adding object to array using .splice() - javascript

I have a problem adding the object "myobj" to the arrays data / data2. As you see "myobj" a JS object which I would like to add to either data or data2. the functions are being triggered by clicks on different buttons.
console.log of myobj shows me
{ array: "arr_id_1", axis: "x", acc: "", vel: "", dist: "", jerk: "" }
I receive an error saying data2.splice() is not a function.
which is the format I need. "myobj" is supposed to be added to an array which I want to use JSON.stringify on. This JSON literal goes then to a python script via ajax. The array "data" is being filled with each click I perform correctly but not in the format for further processing. So I tried to fill array data2 since I have read that I could use .splice() as well. Unfortunately, console.log(data2) shows "undefined" for each field I try to fill and I have no idea how to solve it.
I tried to use JSON.stringify on "myobj" and as another attempt, I have tried to JSON.parse it back again. I tried adding the brackets and colons into quotes but no success either.
I am grateful for any advice or help.
var counterx = 0;
let data = [];
let data2 = {};
function valuesX() {
// does something here
let arr_id = []; = 'arr_id_' + counterx;
let ind = counterx - 1;
let myobj;
function arr() {
var ind = sel.selectedIndex;
var axis = sel.options[ind].text;
arr_id.length = 0;
arr_id.push(, axis, btna.value, btnv.value, btns.value, btnj.value)
myobj = {
array: arr_id[0],
axis: arr_id[1],
acc: arr_id[2],
vel: arr_id[3],
dist: arr_id[4],
jerk: arr_id[5]
console.log(, arr_id)
console.log(, data)
console.log(, data2)
} = 'data'; = 'data2';
data.splice(ind, 0, arr_id)
data2.splice(ind, 0, myobj)

I have converted the myobj to an object using Answer from JVE999, first suggestion and used .splice() to add the every new myobj to the array data. I have used splice because I need to overwrite already existing elements while keeping the order (Thus the indx) when I trigger the function (.splice() reference).
var arr_id = []; = 'arr_id_'+counterx;
var myobj;
var indx = counterx-1;
var data_new; = 'data';
function arr(){
var ind = sel.selectedIndex;
var axis = sel.options[ind].text;
arr_id.length = 0;
arr_id.push(, axis, btna.value, btnv.value,btns.value, btnj.value)
myobj = {
data_new = convArrToObj(myobj);
data.splice(indx, 1, data_new)
data_str = JSON.stringify(data)
console.log(, data)


How to create multiple objects based on dynamic data?

Basically what i'm doing, is trying to create my own steam market JSON, by HTML parsing.
Example of how I'm currently doing that :
var url = ''
var itemDiv = $("<div></div>")
data = $(r).find('stuff i need')
and now say I wanted to find names of the items in the div, i would do something like :
var name = $(this).find("y").text()
// console.log(name) [or do whatever is needed ect]
As I mentioned before, I need to return objects based on that data in the format of:
var item = {name:"",price:0}
However, things like price will always be changing.
Based on the data thats in the div, the final product would look along the lines of :
var x = {name:"a",price:1}
var x2 = {name:"a2",price:2}
How do I go about doing this? I thought maybe i could store the data in an array, and then do something like
for(x in y){
return object
or something along those lines.
Sorry if this seems like a bonehead question, I'm pretty new to javascript.
clarification: i'm trying to figure out how to return multiple objects based on the data inside the div.
Here is the code that builds an array of objects based on two arrays (assuming they are of equal length).
function buildStocks() {
// Names and prices can also be passed as function arguments
var names = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var prices = [1, 2, 3];
var result = []; // Array of these objects
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
name: names[i],
price: prices[i]
return result;

How could I create a JSON array in a javascript loop

I would like to create a javascript json array. At the and I would Like to have something like this :
var requestData= {"uris":["SampleName1", "SampleName2", "SampleName3"],"limit":100 };
The names are stored in another variable called result.results.bindings I think my for loop should be like this :
for(binding in result.results.bindings){
// binding holds SampleName1,sampleName2.. etc
So how could I create the array that I mentioned above?
Do you mean something like this?
var data = [];
for(binding in result.results.bindings)
var returnObject = {uris: data, limit: 100};
I do not know the structure of your data in result.results.bindings, but with the for loop you are looping over the keys of the object / array.
If you want to loop over the values and the data-source is an array you can use this:
var data = [];
result.results.bindings.forEach(function(value) {
var returnObject = {uris: data, limit: 100};
var requestData = {};
var uris = [];
for (binding in result.results.bindings){
requestData.uris = uris;
Edited as suggestion from #BenM:
var requestData = {};
requestData.uris = result.results.bindings;
I think for-in loop is not a good practice with array, It's good with object
for(var i = 0, uris = []; i < result.results.bindings.length; i++)
var returnObject = {"uris": uris, "limit": 100};
var data = [];
result.results.bindings.forEach(function(value) {
eval('data.' + value + ' = ' + value);
// then access your variables like

Why this json swap code does not work?

I have this fun :
swapjson = function (j1,j2)
{ var jj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(j1));
j1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(j2));
j2 = jj;
I have also:
var myjson1 = {'x':1000, 'y':1000};
var myjson2 = {'x':2000, 'y':-2000};
swapjson (myjson1,myjson2);
console.log myjson1.x
1000 ?????
And I discover that inside the swapjson function the swap is made but not after call.
What is happen ? I dont understand what I'm doing bad...
Any help would be appreciated.
You can't replace the entire object like that, as the object itself isn't passed by referenced.
You can however change properties of the object passed, and it will stick, as a copy of the object is passed in.
So instead of parsing to strings and back to objects you can just iterate over the two objects keys, and replace one by one
swapjson = function (j1, j2) {
var temp = {};
for (key in j1) {
temp[key] = j1[key];
for (key in j2) {
j1[key] = j2[key];
for (key in temp) {
j2[key] = temp[key];
You copy the value of myjson1 (which is a reference to an object and nothing to do with JSON) into j1, and the value of myjson2 into j2.
Then you overwrite the value of j1 and the value of j2.
You never change the values of myjson1 or myjson2.

creating nested array javascript

Have looked at many examples but cant seem to get to make an nested array to store some data nicely. How can I get the following code to work? It gives me an error now:
var shipdata = [];
shipdata['header']['bedrijfsnaam'] = $('[name="bedrijfsnaam"]').val();
shipdata['header']['naam'] = $('[name="naam"]').val();
shipdata['header']['straat'] = $('[name="straat"]').val();
shipdata['header']['postcode'] = $('[name="postcode"]').val();
shipdata['header']['plaats'] = $('[name="plaats"]').val();
shipdata['header']['telefoon'] = $('[name="telefoon"]').val();
shipdata['header']['email'] = $('[name="email"]').val();
shipdata['header']['instructies'] = $('[name="instructies"]').val();
shipdata['header']['ordernummertje'] = $('[name="ordernummertje"]').val();
$(".pakketten").each(function(index, element) {
shipdata['pakketten']['pakket'+index]['lengte'] = $('[name="lengte'+index+'"]').val(),
shipdata['pakketten']['pakket'+index]['breedte'] = $('[name="breedte'+index+'"]').val(),
shipdata['pakketten']['pakket'+index]['hoogte'] = $('[name="hoogte'+index+'"]').val(),
shipdata['pakketten']['pakket'+index]['gewicht'] $('[name="gewicht'+index+'"]').val()
Probably im doing this all wrong, but some pointers would be welcome.
First of all, you are creating an object and not an array, so use {} instead of [] for the main container.
Second, when inserting multiple values at the same time, you can use a much more compact notation:
var shipdata = {
'header': {
'bedrijfsnaam': $('[name="bedrijfsnaam"]').val(),
'naam': $('[name="naam"]').val()
'...': '...'
'pakketten': []
$(".pakketten").each(function(index, element) {
'lengte': $('[name="lengte'+index+'"]').val(),
'breedte': $('[name="breedte'+index+'"]').val(),
'...': '...'
Besides, anytime you want to access an object or array in any way, you have to initialize it beforehand as already mentioned by #antyrat.
You need to create objects each time you want to have nested array:
var shipdata = {};
shipdata['header'] = {};
shipdata['header']['bedrijfsnaam'] = $('[name="bedrijfsnaam"]').val();
shipdata['pakketten'] = {};
$(".pakketten").each(function(index, element) {
shipdata['pakketten']['pakket'+index] = {};
shipdata['pakketten']['pakket'+index]['lengte'] = $('[name="lengte'+index+'"]').val(),
// ...
Answer updated due to comments as arrays didn't have string indexes.

trying to iterate data sets

I'm new to javascript, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to loop through some code so that it will basically create an array that I can then pass on to my plot variable.
I'm not really sure where to start. Right now I have a chunk of code that takes my first dataset (dataOne) and formats it so that it can go into my plot variable. I basically need to do that three more times for the other data sets - hoping to include the example.getDataSets function to loop through somehow.
Is there a good way to do this?
Here is my code:
var example = {}; = {
dataOne: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":23},{"date":1333324800000,"data":37},{"date":1333411200000,"data":49},{"date":1333497600000,"data":54},{"date":1333584000000,"data":30},{"date":1333670400000,"data":19},{"date":1333756800000,"data":15},{"date":1333843200000,"data":19},{"date":1333929600000,"data":145}],
dataTwo: {data: [{"date":1335830400000,"data":63},{"date":1335916800000,"data":77},{"date":1336003200000,"data":66}],
dataThree: {data: [{"date":1341100800000,"data":24},{"date":1341187200000,"data":50},{"date":1341273600000,"data":43},{"date":1341360000000,"data":39},{"date":1341446400000,"data":56},{"date":1341532800000,"data":66}],
dataFour: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":71},{"date":1333324800000,"data":46},{"date":1333411200000,"data":66},{"date":1333497600000,"data":73},{"date":1333584000000,"data":105},{"date":1333670400000,"data":84}]}
example.getDataSets = function(){
return ['dataOne', 'dataTwo', 'dataThree', 'dataFour']
example.getSeries = function(month){
example.processData = function(data){
var newData = []
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
newData.push([data[i].date, data[i].data])
return newData;
My script in the HTML page:
.done(function() {
var b = example.getSeries('dataOne');
var d = example.processData(;
// first correct the timestamps - they are recorded as the daily
// midnights in UTC+0100, but Flot always displays dates in UTC
// so we have to add one hour to hit the midnights in the plot
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)
d[i][0] += 60 * 60 * 1000;
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d] , options);
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
You're passing the string literal 'b' to example.processData not the object stored in the variable b. Its should be
var d = example.processData(b);
Also example.getSeries returns an object not an array. The array is in the data property of the object.
Also your data has syntax errors in it, missing ]} at the end of the arrays in the first 3 objects.
var d = example.processData(b);
won't log your data (in the b variable) as well, but the string :-)

