How to convert svg element coordinates to screen coordinates? - javascript

Is there a way to get the screen/window coordinates from a svg element ?
I have seen solutions for the other way around like:
function transformPoint(screenX, screenY) {
var p = this.node.createSVGPoint()
p.x = screenX
p.y = screenY
return p.matrixTransform(this.node.getScreenCTM().inverse())
But what i need in my case are the screen coordinates.
Sory if it's an obvious question, but i'm new to svg.

The code you included in your question converts screen coordinates to SVG coordinates. To go the other way, you have to do the opposite of what that function does.
getScreenCTM() returns the matrix that you need to convert the coordinates. Notice that the code calls inverse()? That is inverting the matrix so it does the conversion in the other direction.
So all you need to do is remove the inverse() call from that code.
var svg = document.getElementById("mysvg");
function screenToSVG(screenX, screenY) {
var p = svg.createSVGPoint()
p.x = screenX
p.y = screenY
return p.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
function SVGToScreen(svgX, svgY) {
var p = svg.createSVGPoint()
p.x = svgX
p.y = svgY
return p.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM());
var pt = screenToSVG(20, 30);
console.log("screenToSVG: ", pt);
var pt = SVGToScreen(pt.x, pt.y);
console.log("SVGToScreen: ", pt);
<svg id="mysvg" viewBox="42 100 36 40" width="100%">

I was playing around with this snippet below when I wanted to do the same (learn which screen coordinates correspond to the SVG coordinates). I think in short this is what you need:
Learn current transformation matrix of the SVG element (which coordinates you are interested in), roughly: matrix = element.getCTM();
Then get screen position by doing, roughly: position = point.matrixTransform(matrix), where "point" is a SVGPoint.
See the snippet below. I was playing with this by changing browser window size and was altering svg coordinates to match those of the div element
// main SVG:
var rootSVG = document.getElementById("rootSVG");
// SVG element (group with rectangle inside):
var rect = document.getElementById("rect");
// SVGPoint that we create to use transformation methods:
var point = rootSVG.createSVGPoint();
// declare vars we will use below:
var matrix, position;
// this method is called by rootSVG after load:
function init() {
// first we learn current transform matrix (CTM) of the element' whose screen (not SVG) coordinates we want to learn:
matrix = rect.getCTM();
// then we "load" SVG coordinates in question into SVGPoint here:
point.x = 100; // replace this with the x co-ordinate of the path segment
point.y = 300; // replace this with the y co-ordinate of the path segment
// now position var will contain screen coordinates:
position = point.matrixTransform(matrix);
// to validate that the coordinates are correct - take these x,y screen coordinates and apply to CSS #htmlRect to change left, top pixel position. You will see that the HTML div element will get placed into the top left corner of the current svg element position.
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
background-color: #fff;
svg {
position: fixed;
#htmlRect {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
background: green;
position: fixed;
left: 44px;
top: 132px;
<svg id="rootSVG" width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 480 800" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" onload="init()">
<g id="rect">
<rect id="rectangle" x="100" y="300" width="400" height="150"/>
<div id="htmlRect"></div>

Not sure why it hasn't been suggested before, but `Element.getBoundingClientRect() should be enough:
const {
top, // x position on viewport (window)
left, // y position on viewport (window)
} = document.querySelector('rect').getBoundingClientRect()
I think other answers might be derived from a method promoted by Craig Buckler on SitePoint, where he explains using the SVGElement API (instead of getBoudingClientRect, from the - DOM - Element API) to convert DOM to SVG coordinates and vice-versa.
But 1. only DOM coordinates are required here 2. he claims that using getBoundingClientRect when transformations (via CSS or SVG) are applied will return incorrect values to translate to SVG coordinates, but the current specification for getBoundingClientRect takes those transformations into account.
The getClientRects() method, when invoked, must return the result of the following algorithm: [...]
If the element has an associated SVG layout box return a DOMRectList object containing a single DOMRect object that describes the bounding box of the element as defined by the SVG specification, applying the transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.

⚠️ Safari currently has several bugs that make this pretty difficult if you're working with SVGs (or SVG containers) that are transitioning, rotated, or scaled.
getScreenCTM() does not include ancestor scale and rotation transforms in the returned matrix. (If your svgs are neither rotated or scaled, then this is the way to go though.)
However, if you know the ancestor elements that are being scaled and/or rotated, and their transformation values, you can manually fix the matrix provided by getScreenCTM(). The workaround will look something like this:
let ctm = ele.getScreenCTM();
// -- adjust
let ancestorScale = // track yourself or derive from window.getComputedStyle()
let ancestorRotation = // track yourself or derive from window.getComputedStyle()
ctm = ctm.scale(ancestorScale)
ctm = ctm.rotate(ancestorRotation)
// !! Note: avoid ctm.scaleSelf etc. On some systems the matrix is a true blue SVGMatrix (opposed to a DOMMatrix) and may not support these transform-in-place methods
// --
// repeat 'adjust' for each ancestor, in order from closest to furthest from ele. Mind the order of the scale/rotation transformations on each ancestor.
If you don't know the ancestors... the best I've come up with is a trek up the tree looking for transformations via getComputedStyle, which could be incredibly slow depending on the depth of the tree...
getBoundingClientRect() may return incorrect values when transitioning. If you're not animating things but you are transforming things, then this may be the way to go, though I'm pretty sure it's notably less performant than getScreenCTM. Ideally, insert a very small element into the SVG such that its bounding rect will effectively be a point.
window.getComputedStyles().transform has the same issue as above.

Playing with innerWidth, screenX, clientX etc...
I'm not sure about what you are searching for, but as you question is arround screenX, screenY and SVG, I would let you play with snippet editor and some little tries.
Note that SVG bounding box is fixed to [0, 0, 500, 200] and show with width="100%" height="100%".
The last line of tspan with print x and y of pointer when circle is clicked.
function test(e) {
var sctm=new DOMMatrix();
var invs=new DOMMatrix();;
sctm.a+", "+sctm.b+", "+sctm.c+", "+sctm.d+", "+sctm.e+", "+sctm.f;
invs.a+", "+invs.b+", "+invs.c+", "+invs.d+", "+invs.e+", "+invs.f;
e.screenX+", "+e.screenY+", "+e.clientX+", "+e.clientY;
var vbox=document.getElementById("svg").getAttribute('viewBox').split(" ");
var sx=1.0*innerWidth/(1.0*vbox[2]-1.0*vbox[0]);
var sy=1.0*innerHeight/(1.0*vbox[3]-1.0*vbox[0]);
var scale;
if (sy>sx) scale=sx;else scale= sy;
e.clientX/scale+", "+e.clientY/scale;
<svg id="svg" viewBox="0 0 500 200" width="100%" height="100%" >
<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="15" onclick="javascript:test(evt);" />
<tspan x="10" y="60" id="txt1">test</tspan>
<tspan x="10" y="90" id="txt2">test</tspan>
<tspan x="10" y="120" id="txt3">test</tspan>
<tspan x="10" y="150" id="txt4">test</tspan>


How get tight bounding box of an SVG Text Element

Usually in order to get bounding box of any element in SVG we use getBoundingClientRect() or getBBox() which gives us top, bottom, left, right, width, height or x, y, width, height respectively. But when the text is rotated these values are not enough to get tight bounding box of the element as box formed by these values will have horizontal and vertical edges, not parallel to the text. How can the tight bounding box be selected for a rotated text as shown in the image below. (The text was highlighted by Chrome Inspect Element Selector.)
I think if you want the 4 points, you may have to transform them on the bounding box with the same transform as the element. If it's just for display, just apply the same transform to a bounding box that has been displayed. I think if you want the 4 points, it's a bit more complicated, but there may be a simpler way.
This may be useful anyway.
We grab the bounding box of the text.
We grab the matrix (in this case rotation) on the element.
Then we apply that to all the points we gather from the bounding box.
I've added a bit more code, just to create circles at the points, to highlight it.
var text = document.querySelector('text');
var svg = document.querySelector('svg')
function getTransformedPts( el ) {
var m = el.getCTM();
var bb = el.getBBox();
var tpts = [
matrixXY(m,bb.x,bb.y+bb.height) ]
return tpts;
function matrixXY(m,x,y) {
return { x: x * m.a + y * m.c + m.e, y: x * m.b + y * m.d + m.f };
var pts = getTransformedPts( text );
for( pt in pts ) {
var c = document.createElementNS("","circle");
c.setAttribute('cx', pts[pt].x);
c.setAttribute('cy', pts[pt].y);
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="800" height="800">
<text x="50" y="50" transform="rotate(10)" font-size="30">testing rotated text box points</text>
If you are getting the bounding box of a <text> element using getBBox(), then it normally is the unrotated bounding box. That's because getBBox() does not include the elements transform when calculating the value to return.
For example, have a look at the example below. Compare the text BBox and the BBox of its parent group element.
var text = document.getElementById("text");
var b = text.getBBox();
console.log("text bbox="+[b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height].join(' '));
var group = document.getElementById("group");
var b = group.getBBox();
console.log("group bbox="+[b.x,b.y,b.width,b.height].join(' '));
<svg width="300" height="300">
<g id ="group">
<text id="text" x="150" y="150" text-anchor="middle" font-size="30"
There is no direct method to achieve this. But you can try the below solution.
How to get rotated svg text bounds in javascript programmatically

How to zoom in on a polygon in D3.js

I am trying to figure out how to do the same zooming behavior as shown in the example below, but with a normal polygon instead of the geo paths.
I have seen some answers here on SO that kind of address this, but the animation is choppy or jumps around strangely.
The html I have is
<div id="map-container">
<svg version="1.1"
viewBox="0 0 4328 2880">
<pattern id="mapPattern"
<image xlink:href="/development/data/masterplan.png"
<g id="masterGroup">
<rect fill="url(#mapPattern)"
height="2880" />
I would like to be able to add some polygons in the same group as the map rectangle and then zoom on the polygon's boundary. Can anyone please show me a fiddle of such behaviour?
I should also add that I do not want to use the scroll wheel or panning. Just zooming in on a clicked polygon and then zooming out on another click.
Maybe this will help you. I answered a question here earlier today : D3js outer limits
Here is the fiddle I put together :
I have added a transition : svg.transition().duration(1000).attr('transform',function(d){
Notice if you click one of the nodes the area moves to cater for the size of the new layout.
The basics are explained in the link to the question, but basically I got the bounding box and translated the SVG accordingly. So I translated and scaled to the size of the new rectangle.
Take a look, quite easy to understand. Here is the main part of the transition :
var testScale = Math.max(rectAttr[0].width,rectAttr[0].height)
var widthScale = width/testScale
var heightScale = height/testScale
var scale = Math.max(widthScale,heightScale);
var transX = -(parseInt('#invisRect').attr("x")) + parseInt('#invisRect').attr("width"))/2) *scale + width/2;
var transY = -(parseInt('#invisRect').attr("y")) + parseInt('#invisRect').attr("height"))/2) *scale + height/2;
return 'translate(' + transX + ','+ transY + ')scale('+scale+')' ;
So with your code, your rectAttr values as seen in the snippet above would be the values retrieved from the getBoundingClientRect() of your polygon : x, y, width and height.
Where I have used'#invisRect'), this should be your boundingBoxRect() also. And the rest should just work.
Here are the edits I made with the fiddle provided :
I used this function to get the bounding box of the polygon and set the rectangles values accordingly :
var bbox =;
var rectAttr = {
x: bbox.x,
y: bbox.y,
width: bbox.width,
height: bbox.height,

How to get the click coordinates relative to SVG element holding the onclick listener?

I haven't been able to calculate the click coordinates (x and y) relative to the element triggering the event. I have not found an easy example online.
I have a simple svg (with 100px left margin) in an HTML page. It contains a group (translated 30px 30px) which has an onclick listener attached. And inside that group I have a rect with 50px width and height.
After I click any part of the group element, I get an event object with coordinates relative to the HTML page (evt.clientX and evt.clientY).
What I need to know is where exactly the user clicked inside the group element (the element holding the onclick listener).
How do I convert clientX and clientY coordinates to the group element coordinates. So say, if I click the top leftmost part of the rect it should give me x=0 and y=0.
Here is currently what I have:
<!DOCTYPE html>
position: absolute;
function clicked(evt){
alert("x: "+evt.clientX+" y:"+evt.clientY);
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="200" height="200">
<g transform="translate(30 30)" onclick="clicked(evt)">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="50" height="50" fill="red"/>
Tolokoban's solution has the limitation that it doesn't work if your viewBox deviates from the default, that is if it is different from viewBox="0 0 width height". A better solution that also takes viewBox into account is this:
var pt = svg.createSVGPoint(); // Created once for document
function alert_coords(evt) {
pt.x = evt.clientX;
pt.y = evt.clientY;
// The cursor point, translated into svg coordinates
var cursorpt = pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
console.log("(" + cursorpt.x + ", " + cursorpt.y + ")");
(Credit goes to Smerk, who posted the code)
If the viewBox is not set or set to the default, this script will return the same values as Tolokoban's script. But if you have an SVG like <svg width="100px" height="100" viewBox="0 0 200 200">, only this version will give you the correct results.
Try to use getBoundingClientRect():
function clicked(evt){
var e =;
var dim = e.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = evt.clientX - dim.left;
var y = evt.clientY -;
alert("x: "+x+" y:"+y);
The proposed solutions are great, but they won't work in all scenarios.
The OP's post is titled
How to get the click coordinates relative to SVG element holding the
onclick listener?
So if you put the onclick listener onto your root svg element, whenever you click on any of its child elements, getBoundingClientRect will give you the child's Rect and you won't get the click coordinates relative to the root svg.
This was my case as I needed the coordinates relative to the root at all times, and the solution that worked for me was to use Here's an excerpt from my (JSX) code:
const onClickSvg = e => {
const { farthestViewportElement: svgRoot } =;
const dim = svgRoot.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = e.clientX - dim.left;
const y = e.clientY -;
console.log(`x: ${x}, y: ${y}`);
<svg onClick={onClickSvg}>...</svg>
Adding notes after many researchs (and fails!).
For a css translated svg, to get the coordinates of a clicked point for drawing.
In my case, using a mouse wheel event to translateX, so the actual rendering depends of the screen size and of the actual translated value.
I recommend for your use case to make a little drawing like the following, it will help a lot for figuring out what's going on.
Let's say my svg has for id: shoke
To get the total computed width, in pixels:
Need to know the actual translateX value. (From the right, so it is a negative number, on this case),-3)
Note that it return a string and not an integer, so:,-3)
Now to get the coordinates of the mouse, related to the pixel x0 of the screen.
let pt = document.querySelector('svg').createSVGPoint();
So, at the end, to obtain the precise x point:
svg_width - (svg_width + translated) + from_pixel x0 of the screen_click
Is something like this:
shoke.getBoundingClientRect()["width"] - (shoke.getBoundingClientRect()["width"] +,-3)) + pt.matrixTransform(shoke.getScreenCTM().inverse())["x"]
createSVGPoint is deprecated according to Mozilla. Use static method of DOMPoint.fromPoint(svg_element);
function dom_track_click(evt) {
//<svg onclick='dom_track_click(event); >
let pt = DOMPoint.fromPoint(document.getElementById('svg_canvas'));
pt.x = evt.clientX;
pt.y = evt.clientY;
// The cursor point, translated into svg coordinates
let cursorpt = pt.matrixTransform(document.getElementById('svg_canvas').getScreenCTM().inverse());
console.log("(" + cursorpt.x + ", " + (cursorpt.y) + ")");

SVG element inserted into DOM is ignored (its type is changed)

I am using the VivaGraph.js library to render a graph in SVG. I am trying to display an image cropped to a circle, for which I am using a clipPath element - as recommended in this post.
However, when I create a new SVG element of type that has a capital letter in it, e.g. clipPath in my case, the element that is inserted into the DOM is lowercase, i.e. clippath, even though the string I pass in to the constructor is camelCase. Since SVG is case sensitive, this element is ignored. Everything else seems to be okay.
I also tried to change the order in which I append the child elements, in hopes of changing the 'z-index', but it didn't have an impact on this.
I am using the following code inside of the function that creates the visual representation of the node in the graph (the 'addNode' callback) to create the node:
var clipPhotoId = 'clipPhoto';
var clipPath = Viva.Graph.svg('clipPath').attr('id', clipPhotoId);
var ui = Viva.Graph.svg('g');
var photo = Viva.Graph.svg('image').attr('width', 20).attr('height', 20).link(url).attr('clip-path', 'url(#' + clipPhotoId + ')');
var photoShape = Viva.Graph.svg('circle').attr('r', 10).attr('cx', 10).attr('cy', 10);
return ui;
Thank you!
There is a bit of tweaking needed on top of the post you provided.
General idea to solve your issue is this one:
We create a VivaGraph svg graphics (which will create an svg element in the dom)
Into this svg graphic we create only once a clip path with relative coordinates
When we create a node we refer to the clip path
Code is:
var graph = Viva.Graph.graph();
graph.addNode('a', { img : 'a.jpg' });
graph.addNode('b', { img : 'b.jpg' });
graph.addLink('a', 'b');
var graphics = Viva.Graph.View.svgGraphics();
// Create the clipPath node
var clipPath = Viva.Graph.svg('clipPath').attr('id', 'clipCircle').attr('clipPathUnits', 'objectBoundingBox');
var circle = Viva.Graph.svg('circle').attr('r', .5).attr('cx', .5).attr('cy', .5);
// Add the clipPath to the svg root
graphics.node(function(node) {
return Viva.Graph.svg('image')
.attr('width', 30)
.attr('height', 30)
// I refer to the same clip path for each node
.attr('clip-path', 'url(#clipCircle)')
.placeNode(function(nodeUI, pos){
nodeUI.attr('x', pos.x - 15).attr('y', pos.y - 15);
var renderer = Viva.Graph.View.renderer(graph, { graphics : graphics });;
The result in the dom will be like this:
<g buffered-rendering="dynamic" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0,1,720,230.5)">
<line stroke="#999" x1="-77.49251279562495" y1="-44.795726056131116" x2="6.447213894549255" y2="-56.29464520347651"></line>
<image width="30" height="30" clip-path="url(#clipCircle)" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="a.jpg" x="-92.49251279562495" y="-59.795726056131116"></image>
<image width="30" height="30" clip-path="url(#clipCircle)" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="b.jpg" x="-8.552786105450746" y="-71.2946452034765"></image>
<clipPath id="clipCircle" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<circle r="0.5" cx="0.5" cy="0.5"></circle>
Notice the clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox", since it's the main trick for this solution.

How to use the SVG checkintersection() function correctly?

I'm having a problem with the SVG checkintersection() function. All I want to do is to check whether a small SVG-rectangle intersects the area of an SVG-path, but I can't figure out what to call the function on (I already tried to call it on the SVG DOM object, among several other things google turned up).
So what I need to know is what to put in for the placeholder ("foo") in this snippet:
var closedPath = document.getElementById(closedPath);
var rectangle = document.getElementById(rectangle);
if (foo.checkIntersection(closedPath, rectangle)) {
//do stuff
with the HTML being something along the lines of
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" id="svgroot">
<path id="closedPath" fill="{$c5}" d="M-250179-46928l-5051 1351l-867-1760l-33-146l-12-99l-82-678l-17-249l86-644l305-1800l158-2882l75-1425l-47-280l-22-131l-137-411l-300-892l1273 620l931-109l1957-734l1860-1096l292-192l884 547l2690 2153l480 963l36 244l-948 1878l-376 591l-60 567l-72 1147l97 847l-222 334l-122 117l-2403 2093l-353 76z"/>
<rect id="rectangle" fill="white" x="-126828" y="0" width="45000" height="45000"/>
Any help would be much appreciated!
Edit: Just wanted to add that I now use a workaround, which consists of converting the SVG path to an array of point coordinates using a parser function I wrote, which is then put into a simple coordinate-test function.
Also this may have been a solution Hit-testing SVG shapes?
checkIntersection is a method on the <svg> element so you'd want something like this...
var svg = document.getElementById("svgroot");
var closedPath = document.getElementById(closedPath);
var rectangle = document.getElementById(rectangle);
var rect = svg.createSVGRect();
rect.x = rectangle.animVal.x;
rect.y = rectangle.animVal.y;
rect.height = rectangle.animVal.height;
rect.width = rectangle.animVal.width;
svg.checkIntersection(closedPath, rect) {
// do stuff
Note also how the second argument has to be an SVGRect and not an element.
SVG elements support SMIL animation, you could equally well write rectangle.baseVal.x etc but that wouldn't necessarily reflect the rectangle's current position if you were animating the rectangle. If you're not using SMIL then rectangle.baseVal.x = rectangle.animVal.x
Because a <rect> can have things like rounded corners it doesn't have an SVGRect interface so you have to convert from the interface it does have (SVGRectElement) to the one you need (SVGRect)
<svg width="390" height="248" viewBox="-266600, -68800, 195000, 124000" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<path id="closedPath" fill="#ff9966" d="M-250179-46928l-5051 1351l-867-1760l-33-146l-12-99l-82-678l-17-249l86-644l305-1800l158-2882l75-1425l-47-280l-22-131l-137-411l-300-892l1273 620l931-109l1957-734l1860-1096l292-192l884 547l2690 2153l480 963l36 244l-948 1878l-376 591l-60 567l-72 1147l97 847l-222 334l-122 117l-2403 2093l-353 76z"/>
<rect id="rectangle" fill="#66ff66" x="-126828" y="0" width="45000" height="45000"/>
var rectangle = document.getElementById('rectangle');
var closedPath = document.getElementById('closedPath');
var svgRoot = closedPath.farthestViewportElement;
var rect = svgRoot.createSVGRect();
rect.x = rectangle.x.animVal.value;
rect.y = rectangle.y.animVal.value;
rect.height = rectangle.height.animVal.value;
rect.width = rectangle.width.animVal.value;
var hasIntersection = svgRoot.checkIntersection(closedPath, rect);

