I am trying to upload a file to an ftp using multer-ftp. It successfully uploads to the ftp however I need to change the name of the file. Is there a way to do this?
var upload = multer({
storage: new FTPStorage({
basepath: '/path',
ftp: {
host: host,
secure: false,
user: user,
password: pwd
app.post('/getfiles', function (req, res, next) {
upload(req,res, function(err){
res.send('Error uploading file - ' + err);
res.send('File is uploaded - ' + JSON.stringify(req.file));
In req.file it has the original file name as it was uploaded. How can I get multer-ftp to upload the file using that name instead of the name it is coming out as (example format it is coming out as is 5acfbabc8430fb3d311ae365f448.png
Check this code, use destination option to rename the file.
var upload = multer({
storage: new FTPStorage({
basepath: '/path',
destination: function (req, file, options, callback) {
callback(null, path.join(options.basepath, file.originalname))
ftp: {
host: host,
secure: false,
user: user,
password: pwd
//corrected code
I have this code, but surfing the web, i cannot found some way to download a file from the remote server. I'm able to upload the files in the remote server but I don't have any idea how download from there.
var storage = sftpStorage({
sftp: {
host: '171.16.....',
port: xxxx,
username: 'username',
password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
destination: function(req, file, cb) {
cb(null, 'uploads')
filename: function(req, file, cb) {
cb(null, Date.now() + file.originalname)
var upload = multer({ storage: storage })
This is the route to upload the files: (Works great!)
router.post('/upload-image', upload.single('file'), listarController.uploadImage);
This is the route to download the files - locally: (Searching a method...)
router.get('/get-file/:file', listarController.getFile);
The method to download locally:
controller.getFile = (req, res) => {
var file = req.params.file;
var path_file = './uploads/' + file;
fs.exists(path_file, (exists) => {
if (exists) {
return res.sendFile(path.resolve(path_file))
} else {
return res.status(200).send({
message: "The image doesn't exist."
Some suggestion? Thanks in advance
I solved it with the following libraries:
1. multer-sftp: To upload the files.
2. ftp: To download and rename the files.
I trying to handle a great service called Space in Digital Ocean. Here is a pretty nice explanation about uploading files, but there is only about GET request and nothing about DELETE. Maybe someone has got experience with S3 together with Digital Ocean Space on Node JS?
Using localhost server I found out in settings of Space that "Advanced CORS Options" you can provide "Origin" and only "Allowed Methods" GET.
But PUT, DELETE, POST, HEAD is disable.
Here is what I trying:
export default {
upload: (req, res) => {
const storage = multerS3({
contentType: multerS3.AUTO_CONTENT_TYPE,
acl: 'public-read',
key: function(req, file, callback) {
const { email } = req.user;
callback(null, email + '/' + file.originalName);
const upload = multer({ storage }).array('upload', 3);
upload(req, res, err => {
if (err) {
return res.status(422).send({
errors: [{ title: 'Image Upload Error', detail: err.message }],
} else {
console.log('Success upload file');
delete: (req, res) => {
const params = { Bucket: bucket, Key: 'some-folder-name-here' };
s3.deleteObjects(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return res.send({ error: err });
res.send({ data });
Actually it should be great if it's gonna be possible to delete and upload files through my localhost using simple s3 api.
Thank you.
Mistake was here: s3.deleteObjects, have to use s3.deleteObject, and yes, have to use in Key whole path without bucket name.
Perfect explain here. Thanks everyone.
I am trying to send an image in a POST req from react to nodejs. However my back-end is not receiving the file and req.file is undefined. When I test the server image upload code with postman, everything works fine so I suspect something is wrong on the front-end. Anybody know what's wrong?
Here's my code:
Image_Upload.js (submit image func, fileList[0] is an image):
onSubmitImage = e => {
const config = {
headers: {
"content-type": "multipart/form-data"
const formData = new FormData();
.post("/api/profile/img_upload", formData)
.then(res => console.log("Response: " + res))
.catch(err => console.log(err.response.data));
profile.js (receiving image endpoint):
passport.authenticate("jwt", { session: false }),
(req, res) => {
upload(req, res, err => {
if (err) {
res.status(400).json({ Error: err });
} else {
if (req.file == undefined) {
res.status(404).json({ error: "no file selected" });
} else {
res.json({ fileLoc: req.file.location });
img_upload.js (multer setup):
const upload = multer({
storage: storage,
limits: { fileSize: 1000000 },
fileFilter: function(req, file, cb) {
checkFileType(file, cb);
Any help is appreciated
I am noticing that when nodejs receives the req from the front-end, it is in req.body instead of req.file. So I am positive the problem is in react. How can I get react to send it as req.file instead of req.body?
Image request from Reacdt Front-end to Nodejs backend
upload that you defined is actually an express middleware which must take 3 arguments: request, response and next, respectively. next() calls the subsequent middleware in case no errors or next(error) otherwise. I highly recommend checking the answers to this question to get a better idea.
What you have done here is that you're calling a middleware as if it was a method. To fix that, config multer first
const multer = require('multer');
const upload = multer({
storage: 'path/here/',
limits: { fileSize: 1000000 },
fileFilter: function(req, file, cb) {
checkFileType(file, cb);
passport.authenticate("jwt", { session: false }),
(req, res) => {
// Your code here
I am trying to change the name of the image im uploading to the server using multer which gives the file a random name.
I user multer.diskStorage method to do so as described in the documentation but it keeps saving the file with random names
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
fileName: (req,file,cb) => {
cb(null, file.originalname)
const upload = multer({storage: storage})
router.post('/', upload.single('carImage') ,(req, res) => {
fieldname: 'carImage',
originalname: 'testOCR8.jpg',
encoding: '7bit',
mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
destination: './uploads/',
filename: '229f70c20e5550dbe638db49791ef17d',
path: 'uploads/229f70c20e5550dbe638db49791ef17d',
size: 1712380
im uploading to the server using multer which gives the file a random name
You made a typo. It is filename not fileName. This is the standard behavior as per the docs.
filename is used to determine what the file should be named inside the folder. If no filename is given, each file will be given a random name that doesn't include any file extension.
So, your code should be
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
filename: (req,file,cb) => { // notice the change 'filename'
cb(null, file.originalname)
const upload = multer({storage: storage});
Try a different approach for using StorageMulter. Try the following -
var StorageMulter = multer.diskStorage({
destination: function(req, file, callback) {
callback(null, "./temp");
filename: function(req, file, callback) {
var uploadFileName = "x.jpg"; //Manipulate this variable accordingly
callback(null, uploadFileName);
var upload = multer({
storage: StorageMulter
app.post("/api/uploaddocument", function(req, res) {
upload(req, res, function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.end("Something went wrong!"+ err);
I use multer/multer-s3 to upload a Profilepicture to Amazon S3.
The Upload works well when i use a static filename like 'userPhoto_' which matches the the fieldname in the form.
var upload = multer({
storage: multerS3({
s3: s3,
bucket: '<bucketname>',
key: function (req, file, cb) {
cb(null, file.fieldname);
router.post('/api/photo', upload.single('userPhoto_123'), function (req,res) {
In my .ejs File i have the Input Field like
<input class="ui input" type="file" name="userPhoto_<%=person.id%>" />
So the question is how to pass the FieldName including the person.id to the upload.single - Middleware.
modify bucket value as -
req: is normal express request
bucket: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, ${req.dynamic_name});