Detect an invalid timezone with momentjs - javascript

Is there a way I can detect an invalid timezone with momentjs?
If I do this:
const m ="01/01/2019 5:30pm", "MM/DD/YYYY h:mma", true, "invalid timezone");
m.isValid(); //true
Is there any way to make isValid() return false, or is there some other way to detect that the timezone is invalid?
It logs the following: Moment Timezone has no data for invalid timezone. See but how can I tell programatically?

If you're working with a fully created Moment object, then the answer given by Jaromanda X is the way to go. However, if you're just testing for the time zone name being valid (and loaded into moment), then you don't need to construct a Moment object to do that. Just test the time zone name itself.
if (!'FooBarTimeZone')) {
console.log('Invalid time zone');
} else {
console.log('Valid time zone');
Note that this works because the function returns either a Zone object (which like any object is truthy), or null (which is falsey).
Also note that there was originally a function, which still works - but will now give a deprecation message, describing using the above technique instead.

check if === undefined
let m ="01/01/2019 5:30pm", "MM/DD/YYYY h:mma", true, "invalid timezone");
console.log(`"invalid timezone" results in .tz() == ${}`)
m ="01/01/2019 5:30pm", "MM/DD/YYYY h:mma", true, "Australia/Melbourne");
console.log(`"Australia/Melbourne" results in .tz() == ${}`)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Of course you can also check if a zone exists
console.log(`"invalid zone name is ${"invalid zone name")}`);
console.log(`"australia/nsw" is ${JSON.stringify("australia/nsw"), null, 4)}`);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


moment-timezone change utc to default timezone

I need to parse datetimes from UTC into the timezone currently set as default by moment-timezone with
Attempt (functional):
const task = {
startDate: '2020-03-24 14:00:00'
const startDateMoment = moment.utc(task.startDate).tz(moment().tz());
However, I am creating a new moment object every time I need to set the timezone. Is there a more performant way to converting between utc to the default timezone, or getting the default timezone from moment? guesses the timezone from the browser, not the one set manually.
console.log(`default timezone: "${moment().tz()}", guessed timezone: "${}"`);
default timezone: "US/Samoa", guessed timezone: "America/Vancouver"
After a bit of digging, I did find the following, undocumented, use-at-your-own-risk, could-disappear-at-any-time property:
moment.defaultZone is a Zone Object, of which we really only care about the name property.
Note that it is null if you haven't set a default yet! In the code below, I'm taking advantage of a couple new JavaScript features, optional chaining and the nullish coalescing operator to see if the default zone is set and if not, use the value.
const task = {
startDate: '2020-03-24 14:00:00'
console.log('before setting default: ', moment.defaultZone);'US/Samoa');
console.log('after setting default: ', moment.defaultZone);
const startDateMoment = moment.utc(task.startDate).tz(moment.defaultZone?.name ??;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Moment js: moment(0) = Wed Dec 31 1969?

I tried to make null date.
so I tried to make them all 0 when I click the clear button.
this.clear = function () {
_this.newQuarters.forEach(function (_value, index) {
_value.startDate = 0;
_value.endDate = 0;
_value.suppressAllocation = false;
_value.quarters.forEach(function (_childValue, index) {
_childValue.startDate = 0;
_childValue.endDate = 0;
_childValue.suppressAllocation = false;
After that, I tried to add 0 at moment from other function.
this.newQuarters.forEach(function (_value, index) {
var startDate = moment(_value.startDate);
but, it display startDate = Wed Dec 31 1969.
Please help me to find to make all date are null.
When passing a number to the moment() function, it interpret it as a unix timestamp.
Which is the number of second since EPOCH time, or 01-01-1970.
So passing 0 to that function result in the very first second of jan 1 1970. As Bergi pointed out, you are probably displaying your dates in your local timezone, which could result in a time before 01-01-1970.
If you want to create a null date, you should set your startDate to null and handle it correctly ( with an if statement).
You could also set the date back to the current time by passing no argument to the moment() function.
Dates can be tricky to work with in an application. There is no such thing as time that is not time. At least not in the world of programming. For this reason we have to create our own understanding of what a lack of time will be.
There is no time without time but there is a lack of value.
You obviously understand this, you had an approach, in your case, you seem to be fine with simply having time be zero, it just broke when working with moment as moment is using EPOCH time. Thus, zero is time.
You are going to have to test like the rest of us.
this.newQuarters.forEach(function (_value, index) {
var startDate = _value.startDate ? moment(_value.startDate) : null;
Lack of time could be whatever you want, undefine, null, a beginning date
Be consistent: Database vendors and languages handle things differently, front end is not always the same time zone, etc.
If you are dealing with momentjs library, there is a function: invalid()
You can easily make your variables invalid moment object and control their validity.
let currentDate = moment(); // Valid moment object
// make the moment object invalid
currentDate = moment.invalid();
console.log(currentDate.isValid()); // Check validity
console.log(currentDate.format()); // Invalid date
// make the moment object valid again
currentDate = moment();
console.log(currentDate.isValid()); // Check validity
console.log(currentDate.format()); // A valid date
<script src=""></script>

Detect SQL min date string in javascript

In an angularJS application I'm working on, we are using a SQL server to provide data. Nothing odd there. I am tasked with working on the date sanitation, so objects that are passed into our application that have the SQL min date value are undefined, and ones that do have a date are javascript Date objects.
I know that during upgrades, sometimes the string that is defined for min date can change. Right now, it is 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z. I cannot just do a string comparison because it could change.
My problem is, how do i determine this min date in javascript? new Date(varThatIsMinDate) is a valid date. MomentJS thinks its valid too, and it is technically a valid date. I'm less worried about validation and more worried about "is it min date"
How do you determine min date === true from a zulu pattern 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z or similar in javascript?
My code so far, cause I know you are gonna ask for it:
if (response.config.responseType === 'json') {
for (var property in {
if ( {
if (property.toUpperCase().indexOf('DATE') > -1 || property.toUpperCase().indexOf('TIME') > -1) {
// Attempt to use JS built in date and validate
var tmpDate = new Date([property]);
if ($moment(tmpDate).isValid()) {
// Make it a valid date object if it has a valid date[property] = tmpDate;
} else {
// Make it undefined[property] = undefined;
Thing is, its always valid, so this code doesn't work.
EDIT: I could cheat and use tmpDate.getUTCFullYear() === 1 but i'd like to know how to do this the right way.

HTML passing parameters to javascript function that then does a date compare and then javascript returning a result to be displayed in html

I am having problems figuring out how to do a date compare in Javascript, and how to pass and receive varialbes to and from Javascript Function and Html.
I have 4 term dates (workshop start and end dates for each term). I will send one set of dates at a time to the javascript function, and then I want the Javascript to check if today's date falls within the range of that workshop. Then the javascript should return a value like "workshop finished", "workshop in progress", "workshop to come" (depending on wheiter todays date is before, during, or after that specific date range). I'll call the function 4 different times - each with a different range of dates.
So for example, If the first set of dates are: 6th February till 13th March 2014, then how would I call the javascript function? This is what I have so far:
In the html - at the point where I want the status to be displayed, I tried this:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write(displayStatus(02062014, 03132014));
I know that the above date formating is probably wrong that I am trying to send to the function, but I am not sure what format is needed to do a date compare. (Note: the empty noscript tags are because if scripting is turned off, I don't want anything displayed.)
I've started the function like this (found inside status-date.js file):
function displayStatus(fromDate,toDate) {
todayDate = new Date();
// this is a comment for code that needs to be written:
// magic happens here that compares today's date to the fromDate and toDate
// and returns th appropriate status line
// the rest below is how I think the status is returned to the html
// (I'm using 'in progress' as a test example)
var dateStatus = "in progress"
return dateStatus;
Note: the function is loaded in from the head section as follows:
<script src="assets/js/status-date.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
Even with this simple function.. that basically gives me the status without any calculations, just so I can test the comunication between HTML and function.. it doesn't display anything. So I can't really move forward until I figure out this basic step first.
So, could some kind sole help me figure this out.
How to properly send formated date parameters to the javascript function.
How to display the status results that need to be returned to the html
How do you (inside the function) check if todays date falls within a range of provided dates.
Thanks for any help provided.
I believe that you are looking for something like this...
function displayStatus(fromDate,toDate) {
var status;
var today = new Date();
today = Date.parse(today);
if(today >= fromDate && today <= toDate) {
status = 'In Progress';
} else if(today > toDate) {
status = 'Workshop Finished';
} else {
status = 'Workshop To Come';
return status;
window.onload = function(){
var startDate = new Date(2014,1,6); //6th February
var endDate = new Date(2014,2,13); //13th March 2014
document.write(displayStatus(Date.parse(startDate), Date.parse(endDate)));
Here are some other helpful resources:
Compare two dates with JavaScript

JavaScript timezone information how to get America/Los_Angeles (or equivalent) [duplicate]

Is there a standard way for a web server to be able to determine a user's timezone within a web page?
Perhaps from an HTTP header or part of the user-agent string?
-new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60;
The method getTimezoneOffset() will subtract your time from GMT and return the number of minutes. So if you live in GMT-8, it will return 480.
To put this into hours, divide by 60. Also, notice that the sign is the opposite of what you need - it's calculating GMT's offset from your time zone, not your time zone's offset from GMT. To fix this, simply multiply by -1.
Also note that w3school says:
The returned value is not a constant, because of the practice of using
Daylight Saving Time.
The most popular (==standard?) way of determining the time zone I've seen around is simply asking the users themselves. If your website requires subscription, this could be saved in the users' profile data. For anon users, the dates could be displayed as UTC or GMT or some such.
I'm not trying to be a smart aleck. It's just that sometimes some problems have finer solutions outside of any programming context.
There are no HTTP headers that will report the clients timezone so far although it has been suggested to include it in the HTTP specification.
If it was me, I would probably try to fetch the timezone using clientside JavaScript and then submit it to the server using Ajax or something.
First, understand that time zone detection in JavaScript is imperfect. You can get the local time zone offset for a particular date and time using getTimezoneOffset on an instance of the Date object, but that's not quite the same as a full IANA time zone like America/Los_Angeles.
There are some options that can work though:
Most modern browsers support IANA time zones in their implementation of the ECMAScript Internationalization API, so you can do this:
const tzid = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
The result is a string containing the IANA time zone setting of the computer where the code is running.
Supported environments are listed in the Intl compatibility table. Expand the DateTimeFormat section, and look at the feature named resolvedOptions().timeZone defaults to the host environment.
Some libraries, such as Luxon use this API to determine the time zone through functions like luxon.Settings.defaultZoneName.
If you need to support an wider set of environments, such as older web browsers, you can use a library to make an educated guess at the time zone. They work by first trying the Intl API if it's available, and when it's not available, they interrogate the getTimezoneOffset function of the Date object, for several different points in time, using the results to choose an appropriate time zone from an internal data set.
Both jsTimezoneDetect and moment-timezone have this functionality.
// using jsTimeZoneDetect
var tzid = jstz.determine().name();
// using moment-timezone
var tzid =;
In both cases, the result can only be thought of as a guess. The guess may be correct in many cases, but not all of them.
Additionally, these libraries have to be periodically updated to counteract the fact that many older JavaScript implementations are only aware of the current daylight saving time rule for their local time zone. More details on that here.
Ultimately, a better approach is to actually ask your user for their time zone. Provide a setting that they can change. You can use one of the above options to choose a default setting, but don't make it impossible to deviate from that in your app.
There's also the entirely different approach of not relying on the time zone setting of the user's computer at all. Instead, if you can gather latitude and longitude coordinates, you can resolve those to a time zone using one of these methods. This works well on mobile devices.
JavaScript is the easiest way to get the client's local time. I would suggest using an XMLHttpRequest to send back the local time, and if that fails, fall back to the timezone detected based on their IP address.
As far as geolocation, I've used MaxMind GeoIP on several projects and it works well, though I'm not sure if they provide timezone data. It's a service you pay for and they provide monthly updates to your database. They provide wrappers in several web languages.
Here is a robust JavaScript solution to determine the time zone the browser is in.
>>> var timezone = jstz.determine();
Here is a more complete way.
Get the timezone offset for the user
Test some days on daylight saving boundaries to determine if they are in a zone that uses daylight saving.
An excerpt is below:
function TimezoneDetect(){
var dtDate = new Date('1/1/' + (new Date()).getUTCFullYear());
var intOffset = 10000; //set initial offset high so it is adjusted on the first attempt
var intMonth;
var intHoursUtc;
var intHours;
var intDaysMultiplyBy;
// Go through each month to find the lowest offset to account for DST
for (intMonth=0;intMonth < 12;intMonth++){
//go to the next month
dtDate.setUTCMonth(dtDate.getUTCMonth() + 1);
// To ignore daylight saving time look for the lowest offset.
// Since, during DST, the clock moves forward, it'll be a bigger number.
if (intOffset > (dtDate.getTimezoneOffset() * (-1))){
intOffset = (dtDate.getTimezoneOffset() * (-1));
return intOffset;
Getting TZ and DST from JS (via Way Back Machine)
Using Unkwntech's approach, I wrote a function using jQuery and PHP. This is tested and does work!
On the PHP page where you want to have the timezone as a variable, have this snippet of code somewhere near the top of the page:
$timezone = $_SESSION['time'];
This will read the session variable "time", which we are now about to create.
On the same page, in the <head>, you need to first of all include jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Also in the <head>, below the jQuery, paste this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if("<?php echo $timezone; ?>".length==0){
var visitortime = new Date();
var visitortimezone = "GMT " + -visitortime.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
type: "GET",
url: "",
data: 'time='+ visitortimezone,
success: function(){
You may or may not have noticed, but you need to change the URL to your actual domain.
One last thing. You are probably wondering what the heck timezone.php is. Well, it is simply this:
(create a new file called timezone.php and point to it with the above URL)
$_SESSION['time'] = $_GET['time'];
If this works correctly, it will first load the page, execute the JavaScript, and reload the page. You will then be able to read the $timezone variable and use it to your pleasure! It returns the current UTC/GMT time zone offset (GMT -7) or whatever timezone you are in.
To submit the timezone offset as an HTTP header on AJAX requests with jQuery
beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-TZ-Offset", -new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60);
You can also do something similar to get the actual time zone name by using; from
I still have not seen a detailed answer here that gets the time zone. You shouldn't need to geocode by IP address or use PHP (lol) or incorrectly guess from an offset.
Firstly a time zone is not just an offset from GMT. It is an area of land in which the time rules are set by local standards. Some countries have daylight savings, and will switch on DST at differing times. It's usually important to get the actual zone, not just the current offset.
If you intend to store this timezone, for instance in user preferences you want the zone and not just the offset. For realtime conversions it won't matter much.
Now, to get the time zone with javascript you can use this:
>> new Date().toTimeString();
"15:46:04 GMT+1200 (New Zealand Standard Time)"
//Use some regular expression to extract the time.
However I found it easier to simply use this robust plugin which returns the Olsen formatted timezone:
With the PHP date function you will get the date time of server on which the site is located. The only way to get the user time is to use JavaScript.
But I suggest you to, if your site has registration required then the best way is to ask the user while to have registration as a compulsory field. You can list various time zones in the register page and save that in the database. After this, if the user logs in to the site then you can set the default time zone for that session as per the users’ selected time zone.
You can set any specific time zone using the PHP function date_default_timezone_set. This sets the specified time zone for users.
Basically the users’ time zone is goes to the client side, so we must use JavaScript for this.
Below is the script to get users’ time zone using PHP and JavaScript.
# List of Time Zones
function showclienttime()
<script type="text/javascript">
var Cookies = {};
Cookies.create = function (name, value, days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
else {
var expires = "";
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
this[name] = value;
var now = new Date();
window.location = "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>";
else {
$fct_clientbias = $_COOKIE['GMT_bias'];
$fct_servertimedata = gettimeofday();
$fct_servertime = $fct_servertimedata['sec'];
$fct_serverbias = $fct_servertimedata['minuteswest'];
$fct_totalbias = $fct_serverbias – $fct_clientbias;
$fct_totalbias = $fct_totalbias * 60;
$fct_clienttimestamp = $fct_servertime + $fct_totalbias;
$fct_time = time();
$fct_year = strftime("%Y", $fct_clienttimestamp);
$fct_month = strftime("%B", $fct_clienttimestamp);
$fct_day = strftime("%d", $fct_clienttimestamp);
$fct_hour = strftime("%I", $fct_clienttimestamp);
$fct_minute = strftime("%M", $fct_clienttimestamp);
$fct_second = strftime("%S", $fct_clienttimestamp);
$fct_am_pm = strftime("%p", $fct_clienttimestamp);
echo $fct_day.", ".$fct_month." ".$fct_year." ( ".$fct_hour.":".$fct_minute.":".$fct_second." ".$fct_am_pm." )";
But as per my point of view, it’s better to ask to the users if registration is mandatory in your project.
Don't use the IP address to definitively determine location (and hence timezone)-- that's because with NAT, proxies (increasingly popular), and VPNs, IP addresses do not necessarily realistically reflect the user's actual location, but the location at which the servers implementing those protocols reside.
Similar to how US area codes are no longer useful for locating a telephone user, given the popularity of number portability.
IP address and other techniques shown above are useful for suggesting a default that the user can adjust/correct.
function maketimus(timestampz)
var linktime = new Date(timestampz * 1000);
var linkday = linktime.getDate();
var freakingmonths = new Array();
freakingmonths[0] = "jan";
freakingmonths[1] = "feb";
freakingmonths[2] = "mar";
freakingmonths[3] = "apr";
freakingmonths[4] = "may";
freakingmonths[5] = "jun";
freakingmonths[6] = "jul";
freakingmonths[7] = "aug";
freakingmonths[8] = "sep";
freakingmonths[9] = "oct";
freakingmonths[10] = "nov";
freakingmonths[11] = "dec";
var linkmonthnum = linktime.getMonth();
var linkmonth = freakingmonths[linkmonthnum];
var linkyear = linktime.getFullYear();
var linkhour = linktime.getHours();
var linkminute = linktime.getMinutes();
if (linkminute < 10)
linkminute = "0" + linkminute;
var fomratedtime = linkday + linkmonth + linkyear + " " +
linkhour + ":" + linkminute + "h";
return fomratedtime;
Simply provide your times in Unix timestamp format to this function; JavaScript already knows the timezone of the user.
Like this:
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
var eltimio = maketimus('.$unix_timestamp_ofshiz.');
</script><noscript>pls enable javascript</noscript>';
This will always show the times correctly based on the timezone the person has set on his/her computer clock. There is no need to ask anything to anyone and save it into places, thank god!
Easy, just use the JavaScript getTimezoneOffset function like so:
-new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60;
All the magic seems to be in
That's cool, I didn't know about that. Does it work in Internet Explorer etc? From there you should be able to use JavaScript to Ajax, set cookies whatever. I'd probably go the cookie route myself.
You'll need to allow the user to change it though. We tried to use geo-location (via maxmind) to do this a while ago, and it was wrong enough to make it not worth doing. So we just let the user set it in their profile, and show a notice to users who haven't set theirs yet.
If you happen to be using OpenID for authentication, Simple Registration Extension would solve the problem for authenticated users (You'll need to convert from tz to numeric).
Another option would be to infer the time zone from the user agent's country preference. This is a somewhat crude method (won't work for en-US), but makes a good approximation.
Here is an article (with source code) that explains how to determine and use localized time in an ASP.NET (VB.NET, C#) application:
It's About Time
In short, the described approach relies on the JavaScript getTimezoneOffset function, which returns the value that is saved in the session cookie and used by code-behind to adjust time values between GMT and local time. The nice thing is that the user does not need to specify the time zone (the code does it automatically). There is more involved (this is why I link to the article), but provided code makes it really easy to use. I suspect that you can convert the logic to PHP and other languages (as long as you understand ASP.NET).
It is simple with JavaScript and PHP:
Even though the user can mess with his/her internal clock and/or timezone, the best way I found so far, to get the offset, remains new Date().getTimezoneOffset();. It's non-invasive, doesn't give head-aches and eliminates the need to rely on third parties.
Say I have a table, users, that contains a field date_created int(13), for storing Unix timestamps;
Assuming a client creates a new account, data is received by post, and I need to insert/update the date_created column with the client's Unix timestamp, not the server's.
Since the timezoneOffset is needed at the time of insert/update, it is passed as an extra $_POST element when the client submits the form, thus eliminating the need to store it in sessions and/or cookies, and no additional server hits either.
var off = (-new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60).toString();//note the '-' in front which makes it return positive for negative offsets and negative for positive offsets
var tzo = off == '0' ? 'GMT' : off.indexOf('-') > -1 ? 'GMT'+off : 'GMT+'+off;
Say the server receives tzo as $_POST['tzo'];
$ts = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($_POST['tzo']);
$user_time = $ts->format("F j, Y, g:i a");//will return the users current time in readable format, regardless of whether date_default_timezone() is set or not.
$user_timestamp = strtotime($user_time);
Insert/update date_created=$user_timestamp.
When retrieving the date_created, you can convert the timestamp like so:
$date_created = // Get from the database
$created = date("F j, Y, g:i a",$date_created); // Return it to the user or whatever
Now, this example may fit one's needs, when it comes to inserting a first timestamp... When it comes to an additional timestamp, or table, you may want to consider inserting the tzo value into the users table for future reference, or setting it as session or as a cookie.
P.S. BUT what if the user travels and switches timezones. Logs in at GMT+4, travels fast to GMT-1 and logs in again. Last login would be in the future.
I think... we think too much.
You could do it on the client with moment-timezone and send the value to server; sample usage:
Getting a valid TZ Database timezone name in PHP is a two-step process:
With JavaScript, get timezone offset in minutes through getTimezoneOffset. This offset will be positive if the local timezone is behind UTC and negative if it is ahead. So you must add an opposite sign to the offset.
var timezone_offset_minutes = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
timezone_offset_minutes = timezone_offset_minutes == 0 ? 0 : -timezone_offset_minutes;
Pass this offset to PHP.
In PHP convert this offset into a valid timezone name with timezone_name_from_abbr function.
// Just an example.
$timezone_offset_minutes = -360; // $_GET['timezone_offset_minutes']
// Convert minutes to seconds
$timezone_name = timezone_name_from_abbr("", $timezone_offset_minutes*60, false);
// America/Chicago
echo $timezone_name;</code></pre>
I've written a blog post on it: How to Detect User Timezone in PHP. It also contains a demo.
Try this PHP code:
$json = file_get_contents("" . $ip . "&full=true");
$json = json_decode($json,true);
$timezone = $json['LocalTimeZone'];
A simple way to do it is by using:
new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
Here's how I do it. This will set the PHP default timezone to the user's local timezone. Just paste the following on the top of all your pages:
var d = new Date()
var offset= -d.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
location.href = "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?offset="+offset;
$zonelist = array('Kwajalein' => -12.00, 'Pacific/Midway' => -11.00, 'Pacific/Honolulu' => -10.00, 'America/Anchorage' => -9.00, 'America/Los_Angeles' => -8.00, 'America/Denver' => -7.00, 'America/Tegucigalpa' => -6.00, 'America/New_York' => -5.00, 'America/Caracas' => -4.30, 'America/Halifax' => -4.00, 'America/St_Johns' => -3.30, 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => -3.00, 'America/Sao_Paulo' => -3.00, 'Atlantic/South_Georgia' => -2.00, 'Atlantic/Azores' => -1.00, 'Europe/Dublin' => 0, 'Europe/Belgrade' => 1.00, 'Europe/Minsk' => 2.00, 'Asia/Kuwait' => 3.00, 'Asia/Tehran' => 3.30, 'Asia/Muscat' => 4.00, 'Asia/Yekaterinburg' => 5.00, 'Asia/Kolkata' => 5.30, 'Asia/Katmandu' => 5.45, 'Asia/Dhaka' => 6.00, 'Asia/Rangoon' => 6.30, 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' => 7.00, 'Asia/Brunei' => 8.00, 'Asia/Seoul' => 9.00, 'Australia/Darwin' => 9.30, 'Australia/Canberra' => 10.00, 'Asia/Magadan' => 11.00, 'Pacific/Fiji' => 12.00, 'Pacific/Tongatapu' => 13.00);
$index = array_keys($zonelist, $_REQUEST['offset']);
$_SESSION['timezone'] = $index[0];
//rest of your code goes here
One possible option is to use the Date header field, which is defined in RFC 7231 and is supposed to include the timezone. Of course, it is not guaranteed that the value is really the client's timezone, but it can be a convenient starting point.
There can be a few ways to determine the timezone in the browser. If there is a standard function that is available and supported by your browser, that is what you should use. Below are three ways to get the same information in different formats. Avoid using non-standard solutions that make any guesses based on certain assumptions or hard coded lists of zones though they may be helpful if nothing else can be done.
Once you have this info, you can pass this as a non-standard request header to server and use it there. If you also need the timezone offset, you can also pass it to server in headers or in request payload which can be retrieved with dateObj.getTimezoneOffset().
Use Intl API to get the Olson format (Standard and recommended way): Note that this is not supported by all browsers. Refer this link for details on browser support for this.
This API let's you get the timezone in Olson format i.e., something like Asia/Kolkata, America/New_York etc.
Use Date object to get the long format such as India Standard Time, Eastern Standard Time etc: This is supported by all browsers.
let dateObj = new Date(2021, 11, 25, 09, 30, 00);
Sat Dec 25 2021 09:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) //I am located in India (IST)
Notice the string contains timezone info in long and short formats. You can now use regex to get this info out:
let longZoneRegex = /\((.+)\)/;
['(India Standard Time)', 'India Standard Time', index: 34, input: 'Sat Dec 25 2021 09:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)', groups: undefined]
//Note that output is an array so use output[1] to get the timezone name.
Use Date object to get the short format such as GMT+0530, GMT-0500 etc: This is supported by all browsers.
Similarly, you can get the short format out too:
let shortZoneRegex = /GMT[+-]\d{1,4}/;
['GMT+0530', index: 25, input: 'Sat Dec 25 2021 09:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)', groups: undefined]
//Note that output is an array so use output[0] to get the timezone name.
There's no such way to figure the timezone in the actual HTML code or any user-agent string, but what you can do is make a basic function getting it using JavaScript.
I don't know how to code with JavaScript yet so my function might take time to make.
However, you can try to get the actual timezone also using JavaScript with the getTzimezoneOffset() function in the Date section or simply new Date().getTimezoneOffset();.
I think that #Matt Johnson-Pints is by far the best and a CanIuse search reveals that now it is widely adopted:
One of the challenges though is to consider why you want to know the Timezone. Because I think one of the things most people have missed is that they can change! If a user travels with his laptop from Europe to America if you had previously stored it in a database their timezone is now incorrect (even if the user never actually updates their devices timezone). This is also the problem with #Mads Kristiansen answer as well because users travel - you cannot rely on it as a given.
For example, my Linux laptop has "automatic timezone" turned off. Whilst the time might update my timezone doesn't.
So I believe the answer is - what do you need it for? Client side certainly seems to give an easier way to ascertain it, but both client and server side code will depend on either the user updating their timezone or it updating automatically. I might of course be wrong.

