Get command line arguments from Electron Application that is already running? - javascript

Currently I need to get command line arguments from an Electron application. So if you start the application with command line arguments, I need to use the arguments within the renderer process (a webview to be specific.)
This works fine when opening the application for the first time (using onload), but I'm having issues getting this to work when the application is already running and the user tries to reopen the app from cmd with args.
Currently, I'm using:
let closeDupeApp = app.makeSingleInstance(function(commandLine, workingDirectory) {
// Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
if (mainWindow) {
if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore();
To prevent a second window from opening. However, I need the commandLine arguments and I need to send them to the renderer process.
Is there a way to do this?

You can read process.argv in the main process and paste it onto the end of the file:// url as a query string in I do this routinely. You can JSON encode the and encodeURIComponent on the array to get a nice list in the renderer process.

Found a solution:
let closeDupeApp = app.makeSingleInstance(function(commandLine, workingDirectory) {
if (mainWindow) {
// Send args to renderer
mainWindow.webContents.send("cmdArgs", commandLine);
if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore();
require('electron').ipcRenderer.on('cmdArgs', function(event, cmdArgs) {


CefSharp offscreen with .net core 2.0 Runtime Error , System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'CefSharp.Core,

I am getting this error
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'CefSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=40c4b6fc221f4138'. The system cannot find the file specified.'
I am trying to run the cefsharp.minimalexample.offscreen program in .net core 2.0. in visual studio 2017
what I have done so far
1 . Created .net core console application
2 . Installed NuGet packages Cefsharp.Offscreen (which installs the dependencies cefsharp.common and redist)
3 . Installed nuget package to get the system.drawing in .net core (It was not working with System.Drawing.Common as the Cefsharp ScreenshotAsync function using system.drawing)
These steps will clear all the errors and the project will build successfully.
I am getting the above mentioned error.
I have checked all the required files mentioned in the Cefsharp documentation in the current running folder (debug). All files are available ,Still error is not going away.
It works fine in old Dot net versions 4.6.
I could not find any helping documents for implementing cefsharp.offscreen with .net core any where.
This is the code from the example provided in the Cefsharp.offscreen.
Please let me know if you can shed some light on this issue. Thanks in advance.
public class Program
private static ChromiumWebBrowser browser;
public static void Main(string[] args)
const string testUrl = "";
Console.WriteLine("This example application will load {0}, take a screenshot, and save it to your desktop.", testUrl);
Console.WriteLine("You may see Chromium debugging output, please wait...");
var settings = new CefSettings()
//By default CefSharp will use an in-memory cache, you need to specify a Cache Folder to persist data
CachePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "CefSharp\\Cache")
//Perform dependency check to make sure all relevant resources are in our output directory.
Cef.Initialize(settings, performDependencyCheck: true, browserProcessHandler: null);
// Create the offscreen Chromium browser.
browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(testUrl);
// An event that is fired when the first page is finished loading.
// This returns to us from another thread.
browser.LoadingStateChanged += BrowserLoadingStateChanged;
// We have to wait for something, otherwise the process will exit too soon.
// Clean up Chromium objects. You need to call this in your application otherwise
// you will get a crash when closing.
private static void BrowserLoadingStateChanged(object sender, LoadingStateChangedEventArgs e)
// Check to see if loading is complete - this event is called twice, one when loading starts
// second time when it's finished
// (rather than an iframe within the main frame).
if (!e.IsLoading)
// Remove the load event handler, because we only want one snapshot of the initial page.
browser.LoadingStateChanged -= BrowserLoadingStateChanged;
var scriptTask = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("document.getElementById('lst-ib').value = 'CefSharp Was Here!'");
scriptTask.ContinueWith(t =>
//Give the browser a little time to render
// Wait for the screenshot to be taken.
var task = browser.ScreenshotAsync();
task.ContinueWith(x =>
// Make a file to save it to (e.g. C:\Users\jan\Desktop\CefSharp screenshot.png)
var screenshotPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "CefSharp screenshot.png");
Console.WriteLine("Screenshot ready. Saving to {0}", screenshotPath);
// Save the Bitmap to the path.
// The image type is auto-detected via the ".png" extension.
// We no longer need the Bitmap.
// Dispose it to avoid keeping the memory alive. Especially important in 32-bit applications.
Console.WriteLine("Screenshot saved. Launching your default image viewer...");
// Tell Windows to launch the saved image.
Console.WriteLine("Image viewer launched. Press any key to exit.");
}, TaskScheduler.Default);

Why are these console.log statements not working? Electron

I am trying to test something here.
I am using electron and javascript. I am trying to load a profile into the page when a user selects it. None of my console log statements are showing in the console, however when the user makes the "profileSelect" change event, the values are loaded correctly. The reason I am testing this is because I am trying to add an addition to this file, checking a checkbox (it's not working either).
profileSelect.change(function(event) {
//If the value isn't null
if (profileSelect.val() == '') {
} else {
ipcRenderer.once(profileSelect.val() + 'profileData', function(event, data) {
//Return card to style it was first added like
//This allows us to parse the data on profile save
const cardParse = String(data.card.number).match(/.{3,4}/g).join(' ')
const dateParse = String(data.card.month) + ' / ' + String(data.card.year);
//Send the selected profile
ipcRenderer.send('requestProfile', profileSelect.val())
Why aren't the console log statements logging? Thanks for any input :)
Electron has 2 processes, and hence 2 consoles. The 2 processes are main and renderer, main being a node.js process, renderer being a browser process.
Main process console.log would be shown in the terminal (if running in dev) or in the browser console window if in the renderer process.
You seem to be logging from the renderer process as per the ipcRenderer statements.
The renderer console can be shown via the standard chrome devtools shortcut (as its running a chrome instance) (usually F12)
You won't be able to see any console statements from renderer in main, or main in renderer.

Why doesn't callback get called when the app is in background?

I'm developing a titanium app that needs to display a Banner Message under iOS when a push notification comes in. Therefore I used the following code to register on incoming push notifications:
var callbacks = {
types: [
callback: function(e){
console.log("new push notification")
//code for displaying banner message would go here!
if(Ti.App.iOS.registerUserNotificationSettings){ //iOS 8 +
function onUserNotificationSettings(){
delete callbacks.types;
}else{ //up to iOS 7
But the callback function does not get called when the app is in background. So, I also can't display the banner message there, since the code won't get executed.
What could be the reason why the callback does not get called when the app is in background? When it is in foreground, it works perfectly. Is it normal? If yes, where else would I put my code to display the banner message?
I'm using SDK version 3.4.0 on an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.1.1
Please note that sending the banner text through the apn-payload is not the solution. There are other usecases. For example, when the server needs to tell the client that there is new content to sync, where the user does not even need to get notified for. The client should just download the new content in background just when the notification arrives.
You need to register for the remote-notification background mode. This will wake up your app and give you execution time when you send the notifications.
For the record this is in the Appcelerator docs here
I've found out how to do it!
The callback will get called when the app is in background. All I had to do for it was to add the following to my tiapp.xml in ti:app/ios/plist/dict:
After that, everything works fine!

Simplest way to launch Firefox, drive 3rd party site using privileged nsI* APIs

What's the simplest way to launch Firefox, load a 3rd party website (which I'm authorised to "automate"), and run some "privileged" APIs against that site? (e.g: nsIProgressListener, nsIWindowMediator, etc).
I've tried a two approaches:
Create a tabbed browser using XULrunner, "plumbing" all the appropriate APIs required for the 3rd party site to open new windows, follow 302 redirects, etc. Doing it this way, it's an aweful lot of code, and requires (afaict) that the user installs the app, or runs Firefox with -app. It's also extremely fragile. :-/
Launch Firefox passing URL of the 3rd party site, with MozRepl already listening. Then shortly after startup, telnet from the "launch" script to MozRepl, use mozIJSSubScriptLoader::loadSubScript to load my code, then execute my code from MozRepl in the context of the 3rd party site -- this is the way I'm currently doing it.
With the first approach, I'm getting lots of security issues (obviously) to work around, and it seems like I'm writing 10x more browser "plumbing" code then automation code.
With the second approach, I'm seeing lots of "timing issues", i.e:
the 3rd party site is somehow prevented from loading by MozRepl (or the execution of the privileged code I supply)???, or
the 3rd party site loads, but code executed by MozRepl doesn't see it load, or
the 3rd party site loads, and MozRepl isn't ready to take requests (despite other JavaScript running in the page, and port 4242 being bound by the Firefox process),
I thought about maybe doing something like this:
Modify the MozRepl source in some way to load privileged JavaScript from a predictable place in the filesystem at start-up (or interact with Firefox command-line arguments) and execute it in the context of the 3rd party website.
... or even write another similar add-on which is more dedicated to the task.
Any simpler ideas?
After a lot of trial-and-error, answered my own question (below).
I found the easiest way was to write a purpose-built Firefox extension!
Step 1. I didn't want to do a bunch of unnecessary XUL/addon related stuff that wasn't necessary; A "Bootstrapped" (or re-startless) extension needs only an install.rdf file to identify the addon, and a bootstrap.js file to implement the bootstrap interface.
Bootstrapped Extension:
Good example:
The bootstrap interface can be implemented very simply:
const path = '/PATH/TO/EXTERNAL/CODE.js';
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
var loaderSvc = Cc[";1"];
function install() {}
function uninstall() {}
function shutdown(data, reason) {}
function startup(data, reason) { loaderSvc.loadSubScript("file://"+path); }
You compile the extension by putting install.rdf and bootstrap.js into the top-level of a new zip file, and rename the zip file extension to .xpi.
Step 2. To have a repeatable environment for production & testing, I found the easiest way was to launch Firefox with a profile dedicated to the automation task:
Launch the Firefox profile manager: firefox -ProfileManager
Create a new profile, specifying the location for easy re-use (I called mine testing-profile) and then exit the profile manager.
Remove the new profile from profiles.ini in your user's mozilla config (so that it won't interfere with normal browsing).
Launch Firefox with that profile: firefox -profile /path/to/testing-profile
Install the extension from the file-system (rather than
Do anything else needed to prepare the profile. (e.g: I needed to add 3rd party certificates and allow pop-up windows for the relevant domain.)
Leave a single about:blank tab open, then exit Firefox.
Snapshot the profile: tar cvf testing-profile-snapshot.tar /path/to/testing-profile
From that point onward, every time I run the automation, I unpack testing-profile-snapshot.tar over the existing testing-profile folder and run firefox -profile /path/to/testing-profile about:blank to use the "pristine" profile.
Step 3. So now when I launch Firefox with the testing-profile it will "include" the external code at /PATH/TO/EXTERNAL/CODE.js on each start-up.
NOTE: I found that I had to move the /PATH/TO/EXTERNAL/ folder elsewhere during step 2 above, as the external JavaScript code would be cached (!!! - undesirable during development) inside the profile (i.e: changes to the external code wouldn't be seen on next launch).
The external code is privileged and can use any of the Mozilla platform APIs. There is however an issue of timing. The moment-in-time at which the external code is included (and hence executed) is one at which no Chrome window objects (and so no DOMWindow objects) yet exist.
So then we need to wait around until there's a useful DOMWindow object:
// useful services.
var loader = Cc[";1"]
var wmSvc = Cc[";1"]
var logSvc = Cc[";1"]
// "user" code entry point.
function user_code() {
// your code here!
// window, gBrowser, etc work as per MozRepl!
// get the gBrowser, first (about:blank) domWindow,
// and set up common globals.
var done_startup = 0;
var windowListener;
function do_startup(win) {
if (done_startup) return;
done_startup = 1;
var browserEnum = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
var browserWin = browserEnum.getNext();
var tabbrowser = browserWin.gBrowser;
var currentBrowser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(0);
var domWindow = currentBrowser.contentWindow;
window = domWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
setTimeout = window.setTimeout;
setInterval = window.setInterval;
alert = function(message) {
Services.prompt.alert(null, "alert", message);
console = {
log: function(message) {
// the first domWindow will finish loading a little later than gBrowser...
gBrowser.addEventListener('load', function() {
gBrowser.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee, true);
}, true);
// window listener implementation
windowListener = {
onWindowTitleChange: function(aWindow, aTitle) {},
onCloseWindow: function(aWindow) {},
onOpenWindow: function(aWindow) {
var win = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
win.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
win.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
if (aEvent.originalTarget.nodeName != "#document") return;
Step 4. All of that code executes in the "global" scope. If you later need to load other JavaScript files (e.g: jQuery), call loadSubscript explicitly within the null (global!) scope
function some_user_code() {,"file:///PATH/TO/SOME/CODE.js");,"http://HOST/PATH/TO/jquery.js");
$ = jQuery = window.$;
Now we can use jQuery on any DOMWindow by passing <DOMWindow>.document as the second parameter to the selector call!

Detect between a mobile browser or a PhoneGap application

Is it possible to detect if the user is accessing through the browser or application using JavaScript?
I'm developing a hybrid application to several mobile OS through a web page and a PhoneGap application and the goal would be to:
Use the same code independently of the deployment target
Add PhoneGap.js file only when the user agent is an application
You could check if the current URL contains http protocol.
var app = document.URL.indexOf( 'http://' ) === -1 && document.URL.indexOf( 'https://' ) === -1;
if ( app ) {
// PhoneGap application
} else {
// Web page
Quick solution comes to mind is,
shall help you. As this JS call is invoked only by the Native bridge (objC or Java), the safari mobile browser will fail to detect this. So your on device app(phone gap) source base will initiate from onDeviceReady.
And if any of the Phonegap's JS calls like Device.platform or is NaN or null then its obviously a mobile web call.
Please check and let me know the results.
I figured out a way to do this and not rely on deviceready events thus, keeping the web codebase intact...
The current problem with using the built in deviceready event, is that when the page is loaded, you have no way of telling the app: "Hey this is NOT running on an mobile device, there's no need to wait for the device to be ready to start".
1.- In the native portion of the code, for example for iOS, in MainViewController.m there's a method viewDidLoad, I am sending a javascript variable that I later check for in the web code, if that variable is around, I will wait to start the code for my page until everything is ready (for example, navigator geolocation)
Under MainViewController.m:
- (void) viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSString* jsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"isAppNative = true;"];
[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
2.- index.html the code goes like this:
function onBodyLoad()
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady(){;;
PhoneGap has window.PhoneGap (or in Cordova, it's window.cordova or window.Cordova) object set. Check whether that object exists and do the magic.
Inside the native call where the url for the phonegap app is loaded you add a parameter target with value phonegap. So the call for android becomes something like this.
Your website using this code won't be called with the extra parameter, so we now have something different between the two deploying platforms.
Inside the javascript we check if the parameter exists and if so we add the script tag for phonegap/cordova.
var urlVars = window.location.href.split('?');
if(urlVars.length > 1 && urlVars[1].search('target=phonegap') != -1){
//phonegap was used for the call
$('head').append('<script src="cordova.js"></script>');
A small caveat: this method requires to change the call to index.html in phonegap for each different targeted mobile platform. I am unfamiliar where to do this for most platforms.
what if you try following :
if(window._cordovaNative) {
alert("loading cordova");
requirejs(["...path/to/cordova.js"], function () {
alert("Finished loading cordova");
I am using the same code for both phonegap app and our web client. Here is the code that I use to detect if phonegap is available:
window.phonegap = false;
$.getScript("cordova-1.7.0.js", function(){
window.phonegap = true;
Keep in mind that phonegap js file is loaded asynchronously. You can load it synchronously by setting the correct option of a nifty jquery $.getScript function.
Note that approach does make an extra GET request to grab phonegap js file even in your webclient. In my case, it did not affect the performance of my webclient; so it ended up being a nice/clean way to do this.Well at least until someone else finds a quick one-line solution :)
It sounds like you are loading another webpage once the webview starts in the Phonegap app, is that correct? If that's true then you could add a param to the request url based on configuration.
For example, assuming PHP,
App.Config = {
target: "phonegap"
<body onload="onbodyload()">
var onbodyload = function () {
var target =;
document.location = "/home?target=" + target;
Then on the server side, include the phonegap js if the target is phonegap.
There is no way to detect the difference using the user agent.
The way I'm doing it with is using a global variable that is overwritten by a browser-only version of cordova.js. In your main html file (usually index.html) I have the following scripts that are order-dependent:
var __cordovaRunningOnBrowser__ = false
<script src="cordova.js"></script> <!-- must be included after __cordovaRunningOnBrowser__ is initialized -->
<script src="index.js"></script> <!-- must be included after cordova.js so that __cordovaRunningOnBrowser__ is set correctly -->
And inside cordova.js I have simply:
__cordovaRunningOnBrowser__ = true
When building for a mobile device, the cordova.js will not be used (and instead the platform-specific cordova.js file will be used), so this method has the benefit of being 100% correct regardless of protocols, userAgents, or library variables (which may change). There may be other things I should include in cordova.js, but I don't know what they are yet.
Ive ben struggling with this aswell, and i know this is an old thread, but i havent seen my approach anywhere, so thought id share incase itll help someone.
i set a custom useragent after the actual useragent :
String useragent = settings.getUserAgentString();
settings.setUserAgentString(useragent + ";phonegap");
that just adds the phonegap string so other sites relying on detecting your mobile useragent still works.
Then you can load phonegap like this:
if( /phonegap/i.test(navigator.userAgent) )
//you are on a phonegap app, $getScript etc
} else {
alert("not phonegap");
To my mind you try to make issue for self. You didn't mentioned your development platform but most of them have different deployment configuration. You can define two configurations. And set variable that indicates in which way code was deployed.
In this case you don't need to care about devices where you deployed your app.
Short and effective:
if (document.location.protocol == 'file:') { //Phonegap is present }
Similar to B T's solution, but simpler:
I have an empty cordova.js in my www folder, which gets overwritten by Cordova when building. Don't forget to include cordova.js before your app script file (it took my one hour to find out that I had them in wrong order...).
You can then check for the Cordova object:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
if (window.Cordova) {
document.addEventListener('DeviceReady', bootstrap);
} else {
function bootstrap() {
New solution:
var isPhoneGapWebView = location.href.match(/^file:/); // returns true for PhoneGap app
Old solution:
Use jQuery, run like this
Take iPhone as example for your mobile application,
When using PhoneGap or Cordova, you'll get 460px of WebView, but in safari, you'll lose some height because of browser's default header and footer.
If window.innerHeight is equal to 460, you can load phonegap.js, and call onDeviceReady function
Nobody mentioned this yet, but it seems Cordova now supports adding the browser as a platform:
cordova platforms add browser
This will automatically add cordova.js during run-time, which features the onDeviceReady event, so that you do not need to fake it. Also, many plugins have browser support, so no more browser hacks in your code.
To use your app in the browser, you should use cordova run browser. If you want to deploy it, you can do so using the same commands as the other platforms.
EDIT: forgot to mention my source.
Solution: Patch index.html in Cordova and add cordova-platform="android" to <html> tag, so that cordova-platform attribute will be only present in Cordova build and missing from original index.html used for web outside of Cordova.
Pros: Not rely on user agent, url schema or cordova API. Does not need to wait for deviceready event. Can be extended in various ways, for example cordova-platform="browser" may be included or not, in order to distinguish between web app outside of Cordova with Cordova's browser platform build.
Merge with config.xml
<platform name="android">
<hook src="scripts/patch-android-index.js" type="after_prepare" />
Add file scripts/patch-android-index.js
module.exports = function(ctx) {
var fs = ctx.requireCordovaModule('fs');
var path = ctx.requireCordovaModule('path');
var platformRoot = path.join(ctx.opts.projectRoot, 'platforms/android');
var indexPath = platformRoot + '/app/src/main/assets/www/index.html';
var indexSource = fs.readFileSync(indexPath, 'utf-8');
indexSource = indexSource.replace('<html', '<html cordova-platform="android"');
fs.writeFileSync(indexPath, indexSource, 'utf-8');
Notes: For other than android, the paths platforms/android and /app/src/main/assets/www/index.html should be adjusted.
App can check for cordova-platform with
if (! document.documentElement.getAttribute('cordova-platform')) {
// Not in Cordova
if (document.documentElement.getAttribute('cordova-platform') === 'android') {
// Cordova, Android

