How to push response from axios.all to a vue data element? - javascript

I am using axios.all to do asynchronous calls to the YouTube API.
My code is:
export default {
data () {
return {
cats: [],
dogs: [],
catsAndDogs: []
methods: {
search: function (){
var that = this
.then(axios.spread(function (catsRes, dogsRes) {
that.cats = catsRes
that.dogs = dogsRes
This is as far as I can get because when I try to put the response from axios.spread (catsRes or dogsRes) into the arrays, they end up empty.
However if I comment out 'that.cats = catsRes' and 'that.dogs = dogsRes' the console prints out the response fine.
Can someone tell me why this is not working?
Ideally I would like to have an array for just the cat videos, an array for the dog videos and an array with both cats and dogs.
* EDIT *
Top is the console response when I try to put the GET request data into the data element and bottom is the console response when I don't try to put the GET request data into the data element:

The axios response is an object with some additional information about the response. To get the actual response JSON data, use the response object's data property. Furthermore, it seems like the YouTube response puts the actual results in an items property, so use that too:
async search () {
const [cats, dogs] = await axios.all([
axios.get('...cats url...'),
axios.get('...dogs url...'),
this.cats =;
this.dogs =;


Skipping top level of JSON data and retrieving data below it via JavaScript

Via a microservice, I retrieve several packages of JSON data and spit them out onto a Vue.js-driven page. The data looks something like this:
{"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}
[{"id":22,"name":"Fred","address":"Parmesean Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":24,"name":"George","address":"Loopy Lane","zip":"15090"},
{"id":25,"name":"Lucy","address":"Farm Road","zip":"15090"}]}}
[{"id":2,"name":"device type 1"},
{"id":4,"name":"device type 2"},
{"id":5,"name":"device type 3"}]}}
...and I successfully grab them individually via code like this:
getCompanies() {
method: 'GET',
url: `api/authenticated/function/getcompanies`
.then((response) => {
if( {
this.dataCompanies =
} else {
...with getUsers() and getDevices() looking respectively the same. getCompanies() returns:
[{"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}]
...which I relay to the Vue template in a table, and this works just fine and dandy.
But this is obviously going to get unwieldy if I need to add more microservice calls down the road.
What I'm looking for is an elegant way to jump past the*whatever* and get to those id-records with a re-useable call, but I'm having trouble getting there.[0] doesn't work, and mapping down to the stuff I need either comes back undefined, or in bits of array. And filtering for[0].id to return just the rows with ids keeps coming back undefined.
My last attempt (see below) to access the data does work, but looks like it comes back as individual array elements. I'd rather not - if possible - rebuild an array into a JSON structure. I keep thinking I should be able to just step past the next level regardless of what it's called, and grab whatever is there in one chunk, as if I read directly, but not caring what 'getcompanies' is, or needing to reference it by name:
// the call
this.dataCompanies = this.getFullData('companies')
getFullData(who) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'api/authenticated/function/get' + who,
.then((response) => {
if(response) {
// attempt 1 to get chunk below 'getcompanies'
Object.keys( {
// attempt 2
// for (const prop in {
// console.log([prop])
// }
let output =[prop] // erroneously thinking this is in one object
return output
} else {
(63) [{…}, {…}, {…}] <-- *there are 63 of these records, I'm just showing the first few...*
0: {"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"}
1: {"id":7,"name":"McMillan","address":null,"zip":"15090"},
2: {"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}...
Oh, and the return above comes back 'undefined' for some reason that eludes me at 3AM. >.<
It's one of those things where I think I am close, but not quite. Any tips, hints, or pokes in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
I feel it's better to be explicit about accessing the object. Seems like the object key is consistent with the name of the microservice function? If so:
getData(functionName) {
return this.sendMicroServiceRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: "api/authenticated/function/" + functionName
.then( response =>[functionName] )
this.getData("getcompanies").then(companies => {
this.dataCompanies = companies
let arrResponse = {data: ['x']};
let objResponse = {data: {getcompanies: 'x'}};
console.log(Object.values([0]);[0] would work if data was an array. To get the first-and-only element of an object, use Object.values([0] instead. Object.values converts an object to an array of its values.
Its counterparts Object.keys and Object.entries likewise return arrays of keys and key-value tuples respectively.
Note, order isn't guaranteed in objects, so this is only predictable in your situation because data has exactly a single key & value. Otherwise, you'd have to iterate the entry tuples and search for the desired entry.
Let's begin with a generic function, firstValue. It will get the first value of an object, if present, otherwise it will throw an error -
const x = { something: "foo" }
const y = {}
const firstValue = t =>
{ const v = Object.values(t)
if (v.length)
return v[0]
throw Error("empty data")
console.log(firstValue(x)) // "foo"
console.log(firstValue(y)) // Error: empty data
Now write a generic getData. We chain our firstValue function on the end, and be careful not to add a console.log or .catch here; that is a choice for the caller to decide -
getData(url) {
return this
.sendMicroServiceRequest({ method: "GET", url })
.then(response => {
if (
return Promise.reject(response)
Now we write getCompanies, getUsers, etc -
getCompanies() {
return getData("api/authenticated/function/getcompanies")
getUsers() {
return getData("api/authenticated/function/getusers")
async and await
Maybe you could spruce up getData with async and await -
async getData(url) {
const response =
await this.sendMicroServiceRequest({ method: "GET", url })
? firstValue(
: Promise.reject(response)
power of generics demonstrated
We might even suggest that these get* functions are no longer needed -
async getAll() {
return {
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getcompanies"),
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getusers"),
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getdevices"),
// ...
Above we used three await getData(...) requests which happen in serial order. Perhaps you want all of these requests to run in parallel. Below we will show how to do that -
async getAll() {
const requests = [
const [companies, users, devices] = Promise.all(requests)
return { companies, users, devices }
error handling
Finally, error handling is reserved for the caller and should not be attempted within our generic functions -
.then(data => this.render(data)) // some Vue template

How can i use the useSWR hook when my response need to do some logical operations before next dependant API call

I'm using swr in a CRA app and need to use the useSWR hook for data fetching that is both dependant and conditional. What i need to do is:
Call an api to get an id which i will use for a second api call. the id is located in either upcomingEvents or passedEvents .
I want to get it from upcomingEvents but if that array is empty i want to get it from passedEvents.
I know i want the first id in either of the arrays, so using the first index of either array is ok (ex: upcomingEvents[0].id).
Here is an example of the code and the response from the first api call:
const { data: result } = useSWR(`${BASE_URL}/event/${searchEvent}`);
// this second call will wait and run when the first call resolves
const { data: event, error } = useSWR(() => `${BASE_URL}/project/${result.upcomingEvents[0].id}`);
response from first call where i want to get the id for the next call could look like this:
"upcomingEvents": [{"id": "1234"}, {"id": "5678"}, {"id": "0909"}],
"passedEvents": [{"id": "0987"}, {"id": "6543"}]
if i hard code the second api call to use the upcomingEvents[0].id (like in the code example above) i get the response i want.
What i struggle with is where to put the logic that determines which of the id's to use in the depending second api call? I want this logic but can't figure out where without breaking the rules of hooks
const { data: result } = useSWR(`${BASE_URL}/event/${searchEvent}`);
const { data: event, error } = useSWR(() =>
result.upcomingEvents.length > 0
? `${BASE_URL}/project/${result.upcomingEvents[0].id}`
: `${BASE_URL}/project/${result.passedEvents[0].id}`
I would do it like this:
separate two useSWR requests into separate functions
pass null key into second useSWR() when returned value from the first useSWR is falsy. This will ensure the second fetch is skipped if the first one hasn't finished yet.
const fetcher = url => fetch(url).then(r => r.json())
const useEvents = () => {
const { data } = useSWR(`${BASE_URL}/event/${searchEvent}`, fetcher);
return data;
const useEventDetails = () => {
const events = useEvents();
let endpoint;
if (!events) {
endpoint = null
else {
endpoint = events.upcomingEvents.length > 0 ?
const { data } = useSWR(`${BASE_URL}/event/${searchEvent}`, fetcher);
return data;

Getting elements form object [1] and place it all on object [0] javascript

So I have a payload that pushes firestore collection to an object. Currently when I console.log the object, it shows:
I need it to be in just 1 array, how do I go about that?
I need it to look like (image below) so I can use it with my vuetify data tables
My vuex goes like this:
mutations: {
firebaseOrders(state, payload) {
actions: {
getFireBaseOrders(state) {
db.collection("orders").onSnapshot((res) => {
const changes = res.docChanges();
changes.forEach((change) => {
// Push all data to firebaseOrders[]
let payload =;
state.commit("firebaseOrders", payload);
This joins the two arrays together.
new_array = old_array[0].concat(old_array[1])
Reference: MDN Web Docs

mongoosejs - find() using nested objects

question is possibly a duplicate but I haven't found anything that provides an appropriate answer to my issue.
I have an ExpressJS server which is used to provide API requests to retrieve data from a MongoDB database. I am using mongoosejs for the MongoDB connection to query/save data.
I am building a route that will allow me to find all data that matches some user input but I am having trouble when doing the query. I have spent a long while looking online for someone with a similar issue but coming up blank.
I will leave example of the code I have at the minute below.
code for route
// -- return matched data (GET)
router.get('/match', async (req, res) => {
const style_data =; // grab url param for style scores ** this comes in as a string **
const character_data = req.query.character; // grab url param for character scores ** this comes in as a string **
// run matcher systems
const style_matches = style_match(style_data);
response: 200,
data: style_matches
}); // return data
code for the query
// ---(Build the finder)
const fetch_matches_using = async function(body, richness, smoke, sweetness) {
return await WhiskyModel.find({
'attributes.body': body,
'attributes.richness': richness,
'attributes.smoke': smoke,
'attributes.sweetness': sweetness
// ---(Start match function)---
const style_match = async function (scores_as_string) {
// ---(extract data)---
const body = scores_as_string[0];
const richness = scores_as_string[1];
const smoke = scores_as_string[2];
const sweetness = scores_as_string[3];
const matched = [];
// ---(initialise variables)---
let match_count = matched.length;
let first_run; // -> exact matches
let second_run; // -> +- 1
let third_run; // -> +- 2
let fourth_run; // -> +- 3
// ---(begin db find loop)---
first_run = fetch_matches_using(body, richness, smoke, sweetness).then((result) => {return result});
// ---(return final data)---
return matched
example of db object
_id: mongoid,
meta-data: {
pagemd:{some data},
name: whiskyname
age: whiskyage,
price: price
attributes: {
body: "3",
richness: "3",
smoke: "0",
sweetness: "3",
some other data ...
When I hit the route in postman the JSON data looks like:
response: 200,
data: {}
and when I console.log() out matched from within the style match function after I have pushed the it prints [ Promise(pending) ] which I don't understand.
if I console.log() the result from within the .then() I get an empty array.
I have tried using the populate() method after running the find which does technically work, but instead of only returning data that matches it returns every entry in the collection so I think I am doing something wrong there, but I also don't see why I would need to use the .populate() function to access the nested object.
Am I doing something totally wrong here?
I should also mention that the route and the matching functions are in different files just to try and keep things simple.
Thanks for any answers.
just posting an answer as I seem to have fixed this.
Issue was with my .find() function, needed to pass in the items to search by and then also a call back within the function to return error/data. I'll leave the changed code below.
new function
const fetch_matches_using = async function(body, richness, smoke, sweetness) {
const data = await WhiskyModel.find({
'attributes.body': body,
'attributes.richness': richness,
'attributes.smoke': smoke,
'attributes.sweetness': sweetness
}, (error, data) => { // new ¬
if (error) {
return error;
if (data) {
return data
return data; //new
There is still an issue with sending the found results back to the route but this is a different issue I believe. If its connected I'll edit this answer with the fix for that.

How to get more data with axios?

when I do this:
const uuidapi = await axios.get('' + args[1]);
I get this response from Axios:
So my question is: How do I get the Data after "socialMedia"? Heres how socialMedia looks like:
"socialMedia": {
"links": {
"YOUTUBE": "",
"DISCORD": "Altpapier#4847"
Why does it say socialMedia: [Object], and how do I get more than this?
I can't use const { data } = await axios.get(URL); because I want to get 2 URL responses with the complete data.
I also want to be able to safe for example the DISCORD Name Altpapier#4847 how do I do that?
All the data is already here, it's just the formatting of console.log that's not printing every nested object.
If you replace
it will work better
See this question: How can I get the full object in Node.js's console.log(), rather than '[Object]'?
you can use console.dir( yourObject, { depth: null } )

