Connect 2 svg elements - javascript

There has been a lot of questions regarding the coördinate system of svg elements but no one has got me solving my problem.
Look at this fiddle:
In the startup function, I added connect("A", "B") which connects element A and B with the line.
When I try to connect("A", "D") the line doesn't position correctly, due to the transform attribute of element D.
Could someone provide me with a clear solution?
I don't want to use a svg library, I just want plain javascript code which solves the problem, preferably by adding it to the fiddle.
Many thanks

Your getMid function needs to account for the transform matrix of the rectangles.
function getMid (rect, svg) {
let point = svg.createSVGPoint();
point.x = rect.x.baseVal.value + rect.width.baseVal.value / 2;
point.y = rect.y.baseVal.value + rect.height.baseVal.value / 2;
return point.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(rect.getScreenCTM()));
Note the new svg parameter. This is your SVGSVGElement. In the fiddle, you can grab it with document.getElementById('Laag_1').
Normally, I'd cite the relevant pages on MDN, but their SVG documentation is lacking. I had to piece this together from a couple of SO questions. The key was searching "svg get transform matrix" and following the rabbit hole from there.

This is by far the most correct and useful answer and it might server the community. I've searched a lot and got multiple workarounds with regex and custom functions, all of which didn't work. My problem is finally solved.
I updated the fiddle with the answer from AuxTaco and the getCTM() tweak suggested by jcaron. Thanks everyone!
function getMid(rect, svg){
var point = svg.createSVGPoint();
point.x = rect.x.baseVal.value + rect.width.baseVal.value / 2;
point.y = rect.y.baseVal.value + rect.height.baseVal.value / 2;
return point.matrixTransform(svg.getCTM().inverse().multiply(rect.getCTM()));


Simulate ECG with JS & Canvas

I am trying to simulate a constant heartbeat with JS and Canvas. I have figured most of it out, but my problem is that the line always starts at a different Y position and therefore when I try to clean up the path it looks a little off. I have a JS here, it's one that I modified from another post.
The answer should either be in modifying the PY coordinate somewhere but I can't figure out where. Or in the following line in the loop function.
ctx.clearRect(px,0, scanBarWidth, h);
Please let me know if you can help me with this. Thanks.
Check the source code of this solution. It using a canvas as a backend of draw
document.body.innerHTML += '<ecg-line></ecg-line>';
ecgLine((bang) => setInterval(() => bang(), 1000));

Can somebody please help me with a geometric transformation problem?

I need to draw a circular arc between two given points. I also have the arc's radius. I understand that this can be done using standard canvas APIs but I need to handle the case of elliptical arcs too. This code is a generalized solution. The only problem right now is that it doesn't work!
The mathematical concept behind this code is at
My JS code is implementation of that. My JS code can be found at Ideally both the circles there should pass through the two little pink dots.
I hope somebody can point me towards the right direction. I have been trying to solve this for past few days now!
Fixed this issue. The corrected working code is at
Notice the line
var t = translate(-R1R2x, -R1R2y, IDENTITY_TRANSFORM());
In my previous version of the code this line was
var t = translate(-R1R2x, -R1R2y, sr);
So when I was calculating the value of C1 and C2, using the following code
C1 = compose(vut, [[R1x],[R1y],[1]]);
C2 = compose(vut, [[R2x],[R2y],[1]]);
I was also applying the sr composition over R1x,R1y and R2x,R2y, but these points were already in sr coordinate.
This was a grave mistake which I overlooked for really a long time.

Javascript+Canvas implementation of Game of Life not working

I'm having problems with my javascript+canvas implementation of Conways Game of Life.
The cells are being created just fine and the canvas boxed representing the cells are also being rendered fine. But somewhere along the way all cells seems to be set alive & aren't toggling.
For the life of me I can't understand what's wrong.
The javascript code is here and my implementation is here.
Can someone please tell me where I went wrong.
I think I've figured out whats wrong. I'm passing an element of the 2d array to the reallyToggle() function, like so -
var reallyToggle = function(a) {
I think the problem lies in this part of the code. Can anyone tell me how can I pass an element of an array to a function?
So your code is pretty obscure and overly-complicated to be honest. Creating a grid of custom Javascript function objects is way over-engineering: all you need is a 2D boolean array.
Problems like this are often easiest to solve if thought of as two separate problems: the problem space and the world space. The problem space is the area in which you solve the actual problem. The world space is the problem space mapped to a visual outcome. To separate it out for your problem, think of the problem space as the two dimensional array of booleans and then the world space is your canvas.
If you would like to clean up your simulation a bit, here is an approach that may help:
//Have some parameters that you can change around
var cellSize = 10;
var cellsWide = 100;
var cellsHigh = 100;
//Instantiate and initialize a 2d array to false
var theGrid = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<cellsWide; i++) {
theGrid.push(new Array());
for (var j=0; j<cellsHeight; j++) {
//Attach a click event to your canvas (assuming canvas has already been dropped on page
//at the assigned width/height
$('#simCanvas').click(function(e) {
var i = Math.floor((e.pageX - this.offsetLeft)/cellSize);
var j = Math.floor((e.pageY - this.offsetTop)/cellSize);
theGrid[i][j] = !theGrid[i][j];
This would be a much more succinct way for you to handle the problem space. The mapping of problem space to world space is a bit more straight-forward, but if you need help with that just let me know.
This line is rather suspect :)
if (!run) run == true;
First of all, check MoarCodePlz answer. And about Your code:
Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: gameLoop when pressing start.
All Your functions that are defined in initialize are not in global scope, so they are not reachable in global scope.
Please, use Firebug; Chrome Developer Tools, Opera Dragonfly or something to find out such errors. These tools really help while developing JS.

raphael question - using animateAlong

I am using raphael to do some SVG animation and cannot seem to get the function animateAlong to work. I continue to get the error "attrs[0] is undefined" referencing line 3450 of the un-compressed raphael code.
Basically, I create a circle with a given center and then want to animate an image around that path. Here is that simple code:
var circle =, circleCenterY, circleRadius);
I then clone an image (since I plan to have a number of these on this path) and place at the edge of the circle:
var wheelClone = wheel.clone();
var wheelRadius = parseInt(wheel8ImageWidth/2);
.translate((circleCenterX + circleRadius)-3, circleCenterY-wheelRadius);
where I init circleCenterX earlier with circleCenterX = circle.attr(cx);
This all works fine with image placed correctly - but it errors on animateAlong.
I have studied as many examples as i can find and have dissected the documentation but cannot get the hang here.
So, I simply try to call the function but have no earthly idea what the documentation is referring to. The documentation animates a dot around a path but refers to two variables - rx and ry which I cannot suss out - both in an init function and then with the callback.
Here is what I have - - where the rx and ry and just made up as I have no idea what they refer to.
var wheelAttr = {
rx: 5,
ry: 3
wheelClone.attr(wheelAttr).animateAlong(circle, 2000, true, function() {
wheel.attr({rx: 4, ry: 4});
My current jsFiddle is a bit of a mess at the moment and I can clean it up, but I suspect that there is some obvious thing here?
Thanks to all
I don't think a circle is actually a valid path (i.e, something you can pass to animateAlong()). I think you need to create a path that is circular. See the following:
Hopefully, it will help.

JavaScript - Drawing a Circle

I know there are already libraries for drawing a circle in JavaScript but I wanted to know how the actual maths of it works. Unfortunately there is no MathOverflow and I would of thought that with the number of programmers that are active here, someone will know what formula or concepts I need to use.
Actually, there is a 'math overflow':
However, the formula you need to use is along these lines.
x = radius*Math.cos(angle) + centerX;
y = radius*Math.sin(angle) + centerY;

