Can I reset a jQuery sticky navbar function? - javascript

I'm new here and I'm facing a little problem with a jQuery script I'm using to change my CSS when my sticky navbar scrolls over a certain section.
First, I'm using one class called ".stickychange", which is the trigger for the jQuery function. On this section, I'm using a background-image (one picture I've taken personally), and I want my white navbar to become transparent black when it's over this said section. And it's working like a charm. But after this section, I have a white section and I want my navbar to take its default style, but it doesn't.
If I'm scrolling back to the top, it's taking its default settings, but if I'm scrolling past the .stickychange, it would stay with the tweaked CSS styles.
Do you know how to reset a function, or at least, stop it when it reaches a certain point?
Here's the code, it's a basic code if you wanna change styles on elements while scrolling :
var scroll_start = 0;
var startchange = $(".stickychange");
var offset = startchange.offset();
if (startchange) {
$(document).scroll(function () {
scroll_start = $(this).scrollTop();
if (scroll_start > {
$("#menu_top").css('background-color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)');
$("#menu_top").css('transition', 'all 0.2s ease-in');
$("#menu_top a").addClass("stickyspecial");
$("#menu_top h2").addClass("stickyname");
} else {
$('#menu_top').css('background-color', '#fff');
$('#menu_top a').removeClass("stickyspecial");
$('#menu_top h2').removeClass("stickyname");
Thanks, guys in advance! :)

Get the height of the div and add this to your if.
var scroll_start = 0;
var startchange = $(".stickychange");
var offset = startchange.offset();
// Get the height with padding and border
// You could use .height() if you just want the height of the div.
var endchange = startchange.outerHeight();
if (startchange) {
$(document).scroll(function () {
scroll_start = $(this).scrollTop();
if (scroll_start > && scroll_start < + endchange) { //<- Add it here
$("#menu_top").css('background-color', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)');
$("#menu_top").css('transition', 'all 0.2s ease-in');
$("#menu_top a").addClass("stickyspecial");
$("#menu_top h2").addClass("stickyname");
} else {
$('#menu_top').css('background-color', '#fff');
$('#menu_top a').removeClass("stickyspecial");
$('#menu_top h2').removeClass("stickyname");
If you're using margin on the div and want it to be applied, use .outerHeight(true).


Show one div when another div scrolls off screen. Getting unwanted flashes

I would like to show one div (.cu5-topbar) when another div (.cu5box-box) scrolls off screen. The problem is that the the .cu5-topbar div is showing up right as the .cu5box-box div is leaving the screen. That's also causing the .cu5-topbar to flashing for a few seconds while the two divs overlap each other. Here is my code so far:
var scroll_start = 0;
var startchange = jQuery('.cu5box-box');
var offset = startchange.offset();
if (startchange.length) {
jQuery(document).scroll(function () {
scroll_start = jQuery(this).scrollTop();
if (scroll_start > {
} else {
I would like for the .cu5-topbar div to show up as soon the .cu5box-box div is completely off of the screen and I would like for the .cu5-topbar div to disappear as soon as the .cu5box-box div comes onto the screen.
Try the below, you had not included jQuery in your jsfiddle example.
You also needed to attach the scroll event to the window. Finally the offset needed the elements height added to the total to make sure you where getting the correct position of the end of the element.
var scroll_start = 0;
var startchange = jQuery('.cu5box-box');
var offset = startchange.offset();
if (startchange.length) {
$(window).scroll(function () {
scroll_start = $(this).scrollTop();
if (scroll_start > + startchange.height()) {
} else {

Animate div detect top or bottom of it

I want my div to animate when that div is almost half while scrolling.
How can I do it? It's not on a fixed div but its like sticky sidebar
Just like on this website sample
this is my code
$(function(){ // document ready
if ($('.filter-container').length) { // make sure ".filter-container" element exists
var el = $('.filter-container');
var stickyTop = $('.filter-container').offset().top; // returns number
var stickyHeight = $('.filter-container').height();
$(window).scroll(function(){ // scroll event
var limit = $('#footer').offset().top - stickyHeight - 100;
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number
if (stickyTop < windowTop){
el.css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, width: 280 });
else {
el.css({ position: 'static', width: 280 });
if (limit < windowTop) {
var diff = limit - windowTop;
el.css({top: diff});
You could write a jQuery function using Waypoints.
Or more easily (in my opinion) but with higher payload cost use Bootstrap affix. In this case you keep your current css but then add some Bootstrap properties to the div, in your case:
<div class="filter-container" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="60" data-offset-bottom="200">
This will add the classes .affix-top to the div UNTIL the user scrolls past 60px. Then if will change to .affix when the user gets 200px from the bottom it will change to .affix-bottom to the class.
This jsfiddle shows it quite well:
This shows the appropriate css to get the sticky effect.

How to make an element become fixed when 50px from the top of the screen

I have a html div element that scrolls with the page but I would like it to become fixed once it reaches 50px from the top of the screen...
How is this done?
My div id is #box
If you want it to be fixed at the top of the page at some distance from the top, you can check the top offset of the element and change the class when it reach the distance you want.
Here is the jquery code for your reference
jQuery(document).scroll(function() {
var documentTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop();
console.log('this is current top of your document' + documentTop );
//box top is 891
if (documentTop > 841) {
//change the value of the css at this point
You need to be more specific about what have you done so far. For eg, how did you make the div element to scrolls inside the page. using css or js/jquery animation features?That will help us to give more specific answer.
**Edited According to your fiddle.
They are right, this question is duplicate. Here is a code I made with answers from the forum.
var box_top = $("#box").offset().top;
$(window).scroll(function (event) {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= (box_top - 50)) {
} else {
Hope it helps anyway.
Try something like this. It's a solution using jquery (hopefully not a problem) that checks the scrollHeight of the page every time the page scrolls. If the scrollHeight is greater than a certain threshold, the element becomes fixed. If not, the element is positioned relatively (but you can do whatever you want in that case.
$(document).ready(function() {
var navFixed = false;
var $box = $("#box");
var topHeight = 50;
$(document).scroll(function() {
if ($(document).scrollTop() >= topHeight && !navFixed) {
$box.css("position", "fixed");
navFixed = true;
else if ($(document).scrollTop() < topHeight && navFixed) {
$box.css("position", "relative");
navFixed = false;
You would have to write some additional CSS targeting the #box element that tells it what coordinates you'd like it to be fixed to.

stick div to screen if bottom of div and screen matches

Hello all I am working on a project where in a page I have to stick the div to screen (disable scrolling) when its bottom is at the bottom of screen. I have two divs in the page and both the divs are of variable height. I want to stick the div2 and scroll the div1.
var divheight
var scrolltop
var screenheight
if(divheight-scrolltop <= screenheight){
/* now stick the div wherever it is i can not
use fixed position as both the divs are floating and
fixing the position will make it to change the position*/ }
else { /*un stick the div*/ }
i dont know what to put in if and else please help me
Make a function which fire on scroll. The main aim of the function would be to see the difference between screen height and bottom of the div. Once the difference is less than or equal to zero modify the css position to fixed. This will help you
(function ($) {
$('.DIV1').scroll(function () {
var $this = $(this),
win_ht = $(window).height(),
div_ht = $this.height(),
div_bot = $this.offset().top + div_ht;
if (win_ht - div_bot <= 0) {
'position': 'fixed',
'bottom': '0'

Javascript: have div always remain at the top when it reaches the top edge of browser with jquery

how to have a div that always stay on the screen? Lets say i have a div at the left hand site. When the browser is scroll to the bottom, the div will remain there ONLY when its' top reaches the top edge of browser screen so that it will not be hidden. I am using jquery too.
Thank you.
here is a Good ScreenCast By RemySharp Regarding this Issue
Demo Page :
You need to invoke .scrollTop() on the window and compare that with the offset top value from that DIV.
$(window).bind('scroll', function(e){
var $div = $('.top').
sTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if($div.offset().top <= sTop)
$div.css('top', sTop);
$div.css('top', '100px');
Whereas in this example, .top is the element which should stay at top.
If you want it to always stay in thesame place, you can use the css property position: fixed; else you can use a combination of $(window).scroll() and .scrollTop(); to detect where your div is in relation to the screen and apply the right positioning.
/* - Sticky Top jQuery Plugin */
jQuery.fn.sticky_top = function () {
/* check for our hidden div.. create it if it doesn't exist */
if (!this.find("#sticky_top").length > 0)
this.append("<div id='sticky_top' style='display:none'>"+this.css('top')+"</div>");
var thisdiv = this;
$(window).bind('scroll', function(e){
var initval = thisdiv.find("#sticky_top").text();
var wintop = $(window).scrollTop();
var boxtop = initval.replace(/px/i, "");
if(wintop >= boxtop)
if ( $.browser.msie )
thisdiv.css('top', wintop+'px');
} else {
thisdiv.css('position', 'fixed');
thisdiv.css('top', '0');
// console.log(boxtop+':'+wintop);
/* thisdiv.css('top', wintop+'px'); */
thisdiv.css('position', 'absolute');
thisdiv.css('top', initval);
You can use like this:
Keep your div position: fixed;

