Looping out barcode divs - javascript

I am trying to loop through an array using barcode.js to then create a printable div. I need to have spacing in to make it a certain number per page (found under req.user.perpage)
My JS function to get the IDs and the loop out the divs
getSelected = function(){
var array = [];
$('.my_table tbody tr').each(function(index, object){
var test = 'barcode';
// var test = document.getElementById("test123").innerHTML;
var codeType = document.getElementById("codeType").innerHTML;
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var value = array[i];
$('#target').append('<img id="barcode"/>')
$('#barcode').JsBarcode(value, {format: codeType}, {width: 2, height: 90});
// window.print();
I can get it to output only one barcode but not multiple. I have 2 check boxes on the page that work and give the ids I need them to. I can't seem to get them to all show up though.
<div id="target">
<!-- all divs will append here -->


EditableGrid - How to make every column header into individual filter

I am using EditableGrid (http://www.editablegrid.net/) Which creates some nice looking Editable tables
I'm Trying to modify the table header to make them into Individual filters like in example - https://phppot.com/demo/column-search-in-datatables-using-server-side-processing/
Current Filter textbox works very nicely but has a limit for searching one value for all columns.
I find many solutions for an individual column filter but I don't want to use other tables as they do not provide inline table editing functionality with dropdown and date picker, Is there a way I can implement it in EditableGrid?
I have also Asked this Question on Github (https://github.com/webismymind/editablegrid-mysql-example/issues/66) but the thread is not been active for a long time so I have very little hope of getting a solution from there.
In index.html update this code: see where //new code ---- starts and //new code ---- ends, try it out..
<script type="text/javascript">
var datagrid;
window.onload = function() {
datagrid = new DatabaseGrid();
//new code ---- starts
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0];
for(var i = -1; i < list.childNodes.length; i++){
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.className = "filter";
var z = document.getElementsByClassName('filter')
for(var i = 0; i< z.length; i++){
z[i].addEventListener("input", function(e){
datagrid.editableGrid.filter( e.target.parentNode.querySelector("input").value, [i]);
//new code ---- ends
// key typed in the filter field
$("#filter").keyup(function() {
datagrid.editableGrid.filter( $(this).val());
// To filter on some columns, you can set an array of column index
//datagrid.editableGrid.filter( $(this).val(), [0,3,5]);
$("#showaddformbutton").click( function() {
$("#cancelbutton").click( function() {
$("#addbutton").click(function() {
$(function () {

Troubles appending options to select in jquery

I have some <select> that needs to be populated with dynamic values, coming from an array. My code is pretty simple, the HTML is made by just some empty HTML <select> with the same class (.js-select).
The JS is quite simple:
var $select = $(".js-select");
var ioSensors = [1,2,3]; // The data I want to display in the select
var $optionTpl = $("<option></option>");
for( i=0 ; i<ioSensors.length ; i++ ){
//also show a leading "None" option
if(i === 0){
$optionTpl.attr('value', ioSensors[i]-1).text(ioSensors[i]).appendTo($select);
With this code I'm having all my <select> correctly updated, but the last one is populated only with the last value of the Array, not showing even the "None" option.
Can anyone help me understand where the problem is and why is it behaving like that? Thanks!
I've made a pen Here
var $optionTpl = $("<option></option>"); creates an element once, then inside the loop you just keep moving that same element and just giving it a new value.
Create multiple elements inside the loop instead
var $select = $(".js-select");
var ioSensors = [1,2,3];
for( var i = 0; i < ioSensors.length; i++ ){
var $optionTpl = $("<option></option>");
if(i === 0){
As others have already suggested, the reason it doesn't work is because you create a single element and keep moving it around. Move the creation of the element inside the loop, for example as follows:
var $select = $(".js-select");
var ioSensors = [1,2,3]; // The data I want to display in the select
for( i=0 ; i<ioSensors.length ; i++ ){
//also show a leading "None" option
if(i === 0){
$("<option></option>").attr('value', ioSensors[i]-1).text(ioSensors[i]).appendTo($select);
If you're wondering why your code seem to work for all the <select>s beside the last, according to the documentation when the target of an append is more than one element, jquery will clone the element for the first N-1 targets, and just move the element for the last:
If an element selected this way is inserted into a single
location elsewhere in the DOM, it will be moved into the
target (not cloned):
Important: If there is more than one target element, however,
cloned copies of the inserted element will be created for each
target except for the last one.
You need to clone the element to have multiple elements
var $select = $(".js-select");
var ioSensors = [1, 2, 3]; // The data I want to display in the select
var $optionTpl = $("<option></option>");
for (i = 0; i < ioSensors.length; i++) {
//also show a leading "None" option
if (i === 0) {
$optionTpl.clone().val(ioSensors[i] - 1).text(ioSensors[i]).appendTo($select);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<select class="js-select"></select>
You can also write the same like
var $select = $(".js-select");
var ioSensors = [1, 2, 3]; // The data I want to display in the select
var $optionTpl = $("<option></option>");
$("<option />", {
value: '',
text: 'None'
ioSensors.forEach(function(item) {
$("<option />", {
value: item - 1,
text: item
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<select class="js-select"></select>
Here is a simple solution (pen of the solution):
var ioSensors = [1,2,3];
for(var i=0;i<ioSensors.length;i++) {
if(i === 0){
$("<option value=\"\">None</option>").appendTo($(this));
$("<option value=\"" + ioSensors[i] + "\">" + ioSensors[i] + "</option>").appendTo($(this));

Using Mouseenter / MouseLeave to Change Div in JavaScript

I am trying to use an array index to allow a set of div IDs to change from one ID to another when the mouseenter and mouseleave functions are triggered.
I know there are other ways to do this - toggle, hover, or CSS hover. This is just learning for me, and I am very new.
The code below is commented, and the basic problem is related to why an array variable of "largeID" (or smallID) outputs the proper values, but trying to use an index value doesn't. For each for statement, I want the smallID[i] value to be replaced with the largeID[i] value when the mouse enters the div, but I don't want to write the code for each one, i.e. "largeID[1], largeID[2].
Thanks for any pointers!!
$(document).ready(function() {
var smallID = [];
var largeID = [];
var divList = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[1]; //get the second (radialMenu) div in the document
var radialDivList = divList.getElementsByTagName('div'); // get all divs under the second (radialMenu) div
for(var i = 0; i < radialDivList.length; i++) {
if (!radialDivList[i]) continue; //skip null, undefined and non-existent elements
if (!radialDivList.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; //skip inherited properties
smallID[i] = radialDivList[i].id; //assign the list of four divs to the smallID array;
largeID[i] = smallID[i] + 'Full'; // add "Full" to each smallID element to make a largeID element
alert(smallID[i]); // alerts for smallID / largeID and smallID[i] / largeID[i]
alert(largeID[i]); // give rational and expected output
$('#' + smallID[i]).mouseenter(function () { //works for all four radial menu divs when mouse enters
//BUT largeID[i] is undefined
alert(largeID[i]); // undefined
alert(largeID); // gives expected output of full array
}).mouseleave(function () { //mouseleave function not working
The reason your largeID[i] is undefined in your mouseenter function is because the last value of i is remembered and used on your mouseenter events.
When you use a variable and it goes "out of scope" a closure is automatically created to allow the variable to still exist for the function that still needs it, and your mouseenter functions all reference the same variable.
Your for loop stops when i is more than the amount of divs you have using radialDivList.length. Every attempt to use i to reference an index in your array will now be out of bounds.
The first answer on this page explains it well:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
I've modified your example to create a new function with it's own copy of "i". So when hovering over the first div i will equal 0, when hovering over the second div it will equal 1, etc.
$(document).ready(function() {
var smallID = [];
var largeID = [];
var divList = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[1]; //get the second (radialMenu) div in the document
var radialDivList = divList.getElementsByTagName('div'); // get all divs under the second (radialMenu) div
var funcs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < radialDivList.length; i++) {
if (!radialDivList[i]) continue; //skip null, undefined and non-existent elements
if (!radialDivList.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; //skip inherited properties
smallID[i] = radialDivList[i].id; //assign the list of four divs to the smallID array;
largeID[i] = smallID[i] + 'Full'; // add "Full" to each smallID element to make a largeID element
alert(smallID[i]); // alerts for smallID / largeID and smallID[i] / largeID[i]
alert(largeID[i]); // give rational and expected output
funcs[i] = function(i) {
$('#' + smallID[i]).mouseenter(function() { //works for all four radial menu divs when mouse enters
//BUT largeID[i] is undefined
alert(largeID[i]); // undefined
alert(largeID); // gives expected output of full array
}).mouseleave(function() { //mouseleave function not working
}.bind(this, i);
for (var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="one" style="background:green;height:40px">
<div id="two" style="background:red;height:40px">
<div id="three" style="background:blue;height:40px">

Dynamical Calculator Javascript

It is a calculator which has spans from which I want to take a values(1,2,3, etc.) and two fields: First for displaying what user is typing and the second is for result of calculation.
The question how to get values so when I click on spans it will show it in the second field
Here is the code.
<span class="delete">←</span>
<span class="clear">C</span>
<span class="operator">÷</span>
var keys = document.querySelectorAll(".keys span");
keys.onclick = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var keys = document.querySelectorAll(".keys span");
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
keys[i].onclick = function(){
keys is a NodeList so you cannot attach the onclick on that. You need to attach it to each element in that list by doing the loop. To get the value you can then simple use this.innerHTML.
This should get you started.. you need to get the value of the span you are clicking and then append it into your result field. Lots more to get this calculator to work but this should get you pointed in the right direction.
Fiddle Update: http://jsfiddle.net/vb394983/3/
JavaScript (jQuery):
var clickedVal = $(this).text();
You can set a click event on the span elements if you use JQuery.
$("#calc").val($("#calc").val() + $(this).text());
That's just to answer your question but you should really give the numbers a class such as "valueSpan" and the operators a class such as "operatorSpan" and apply the events based on these classes so that the buttons behave as you'd expect a calculator to.
var v="",
// attach key events for numbers
var keys = document.querySelectorAll(".keys span");
for (var i = 0; l = keys.length, i < l; i++) {
keys[i].onclick = function(){
// magic display number and decimal, this formats like a cash register, modify for your own needs.
cal = function(e){
if (v.length === self.max_length) return;
v += e.innerHTML;
register.innerHTML = (parseInt(v) / 100).toFixed(2);
Using JQuery will make your life much easier:
$('.keys span').click(function() {

javascript selected value

I have created function for creating a div, when u selet the value in dropdown box , based upon the length the number of divs will be created , so the code is
<select onchange="test()" id="selected_opt">
<option value="0" selected>-Select-</option>
<option value="1">Communication</option>
<option value="2">XXXXXXXXXXXXX</option>
the function test is
function test(){
var result = get_id.options[get_id.selectedIndex].value;
if(result == 1){
var i = 0,
c = model_details_json.communication,
j = c.length,
communications_div = document.getElementById("model_communication");
if(j == 0){
for (; i<j; i++){
var communication = c[i];
var create_div = document.createElement('div');
create_div.id = 'communication_id'+i;
create_div.name = 'communication';
var create_anchor = document.createElement('a');
create_anchor.innerHTML = communication.communication_name;
create_anchor.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);");
for example the length is 6 means the six number of divs will be created , so what the problem is when i again click on communication in select dropdown i.e already the six divs have been created , when do it again then agin six divs are created , so totally 12 divs created when u do it again it goes for 6 multiples.......
so what i need is the number of div would not be repeated. and it should be validate whether the user is clicking the same value in dropdown
Check this to remove div elements considering your parent div model_communication.
You need to implement logic by checking if the div exist and stop the loop when you get a message like 'Div is already removed' as shown in the example.
In order to do so create div elements along with id
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
newdiv.setAttribute('id', id);
You need to remove all divs before create the new ones. Try adding a class name to it:
var create_div = document.createElement('div');
create_div.className = 'communication_div';
Now you can select the divs. Before the for statement add these lines to remove the divs with 'communication_div' class name:
var divs = document.getElementsByClassName('communication_div');
for(var i=0; i<divs.length; i++) {
Every script run will generate new divs and remove old ones.
use js map object to put selected value or length as key into the map then everytime user clicks a value, first check for its existence in the map. If not found in the map, that would mean length is not repeating and divs will be created.
something like:
var selectedValues = new Array();
var result = get_id.options[get_id.selectedIndex].value;
if(selectedValues["val_"+result]) {
selectedValues["val_"+result] = true;
you can check if the div is already created or present on page using getElementById('elementId') before creating it.
like in you code
for (; i<j; i++){
if(! document.getElementById('communication_id'+i)){ // do if element is not present on page
var communication = c[i];
var create_div = document.createElement('div');
create_div.id = 'communication_id'+i;
create_div.name = 'communication';
var create_anchor = document.createElement('a');
create_anchor.innerHTML = communication.communication_name;
create_anchor.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);");
Use replaceChild() instead of appendChild() on the Element object.

