh the browser while in /attributes/:itemId, back-end returns
Action Not Found
For request 'GET /attributes/5'
instead of the front end component. I understand the browser is doing a get request and that's why I get this message.
So, what's the best technique to handle this?


react-router-redux redirect to absolute url

I'm migrating a react application and I'm trying to split it. Basically, I would like to redirect some client-side react routes to absolute urls (or relative, but at least go with a server roundtrip, where reverse proxying is done)
Note that
react-router 3.0.0
react-router-redux 4.0.7
The app have these urls
http://myhost/ => homepage
http://myhost/someroute1 => a first route
http://myhost/someroute2 => a second route
http://myhost/someroute3 => a third route
Everything is inside react right now.
Routing looks like this :
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={Root}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="/someroute1" component={Route1} />
<Route path="/someroute2" component={Route2} />
<Route path="/someroute3" component={Route3} />
The goal is to redirect, say, routes "/" and "/someroute2" to static urls (server urls). As so :
http://myhost/ => http://anotherhost/
http://myhost/someroute1 => keep react routing
http://myhost/someroute2 => http://anotherhost/anotherroute5
http://myhost/someroute3 => keep react routing
The question is simple : is is possible to replace, in a clean way, a react router route with an absolute url ?
I heard about Redirect and IndexRedirect components, but I can't figure how to use it properly, and, due to a lack of react / react-router, I can't figure if there would be any dangerous side-effects (in history for example).
Use Route's render prop instead of component. That way, you can specify a function to be called instead of a component to be instantiated. In the function, perform the navigation the old-fashioned way, using window.location.href:
render={() => {
window.location.href = "http://anotherhost/anotherroute5";
return null;
Partially based on #brub answer, I've found a solution using a dumb component.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
export default class MyRedirectRoute extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
window.location.href = //my url here
render() {
return null
That I pass like this
<Route path="/someroute3" component={MyRedirectRoute} />
Though, I'm still not aware of a few things :
Is this a recommended solution ?
Are there any history side-effect ?
Is there any better (more react-router) solution than window.location.href ? I tried this.context.history without any success...
I'm waiting for feedback / better solution before accepting my own answer
You probably don't need React Router for this. The creator of React Router suggests using the <a> tag.
I haven't tried it but syntactically you could do it like this:
render={() => <Redirect to="http://anotherhost/anotherroute5" />}

How to use React Router with Electron?

Using this boilerplate as reference I created an Electron app. It uses webpack to bundle the scripts and express server to host it.
Webpack config is practically same as this and server this.
Electron's script loads:
mainWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/app/index.html');
And index.html loads the script hosted by the server:
<script src="http://localhost:3000/dist/bundle.js"></script>
I run electron index.js to build the app and node server to start server which using webpack bundles the scripts.
It works fine, my React component App is mounted. But how I integrate react-router into this?
I implemented it the same way I would in a browser app. I get this error:
[react-router] Location "/Users/arjun/Documents/Github/electron-app/app/index.html" did not match any routes
It is taking file path as the route. Going through the boiler plate code did not help. What am I missing?
Had to Replace BrowserRouter with HashRouter.
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
And then in my index.js or the entry file of the Electron app I had something like this:
<Route path="/" exact component={ Home } />
<Route path="/firstPage" component={ FirstPage } />
<Route path="/secondPage" component={ SecondPage } />
And then everything just worked.
The reasoning: BrowserRouter is meant for request-based environments whereas HashRouter is meant for file-based environments.
Read more here:
Another option would be to use hashHistory instead. Actually, in your referenced repo you can see that they're using hashHistory, how about trying that and posting back?
I'm using React Router v4 and didn't want to fallback to the HashRouter, so I solved it with something amongst the likes of:
import { Redirect, BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
const App = () => (
{window.location.pathname.includes('index.html') && <Redirect to="/" />}
Best option at the time of this answer is to use the MemoryRouter, worked for me :)
What about simply using Switch to default to "/" as follows:
<Route path="/" exact component={Home}/>
<Route path="/foo" component={Foo}/>
<Route path="/bar" component={Bar}/>
<Route render={() => <Redirect to="/"/>}/>
This way, "/index.html" will redirect to "/"
The (current) react-router docs say:
Generally speaking, you should use a <BrowserRouter> if you have a server that responds to requests and a <HashRouter> if you are using a static file server.
An Electron app is basically a static file server.
MemoryRouter can also work, so long as all routing originates from within the React part of the app. It only falls down when you want to navigate to a specific page from the Browser process, e.g. you want to pop up a new window and navigate directly to a "General Preferences" page. In that case, you can do this with HashRouter:
I don't think there is a way to do that with MemoryRouter (from the Browser process).
Agree with Niekert.
But I believe it is better to handle like this before any route management.
if ( window.location.pathname.includes('index.html') ) {
location.pathname = ROUTES.ROOT;
It all depends on what kind of URL you pass to mainWindow.loadURL.
If you load index.html directly through the file:// protocol, such as
mainWindow.loadURL('file://' + path.join(__dirname, '../index.html#/home'))
then you need to use HashRouter:
<Route path='/home' element={<MyHomeScreen/>}>
Note that the # in index.html#/home is very important!
Think about what would happen if you wrote index.html/home. Your computer would try to retrieve a home file inside an index.html directory. The # prevents this, and thus we need to use HashRouter.
If you load index.html from a server such as localhost:3000, then you have two options:
include the #, as in
and use HashRouter exactly as above,
don't include the #, as in
and use BrowserRouter like this:
<Route path='/home' element={<MyHomeScreen/>}>
Many people prefer to use BrowserRouter in this case because it avoids complicating the URL with a #.
In your main process:
In your renderer process:
import { HashRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/search" element={<Search />} />
element={<Library />}
The call to resolveHtmlPath removed the need for using hashtags for me. Using a BrowserRouter out of the box gave me the warning message in dev tools.
This function is in the Electron React Boilerplate project that you referenced:
import { URL } from 'url';
import path from 'path';
export function resolveHtmlPath(htmlFileName: string) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
const port = process.env.PORT || 1212;
const url = new URL(`http://localhost:${port}`);
url.pathname = htmlFileName;
return url.href;
return `file://${path.resolve(__dirname, '../renderer/', htmlFileName)}`;

How to let react router respond with 404 status code?

I'm using react router as root and all requests under "/" are directed to react router. And when react router found that the url is not matched with any of the defined components, it renders with NoMatch component. And here goes the problem, NoMatch is rendered and that's what I want, but the status code is still 200 instead of 404. And when my css or js files are placed with a wrong url react router does the same thing, it responds with 200! And then the page tells me that there's some problem with my resources content type!
So, how can I use react router to handle everything in the "/" and still get it to treat 404 errors right(to respond with 404 status code)?
code in react router
<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Index}/>
<Route path="archived" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={ArchivedPage}/>
<Route path="project/:projectId" component={ArchivedDetailPage}/>
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>
), document.getElementById('app'));
the servre side
router.use('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('index-react', {
title: 'some title'
With react-router 2.0.0 you can do:
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch} status={404}/>
What you would need to do, is to create a custom attribute on your route definition, like you can see above (status).
When you are about rendering you component on server side, check on this attribute and send a response with a the code of this attribute:
import React from 'react';
import {IndexRoute, Route} from 'react-router';
import {
} from 'containerComponents';
export default () => {
return (
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path='post/' component={Post} />
{ /* Catch all route */ }
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} status={404} />
import { match } from 'react-router';
import getRoutes from './routes';
app.use((req, res) => {
match({ history, routes: getRoutes(), location: req.originalUrl }, (error,
redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
if (redirectLocation) {
res.redirect(redirectLocation.pathname +;
} else if (error) {
console.error('ROUTER ERROR:', error);
} else if (renderProps) {
const is404 = renderProps.routes.find(r => r.status === 404) !== undefined;
if (is404) {
res.status(404).send('Not found');
} else {
//Go on and render the freaking component...
Sorry about that... certainly my solution wasn't working by itself, and I missed the proper piece of code where you actually check on this attribute and render accordingly.
As you can see, I just send the 'Not found' text to the client, however, it would be best if you catch the component to render from renderProps (NoMatch in this case) and render it.
I did some digging, this is how we do things in the v4 release.
render={({ staticContext }) => {
if (staticContext) {
staticContext.statusCode = 404
return <NotFound />
The Route component is used to access the staticContext which has a statusCode prop that you can set if you use the StaticRouter component to render on the server.
Server code looks something like this (with some TypeScript typing)
const currentLocation: Location = {
pathname: req.pathname,
hash: '',
state: undefined
const staticRouterContext: StaticContext & StaticRouterContext = {}
<StaticRouter location={currentLocation} context={staticRouterContext}>
if (staticRouterContext.statusCode) {
Note: I think the typings are a bit wonky because the StaticRouterContext doesn't have the statusCode prop from the StaticContext interface. Probably a mistake in the typings. This works just fine though.
Zen: What is the error code of a silent network?
I puzzled on this question as well. The odd case, you don't change the HTTP error code. We think we should, because a random URL was called, but why?
In a SPA (Single Page Application), there isn't network traffic but just switching of panes. The HTTP error code is in the headers for serving a new page, while all the content is in a named <div> that doesn't reload a new page. One would need to toss out page, transmit and render a new page to have the 404 return code, and then send the original page again when the user moves away.
And, its only the user. The 404 error code, or any other HTTP code, is really a hint to the browser or service. If the requester is a browser, the human is given a better indication than the browser could provide. If the requestor is a crawler, it probably scans for 404 in <h1>'s. If the requester is using your website as an API, why is that a good thing?
So the answer is that we set the HTTP status codes out of habit. Don't.
To do this, you need to run the match on the server as well, to see if a route matches. Of course, if you're going to do this, you may well do full-fledged server-side rendering as well! Consult the server rendering guide.

Symfony and React router, no route found

I am using Symfony3 and I am creating a bundle using React.js using itself react-router.
The issue is when I use the routing in react, if I reload the page the symfony routing module send 'No Route Found"
My routes are /admin for the index page and /admin/data for the next page.
When I load the page /admin everything is good, I click on the link to go to /admin/data, everything works, react send me dynamically on it, but now when I refresh (F5) the page /admin/data, Symfony intercept it and try to find the routing in its code and redirect to /404 "No Route Found".
I know on AngularJs, the framework is using ancors Path "localhost://admin/#/data", which seems easier to manage but react-router use "localhost://admin/data"
My symfony routing:
path: /admin
defaults: { _controller: BiBundle:Admin:default }
My React routing:
import { Router, browserHistory } from "react-router";
<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="/admin" component={App}>
<IndexRoute components={{content: DashboardPage}} />
<Route path="data/list"
components={{content: DataListPage}} />
<Route path="*"
components={{content: _ => <h1>Page not found.</h1>}} />
My link on /admin page:
<Link to={'/admin/data/list'}>Data</Link>
I was thinking to modify my .htaccess to redirect all /admin/* to /admin but seems overkill for that issue.
I am using Apache2 server too.
I have replaced browserHistory by hashHistory
import { Router, hashHistory } from "react-router";
<Router history={hashHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute components={{content: DashboardPage}} />
<Route path="data/list"
components={{content: DataListPage}} />
<Route path="*"
components={{content: _ => <h1>Page not found.</h1>}} />
It had the result to change my path as it is used in AngularJs (or close enough), so now I have /admin#/ and /admin#/data/list, so symfony always catch /admin and react-router catch #/ or #/admin/data
What do you think ? Is it the good methodology ?
To make your AJAX routing accessible from url directly (i.e. typing /admin/data in browser URL) without being redirected server-side, you need to make your base route (the Symfony route that renders your React application) taking a parameter that will represents your AJAX routing.
To do this, the parameter must allow slashes, example:
path: /admin/{reactRouting}
defaults: { _controller: BiBundle:Admin:default, reactRouting: null }
reactRouting: ".+"
For a more complex routing, you should look at the FOSJsRoutingBundle that could help you.

React-router: allow undefined routes to pass to server

My stack: Django app with React/react-router/flux frontend.
I'm managing some static pages (plus 404 page, etc) server-side, and want to configure my router to pass any undefined routes through to the server.
Here's how things are set up now:
let routes = (
<Route name="app" path="/" handler={ App }>
<Route name="register" handler={ Register }/>
<Route name="login" handler={ Login }/>
<Route name="refer" handler={ Refer }/>
<Route name="help" handler= { Help }/>
<Route name="list-property" handler= { ListProperty }/>
<DefaultRoute handler={ Home }/>
router = Router.create({ routes, location });, state) => {
React.render(<Handler {...state} />, rootEl);
}); will get routed through the react router to my Register page component, but I want to hit my server (so django can manage the route). Right now I get a blank page.
I'm perusing the documentation here but can't find what I need:
Maybe I'm overlooking something... thanks!
If you want certain paths to hit the server redirect to those paths using a standard anchor redirect or similar rather than use the Router.Link to navigate.

