Returing a list of strings and iterating over it - javascript

I am new to jQuery and I am trying to iterate through a list of strings after making an ajax call to a controller. In this controller, I am returning a list of strings and I want to iterate over this list in jquery and present it to the screen. Here is my code.
This is my controller
public ActionResult GetComments() {
var cmts = ex.GetComments(psts, psons);
var lstCmt = ex.GetCommentsList(cments, psons);
return Json(lstCmt);
This is my view:
<button id="ldBtn" class="btn btn-primary">Load</button>
<div id="cments">
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#ldBtn").on('click', function(evt) {
type: "POST",
dataType: "html",
url: '#Url.Action("GetComments")',
data: {},
success: function(lists) {
//Something needs to be fixed here
$.each(lists, function(i, name) {
$('#comments').append('<p>' + name.Value + '</p>');
When I return the list, I am getting a huge string. How do I fix this?
Thanks in Advance

There's a couple of issues in your JS code. Firstly you're telling jQuery to expect a HTML response in the dataType setting. This is why you see the response as a string. This should be changed to JSON instead, that way jQuery will deserialise the response for you.
Secondly you're attempting to concatenate a Value property on each item in the list, yet they are strings (as you state you're returning a List<string> from your action), and will not have that property. You can simply append the name itself. Try this:
$("#ldBtn").on('click', function(evt) {
url: '#Url.Action("GetComments")',
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(comments) {
$('#cments').append('<p>' + comments.join('</p><p>') + '</p>');
I assume the #comments/#cments discrepancy is only due to amending parts of your code when creating the question.
Also note that I simplified the append() logic so that it appends all comments in a single call, which should be slightly faster.


Change input name attributes after getting html data from action through AJAX in ASP.NET MVC

I have a simple ajax request which get from server a generated HTML, like:
url: '/GetData'
type: "POST",
dataType: "html",
data: ...,
success: function(data) {
// here I want to change `name` attributes of inputs
// before print on page
// but it doesn't work, so, how to manage this ?
$(data).find("input[name='test']").prop("name", "anotherValue");
and my action is simple:
public ActionResult GetData(){
return PartialView("myview", new MyModel());
I want to change input name attributes before print them in html page. If I do in success function (see above) then no change is made.
Why ? To to achieve this ?
try something like
$("input").each(function() {
if($(this).prop("name") == "test") $(this).prop("name", "anotherValue");
Data cannot be edited unless you append them to the DOM
So, use String.Replace function
var removed=data.replace("name='test'","anotherValue")
or do this
$(data).prependTo("myDiv").find("input[name='test']").prop("name", "anotherValue");

How to fetch JSON object though JavaScript or jQuery and generate dynamically content for multiple record through JavaScript or jQuery?

Understand already done process for single object and single data, which is working pretty cool.
1) output from the PHP Server encoded into JSON format.
{"product_id":"1","sku":"FGDGE43","set":"4","type":"simple","categories":["2"],"websites":["1"],"type_id":"simple","name":"Honey","description":"Where sweetness belong.","short_description":"Sweetness.","weight":"100.0000","old_id":null,"news_from_date":null,"news_to_date":null,"status":"1","url_key":"hgjjhgjh","url_path":"hgjjhgjh.html","visibility":"4","category_ids":["2"],"required_options":"0","has_options":"0","image_label":"Honey","small_image_label":"Honey","thumbnail_label":"Honey","created_at":"2014-02-10 14:36:54","updated_at":"2014-02-19 11:37:07","country_of_manufacture":null,"price":"43.0000","group_price":[],"special_price":null,"special_from_date":null,"special_to_date":null,"tier_price":[],"minimal_price":null,"msrp_enabled":"2","msrp_display_actual_price_type":"4","msrp":null,"enable_googlecheckout":"1","tax_class_id":"0","meta_title":null,"meta_keyword":null,"meta_description":null,"is_recurring":"0","recurring_profile":null,"custom_design":null,"custom_design_from":null,"custom_design_to":null,"custom_layout_update":null,"page_layout":null,"options_container":"container2","gift_message_available":null,"0":{"file":"\/h\/o\/honey.jpg","label":"Honey","position":"1","exclude":"0","url":"http:\/\/\/magento\/media\/catalog\/product\/h\/o\/honey.jpg","types":["image","small_image","thumbnail"]}}
2) Now
I can fetch above mentioned SINGLE JSON object through jQuery and dynamically change the content of the page.
$(document).ready( function() {
alert('bhoom : oh yea its coming');
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: 'id=testdata',
dataType: 'text',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
var json = $.parseJSON(data);
This is working fine.
Here come my Question
How can i fetch two or more object through JS or JQ and create dynamic elements though JS/JQ or any other mechanism and then put this data in dynamically generated elements.
i.e : for below mentioned JSON object ?
[{"product_id":"1","sku":"FGDGE43","set":"4","type":"simple","categories":["2"],"websites":["1"],"type_id":"simple","name":"Honey","description":"Where sweetness belong.","short_description":"Sweetness.","weight":"100.0000","old_id":null,"news_from_date":null,"news_to_date":null,"status":"1","url_key":"hgjjhgjh","url_path":"hgjjhgjh.html","visibility":"4","category_ids":["2"],"required_options":"0","has_options":"0","image_label":"Honey","small_image_label":"Honey","thumbnail_label":"Honey","created_at":"2014-02-10 14:36:54","updated_at":"2014-02-19 11:37:07","country_of_manufacture":null,"price":"43.0000","group_price":[],"special_price":null,"special_from_date":null,"special_to_date":null,"tier_price":[],"minimal_price":null,"msrp_enabled":"2","msrp_display_actual_price_type":"4","msrp":null,"enable_googlecheckout":"1","tax_class_id":"0","meta_title":null,"meta_keyword":null,"meta_description":null,"is_recurring":"0","recurring_profile":null,"custom_design":null,"custom_design_from":null,"custom_design_to":null,"custom_layout_update":null,"page_layout":null,"options_container":"container2","gift_message_available":null},[{"file":"\/h\/o\/honey.jpg","label":"Honey","position":"1","exclude":"0","url":"http:\/\/\/magento\/media\/catalog\/product\/h\/o\/honey.jpg","types":["image","small_image","thumbnail"]}],{"product_id":"2","sku":"asdf654a6sd5f4","set":"4","type":"simple","categories":[],"websites":["1"],"type_id":"simple","name":"Butter","description":"Buttery Buttery Buttery","short_description":"Buttery Buttery ","weight":"100.0000","old_id":null,"news_from_date":null,"news_to_date":null,"status":"1","url_key":"butter","url_path":"butter.html","visibility":"4","category_ids":[],"required_options":"0","has_options":"0","image_label":"butter","small_image_label":"butter","thumbnail_label":"butter","created_at":"2014-02-25 11:35:49","updated_at":"2014-02-25 11:53:10","country_of_manufacture":null,"price":"100.0000","group_price":[],"special_price":null,"special_from_date":null,"special_to_date":null,"tier_price":[],"minimal_price":null,"msrp_enabled":"2","msrp_display_actual_price_type":"4","msrp":null,"enable_googlecheckout":"1","tax_class_id":"0","meta_title":null,"meta_keyword":null,"meta_description":null,"is_recurring":"0","recurring_profile":null,"custom_design":null,"custom_design_from":null,"custom_design_to":null,"custom_layout_update":null,"page_layout":null,"options_container":"container2","gift_message_available":null},[{"file":"\/b\/u\/butter.jpg","label":"butter","position":"1","exclude":"0","url":"http:\/\/\/magento\/media\/catalog\/product\/b\/u\/butter.jpg","types":["image","small_image","thumbnail"]}]]
what i've tried to create 'dynamic content and putting data in that' is here.
$(document).ready( function() {
alert('bhoom : oh yea its coming');
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: 'id=testdata',
dataType: 'text',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
// asumming that server returns more than one products
// in JSON Object.
// So iterate over this JSON Object through .each JQuery
// function.
var divHtml;
var productDiv = $("#productDetailsDiv");
//its reference
$(data).each(function(index, value) {
// Take Html of productTemplate Div in divHtml variable.
divHtml = $('#productsTemplate').html();
// Fill divHtml with values
// Add divHtml to productDiv
// Loop for next value in data
So, Am I making mistake to fetching complicated JSON object or there is a code went wrong with jQuery?
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
try the block with query $.each
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
here pname, pdesc... etc,. you need to update with dynamic elements
You can user jquery each function to achieve this:
$(document).ready( function() {
alert('bhoom : oh yea its coming');
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: 'id=testdata',
dataType: 'text',
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
var json = $.parseJSON(data);
$.each(json, function(index, element){
Thanks for your suggestion.
I find out that the JSON object i'm getting through PHP server as an output, is in multi-dimensional array. So for the shake of the simplicity, at server side, we have to generate one-dimensional array of JSON object as an output to be fetched and manipulated at client-side.
Now We can do stuff like generating dynamic content on through JS/JQ on HTML page and render(fill-in) the data with the same.

Put json result from php script into divs jQuery

I have two divs, each one should have a record name from a json result.
<div class="first"></div>
<div class="second"></div>
My json file is as follows :
{"Name":"name2","Instruction":"instr again"}]
I want to put in the first div's value, the ‘Name‘ value of the first record, same for the second div but with the second record.
I'm using jQuery :
$(document).ready(function() {
function(data) {
//alert("Data: " + data);
$('div.first').append(data.Name); //data.Name returns undefined
Any help would be appreciated.
as far as you are using post for you ajax call, the data returns as a json string, do this:
$(document).ready(function() {
function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
As previously mentioned you need to parse the result as json. You could use the built in parser in jquery. Like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
url: 'data/result.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success : function (data) {
First of all, you can give a datatype with a request:
$.post('data/result.php',function(data) { },'JSON');
If you are not posting any information, why not just use $.get ? (it's the same syntax btw)
$.post('data/result.php',function(data) {
var $first = $('div.first'),
$second = $('div.second');
Also, if you use .append(..) it will be appended to whatever is already in the div. If that is your intention, use .append(...). However, if you want to replace the content of it, even if it is empty, use .text(...) or .html(...)

Reading from JSON array

Here is my JSON array:
now I am trying to get the different parts but nothing I try works. I have tried
msg.first //returns undefined
msg['first'] // returns undefined
msg[0] // returns that first bracket {
I am sure this can be easily solved, I just dont know what the issue is. This array is output by some php using json_encode(). If that code is relavent please let me know and I will put it up. Thanks.
If msg[0] returns the first bracket, your JSON is somehow being interpreted as a string. This can be easily fixed through jQuery's parseJSON():
msg = $.parseJSON(msg);
I tried like this.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function display(data) {
$.each(data, function(key,value) {
$('#userDetails').append('<li>' + key + " : " +'<span class="ui-li-aside">'+ value +'</span></li>');
$(document).ready(function() {
msg= {"userid":"82",
<div id="userDetails"></div>
I've run into this problem a bunch when using the jQuery ajax function. You need to specify that you're expecting a json response.
If you make this call, the data variable returned will be a string.
type: "POST",
url: '/controller/function',
data: {
'parameter_name' : value,
success: function(data){
console.log(data.blah); // Undefined
But if you specify the dataType as "json," the data variable will be a json object.
dataType: "json", // Have to include this
type: "POST",
url: '/controller/function',
data: {
'parameter_name' : value,
success: function(data){
console.log(data.blah); // Defined!!!

jQuery Loop from a AJAX Response

I'm building a tagger. After a user submits a tag, ajax returns:
{"returnmessage":"The Ajax operation was successful.","tagsinserted":"BLAH, BLOOOW","returncode":"0"}
I want to take the tagsinserted and loop through it, and during each loop take the item in the list and insert it on the HTML page. suggestion on how to do this right?
Here is the current code:
// Post $('#tag-input').val()
url: '/tags/ajax/post-tag/',
data: { newtaginput : $('#tag-input').val(), userid : $('#userid').val()},
success: function(data) {
// After posting
You can do something like this:
url: '/tags/ajax/post-tag/',
data: {newtaginput : $('#tag-input').val(), userid : $('#userid').val()},
success: function(data) {
$.each(data.tagsinserted.split(', '), function(i, v) {
You can loop through the tags by calling data.tags.split(',') and looping through the array it returns.
You can insert tags to the page by calling $('<li />').text(tag).appendTo('someSelector').

