Category component do api call on created - javascript

Currently my category component is making http api call on its creation.
So when I go from my index to category the result of http call is efficient.
But now when I change category so I go from localhost:8080/category/1 to localhost:8080/category/2 my component isn't re-rendered so it's not created again and my http call function doesn't fire again how I would like to.
async created() {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`/api/category/getOne.php?id=${}`, axiosConfig);
this.category = [[0].name];
} catch (e) {
What do you guys suggest for me, should I place this http call not in created () but for example in methods {} and then detect if url id change and execute this function whenever it change? Or there is some better, vue approach for that?

I moved above code to methods {} and call it on created() and on id change like so:
created() {
watch: {
'$'(newId, oldId) {
as #Belmin Bedak suggested in comments section.


Vue-Router Data Fetch: Fetch Data before 'beforeRouteUpdate' loads component

I am new to vue-router navigation guards and so I recently realized that I needed to use beforeRouteUpdate guard for reused components where for example: Going from /foo/1 to /foo/2
However, while coming to /foo/1, I pulled data from database through an axios call and before going to /foo/2, I need to pull new data again through the axios call.
This is where I face a problem where the navigation guard beforeRouteUpdate loads the component /foo/2 before my data loads from the axios call and thus I get null in a few of my variables.
How can I make beforeRouteUpdate wait to load the next component so that all my data is loaded from the axios calls?
As for my code, it looks like this:
beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {
Vue.set(this.$store.state.user, 'get_user', null)
this.$store.dispatch(OTHER_PROFILE_GET, => {
if(this.$store.getters.is_user_loaded) {
} else {
this.$, getters) => getters.is_user_loaded, () =>
if(this.$store.getters.is_user_loaded) {
console.log('comes here');
To explain my code further, I have called this method in my component and so I when I go from /user/1 to /user/2 I dispatch a Vuex action which makes an axios call to get the new profile details but before the axios call completes and loads the data in the Vuex state, the beforeRouteUpdate already loads the next component.
First, your action should perform any state mutation such as setting user.get_user to null. I'm also not sure why you've added a watch; your action should only resolve when complete. For example
actions: {
[OTHER_PROFILE_GET] ({ commit }, id) {
commit('clearUserGetUser') // sets state.user.get_user to null or something
return axios.get(`/some/other/profile/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`).then(res => {
commit('setSomeStateData', // mutate whatever needs to be set
then your route guard should have something like
beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {
In order to prevent errors from trying to render null data, use your getters. For example, say your getter is
getters: {
is_user_loaded (state) {
return !!state.user.get_user
in your component, you can map this to a computed property...
computed: {
isUserLoaded () {
return this.$store.getters.is_user_loaded // or use the mapGetters helper
user () {
return this.$store.state.user.get_user // or use the mapState helper
then in your template, use this logic to conditionally render some data
<div v-if="isUserLoaded">
Hello {{user}}
<div v-else>
This is the suggested approach in the vue-router guide for beforeRouteUpdate

Framework 7 Vue how to stop Firebase from listening to changes when on different pages?

Suppose I have pageA where I listen for a firebase document changes
export default {
mounted() {
this.$f7ready(() => {
methods: {
userChanges() {
Firebase.database().ref('users/1').on('value', (resp) => {
console.log('use data has changed');
Then I go to pageB using this..$f7.views.current.router.navigate('/pageB/')
If on pageB I make changes to the /users/1 firebase route I see this ,message in the console: use data has changed, even though I'm on a different page.
Any way to avoid this behavior, maybe unload the page somehow?
I tried to stop the listener before navigating away from pageA using but that seems to break a few other things.
Are you properly removing the listener for that specific database reference? You'll have to save the referenced path on a dedicated variable to do so:
let userRef
export default {
mounted() {
this.$f7ready(() => {
methods: {
userChanges() {
userRef = Firebase.database().ref('users/1')
userRef.on('value', (resp) => {
console.log('use data has changed');
detachListener() {'value')
That way you only detach the listener for that specific reference. Calling it on the parent, would remove all listeners as the documentation specifies:
You can remove a single listener by passing it as a parameter to
off(). Calling off() on the location with no arguments removes all
listeners at that location.
More on that topic here:

Run computed function after mounted - VUE

I'm trying to run a function that needs some data that I get back from the mounted method. Right now I try to use computed to create the function but unfortunately for this situation computed runs before mounted so I don't have the data I need for the function. Here is what I'm working with:
computed: {
league_id () {
return parseInt(this.$
current_user_has_team: function() {
mounted () {
const params = {};
axios.get('/api/v1/leagues/' +this.$, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+localStorage.getItem('token')
}).then(response => {
this.league =
this.current_user_teams =
}).catch(error => {
this.$store.commit("FLASH_MESSAGE", {
message: "League not found",
show: true,
styleClass: "error",
timeOut: 4000
As you can see I have the debugger in the computed function called current_user_has_team function. But I need the data I get back from the axios call. Right now I don't have the data in the debugger. What call back should I use so that I can leverage the data that comes back from the network request? Thank You!
If your computed property current_user_has_team depends on data which is not available until after the axios call, then you need to either:
In the current_user_has_team property, if the data is not available then return a sensible default value.
Do not access current_user_has_team from your template (restrict with v-if) or anywhere else until after the axios call has completed and the data is available.
It's up to you how you want the component to behave in "loading" situations.
If your behavior is synchronous, you can use beforeMount instead of mounted to have the code run before computed properties are calculated.

how to add returned data to the existing template

I am using ember. I intercept one component's button click in controller. The click is to trigger a new report request. When a new report request is made, I want the newly made request to appear on the list of requests that I currently show. How do I make ember refresh the page without obvious flicker?
Here is my sendAction code:
actions: {
sendData: function () {
this.set('showLoading', true);
let data = {
startTime: date.normalizeTimestamp(this.get('startTimestamp')),
endTime: date.normalizeTimestamp(this.get('endTimestamp')),
api.ajaxPost(`${api.buildV3EnterpriseUrl('reports')}`, data).then(response => {
this.set('showLoading', false);
}).catch(error => {
this.set('showLoading', false);
if (error.status === constants.HTTP_STATUS.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT) {
} else {
this.send('error', error);
There are few think you should consider. Generaly you want to have variable that holds an array which you are render in template in loop. For example: you fetch your initial set of data in route and pass it on as model variable.
// route.js
model() { return []; }
// controller
actions: {
sendData() {
foo().then(payload => {
// important is to use pushObjects method.
// Plain push will work but wont update the template.
This will automatically update template and add additional items on the list.
Boilerplate for showLoading
You can easily refactor your code and use ember-concurency. Check their docs, afair there is example fitting your usecase.

Emberjs How to update property on a component from route?

Hi I would like to know what's the proper way to update a property on a component from the route?.
A little background on what I want to do:
I have two custom Buttons that I called CardButtons (based on material desing) next to one blank area called description, what I want is to create a hover event that triggers an ajax call to retrive detailed data from a data base and render it on the description area.
So far I have created a route like this:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
selectedModule: '',
model: function () {
return {
selectedModule: 'employeeModule'
actions: {
showDescription: function (params) {
this.set('model.selectedModule', params);
My route template call my component like this:
<div class="row">
{{sis-db-description-render idTitle=model.selectedModule}}
and the component is defined like this:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
info: null,
ready: false,
didInsertElement: function () {
queryData: function (){
/** Does an Ember.$.post request to the API with the idTitle as param**/
the first time this executes it load perfectly the detail data but when I try to refresh the data the event does not trigger a second call. I bealive it is beacause I'm not updating the model in a proper way.
Any idea on how to update the component property?
Thanks to #kumkanillam I was able to find a way on my route I added the next code:
setupController: function (controller, model) {
this._super(...arguments); //if its new/index.js route file then you can use controller argument this method.
controller.set('selectedModule', 'employeeModule');
actions: {
showDescription: function (params) {;
this.controllerFor('new.index').set('selectedModule', params);
By doing so now the view updates the content every time, I still don't know if this is the correct way to do it but it works for now.
In the below code, model is not defined in route. it's defined in corresponding controller through setupController hook.
showDescription: function (params) {
this.set('model.selectedModule', params);
So in your case either you can define action in controller and update model.selectedModule
If you want to do it in route,
showDescription: function (params) {
let cont = this.controllerFor('route-name');
cont.set('model.selectedModule', params);

