I have a function fillOpenOrders that I call via require. The function is then supposed to be called in $(document).ready() along with some other functions. The problem is that fillOpenOrders does not get called. It is ignored and other functions are executed normally.
I have a DataTable with Id of "mainTable. When i click on any row, the following code should be executed.
var functions = require("./functions");
var openOrdersT = require("./src/openOrders");
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#mainTable tr').on('click', function () {
var id = $(this).find('td:first').text();
document.getElementById("coin-name").innerHTML = id;
widget.onChartReady(function () {
var chart = widget.activeChart();
Other functions (fillNavPrices etc.) are working normally.
What am I doing wrong?
The code for openOrdersT looks like this.
fetchOO: function(){...},
fillOpenOrders: function(){
//It doesn't matter what is inside here. I tried with a simple alert or console.log function here.
//Function is meant to update a DataTable with new data.
Meanwhile fetchOO() works like expected.
I have an external html code that I am loading it dynamically using load function of jQuery:
_this.load = function () {
_this.view.container.load("html/index.html", function () {
this.loadAnimation = function() {
_this.heading = _this.container.find(".heading");
_this.subheading = _this.container.find(".subheading");
_this.reserve = _this.container.find(".reserve");
Now the problem is that the function _this.view.loadAnimation(); is not running in the callback function of load. It works only if I add delay to the callback as the following:
_this.load = function () {
_this.view.container.load("html/index.html", function () {
$(window).delay(100).queue(function() {
I understand that all elements of inside "html/index.html" must be loaded before executing the loadAnimation();
The question is: isn't there a way or event that I can trigger when all elements of this "html/index.html" are loaded? into main div? how can I modify my code for this purpose?
Update: As requested, I have a an example in Codepen:
I have a panel widget with a button. Clicking the button should execute some global actions related to all such widgets and after that execute some local actions related to this widget instance only. Global actions are binded in a separate javascript file by CSS class like this:
var App = function ()
var handleWidgetButton = function ()
$('.widgetBtn').on('click', function (e)
// do smth global
return {
init: function ()
And in the html file local script is like this:
$("#widgetBtn1234").click(function (e)
// do smth local
Currently local script is executed first and global only after while I want it to be the opposite. I tried to wrap local one also with document.ready and have it run after global but that doesn't seem to change the execution order. Is there any decent way to arrange global and local jQuery bindings to the same element?
The problem you're having comes from using jQuery's .ready() function to initialize App, while you seem to have no such wrapper in your local code. Try the following instead:
var App = function ()
var handleWidgetButton = function ()
$('.widgetBtn').on('click', function (e)
// do smth global
return {
init: function ()
Then in your local JS:
$(function() {
$("#widgetBtn1234").click(function (e)
// do smth local
Note that $(function(){}) can be used as shorthand for $(document).ready(function(){});. Also, make sure your JS file is located before your local JS, as javascript runs sequentially.
Alternatively, you can use setTimeout() to ensure everything's loaded properly:
(function executeOnReady() {
setTimeout(function() {
// Set App.isInitialized = true in your App.init() function
if (App.isInitialized) runLocalJs();
// App.init() hasn't been called yet, so re-run this function
else executeOnReady();
}, 500);
function runLocalJs() {
$("#widgetBtn1234").click(function (e)
// do smth local
How about this instead:
var widget = $("#widgetBtn1234").get(0);//get the vanilla dom element
var globalHandler = widget.onclick; //save old click handler
// clobber the old handler with a new handler, that calls the old handler when it's done
widget.onclick = function(e){
//do smth global by calling stored handler
//afterward do smth local
There might be a more jqueryish way to write this, but I hope the concept works for you.
-------VVVV----keeping old answer for posterity----VVVV--------
Why not something like this?
var App = function ()
var handleWidgetButton = function ()
$('.widgetBtn').on('click', function (e)
// do smth global
if(this.id === 'widgetBtn1234'){
//do specific things for this one
return {
init: function ()
Please excuse any syntax errors I might have made as I haven't actually tested this code.
Check out my simple JQ extension I created on jsbin.
It allows to call consequentially all defined personal click handlers after a global one, handle missed handlers case if necessary and easily reset all personal handlers.
Good Day, this maybe a silly question :) how can I pass a parameter to an external javascript function using .on ?
var attachedPo = 0;
$('.chckboxPo').on('ifChecked', addPoToBill(attachedPo));
$('.chckboxPo').on('ifUnchecked', removePoToBill(attachedPo ));
external script:
function addPoToBill(attachedPo){
function removePoToBill(attachedPo){
but Im getting an error! thanks for guiding :)
You need to wrap your handlers in anonymous functions:
.on('ifChecked', function() {
.on('ifUnchecked', function() {
You can also chain the calls to on as they are being attached to the same element.
If your intention is to count how many boxes are checked, via passing variable indirectly to functions try using an object instead like this:
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/pBkhX/
var attachedPo = {
count: 0
$(function () {
.on('change', function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
$("#output").prepend("" + attachedPo.count + "<br/>");
function addPoToBill(attachedPo) {
function removePoToBill(attachedPo) {
If it is not doing anything else you can simplify the whole thing to count checked checkboxes:
$(function () {
var attachedPo = 0;
.on('change', function () {
attachedPo = $(".chckboxPo:checked").length;
"DOM Ready" events:
you also needed to wrap it in a ready handler like this instead of what you have now:
*Note: $(function(){YOUR CODE HERE}); is just a shortcut for $(document).ready(function(){YOUR CODE HERE});
You can also do the "safer version" (that ensures a locally scoped $) like this:
This works because jQuery passes a reference to itself through as the first parameter when your "on load" anonymous function is called.
There are other variations to avoid conflicts with other libraries (not very common as most modern libs know to leave $ to jQuery nowadays). Just look up jQuery.noConflict to find out more.
i try to pass paramater to function. When i click the div it will alert the paramater that i pass
i have 2 file
here's what i try
Example 1
<div id="thediv" >
window.onload = initialize;
//bind event listener
function initialize(){
document.getElementById("thediv").onclick = myFunction(" something ");
//end of bind
function myFunction(parameter) { alert( parameter ) };
//end of all function
the trouble is the function its executed without click
Example 2
<div id="thediv" onclick="myfunction('something')" >
function myFunction(parameter) { alert( parameter ) };
yap its done with this but the trouble if i have many element in index.html it will painful to read which element have which listener
i want to separate my code into 3 section (similiar with example1)
the view(html element)
the element have which listener
the function
what should i do? or can i do this?
(i don't want to use another library)
Placing () (with any number of arguments in it) will call a function. The return value (undefined in this case) will then be assigned as the event handler.
If you want to assign a function, then you need to pass the function itself.
...onclick = myFunction;
If you want to give it arguments when it is called, then the easiest way is to create a new function and assign that.
...onclick = function () {
Your first solution logic is absolutely ok .. just need to assign a delegate ... what you are doing is calling the function .. So do something like this ...
//bind event listener
function initialize(){
document.getElementById("thediv").onclick = function () { myFunction(" something "); };
//end of bind
Instead of assign you invoke a function with myFunction();
Use it like this
//bind event listener
function initialize(){
document.getElementById("thediv").onclick = function(){
myFunction(" something ");
I have a block of code like so:
function doSomething() {
someVar.on("event_name", function() {
$('#elementId').click(function(e) {
// and on document ready
$(function () {
$('#anotherElemId').click(function () {
The problem that I'm encountering is that when I call doSomething() from anotherElemId click event(that is binded on document ready) it works as expected, but calling it recursively from elementId click doesn't work.
Any ideas? Thinking is something trivial that I'm missing.
Is someVar an actual jQuery reference to a dom element? (e.g. $('#someitem'))
The second problem is you cant put a .click event inside a function that you would like to instantiate later on. If you are trying to only allow #elementId to have a click event AFTER some previous event, try testing if a tester variable is true:
var activated = false;
$(function () {
$('#anotherElemId').click(function () {
activated = true;
$('#secondElemId').on("event_name", function() {
if (activated) {
// code that happens only after #anotherElemId was clicked.