removeClass & addClass jquery - javascript

I am relatively new to jquery and try to solve the following issue
I want to build a tree diagram, cf.
When an item in the first category is clicked, the second category (in div #category_2) pops-up. The same for the 3rd category. Every subsequent click on category 1 or 2 should remove the appended 2nd and 3rd item and append the chosen item from the 2nd and 3rd category.
Here is what I tried at the example of opening an item in category 3 (=subMenu2):
function makeType(subMenu2, root) {
if (typeof root === 'undefined') {
root = $('#category_3');
var ul = $("<ul></ul>");
if (root.children().length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < subMenu2.length; k++) {
var li = $("<li class='category-selection-list-item is-subleaf'></li>");
var a = $("<a href='#' data-param='" + array[array_i].subMenu[submenu_i].subMenu2[k].param + "'>" + array[array_i].subMenu[submenu_i].subMenu2[k].type + "</a>");
Though the removeClass element stops adding further items, it does not delete previously added items. I tried to find a suitable answer in the forum, but this did not help. So, how can I fix this issue?

To remove the previously added items, you need to empty root.
if (root.children().length > 0) {

if you want to hide some node, just use this:


jQuery after ul list .remove() won't fill list again

When the page is loaded, there are 3 lists. First containing an active list and second and third are blank. When clicked on the active list li the second list (ul) is filled with one li element, the filling process continues to the third list automatically (on mouse click). Then when the button delete is pressed, both lists get removed and the process is supposed to work the same as described, but the second list for some reason doesn't get filled and everything goes to the third list.
I have tried methods: remove(), empty(), detach() but none of them seem to work.
Also in if statement I tried to check if (typeof ul.lenght === "undefined") but even this is not working.
Also to mention in console.log() when cheking ul.lenght property first time it returns 0 and undefined and fill the second list but after delete button is pressed it returns same value but won't fill the list.
Here is the code:
function myf() {
var orig = $("#ori li").length;
if ($("#ori li").length === 0 || typeof orig === "undefined") {
$(document).on('click', '#orglis li', function() {
} else {
$(document).on('click', '#orglis li', function() {
var lio = document.getElementById("ori").getElementsByTagName("li");
var larr = lio[0].innerText;
var arr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#c>ul>li'), li => (li.textContent));
var tekst = "";
var i;
var j;
for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
arr[j] = arr[j].trim();
for (i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tekst += larr + ", " + arr[i] + '\n';
document.getElementById("tare").innerHTML = tekst;
document.getElementById("imep").value = larr;
Here you can see demo.
EDIT: Also tried with outerHTML to set ul as before but still won't work
#freedomn-m was right about mixing onclick= and $(document).on("click" and I noticed that I had, without reason, two same functions

Edit HTML list entry with javascript

Note: i searched a half hour. I need a special solution for this:
I have the folowing code already (node some Variables have german Names i hope that's ok)
function generateList () {
document.getElementById("liste").innerHTML =""
var listEasy = vorNameListe[i] + " " + nachNameListe[i] + " " + alterListe[i]
for (var i=0; i < vorNameListe.length; i++) {
document.getElementById("liste").innerHTML += "<li>" + listEasy + "</li>"
Now i need a javascript (pls no jquery) solution so the user can change every List entry by himself. How do i do that?
further explanation: The code i have is one to bring a "li" in a existing "ul" with every loop.
But then i want to give every "li entry" the ability to be changed by the user.
Are you trying to change text of every li of #liste ul?
function generateList() {
var liItems = document.querySelectorAll('#liste > li');
for (i = 0; i === liItems, i++) {
liItems[i].innerHTML = 'content';
i refined my edit function with jquery fdurther and further i will edit this entry for every step:
I have a Special Idea about an Edit function

how to show child element in right panel?

hi can you please tell me how show child element in right element .My function work fine first time But it fail second time .
I do the following steps
1) Press Add button 2 times.Generate row2 as well as submenu of firstLevel.
2) Expand menu option (+) Button.Click "menu_tc_1".It remove rows on right panel .and press add button it create nested submenu .
3) When you press again "menu_tc_1" it show same number of rows as many you click add button.
4) But when you click "First Level " it should show two rows because it have two child("menu_tc_1","menu_tc_2") .It is showing all rows.Because in array it gives all values.
I need show only child
$(document).on('click', 'ul li > a', function (e) {
//first method..
var selEl = [];
$(this).closest('ul').find('li').each(function (idx, el) {
var id='menu_','');
// alert(id);
console.log('aaa' + selEl);
function getViewFromPanel(arr) {
for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
$('#ultest').append('<li id=' + arr[i] + '>' + arr[i] + '</li>');
See this updated fiddle.
The main problem is $(this).closest('ul').find('li').each(function (idx, el) {. find will look for all sub levels, that is why is displays all menus. You only want the children of the next ul:
$(this).closest('li').children('ul').children().each(function (idx, el) {
Also, you skip the first element (probably due to using find) in getViewFromPanel - it should start at 0 index:
for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
There is a problem with the way that you set the active class so when you go back and click add, it is added to the wrong hierarchy. I am not sure what your intention is with the active class, but I think that you should clear the class $('.active').removeClass('active') and set it again when the hierarchy changes.

HTML: Unordered List isn't ordered correctly

I've been going around in circles for the last three hours trying to fix this, it's very odd...
I have an unordered list which is dynamically generated like so:
var numberOfSlides = 7;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfSlides; i++) {"<li class='ui-state-disabled'>List item " + i + "</a></li>");
This correct renders (all disabled):
List item 0
List item 1
List item 2
List item 3
List item 4
List item 5
List item 6
Later in the code I call a function that should activate a specified item:
enableMenuItem: function(slideNumber){
console.log("slideNumber: " + slideNumber); // log outputs "slideNumber: 2"
$("ul li").eq(slideNumber).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); // this doesn't work
It works fine for other values, but not 2, and I've found that if I call enableMenuItem(5), 2 is then activated.
The weird thing is if I do this...
$("ul li").eq(2).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); works.
But this doesn't...
if(slideNumber === 2){
console.log("slideNumber equals 2"); // logs "slideNumber equals 2", so the below line should execute
$("ul li").eq(2).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); // doesn't work
Am I going insane or is this very odd?
Since you are appending the items to you should bind the events to the same thing.
Like so:"> li").eq(slideNumber).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
If you have other unordered lists in the document $("ul li") will target them as well.
You have a typo in your declaration of your enableMenuItem method:
enableMenuItem: function(slideNumber){
// Some code
You should declare it as:
function enableMenuItem(slideNumber) {
// Some code
var enableMenuItem = function(slideNumber) {
// Some code

Remove a child from parent and add it as Sibling to Parent

I have a Bullet Region like
No i am selecting are and changing to Number Bullet.
so my list should change like
want to end the Disc bullet after second child.
want to add Third child as sibling to parent.
Want to again make Disc bullet to fourth child and add it as sibling to parent.
How can i do this.
This is actually a non-trivial and very interesting problem. However, you need to first know a couple of things:
The bullets on a list item are determined by its list; ul is for unordered lists (ie. disk bullets), and ol is for ordered lists (ie. numbered bullets).
You cannot have an li without its parent being either ul or ol.
You cannot have a ul be a direct child of a ol or vice versa (they can be children of an li though, but then they'll be sublists)
This means that every time you switch a list, you need to make sure that the item you're switching has a parent of the correct (and opposite) type, and the items before and after it are also in (separate) lists of the correct type. You will in many cases need to create those lists (or delete them, when they become empty).
Anyway, words are worthless, here's the code (I'm using jQuery, but the idea should be the same regardless of what you use):
$('li').on('click', function () {
var $listItem = $(this);
var $list = $(this).parent();
var $items = $list.children();
var itemIndex = $items.index($listItem);
var numItems = $items.length;
var curType = $'ul') ? 'ul' : 'ol';
var newType = curType === 'ul' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
var $prev = $list.prev();
var $next = $;
if (itemIndex === 0) {
// The item we're switching is the first Item in the list
if (!$ {
$prev = $('<' + newType + '/>');
} else if (itemIndex === numItems - 1) {
// The item we're switching is the last Item in the list
if (!$ {
$next = $('<' + newType + '/>');
} else {
// The item is in the middle, we need to split the current list into 3.
$tailList = $('<' + curType + '/>');
$middleList = $('<' + newType + '/>');
if (numItems === 1) {
// list used to have only one Item, so it's now empty, and should be removed.
if ($ && $ {
// The two surrounding lists are of the same type and should be merged.
I'm using the click event on a list item to switch a list item. Here's a jsFiddle link for you to play around with the implementation and validate that everything works as expected:
The code can definitely be optimized for speed/performance, but I was aiming for simplicity and clarity, I hope I managed to accomplish this.

