3d sphere using javascript - javascript

I have been trying to learn creating basic 3d sphere using html5 canvas and I am new to 3d programming. When I googled, I found this incredibly useful article.You can find working example there.
function drawEllipse(ox, oy, oz, or, alpha, beta, gamma, hidden) {
for (var theta=0; theta <=2 * Math.PI; theta += 0.02) {
var px = ox + or * Math.cos(theta);
var py = oy;
var pz = oz + or * Math.sin(theta);
var a = transform(px, py, pz, alpha, beta, gamma);
if (!hidden || a[2] >= 0) {
drawDot(radius * a[0], radius * a[1]);
function drawDot(x, y) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
/* 3d rotation matrix */
function transform(x, y, z, rz, rx, ry) {
return [
((x * Math.sin(rz) - y * Math.cos(rz)) * Math.sin(rx) + z * Math.cos(rx)) * Math.sin(ry) + (x * Math.cos(rz) - y * Math.sin(rz)) * Math.cos(ry),
(x * Math.sin(rz) - y * Math.cos(rz)) * Math.cos(rx) - z * Math.sin(rx),
((x * Math.sin(rz) - y * Math.cos(rz)) * Math.sin(rx) + z * Math.cos(rx)) * Math.cos(ry) - (x * Math.cos(rz) - y * Math.sin(rz)) * Math.sin(ry)
/*latitude circles*/
for (var latitude = 0; latitude < Math.PI / 2; latitude += Math.PI / 18) {
drawEllipse(0, Math.sin(latitude), 0,Math.cos(latitude),0, alpha, gamma,true);
drawEllipse(0, -Math.sin(latitude), 0,Math.cos(latitude),0, alpha, gamma,true);
/*longitude circles*/
for (var longitude=0 ; longitude < Math.PI; longitude += Math.PI / 18) {
drawEllipse(0, 0, 0,1,longitude, Math.PI / 2 + alpha, gamma,true);
} // alpha and gamma are the x and y axis rotation angles
But the only problem is the direction of rotation when dragging the mouse on the sphere. Yaw and Pitch direction is not correct. Rotating left to right(yaw) working fine. But rotating top to bottom(pitch) is different. Can anyone please find a solution ?


Html5 canvas - Translate function behaving weirdly

Im trying to use the translate function when drawing a circle, but when i try to do it it doesnt behave properly. Instead of drawing the circle it draws this:
if the image doesnt show up: click here
This is my code for the drawing of the circle (inside a circle class):
ctx.strokeStyle = "white"
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y)
// Draws the circle
ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// tried with and without translating back, inside and outside of this function
ctx.translate(0, 0)
This is the rest of my code:
let canvas
let ctx
let circle
function init() {
canvas = document.querySelector("#canvas")
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
// x, y, radius
circle = new Circle(canvas.width/5, canvas.height/2, 175)
function loop() {
// Background
ctx.fillStyle = "black"
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
// The function with the drawing of the circle
Btw: When i dont use the translate function it draws the circle normally.
I answered my own question below as i found that the translate functions a little bit differently in javascript than how i thought it would.
Your function
ctx.strokeStyle = "white"
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y)
// Draws the circle
ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// tried with and without translating back, inside and outside of this function
ctx.translate(0, 0)
Can be improved as follows
ctx.strokeStyle = "white"
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, this.x, this.y); //BM67 This call is faster than ctx.translate
ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// ctx.closePath() //BM67 This line does nothing and is not related to beginPath.
// tried with and without translating back, inside and outside of this function
//ctx.translate(0, 0) //BM67 You don't need to reset the transform
// The call to ctx.setTransfrom replaces
// the current transform before you draw the circle
and would look like
ctx.strokeStyle = "white"
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, this.x, this.y);
ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
Why this is better will need you to understand how 2D transformations work and why some 2D API calls should not be used, and that 99% of all transformation needs can be done faster and with less mind f with ctx.setTransform than the poorly named ctx.translate, ctx.scale, or ctx.rotate
Read on if interested.
Understanding the 2D transformation
When you render to the canvas all coordinates are transformed via the transformation matrix.
The matrix consists of 6 values as set by setTransform(a,b,c,d,e,f). The values a,b,c,d,e,f are rather obscure and the literature does not help explaining them.
The best way to think of them is by what they do. I will rename them as setTransform(xAxisX, xAxisY, yAxisX, yAxisY, originX, originY) they represent the direction and size of the x axis, y axis and the origin.
xAxisX, xAxisY are X Axis X, X Axis Y
yAxisX, yAxisY are Y Axis X, Y Axis Y
originX, originY are the canvas real pixel coordinates of the origin
The default transform is setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) meaning that the X Axis moves across 1 down 0, the Y Axis moves across 0 and down 1 and the origin is at 0, 0
You can manually apply the transform to a 2D point as follows
function transformPoint(x, y) {
return {
// Move x dist along X part of X Axis
// Move y dist along X part of Y Axis
// Move to the X origin
x : x * xAxisX + y * yAxisX + originX,
// Move x dist along Y part of X Axis
// Move y dist along Y part of Y Axis
// Move to the Y origin
y : x * xAxisY + y * yAxisY + originY,
If we substitute the default matrix setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) we get
x : x * 1 + y * 0 + 0,
y : x * 0 + y * 1 + 0,
// 0 * n is 0 so removing the * 0
x : x * 1,
y : y * 1,
// 1 time n is n so remove the * 1
x : x,
y : y,
As you can see the default transform does nothing to the point
If we set the translation ox, oy to setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 200) the transform is
x : x * 1 + y * 0 + 100,
y : x * 0 + y * 1 + 200,
// or simplified as
x : x + 100,
y : y + 200,
If we set the scale of the X Axis and Y Axis to setTransform(2, 0, 0, 2, 100, 200) the transform is
x : x * 2 + y * 0 + 100,
y : x * 0 + y * 2 + 200,
// or simplified as
x : x * 2 + 100,
y : y * 2 + 200,
Rotation is a little more complex and requires some trig. You can use cos and sin to get a unit vector in a direction angle (NOTE all angles are in radians PI * 2 is 360deg, PI is 180deg, PI / 2 is 90deg)
Thus the unit vector for 0 radians is
xAxisX = Math.cos(0);
yAxisY = Math.sin(0);
So for angles 0, PI * (1 / 2), PI, PI * (3 / 2), PI * 2
angle = 0;
xAxisX = Math.cos(angle); // 1
yAxisY = Math.sin(angle); // 0
angle = Math.PI * (1 / 2); // 90deg (points down screen)
xAxisX = Math.cos(angle); // 0
yAxisY = Math.sin(angle); // 1
angle = Math.PI; // 180deg (points to left screen)
xAxisX = Math.cos(angle); // -1
yAxisY = Math.sin(angle); // 0
angle = Math.PI * (3 / 2); // 270deg (points to up screen)
xAxisX = Math.cos(angle); // 0
yAxisY = Math.sin(angle); // -1
Uniform transformation
In 90% of cases when you transform points you want the points to remain square, that is the Y axis remains at PI / 2 (90deg) clockwise of the X axis and the Scale of the Y axis is the same as the scale of the X axis.
You can rotate a vector 90 deg by swapping the x and y and negating the new x
x = 1; // X axis points from left to right
y = 0; // No downward part
// Rotate 90deg clockwise
x90 = -y; // 0 no horizontal part
y90 = x; // Points down the screen
We can take advantage of this simple 90 rotation to create a uniform rotation by only defining the angle of the X Axis
xAxisX = Math.cos(angle);
xAxisY = Math.sin(angle);
// create a matrix as setTransform(xAxisX, xAxisY, -xAxisY, xAxisX, 0, 0)
// to transform the point
x : x * xAxisX + y * (-xAxisY) + 0,
y : x * xAxisY + y * xAxisX + 0,
// to simplify
x : x * xAxisX - y * xAxisY,
y : x * xAxisY + y * xAxisX,
Rotate, scale, and translate
Using the above info you can now manually create a uniform matrix using only 4 values, The origin x,y the scale, and the rotate
function transformPoint(x, y, originX, originY, scale, rotate) {
// get the direction of the X Axis
var xAxisX = Math.cos(rotate);
var xAxisY = Math.sin(rotate);
// Scale the x Axis
xAxisX *= Math.cos(rotate);
xAxisY *= Math.sin(rotate);
// Get the Y Axis as X Axis rotated 90 deg
const yAxisX = -xAxisY;
const yAxisY = xAxisX;
// we have the 6 values for the transform
// [xAxisX, xAxisY, yAxisX, yAxisY, originX, originY]
// Transform the point
return {
x : x * xAxisX + y * yAxisX + originX,
y : x * xAxisY + y * yAxisY + originY,
// we can simplify the above down to
function transformPoint(x, y, originX, originY, scale, rotate) {
// get the direction and scale of the X Axis
const xAxisX = Math.cos(rotate) * scale;
const xAxisY = Math.sin(rotate) * scale;
// Transform the point
return {
x : x * xAxisX - y * xAxisY + originX,
// note the ^ negative
y : x * xAxisY + y * xAxisX + originY,
Or we can create the matrix using ctx.setTransform using the above and let the GPU hardware do the transform
function createTransform(originX, originY, scale, rotate) {
const xAxisX = Math.cos(rotate) * scale;
const xAxisY = Math.sin(rotate) * scale;
ctx.setTransform(xAxisX, xAxisY, -xAxisY, xAxisX, originX, originY);
Setting or Multiplying the transform.
I will rename this section to
WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID ctx.translate, ctx.scale, or ctx.rotate
The 2D API has some bad naming which is the reason for 90% of the transform question that appear in html5-canvas tag.
If we rename the API calls you will get a better understanding of what they do
ctx.translate(x, y); // should be ctx.multiplyCurrentMatirxWithTranslateMatrix
// or shorten ctx.matrixMutliplyTranslate(x, y)
The function ctx.translate does not actually translate a point, but rather it translates the current matrix. It does this by first creating a matrix and then multiplying that matrix with the current matrix
Multiplying one matrix by another, means that the 6 values or 3 vectors for X Axis, Y Axis, and Origin are transform by the other matrix.
If written as code
const current = [1,0,0,1,0,0]; // Default matrix
function translate(x, y) { // Translate current matrix
const translationMatrix = [1,0,0,1,x,y];
const c = current
const m = translationMatrix
const r = []; // the resulting matrix
r[0] = c[0] * m[0] + c[1] * m[2]; // rotate current X Axis with new transform
r[1] = c[0] * m[1] + c[1] * m[3];
r[2] = c[2] * m[0] + c[3] * m[2]; // rotate current Y Axis with new transform
r[3] = c[2] * m[1] + c[3] * m[3];
r[4] = c[4] + m[4]; // Translate current origine with transform
r[5] = c[5] + m[5];
c.length = 0;
That is the simple version. Under the hood you can not multiply the two matrix as they have different dimensions. The actual matrix is stored as 9 values and requires 27 multiplications and 18 additions
// The real 2D default matrix
const current = [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1];
// The real Translation matrix
const translation = [1,0,0,0,1,0,x,y,1];
//The actual transformation calculation
const c = current
const m = translationMatrix
const r = []; // the resulting matrix
r[0] = c[0] * m[0] + c[1] * m[3] + c[2] * m[6];
r[1] = c[0] * m[1] + c[1] * m[4] + c[2] * m[7];
r[2] = c[0] * m[2] + c[1] * m[5] + c[2] * m[8];
r[3] = c[3] * m[0] + c[4] * m[3] + c[5] * m[6];
r[4] = c[3] * m[1] + c[4] * m[4] + c[5] * m[7];
r[5] = c[3] * m[2] + c[4] * m[5] + c[5] * m[8];
r[6] = c[6] * m[0] + c[7] * m[3] + c[8] * m[6];
r[7] = c[6] * m[1] + c[7] * m[4] + c[8] * m[7];
r[8] = c[6] * m[2] + c[7] * m[5] + c[8] * m[8];
That's a bucket load of math that is always done under the hood when you use ctx.translate and NOTE that this math is not done on the GPU, it is done on the CPU and the resulting matrix is moved to the GPU.
If we continue the renaming
ctx.translate(x, y); // should be ctx.matrixMutliplyTranslate(
ctx.scale(scaleY, scaleX); // should be ctx.matrixMutliplyScale(
ctx.rotate(angle); // should be ctx.matrixMutliplyRotate(
ctx.transform(a,b,c,d,e,f) // should be ctx.matrixMutliplyTransform(
It is common for JS scripts to use the above function to scale translate and rotates, usually with reverse rotations and translations because their objects are not defined around there local origins.
Thus when you do the following
ctx.scale(sx, sy);
ctx.translate(x, y);
The under the hood math must do all of the following
// create rotation matrix
rr = [Math.cos(rot), Math.sin(rot), 0, -Math.sin(rot), Math.cos(rot), 0, 0, 0, 1];
// Transform the current matix with the rotation matrix
r[0] = c[0] * rr[0] + c[1] * rr[3] + c[2] * rr[6];
r[1] = c[0] * rr[1] + c[1] * rr[4] + c[2] * rr[7];
r[2] = c[0] * rr[2] + c[1] * rr[5] + c[2] * rr[8];
r[3] = c[3] * rr[0] + c[4] * rr[3] + c[5] * rr[6];
r[4] = c[3] * rr[1] + c[4] * rr[4] + c[5] * rr[7];
r[5] = c[3] * rr[2] + c[4] * rr[5] + c[5] * rr[8];
r[6] = c[6] * rr[0] + c[7] * rr[3] + c[8] * rr[6];
r[7] = c[6] * rr[1] + c[7] * rr[4] + c[8] * rr[7];
r[8] = c[6] * rr[2] + c[7] * rr[5] + c[8] * rr[8];
// STOP the GPU and send the resulting matrix over the bus to set new state
c = [...r]; // set the current matrix
// create the scale matrix
ss = [scaleX, 0, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0, 0, 1];
// scale the current matrix
r[0] = c[0] * ss[0] + c[1] * ss[3] + c[2] * ss[6];
r[1] = c[0] * ss[1] + c[1] * ss[4] + c[2] * ss[7];
r[2] = c[0] * ss[2] + c[1] * ss[5] + c[2] * ss[8];
r[3] = c[3] * ss[0] + c[4] * ss[3] + c[5] * ss[6];
r[4] = c[3] * ss[1] + c[4] * ss[4] + c[5] * ss[7];
r[5] = c[3] * ss[2] + c[4] * ss[5] + c[5] * ss[8];
r[6] = c[6] * ss[0] + c[7] * ss[3] + c[8] * ss[6];
r[7] = c[6] * ss[1] + c[7] * ss[4] + c[8] * ss[7];
r[8] = c[6] * ss[2] + c[7] * ss[5] + c[8] * ss[8];
// STOP the GPU and send the resulting matrix over the bus to set new state
c = [...r]; // set the current matrix
// create the translate matrix
tt = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, 1];
// translate the current matrix
r[0] = c[0] * tt[0] + c[1] * tt[3] + c[2] * tt[6];
r[1] = c[0] * tt[1] + c[1] * tt[4] + c[2] * tt[7];
r[2] = c[0] * tt[2] + c[1] * tt[5] + c[2] * tt[8];
r[3] = c[3] * tt[0] + c[4] * tt[3] + c[5] * tt[6];
r[4] = c[3] * tt[1] + c[4] * tt[4] + c[5] * tt[7];
r[5] = c[3] * tt[2] + c[4] * tt[5] + c[5] * tt[8];
r[6] = c[6] * tt[0] + c[7] * tt[3] + c[8] * tt[6];
r[7] = c[6] * tt[1] + c[7] * tt[4] + c[8] * tt[7];
r[8] = c[6] * tt[2] + c[7] * tt[5] + c[8] * tt[8];
// STOP the GPU and send the resulting matrix over the bus to set new state
c = [...r]; // set the current matrix
So that is a total of 3 GPU state changes, 81 floating point multiplications, 54 floating point additions, 4 high level math calls and about 0.25K RAM allocated and dumped for GC to clean up.
Easy and Fast
The function setTransform does not multiply matrices. It converts the 6 arguments to a 3 by 3 matrix by directly putting the values into the current transform and the moving it to the GPU
// ct is the current transform 9 value under hood version
// The 6 arguments of the ctx.setTransform call
ct[0] = a;
ct[1] = b;
ct[2] = 0;
ct[3] = c;
ct[4] = d;
ct[5] = 0;
ct[6] = e;
ct[7] = f;
ct[8] = 1;
// STOP the GPU and send the resulting matrix over the bus to set new state
So if you use the JS function
function createTransform(originX, originY, scale, rotate) {
const xAxisX = Math.cos(rotate) * scale;
const xAxisY = Math.sin(rotate) * scale;
ctx.setTransform(xAxisX, xAxisY, -xAxisY, xAxisX, originX, originY);
You reduce the complexity under the hood to 2 floating point multiplications, 2 high level math function calls, 1 floating point addition (negating the -xAxisY), one GPU state change, and using only 64 bytes of RAM from the heap.
And because the ctx.setTransform does not depend on the current state of the 2D transform you don't need to use ctx.resetTransform, or ctx.save and restore
When animating many items the performance benefit is noticeable. When struggling with the complexity of transformed matrices the simplicity of setTransform can save you hours of time better spend creating good content.
The problem is that after each translation in Circle.draw(), the context is not restored to its original state. Future translate(this.x, this.y); calls keep moving the context right and downward relative to the previous transformation endlessly.
Use ctx.save() and ctx.restore() at the beginning and end of your draw() function to move the context back to its original location after drawing.
class Circle {
constructor(x, y, r) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.r = r;
draw() {
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y);
ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
let canvas;
let ctx;
let circle;
(function init() {
canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
circle = new Circle(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2, 30);
function loop() {
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
body {
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
Alternately, you can just write:
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
and skip the translation step entirely.
I just found the answer. As #mpen commented ctx.translate(0, 0) doesnt reset the translation, but this does: ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);. The ctx.translate function translates related to the previous translation.
In your code, the ctx.translate(0, 0) does absolutely nothing, because that function sets transformation relative to current transformation. You are telling the context "move 0 pixels right and 0 pixels down". You could fix that by changing the line to ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y) so you do the opposite transformation.
However, usually, this is done by saving the context state with CanvasRenderingContext2D.save before making transformations and then restoring it with CanvasRenderingContext2D.restore. In your example, it would look like this:
ctx.save(); // here, we are saving state of the context
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y);
// Draws the circle
ctx.arc(0, 0, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.restore(); // after this, context will have the state it had when we called save()
This way is good in cases when you want to return the context to its original state after the operation, rather than the default state (which you usually do when making more complex operations), and when you do multiple transformations which would be complicated to revert.

How to bounce an object within circle bounds?

I have a basic circle bouncing off the walls of a rectangle canvas (that I adapted from an example).
The code to check for this kind of collision is somewhat crude, like so, but it works:
if (p.x > canvasWidth - p.rad) {
p.x = canvasWidth - p.rad
p.velX *= -1
if (p.x < p.rad) {
p.x = p.rad
p.velX *= -1
if (p.y > canvasHeight - p.rad) {
p.y = canvasHeight - p.rad
p.velY *= -1
if (p.y < p.rad) {
p.y = p.rad
p.velY *= -1
Where p is the item moving around.
However, the bounds of my canvas now need to be a circle, so I check collision with the following:
const dx = p.x - canvasRadius
const dy = p.y - canvasRadius
const collision = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) >= canvasRadius - p.rad
if (collision) {
console.log('Out of circle bounds!')
When my ball hits the edges of the circle, the if (collision) statement executes as true and I see the log. So I can get it detected, but I'm unable to know how to calculate the direction it should then go after that.
Obviously comparing x to the canvas width isn't what I need because that's the rectangle and a circle is cut at the corners.
Any idea how I can update my if statements to account for this newly detected circle?
I'm absolutely terrible with basic trigonometry it seems, so please bear with me! Thank you.
You can use the polar coordinates to normalize the vector:
var theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx)
var R = canvasRadius - p.rad
p.x = canvasRadius + R * Math.cos(theta)
p.y = canvasRadius + R * Math.sin(theta)
p.velX *= -1
p.velY *= -1
Update: The movement can be more natural if we add randomness to acceleration:
p.velX *= Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1
p.velY *= Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1
So in order to do this you will indeed need some good ol' trig. The basic ingredients you'll need are:
The vector that points from the center of the circle to the collision point.
The velocity vector of the ball
Then, since things bounce with roughly an "equal and opposite angle", you'll need to find the angle difference between that velocity vector and the radius vector, which you can get by using a dot product.
Then do some trig to get a new vector that is that much off from the radius vector, in the other direction (this is your equal and opposite). Set that to be the new velocity vector, and you're good to go.
I know that's a bit dense, especially if you're rusty with your trig / vector math, so here's the code to get it going. This code could probably be simplified but it demonstrates the essential steps at least:
function canvasApp (selector) {
const canvas = document.querySelector(selector)
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
const canvasWidth = canvas.width
const canvasHeight = canvas.height
const canvasRadius = canvasWidth / 2
const particleList = {}
const numParticles = 1
const initVelMax = 1.5
const maxVelComp = 2.5
const randAccel = 0.3
const fadeColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)'
let p
context.fillStyle = '#050505'
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
function createParticles () {
const minRGB = 16
const maxRGB = 255
const alpha = 1
for (let i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
const vAngle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI
const vMag = initVelMax * (0.6 + 0.4 * Math.random())
const r = Math.floor(minRGB + Math.random() * (maxRGB - minRGB))
const g = Math.floor(minRGB + Math.random() * (maxRGB - minRGB))
const b = Math.floor(minRGB + Math.random() * (maxRGB - minRGB))
const color = `rgba(${r},${g},${b},${alpha})`
const newParticle = {
x: Math.random() * canvasWidth,
y: Math.random() * canvasHeight,
velX: vMag * Math.cos(vAngle),
velY: vMag * Math.sin(vAngle),
rad: 15,
if (i > 0) {
newParticle.next = particleList.first
particleList.first = newParticle
function draw () {
context.fillStyle = fadeColor
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
p = particleList.first
// random accleration
p.velX += (1 - 2 * Math.random()) * randAccel
p.velY += (1 - 2 * Math.random()) * randAccel
// don't let velocity get too large
if (p.velX > maxVelComp) {
p.velX = maxVelComp
} else if (p.velX < -maxVelComp) {
p.velX = -maxVelComp
if (p.velY > maxVelComp) {
p.velY = maxVelComp
} else if (p.velY < -maxVelComp) {
p.velY = -maxVelComp
p.x += p.velX
p.y += p.velY
// boundary
const dx = p.x - canvasRadius
const dy = p.y - canvasRadius
const collision = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) >= canvasRadius - p.rad
if (collision) {
console.log('Out of circle bounds!')
// Center of circle.
const center = [Math.floor(canvasWidth/2), Math.floor(canvasHeight/2)];
// Vector that points from center to collision point (radius vector):
const radvec = [p.x, p.y].map((c, i) => c - center[i]);
// Inverse vector, this vector is one that is TANGENT to the circle at the collision point.
const invvec = [-p.y, p.x];
// Direction vector, this is the velocity vector of the ball.
const dirvec = [p.velX, p.velY];
// This is the angle in radians to the radius vector (center to collision point).
// Time to rememeber some of your trig.
const radangle = Math.atan2(radvec[1], radvec[0]);
// This is the "direction angle", eg, the DIFFERENCE in angle between the radius vector
// and the velocity vector. This is calculated using the dot product.
const dirangle = Math.acos((radvec[0]*dirvec[0] + radvec[1]*dirvec[1]) / (Math.hypot(...radvec)*Math.hypot(...dirvec)));
// This is the reflected angle, an angle that is "equal and opposite" to the velocity vec.
const refangle = radangle - dirangle;
// Turn that back into a set of coordinates (again, remember your trig):
const refvec = [Math.cos(refangle), Math.sin(refangle)].map(x => x*Math.hypot(...dirvec));
// And invert that, so that it points back to the inside of the circle:
p.velX = -refvec[0];
p.velY = -refvec[1];
// Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
context.fillStyle = p.color
context.arc(p.x, p.y, p.rad, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false)
p = p.next
<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500" style="border: 1px solid red; border-radius: 50%;"></canvas>
DISCLAIMER: Since your initial position is random, this doens't work very well with the ball starts already outside of the circle. So make sure the initial point is within the bounds.
You don't need trigonometry at all. All you need is the surface normal, which is the vector from the point of impact to the center. Normalize it (divide both coordinates by the length), and you get the new velocity using
v' = v - 2 * (v • n) * n
Where v • n is the dot product:
v • n = v.x * n.x + v.y * n.y
Translated to your code example, that's
// boundary
const dx = p.x - canvasRadius
const dy = p.y - canvasRadius
const nl = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
const collision = nl >= canvasRadius - p.rad
if (collision) {
// the normal at the point of collision is -dx, -dy normalized
var nx = -dx / nl
var ny = -dy / nl
// calculate new velocity: v' = v - 2 * dot(d, v) * n
const dot = p.velX * nx + p.velY * ny
p.velX = p.velX - 2 * dot * nx
p.velY = p.velY - 2 * dot * ny
function canvasApp(selector) {
const canvas = document.querySelector(selector)
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
const canvasWidth = canvas.width
const canvasHeight = canvas.height
const canvasRadius = canvasWidth / 2
const particleList = {}
const numParticles = 1
const initVelMax = 1.5
const maxVelComp = 2.5
const randAccel = 0.3
const fadeColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)'
let p
context.fillStyle = '#050505'
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
function createParticles() {
const minRGB = 16
const maxRGB = 255
const alpha = 1
for (let i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
const vAngle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI
const vMag = initVelMax * (0.6 + 0.4 * Math.random())
const r = Math.floor(minRGB + Math.random() * (maxRGB - minRGB))
const g = Math.floor(minRGB + Math.random() * (maxRGB - minRGB))
const b = Math.floor(minRGB + Math.random() * (maxRGB - minRGB))
const color = `rgba(${r},${g},${b},${alpha})`
const newParticle = {
// start inside circle
x: canvasWidth / 4 + Math.random() * canvasWidth / 2,
y: canvasHeight / 4 + Math.random() * canvasHeight / 2,
velX: vMag * Math.cos(vAngle),
velY: vMag * Math.sin(vAngle),
rad: 15,
if (i > 0) {
newParticle.next = particleList.first
particleList.first = newParticle
function draw() {
context.fillStyle = fadeColor
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
// draw circle bounds
context.fillStyle = "black"
context.arc(canvasRadius, canvasRadius, canvasRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false)
p = particleList.first
// random accleration
p.velX += (1 - 2 * Math.random()) * randAccel
p.velY += (1 - 2 * Math.random()) * randAccel
// don't let velocity get too large
if (p.velX > maxVelComp) {
p.velX = maxVelComp
} else if (p.velX < -maxVelComp) {
p.velX = -maxVelComp
if (p.velY > maxVelComp) {
p.velY = maxVelComp
} else if (p.velY < -maxVelComp) {
p.velY = -maxVelComp
p.x += p.velX
p.y += p.velY
// boundary
const dx = p.x - canvasRadius
const dy = p.y - canvasRadius
const nl = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
const collision = nl >= canvasRadius - p.rad
if (collision) {
// the normal at the point of collision is -dx, -dy normalized
var nx = -dx / nl
var ny = -dy / nl
// calculate new velocity: v' = v - 2 * dot(d, v) * n
const dot = p.velX * nx + p.velY * ny
p.velX = p.velX - 2 * dot * nx
p.velY = p.velY - 2 * dot * ny
context.fillStyle = p.color
context.arc(p.x, p.y, p.rad, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false)
p = p.next
<canvas id="canvas" width="176" height="176"></canvas>

How to "push out "XYZ coordinates forming a 3D orbit with an offset in the middle

I have a orbit of length 200. But it is centered around a sun of radius 0 (length 0). Now I want to expand the sun to have a radius of 1 and "push" out the outer orbits as well.
The XYZ coordinates look like this:
[-6.76, 5.75, -1.06],
[-6.95, 5.54, -0.91],
[-7.13, 5.33, -0.75],
[-7.31, 5.11, -0.58]
... followed by 196 more coordinates
I tried tried a lot of things to make the circle bigger * radius and / someNumbers. To at least try to do it myself.
But i lost it when i made an if like this:
If(the x coordination > 0)
the x coordination += 1;
the x coordination += 1;
And also for Y and Z but when they came close to the 1 and -1 position of that axis they skipped to the other side.
Creating a line (with the width of 1 on both sides) of emptiness along the axis.
Result of MBo's awnser(view from above):
// arrayIndex is a number to remember at which point it is in the orbit array
satellites.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.arrayIndex>= element.satellite.coordinates.length) {
element.arrayIndex= 0;
var posX = element.satellite.coordinates[element.arrayIndex][0];
var posY = element.satellite.coordinates[element.arrayIndex][1];
var posZ = element.satellite.coordinates[element.arrayIndex][2];
R = Math.sqrt(posX^2 + posY^2 + posZ^2);
cf = (R + earthRadius) / R;
xnew = posX * cf;
ynew = posY * cf;
znew = posZ * cf;
// var posX = earthRadius * (element.satellite.coordinates[element.test][0] / (200 * earthRadius) * earthRadius);
// var posY = earthRadius * (element.satellite.coordinates[element.test][1] / (200 * earthRadius) * earthRadius);
// var posZ = earthRadius * (element.satellite.coordinates[element.test][2] / (200 * earthRadius) * earthRadius);
// divide by 100 to scale it down some more
element.position.x = xnew / 100;
element.position.y = ynew / 100;
element.position.z = znew / 100;
element.arrayIndex= element.arrayIndex+ 1;
You have orbit radius
/////////R = Sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
Edit to avoid confusion:
R = Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
You need to modify coordinates to make orbit radius R+r. To preserve orbit form, for every point find it's R, and multiply all components by coefficient (R+r)/R
R = Sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
cf = (R + r) / R
xnew = x * cf
ynew = y * cf
znew = z * cf

How to curve a unit mesh between 2 unit vectors

I'm trying to draw 2 unit vectors and then draw an arc between them. I'm not looking for any solution, rather I want to know why my specific solution is not working.
First I pick 2 unit vectors at random.
function rand(min, max) {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
var points = [{},{}];
points[0].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
points[1].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
Note: the math here is in 3D but I'm using a 2d example by just keeping the vectors in the XY plane
I can draw those 2 unit vectors in a canvas
// move to center of canvas
var scale = ctx.canvas.width / 2 * 0.9;
ctx.transform(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.scale(scale, scale); // expand the unit fill the canvas
// draw a line for each unit vector
points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(point.direction[0], point.direction[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = point.color;
That works.
Next I want to make a matrix that puts the XY plane with its Y axis aligned with the first unit vector and in the same plane as the plane described by the 2 unit vectors
var zAxis = normalize(cross(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
var xAxis = normalize(cross(zAxis, points[0].direction));
var yAxis = points[0].direction;
I then draw a unit grid using that matrix
xAxis[0] * scale, xAxis[1] * scale,
yAxis[0] * scale, yAxis[1] * scale,
ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
for (var y = 0; y < 20; ++y) {
var v0 = (y + 0) / 20;
var v1 = (y + 1) / 20;
for (var x = 0; x < 20; ++x) {
var u0 = (x + 0) / 20;
var u1 = (x + 1) / 20;
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u1, v0);
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u0, v1);
That works too. Run the sample below and see the pink unit grid is always aligned with the green unit vector and facing in the direction of the red unit vector.
Finally using the data for the unit grid I want to bend it the correct amount to fill the space between the 2 unit vectors. Given it's a unit grid it seems like I should be able to do this
var cosineOfAngleBetween = dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction);
var expand = (1 + -cosineOfAngleBetween) / 2 * Math.PI;
var angle = x * expand; // x goes from 0 to 1
var newX = sin(angle) * y; // y goes from 0 to 1
var newY = cos(angle) * y;
And if I plot newX and newY for every grid point it seems like I should get the correct arc between the 2 unit vectors.
Taking the dot product of the two unit vectors should give me the cosine of the angle between them which goes from 1 if they are coincident to -1 if they are opposite. In my case I need expand to go from 0 to PI so (1 + -dot(p0, p1)) / 2 * PI seems like it should work.
But it doesn't. See the blue arc which is the unit grid points as input to the code above.
Some things I checked. I checked zAxis is correct. It's always either [0,0,1] or [0,0,-1] which is correct. I checked xAxis and yAxis are unit vectors. They are. I checked manually setting expand to PI * .5, PI, PI * 2 and it does exactly what I expect. PI * .5 gets a 90 degree arc, 1/4th of the way around from the blue unit vector. PI gets a half circle exactly as I expect. PI * 2 gets a full circle.
That makes it seem like dot(p0,p1) is wrong but looking at the dot function it seems correct and if test it with various easy vectors it returns what I expect dot([1,0,0], [1,0,0]) returns 1. dot([-1,0,0],[1,0,0]) returns -1. dot([1,0,0],[0,1,0]) returns 0. dot([1,0,0],normalize([1,1,0])) returns 0.707...
What am I missing?
Here's the code live
function cross(a, b) {
var dst = []
dst[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
dst[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
dst[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
return dst;
function normalize(a) {
var dst = [];
var lenSq = a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2];
var len = Math.sqrt(lenSq);
if (len > 0.00001) {
dst[0] = a[0] / len;
dst[1] = a[1] / len;
dst[2] = a[2] / len;
} else {
dst[0] = 0;
dst[1] = 0;
dst[2] = 0;
return dst;
function dot(a, b) {
return (a[0] * b[0]) + (a[1] * b[1]) + (a[2] * b[2]);
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
canvas.width = 200;
canvas.height = 200;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
function rand(min, max) {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
var points = [
direction: [0,0,0],
color: "green",
direction: [0,0,0],
color: "red",
var expand = 1;
var scale = ctx.canvas.width / 2 * 0.8;
function pickPoints() {
points[0].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
points[1].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
expand = (1 + -dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction)) / 2 * Math.PI;
console.log("expand:", expand);
function render() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
ctx.translate(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
ctx.lineWidth = 3 / scale;
points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(point.direction[0], point.direction[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = point.color;
var zAxis = normalize(cross(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
var xAxis = normalize(cross(zAxis, points[0].direction));
var yAxis = points[0].direction;
xAxis[0] * scale, xAxis[1] * scale,
yAxis[0] * scale, yAxis[1] * scale,
ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.lineWidth = 0.5 / scale;
ctx.strokeStyle = "pink";
ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
function drawPatch(curved) {
for (var y = 0; y < 20; ++y) {
var v0 = (y + 0) / 20;
var v1 = (y + 1) / 20;
for (var x = 0; x < 20; ++x) {
var u0 = (x + 0) / 20;
var u1 = (x + 1) / 20;
if (curved) {
var a0 = u0 * expand;
var x0 = Math.sin(a0) * v0;
var y0 = Math.cos(a0) * v0;
var a1 = u1 * expand;
var x1 = Math.sin(a1) * v0;
var y1 = Math.cos(a1) * v0;
var a2 = u0 * expand;
var x2 = Math.sin(a0) * v1;
var y2 = Math.cos(a0) * v1;
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
} else {
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u1, v0);
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u0, v1);
window.addEventListener('click', pickPoints);
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
div {
display: flex;
<div><canvas></canvas><p> Click for new points</p></div>
There's nothing wrong with your dot product function. It's the way you're using it:
expand = (1 + -dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction)) / 2 * Math.PI;
should be:
expand = Math.acos(dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
The expand variable, as you use it, is an angle (in radians). The dot product gives you the cosine of the angle, but not the angle itself. While the cosine of an angle varies between 1 and -1 for input [0,pi], that value does not map linearly back to the angle itself.
In other words, it doesn't work because the cosine of an angle cannot be transformed into the angle itself simply by scaling it. That's what arcsine is for.
Note that in general, you can often get by using your original formula (or any simple formula that maps that [-1,1] domain to a range of [0,pi]) if all you need is an approximation, but it will never give an exact angle except at the extremes.
This can be seen visually by plotting the two functions on top of each other:

Calculate if line crosses circle, weird behavior at certain angles

Okay, I want to be able to calculate whether a line crosses a circle(at least a part of the line inside the circle). I found several answers to this, but I thought they were too complicated so I came up with this. I'm no math guy, so I'm kinda stuck now. When the line is aligned vertically the "radius >= Math.sqrt(len * len + len * len - o);" becomes true( with 45° angles it becomes 0). I have no clue why this happens. Thanks :)
function lineInCircle(sx, sy, x, y, cx, cy, radius) {
cx -= sx; x -= sx; //sx is the first point's x position
cy -= sy; y -= sy;//sy is the first point's y position
len = Math.sqrt((cy * cy) + (cx * cx))//hypotenuse of circle (cy, cx) to (0, 0) (with offset)
atanx = Math.atan(y / x); //angle of (0, 0) to (x, y) in radians
atany = atanx - Math.atan(cy / cx); //to center
var o = 2 * len * len * Math.cos(atany);
var o = o < 0 ? -o:o//Had to do this, at some point the value can become inverted
return radius >= Math.sqrt(len * len + len * len - o);
function lineInCircle(sx, sy, x, y, cx, cy, radius) {
cx -= sx; x -= sx; //sx is the first point's x position
cy -= sy; y -= sy;//sy is the first point's y position
ctp = Math.sin(Math.atan(y / x) - Math.atan(cy / cx)) * Math.sqrt((cy * cy) + (cx * cx));
return radius >= ctp && ctp >= -radius;
Works pretty much the same but is faster. The problem is that it calculates an infinite line. How would I fix that?
Edit 2:
function lineInCircle(sx, sy, x, y, cx, cy, radius) {
cx -= sx; x -= sx;
cy -= sy; y -= sy;
var h = Math.sqrt(cy * cy + cx * cx)
ctp = Math.sin(Math.atan(y / x) - Math.atan(cy / cx)) * h;
sideb = Math.sqrt(h * h - ctp * ctp);
line = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
if (sideb - radius > line) {return false}
return radius >= ctp && ctp >= -radius;
Partial fix, doesn't go on to infinity for one direction from the line(line end)
Edit 3:
A bit longer but more than twice as fast, back to square one
function lineInCircle2(sx, sy, x, y, cx, cy, radius) {
var ysy = y - sy
var xsx = x - sx
var k = ((y-sy) * (cx-sx) - (x-sx) * (cy-sy)) / (ysy * ysy + xsx * xsx)
var ncx = cx - k * (y-sy)
var ncy = cy + k * (x-sx)
ncx -= cx
ncy -= cy
var ctp = Math.sqrt(ncx * ncx + ncy * ncy)
return radius >= ctp && ctp >= -radius;
Edit 4:
function lineInCircle(sx, sy, x, y, cx, cy, radius) {
if (sx > cx + radius && x > cx + radius || x < cx - radius && sx < cx - radius) {return false;}
if (sy > cy + radius && y > cy + radius || y < cy - radius && sy < cy - radius) {return false;}
var k = ((y - sy) * (cx - sx) - (x - sx) * (cy - sy)) / ((y - sy) * (y - sy) + (x - sx) * (x - sx))
var ncx = k * (y - sy)
var ncy = k * (x - sx)
return radius >= Math.sqrt(ncx * ncx + ncy * ncy);
Does exactly what I want, I optimized it down to 4.5 - 4.6 seconds for 100000000 iterations compared for 10+ secs for the first version and still is much more accurate(meaning no more weird behavior in certain angles). I'm satisfied :D
Too much work. Find the normal that passes through the center, and see if the intersection is closer than the radius.
function lineInCircle(sx, sy, x, y, cx, cy, radius) {
if (sx > cx + radius && x > cx + radius || x < cx - radius && sx < cx - radius) {return false;}
if (sy > cy + radius && y > cy + radius || y < cy - radius && sy < cy - radius) {return false;}
var k = ((y - sy) * (cx - sx) - (x - sx) * (cy - sy)) / ((y - sy) * (y - sy) + (x - sx) * (x - sx))
var ncx = k * (y - sy)
var ncy = k * (x - sx)
return radius >= Math.sqrt(ncx * ncx + ncy * ncy);
Takes about 4.5 - 4.6 seconds for 100000000 iterations to finish on my machine.

