How to get js function into webWorker via importScripts - javascript

I have a worker.js file:
onmessage = (e) => {
let a =[0]
let b =[1]
let c = func1(a,b)
The utils.js file looks something like this:
module.exports = {
func1: function(a,b){
return a+b
I keep getting error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined
at utils.js:1
Obviously require, and import and any other server side imports aren't working but I'm not sure why it's having a problem with my importScripts -

The correct solution is to pack your worker with webpack. If you don't want to do that, read below.
I usually write myself a polyfill for node require:
// This will not work in normal UI thread
// None of this should make it into production
function require(moduleName) {
self.module = { exports: null };
// Nasty sttuff right here, probably should throw error instead
if (moduleName == "fs")
return null;
// This part is especially unprofessional
if (!moduleName.endsWith(".js"))
moduleName += ".js";
return self.module.exports;
This makes use of the fact that importScripts is synchronous. Note that this will still cause errors if you try to load native node modules (eg. fs) or if other module properties are used.

Try this utils.js:
(function () {
self.func1 = function (a, b) {
return a + b

Try to do this:
//inside worker.js
//inside module.js
//setting a variable in global scope, allows worker.js to use it.
var utils = {
console.log("This is a content from a module.")
console.log("This is a another content from a module.")


Loading dependencies with or without react

I have an old IIFE that is injected into legacy pages via <script src.
However, I want to use all these old libraries in a react app. I just need to use the global function exposed.
I figure loading dependencies that will work both via script or via react's import or nodejs require
Here is an example of an example IIFE
example.js :
var $ = $;
var geocomplete = $.fn.geocomplete;
var OtherExternalLib = OtherExternalLib;
var Example = (function() {
return {
init: function () {
// stuff
Where the legacy code is calling Example.init(), and likewise the react code will call the same function.
Where $ (jQuery), $.fn.geocomplete, and OtherExternalLib are all dependencies that must be loaded, either they should be loaded on-demand or just throw a big loud error message.
I suspect if the solution loads dynamically example.js would look something like
var $ = load("\libs\jquery.js");
var geocomplete = load("\libs\$.fn.geocomplete.js");
var OtherExternalLib = load("\libs\OtherExternalLib.js");
var Example = (function() {
return {
init: function () {
// stuff
And the legacy application can still use <script src=example.js and React can use
import {Example} from example
Understandably this is somewhat a round-about way to of using legacy code in new applications, so I am open to other ideas on how best to expose an IIFE (with or without dependencies) and using it in React
I am using react+typescript in my project with some limitations which is why I had to dynamically import my package (my project runs in a shell project with AMD module, not having my own startup, and change the way project files get bundled).
Since I could only use the dependent modules on the fly during the run time, I had to assume them were valid while building and bundling . Most of them were IIFE.
So I used the lazy dynamic import .
something like this
This would be translated by TSC
new Promise(function (resolve_3, reject_3) { require(["arrayPolyfill"], resolve_3, reject_3); });
This would call the IIFE and execute the polyfills or initializing any window or global variable, so the rest of the code is aware of that.
If it returns a module or throughs error can be handled like normal promise then and catch.
So I created a wrapper
export class DepWrap {
public static Module: any = {};
public constructor() {
public async getPI() {
DepWrap.Module["PI"] = 3.14;
public async getSomeModule() {
await import('somepath/somemodule').then(($package) => {
DepWrap.Module["somemodule"] = $package;
}).catch(() => {
window.console.log("Some Module error");
this got compiled to
define(["require", "exports", "tslib"], function (require, exports, tslib_1) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var DepWrap = /** #class */ (function () {
function DepWrap() {
DepWrap.prototype.getPI = function () {
return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
DepWrap.Module["PI"] = 3.14;
return [2 /*return*/];
DepWrap.prototype.getSomeModule = function () {
return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, new Promise(function (resolve_1, reject_1) { require(['somepath/somemodule'], resolve_1, reject_1); }).then(function ($package) {
DepWrap.Module["somemodule"] = $package;
}).catch(function () {
window.console.log("Some Module error");
case 1:
return [2 /*return*/];
DepWrap.Module = {};
return DepWrap;
exports.DepWrap = DepWrap;
with this I could use all the dependency modules from my wrapper and every time i need to import a new one I would create another function to add that to my wrap module.
import { DepWrap } from "wrapper/path";
const obj = new DepWrap(); // initialize once in the beginning of project so it would import all the dependencies one by one .
Afterwards in all file, I can import my module from the wrapper
import { DepWrap } from "wrapper/path";
const { PI, somemodule} = DepWrap.Module;
I am not sure if the code will work for your scenario as well, but I guess tweaking it a bit might come in handy for your useCase .
Plus : if you are writing unit test case it will help jest to just ignore the modules and can create a mock for this so that you can test your actual code .

How to import a function to test?

I am learning how to test Javascript code in Vanilla Javascript so I am following a tutorial. My project structure looks like this:
Modules/File.js,File2.js (each file contains a function I want to test)
app.js (a file for testing which works together with test.js file)
index.js (currently I keep my main code there)
test.html (I use it to run test, according to the tutorial)
test.js (this is where I describe tests)
I want to be able to import functions from File.js, and File2.js in app.js, so I can run tests. How do I achieve that?
P.S. I am using es6 modules import/export. But I would like to see how can I run imported functions for test. Maybe using $myapp global variable for it since thats how its done in the tutorial.
(function () {
'use strict';
* test function
* #param {string} desc
* #param {function} fn
function it(desc, fn) {
try {
console.log('\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m', '\u2714 ' + desc);
} catch (error) {
console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', '\u2718 ' + desc);
function assert(isTrue) {
if (!isTrue) {
throw new Error()
it('test if its a string', function () {
app.js file:
(function () {
'use strict';
// Create a global variable and expose it to the world
var $myapp = {};
self.$myapp = $myapp;
$myapp.isValidString = function (value) {
return typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String;
From what I understand, you want to import JS functions from one file into another file.
ES6 introduced the module's functionality which allows the import/export of Javascript functions between different files.
Below is a simple example:
// helloworld.js
export function helloWorld() {
return 'Hello World!';
// main.js
import helloWorld from './helloworld.js';

Accessing an Immediately Invoked Function Expression variable in Node.js in another file using require

File 1 - Monitor.js
var MONITOR = (function () {
// File Content
return {
doThing: function() {
File 2 - Test.js
var monitor = require('../public/js/monitor.js');
I want to access doThing() in File 2. I have tried various syntax and no luck so far.
From the frontend HTML I can simply include Monitor.js in a script tag, and call MONITOR.doThing(); without trouble but in Test.js this is proving difficult.
Any advice on how?
You have to export MONITOR so that someone else can access it with require().
Add this:
module.exports = MONITOR;
at the bottom of Monitor.js.
And, if you want the monitor.doThing() method to return some value, then you have to add a return statement to the function as in:
var MONITOR = (function () {
// File Content
return {
doThing: function() {
return "hello";

mocha test (and babel) using global variables

I am writing library using es6, transpiling it with babel via webpack and npm.
The problem is, that my lib is dependent on some code, that I can not change but need to use. I don't know how to load var stuff (from the following example) in my tests so that it is visible for the module.
See the example:
external-stuff.js - this one can not be changed and is loaded before my lib is loaded on prod env.
var stuff = {
get some() { return "some"; }
get stuff() { return "stuff"; }
some-module.js - this is one of the modules in the library
export class foo {
static get whatever() { return stuff.some; }
static get whichever() { return stuff.stuff; }
import {foo} from "../src/foo.js";
let assert = require('assert');
describe('foo', function() {
describe('#whatever()', function() {
it("should do some", function () {
assert.equals(foo.whatever(), "some");
If I run this I get "ReferenceError: stuff is not defined"
I already tried to define "stuff" in before() hook, but no success.
In the end I found a solution that's 'good enough'. I am not sure it would be sufficient for some advanced library though.
I have created file called globals.js
var g = typeof(window) === 'undefined' ? global : window;
// Dependencies - add as many global stuff as needed
g.stuff= typeof(stuff) === 'undefined' ? {} : stuff;
And I import this 'es6module' at the beginning of test
import * as globals from "../lib/global/globals"
import {foo} from "../src/foo.js";
And then I use node-import npm module with which I load the global to the tests in beforeEach hook.
beforeEach(function () {
global.stuff = imports.module("lib/global/stuff.js").stuff;
This is perfect for unit testing because I can also mock stuff. And its even more awesome because this way I have a place where I 'define' global dependencies. It would be nice to improve on it and make it per es6modul dependencies... and build on it something fancy... ya know.. dependency injection.
complete test
require('node-import'); // +
import * as globals from "../lib/global/globals"; // +
import {foo} from "../src/foo.js";
let assert = require('assert');
describe('foo', function() {
beforeEach(function () { // +
global.stuff = imports.module("lib/global/stuff.js").stuff; // +
}); // +
describe('#whatever()', function() {
it("should do some", function () {
assert.equals(foo.whatever(), "some");

RequireJS - Cannot Access External Module Function

I'm having an issue with RequireJS. Essentially, I'm not able to access a function defined inside another file from another one.
I need to do that because I want to export a given subset of functions like
define('submodule', [], function() {
let myFunction1 = function(){ return "Hello"; }
let myFunction2 = function(){ return " From"; }
let myFunction3 = function(){ return " Submodule!"; }
return {
myFunction1 : myFunction1,
myFunction2 : myFunction2,
myFunction3 : myFunction3,
And accessing them from another file
define('main', ['config', 'sub1', 'sub2', 'submodule'],
function(config, sub1, sub2, submodule) {
let callSubmodule = function() {
alert(submodule.myFunction1() +
submodule.myFunction2() +
let callSub1 = function() {
let callSub2 = function() {
The fact is that usually I'm able to do this with sub1 and
sub2, but, with submodule, I simply can't. I think it's somehow caused by the dependencies in require.config.js.
My require.config.js:
require(['common'], function () { //contains vendors
require(['config'], function () { //contains a js config file
require(['main'], function () { //main file
require(['sub1', 'sub2'], function () { //some subfiles
For submodule.myFunction1() and othe two related functions I'm getting:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'myFunction1' of undefined
This is weird since I'm able to do that in other situations and I really can't understand why this is happening. For instance, I'm able to call sub1 and sub2 functions from main and other files but not submodule in particular.
//Taken from Plunker
. . .
<script data-main="common" data-require="require.js#2.1.20" data-semver="2.1.20" src=""></script>
<script src="require.config.js"></script>
. . .
<button onclick = "callSubmodule()">Call Submodule</button>
<button onclick = "callSub1()">Call Sub1</button>
<button onclick = "callSub2()">Call Sub2</button>
common.js contains vendors, here's just an example
baseUrl : "",
paths : {
"jquery" : ""
define('sub1', ['submodule'], function(submodule) {
let myFunction1 = function(){ return "called sub1"; }
return {
myFunction1 : myFunction1
define('sub2', ['submodule'], function(submodule) {
let myFunction1 = function(){ return "called sub2"; }
return {
myFunction1 : myFunction1
I set up a Plunker with #SergGr help that tries to replicate application's structure but all the modules get undefined on click. On the real application this does not happen.
How can I solve this?
This is your code:
define('main', ['submodule'], function(submod) {
You have submod in the parameter list. But you then try to access submodule. Note that you return the function straight from your module (return myFunction), so your module has the value of the function myFunction and thus the module is what you should call. The code should be:
define('main', ['submodule'], function(submod) {
I Managed to solve this issue. Essentially, it was caused by a circular-dependency between the modules. So, a needed b and b needed a leading to one of them being undefined on the dependency resolution.
I found a solution to that on the answer provided by #jgillich at requirejs module is undefined.
So, I managed to solve using, in main
define('main', ['config', 'sub1', 'sub2', 'require'],
function(config, sub1, sub2, submodule, require) {
let callSubmodule = function() {
alert(require('submodule').myFunction1() +
require('submodule').myFunction2() +
As #jgillich said:
If you define a circular dependency ("a" needs "b" and "b" needs "a"), then in this case when "b"'s module function is called, it will get an undefined value for "a". "b" can fetch "a" later after modules have been defined by using the require() method (be sure to specify require as a dependency so the right context is used to look up "a"):
//Inside b.js:
define(["require", "a"],
function(require, a) {
//"a" in this case will be null if "a" also asked for "b",
//a circular dependency.
return function(title) {
return require("a").doSomething();
The way you've named your modules I would expect they all came from a require config file. I would not expect that requirejs would know how to load those files without some sort of explicit compilation process. I also suspect that your server is returning something due to a 404 that JS is almost able to interpret without exploding.
Your setup seems and naming scheme seems quite strange. If you have the ability to start from scratch below are my recommendations.
I'm noticing that you're using absolute paths. I highly recommend using relative paths for everything. There are many reasons for this.
Your data-main should be what you call "require.config.js". Your common.js is actually a require.config.js.
You load require.config.js (which is your main) separately using a script tag. You can do this but it's strange.
You can use the "commonjs" style syntax to require files without needing to use the array to define all your dependencies. I recommend that.
This is my recommendation for a set-up:
<script src="/js/config.js" />
<script src="" />
require('/js/main', function(main) {
// setting requirejs to an object before its loaded will cause requirejs to use it as the config
window.requirejs = {
baseUrl : "/",
paths : {
"jquery" : ""
define(function(require) {
const sum = require('./sum');
return (a, b) => sum(a, b);
define(function(require) {
return (a, b) => a + b;
Update (March 02, 2017)
Your plunker obviously will not work because you have direct calls from HTML to your module functions.
<button onclick = "callSubmodule()">Call Submodule</button>
<button onclick = "callSub1()">Call Sub1</button>
<button onclick = "callSub2()">Call Sub2</button>
RequireJS doesn't work that way. One of key purposes of RequireJS is to provide modules isolation and thus it just can't work that way: imagine if several different modules had functions callSubmodule.
To the best of my knowledge there is no way to bind calls from HTML back to the code in a RequireJS module, it should be other way around: module binds to HTML. And if you fix those issues, everything works fine for me as you can see at this fork of your plunker.
Old Answer
The bug is in your subModule.js
define('submodule', [], function() {
let myFunction = function(){ return "Hello"; }
//return myFunction; // old, wrong
return { myFunction: myFunction };
Even if you want to return just 1 function you should not return it as is, you should wrap it into an object and give it an explicit name.
P.S. if this is not your real issuse, please provide us real Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example

