Javascript: does not update? - javascript

I need to update search (query) parameters in URL if user enters those in search panel (on a page). I'm trying this:
$( document ).ready(function() {
if ($('.o_website_license_search_panel').length) {
$('.o_website_license_search_panel .o_search_submit').click(function () {
var search = $.deparam(;
console.log('before update')
search.license_key = $(".o_website_license_search_panel input[name='license_key']").val();
console.log('new obj ', search, $.param(search)) = $.param(search);
console.log('after update')
And I get this output:
before update
web.assets_frontend.js:1254 ?license_state=cancel
web.assets_frontend.js:1255 new obj {license_state: "cancel", license_key: "test2"} license_state=cancel&license_key=test2
web.assets_frontend.js:1256 after update
web.assets_frontend.js:1257 ?license_state=cancel
As you can see stays the same. Is there something I miss, or it is intended this way?..

Setting search (or any of the other properties on location other than hash) causes a reload of the page. The property will continue to have its previous value until that happens, which is why you see the previous value in your logging statements. After the old value is logged, unless code on your page is preventing it from happening, the page will be reloaded with the new query string, at which point would reveal the new string.
More: window.location's properties on MDN

You can use the history api provided by javascript also to help out, but to also let you know it won't refresh the page but change the browser url in the url pane, Cleverly done you can achieve what you want
Visit this link for more details
Sometimes people use this method for ajax purpose, thereby enabling them to store history data and also for bookmarking


Redirecting a user to a page that opens a modal

I am using the following approach when I need to redirect a user to a different page and open up a modal on that page:
var qsData = parseQueryString();
var showModal = ("show-modal" in qsData);
if (showModal) {
// Load the modal and change the url back to the base url
var modalToDisplay = qsData['show-modal'];
window.history.pushState({}, null, window.location.href.split('?')[0]);
This way I can pass a url such as:
And it will open up the "change password" modal for them. There are two things I want to accomplish in doing this redirect:
If the user refreshes the page, it just shows the base url -- [currently handled in the above code]
If the user hits the 'back' button in their browser, it doesn't include the redirect url -- [currently not handled in the above code]
What would be the best way to accomplish this? That is, changing the url but without storing that in the history? I was thinking of using a session variable instead, but I don't think that would work, as sometimes the url links will come in an email, and so I sometimes won't have a 'state' to start with.
You should try using
window.history.replaceState({}, null, window.location.href.split('?')[0]);
This will not add new state into the stack. It will replace the current one.

Detecting Unique Browser Tabs

On every page of my sites, I am using AJAX to poll the server and retrieve a list of messages. The server maintains a list of messages and the SessionId (I'm in an ASP.NET environment, but I feel like this question is applicable to any server side technology) that the message is intended for. If a message is found for the particular SessionId, it is returned to the client side script. I use a JavaScript library to create a notification (using noty, a Jquery Notification Plugin). Once it returns a particular message, the server discards that message.
This works well if the user only has a single tab/window open for a particular site. However, let's say they have two open and they do something that causes a warning message to be generated. I have no control over which tab the notification goes to, so the user may not end up seeing the warning message.
Is there a way of uniquely identifying a browser tab? Then I could pass this as one of the parameters in my AJAX call.
Firstly, polling doesn't seem good mechanism. It might hit your server down when you have large number of active users. Ideally you should return a message in the response to the request that was result of invalid action.
Still below solution might work for you. It is inspired by the reply of #SergioGarcia.
Keep a hidden input just before the end of your form tag, which stores a unique ID for identifying a tab uniquely. You will store the messages on server session against unique tabID,
<input type="hidden" id="hiddenInputTabId" value="<%=getValue()%>" />
and then define getValue.
function string getValue() {
var v = getValueFormBodyOrAccessValueDirectlyByMakingInput_a_ServerSideControl();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v)) {
return Guid.NewId();
} else {
return v;
Because it is a hidden input you should get it's value in the POSTed form body, and for ajax requests below snippet should take care of sending that value in header which you can access on server side.
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("tabId", $('#hiddenInputTabId').val());
Same header can be check while returning the response to your polling requests and only respond message available against the provided tabId should be responded.
You can add a query string parameter called tabId and control it's binding to tab using javascript.
There is a functional prototype below:
$(function () {
// from:
function getQueryStringParameter (sVar) {
return decodeURI( RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\?]" + encodeURI(sVar).replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$", "i"), "$1"));
// from:
function newGuid() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
window.tabId = getQueryStringParameter('tabId');
// tabId not defined, reload the page setting it
if (!window.tabId) {
window.tabId = newGuid();
// on click set the tabId of each link to current page
$(document).on('click', 'a', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
var newLocation = $(this).attr("href");
// In page links
if (newLocation.match(/^#.+$/)) {
// Outbound links
if (newLocation.match(new RegExp("^https?")) && !newLocation.match(new RegExp("^https?://" + {
// Insert tab id
if (newLocation.match(/(\?|&)tabId=[0-9a-f-]+/)) {
newLocation.replace(/(\?|&)tabId=[0-9a-f-]+/, (newLocation.indexOf('?') == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "tabId=" + window.tabId);
} else {
newLocation += (newLocation.indexOf('?') == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "tabId=" + window.tabId;
window.location.href = newLocation;
If you enter a page in your application without setting the tabId parameter on query string, it will be set to a new UUID (Guid).
When the page has a tabId parameter on query string, it defines the window.tabId variable inside your page and you can use that in your application.
When the user click on any link in your page, a javascript event will be triggered and the link url will be redirected to match the current tabId. An right click to open in new tab or a middle click will not trigger that event and the user will be sent to a new tab without the query string parameters, so the new page will create a new tabId in that page.
You can see it working here:
You can do it by generating a unique tab id with javascript by loading your client.
I strongly recommend you to use something for intertab communication, like intercom.js, which can broadcast the messages from a single tab with a single connection to every other tabs. Intertab works with, which has long polling fallback, so it may be good in your current system as well. I agree that polling is a poor choice, and you should use websockets instead.
If you use ZMQ on the server, then in the browser you can use NullMQ either (for websockets ofc). I think it does not have intertab support, so you should make your own intertab solution to make it work. It is not so hard to write such a system, you need only a common storage, for example localStorage, but it can be even cookie... If you don't have a storage event, you have to ping that storage for changes with setInterval. You have to store there the messages, and which tab broadcasts them (probably in a semaphore) and when was the last time it pinged the storage. After that you can keep each tab in sync with the others, or by using a unique tab id, you can send customized messages to any of the tabs. If the broadcast tab has a storage timeout (it did not ping the storage for a long while), then it is probably closed, so you should assign the broadcast service to another tab.
So what I ended up doing was changing how my notification framework functioned in order to prevent the need for identifying unique tabs. It's just too hard to layer information on the stateless web.
Instead of using Ajax to pump messages out to the client instantly, I build them up on each page into a List<Message> property. On PreRender I render them to the client with ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(). But if I need to send the user to another page, I started using Server.Transfer() instead of Response.Redirect() instead so that it will preserve the message queue. The new page checks the old page to see if it exists and if is the correct Type. If it is the correct type, I cast it and retrieve the message queue from the old page and add them to the new page's queue. And since Server.Transfer() doesn't update the URL on the client, I also added a JavaScript function to manually push the state to the URL in supported browsers.
I know I took this in a little different direction than I did on the question, but I think I had been approaching it wrong in the beginning.

History.js getState() at pageload

I'm a little confused about how History.js works at page-load. I've done a few experiments but the results seem indeterministic.
My website is a search engine and the query is stored in the URL parameters: ?Query=cats. The site is written purely in javascript. History.js works great when I do a new search, the new query is updated, and the state is pushed.
My problem is how to create an initial state if the user manually enters in a URL including a Query parameter. Every way I try to do this ends up resulting in running the search query twice in some case. The two use-cases that seem to conflict are:
User manually enters URL ( into address bar and hits enter.
User navigates to an external page, and then clicks the back button
In both cases, the javascript loads, and therefore looks to the URL parameters to generate an initial state.
However, in the second case, History.js will trigger the statechange event as well.
Necessary code:
History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function() { // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var s = History.getState();
and in $(document).ready I have
// Get history from URL
s = getQueryObjectFromUrl(location.href);
Is there a better way to handle creating an initial state from URL parameters?
As I had a similar problem to to yours, what i did was to define the function bound to a statechange as a named function, and then all I had it running when the page load as well.
It worked better than trying to parse the URI or anything else, hope it helps.
This is the way I chose to do it (based on Fabiano's response) to store the initial state parameters
var renderHistory = function () {
var State = History.getState(), data =;
if (data.rendered) {
//Your render page methods using data.renderData
} else {
History.replaceState({ rendered: true, renderData: yourInitData}, "Title You Want", null);
History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', renderHistory);
Of course if you are using a different on DOM load like jquery's you can just place renderHistory(); inside of it, but this way doesn't require any additional libraries. It causes a state change only once and it replaces the empty initial state with one containing data. In this way if you use ajax to get the initData inside the else, and it will not need to get it the next time the person returns to the page, and you can always set rendered to false to go back to initial page state / refresh content.

How can I bind own data to the history object using JQuery Mobile?

I'm looking for a nice way to bind my own app data (like currentQuestion, currentAnswer) to the history object.
I tried to keep track in the hashchange event, but that gets complicated.
I try it with url parameters, but I want to have status object with some entries for each element on the history stack, so I would have to have many parameters.
Is there a way just to add an object to the history stack?
If you use jquery mobile ajax transition you will have access to the same global jquery object on all pages, you can append data to it, for example in the first page you assign currentQuestion and currentAnswer
$.currentQuestion = 'something';
$.currentAnswer = 'something';
On the next page you can access these variables easily
That is how I move data between pages inside jquery mobile
I found the way. You can just insert variables into the history stack:
var urlh = $.mobile.urlHistory;
if( "factId" in urlh.stack[urlh.activeIndex] ) {
// load
cp10.score.currentFactId = urlh.stack[urlh.activeIndex].factId;
} else {
// store fact id in history object
urlh.stack[urlh.activeIndex].factId = cp10.score.currentFactId;
Here I insert a variable 'factId'. If it is not already in the stack element (what happens when the page is first loaded), then insert it. Later (when hte user hits the back button or so) you can retrieve it from there.

Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript

How would I have a JavaScript action that may have some effects on the current page but would also change the URL in the browser so if the user hits reload or bookmark, then the new URL is used?
It would also be nice if the back button would reload the original URL.
I am trying to record JavaScript state in the URL.
If you want it to work in browsers that don't support history.pushState and history.popState yet, the "old" way is to set the fragment identifier, which won't cause a page reload.
The basic idea is to set the window.location.hash property to a value that contains whatever state information you need, then either use the window.onhashchange event, or for older browsers that don't support onhashchange (IE < 8, Firefox < 3.6), periodically check to see if the hash has changed (using setInterval for example) and update the page. You will also need to check the hash value on page load to set up the initial content.
If you're using jQuery there's a hashchange plugin that will use whichever method the browser supports. I'm sure there are plugins for other libraries as well.
One thing to be careful of is colliding with ids on the page, because the browser will scroll to any element with a matching id.
With HTML 5, use the history.pushState function. As an example:
<script type="text/javascript">
var stateObj = { foo: "bar" };
function change_my_url()
history.pushState(stateObj, "page 2", "bar.html");
var link = document.getElementById('click');
link.addEventListener('click', change_my_url, false);
and a href:
<a href="#" id='click'>Click to change url to bar.html</a>
If you want to change the URL without adding an entry to the back button list, use history.replaceState instead.
window.location.href contains the current URL. You can read from it, you can append to it, and you can replace it, which may cause a page reload.
If, as it sounds like, you want to record javascript state in the URL so it can be bookmarked, without reloading the page, append it to the current URL after a # and have a piece of javascript triggered by the onload event parse the current URL to see if it contains saved state.
If you use a ? instead of a #, you will force a reload of the page, but since you will parse the saved state on load this may not actually be a problem; and this will make the forward and back buttons work correctly as well.
I would strongly suspect this is not possible, because it would be an incredible security problem if it were. For example, I could make a page which looked like a bank login page, and make the URL in the address bar look just like the real bank!
Perhaps if you explain why you want to do this, folks might be able to suggest alternative approaches...
[Edit in 2011: Since I wrote this answer in 2008, more info has come to light regarding an HTML5 technique that allows the URL to be modified as long as it is from the same origin]
jQuery has a great plugin for changing browsers' URL, called jQuery-pusher.
JavaScript pushState and jQuery could be used together, like:
history.pushState(null, null, $(this).attr('href'));
$('a').click(function (event) {
// Prevent default click action
// Detect if pushState is available
if(history.pushState) {
history.pushState(null, null, $(this).attr('href'));
return false;
Using only JavaScript history.pushState(), which changes the referrer, that gets used in the HTTP header for XMLHttpRequest objects created after you change the state.
window.history.pushState("object", "Your New Title", "/new-url");
The pushState() method:
pushState() takes three parameters: a state object, a title (which is currently ignored), and (optionally) a URL. Let's examine each of these three parameters in more detail:
state object — The state object is a JavaScript object which is associated with the new history entry created by pushState(). Whenever the user navigates to the new state, a popstate event is fired, and the state property of the event contains a copy of the history entry's state object.
The state object can be anything that can be serialized. Because Firefox saves state objects to the user's disk so they can be restored after the user restarts her browser, we impose a size limit of 640k characters on the serialized representation of a state object. If you pass a state object whose serialized representation is larger than this to pushState(), the method will throw an exception. If you need more space than this, you're encouraged to use sessionStorage and/or localStorage.
title — Firefox currently ignores this parameter, although it may use it in the future. Passing the empty string here should be safe against future changes to the method. Alternatively, you could pass a short title for the state to which you're moving.
URL — The new history entry's URL is given by this parameter. Note that the browser won't attempt to load this URL after a call to pushState(), but it might attempt to load the URL later, for instance after the user restarts her browser. The new URL does not need to be absolute; if it's relative, it's resolved relative to the current URL. The new URL must be of the same origin as the current URL; otherwise, pushState() will throw an exception. This parameter is optional; if it isn't specified, it's set to the document's current URL.
Browser security settings prevent people from modifying the displayed url directly. You could imagine the phishing vulnerabilities that would cause.
Only reliable way to change the url without changing pages is to use an internal link or hash. e.g.: becomes . This technique is often used in hijax(AJAX + preserve history).
When doing this I'll often just use links for the actions with the hash as the href, then add click events with jquery that use the requested hash to determine and delegate the action.
I hope that sets you on the right path.
There is a Yahoo YUI component (Browser History Manager) which can handle this:
Facebook's photo gallery does this using a #hash in the URL. Here are some example URLs:
Before clicking 'next':
After clicking 'next':
Note the hash-bang (#!) immediately followed by the new URL.
A more simple answer i present,
window.history.pushState(null, null, "/abc")
this will add /abc after the domain name in the browser URL. Just copy this code and paste it in the browser console and see the URL changing to ""
There's a jquery plugin
I think this is what you need.
What is working for me is - history.replaceState() function which is as follows -
history.replaceState(data,"Title of page"[,'url-of-the-page']);
This will not reload page, you can make use of it with event of javascript
I was wondering if it will posible as long as the parent path in the page is same, only something new is appended to it.
So like let's say the user is at the page:
Then the browser can let me do location.append = new.html
and the page becomes: and the browser does not change it.
Or just allow the person to change get parameter, so let's location.get = me=1&page=1.
So original page becomes and it does not refresh.
The problem with # is that the data is not cached (at least I don't think so) when hash is changed. So it is like each time a new page is being loaded, whereas back- and forward buttons in a non-Ajax page are able to cache data and do not spend time on re-loading the data.
From what I saw, the Yahoo history thing already loads all of the data at once. It does not seem to be doing any Ajax requests. So when a div is used to handle different method overtime, that data is not stored for each history state.
my code is:
//change address bar
function setLocation(curLoc){
try {
history.pushState(null, null, curLoc);
return false;
} catch(e) {}
location.hash = '#' + curLoc;
and action:
and example
$('nav li a').on('click', function(){
if($(this).hasClass('active')) {
} else {
return false;
That's all :)
I've had success with:
It just adds #myValue to the current URL. If you need to trigger an event on page Load, you can use the same location.hash to check for the relevant value. Just remember to remove the # from the value returned by location.hash e.g.
var articleId = window.location.hash.replace("#","");

