jquery show hide not working properly - javascript

I've made an animation which fades in and out.
I have two buttons $('.point li') to show two different contents $("#"+classVal+" .table-cell")
However, when I click $('.point li'), I'd like to gradually show its content from white background.
But its opacity remained when I click another button and click back.
Is there a way to show the content from zero opacity every time I click the button?
var q = $('#intro .table-cell'); //this is a first content to show
var qIndex;
$('.point li').click(function(){ //click a button
$('.point li').removeClass('active');
var classVal = $(this).attr('class');
$('.bg > div').css('display','none');
$('.bg > div .table-cell').css('display','none');
q = $("#"+classVal+" .table-cell");
qIndex = -1;
function showNextQ() {
q.eq(qIndex % q.length).show(2000).delay(1000).hide(2000, function(){

I found a solution.
The reason why the animation's attributes remained is that JQuery store it to a variable.
So I change the second parameter in a function "stop"
to True
which means "jump to end"
Than it works


Reinstate hover rules after click

I am using the below script to hide/show my main nav menu items. You can see it live here:!
One part of my menu uses down arrows (represented using font awesome with the <i> tags) and when the user hovers over the menu item, the arrow appears. This works in the initial state, but once the user clicks one of the menu items to show the flyout, the hover effect no longer works to show the arrows.
What would I need to add to keep that hover effect happening, but still keep the current behavior as well?
/Remove the link elements from the main nav top level
$('.menuItem a').attr('href', '#!');
//Show the down arrows on hover
$('menuItem').hover(function() {
$(this).find('i').css('opacity', '1');
//Once menu is clicked
$('.menuItem').click(function() {
//Find the correct flyout
var item = $(this).attr('id');
var id = item.substring(item.indexOf("_") + 1);
var findFlyout = '#acFly_' + id;
//Make this item active
//Bumps the current down arrow down a bit and shows it
$(this).find('i').css('opacity', '1');
$(this).find('i').css('top', '7px');
//Show the flyout
event.stopPropagation(); //This prevents dom from overriding us
//Prevent clicks on the current menu from hiding the flyout
//Hide the menu when the user clicks anywhere
$(document).click( function(){
function menuReset() {
//Resets the down arrows to orig position and hidden
$('.menuItem').find('i').css('opacity', '0');
$('.menuItem').find('i').css('top', '0px');
//Show the down arrows on hover
$('menuItem').hover(function() { // Shouldn't this be .menuItem instead?
$(this).find('i').css('opacity', '1');
Also, in the css file on the link you gave me I find the following:
#menu .ul .li:hover i{
opacity: 1;
I don't think ul and li are classes, so why is there a . ?
EDIT: Oh, I see now. You named your divs ul and li. :)

Second click funcktion on a div?

On the first click the div should become red and I want it to become white on the second click but I do not know how. I need code that makes the div white on the second click.
function red() {
document.getElementById("red").style.backgroundColor = "red";
You can do this:
Var colors[]=["red","white",...]; //colors that are to be selected in order.
Var clicked=0; // no. Of clicks
//call this function when the div is clicked like this <div onclick="changeColor()" .....
function changeColor(){
document.getElementById(divId).style.background =colors[clicked]; //change color according to clicks
clicked++; // increase no. Of clicks by 1
/*if you want to repeat the pattern */
Add a class to the element and use jquery toggleClass for more detail read this.

move a div from one li to another

I am trying to sort from two li. If i will delete any div it will be sort by asc.
The fiddle is
i am using jquery append to to move div.
please take a look in my delete function
function del_slide(no,sdiv)
$($('.bxslider .btm-slides').last()).appendTo(".bs1");
else if($('.bxslider .btm-slides').last())
$($('.bxslider .btm-slides').last()).appendTo(".bs1");
If i am deleting any item !. Then divs are not in order.
How to do all the items in ascending order? I can't do this sort. Please help me.
I need to put first li full. If i will delete any div from first li then one of 2nd li's div should move to the first div. If i will delete from last li the div will be on the same position.
If i will delete any div then last li will blank. But first li will contain 3 div.If I will delete a div from first li then one div from second li will come to first one.
Did you want something that works like this?
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/H6PY6/3/
I removed all the unnecessary classes and links and inline javascript as you can connect it all with jQuery and work out the positions via jQuery DOM traversing.
$(function () {
$(".bxslider").on('click', '.editText', function (e) {
// Stop click of link
// Edit code goes here
}).on('click', '.delSlide', function (e) {
// Stop click of link
var $this = $(this);
// Find current slide we clicked
var $slide = $this.closest('.btm-slides');
// Get parent of slide
var $parent = $slide.closest(".bottom-slides");
// if parent li is the first li
if ($parent.closest('li').index() == 0)
// Move up one slide from the last li
var $from = $parent.closest(".bxslider").children().last();
// Move up one item from second section
// Empty the contents of the deleted slide

jQuery Accordion | Open first element on pageload & active state confusion

I am using the Javascript below to animate an accordion (it's a slightly modified variant of the one explained here: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2010/04/26/elegant-accordion-with-jquery-and-css3/.
Now I wanted to have the first element to be open on pageload, so I figured I just give it some sort of extra-class via Javascript (and define that .active state via CSS) to have it open up.
This worked, however if I hover over any but the first-element with said .active class, the first element keeps its state, and stays open until I hover over it at least once.
So, what I want is: the first element of my accordion is open and collapses if the user hovers over any of the elements that are not the first. I think I need to add a line in the hover function to either take the class away of the first element or to give the new element the active state, but I don't know how to do it and keep breaking the thing.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {
activeItem = jQuery("#accordion li:first");
jQuery('#accordion > li, #accordion > li.heading').hover(
function () {
var jQuerythis = jQuery(this);
function () {
var jQuerythis = jQuery(this);
Looks like this is happening because each accordion item has its own hover event that takes care of its own animation. You can refactor the code slightly to make this easier to understand and reuse:
var activeItem = jQuery("#accordion li:first");
jQuery('#accordion > li, #accordion > li.heading').hover(
function () { hoverMe(jQuery(this)); },
function () { unhoverMe(jQuery(this)); }
//This gets called when cursor hovers over any accordion item
var hoverMe = function(jQuerythis) {
//If the first item is still active
if (activeItem) {
contract(activeItem); //...Shrink it!
activeItem = false;
//Expand the accordion item
//This gets called when cursor moves out of accordion item
var unhoverMe = function(jQuerythis) {
//I have moved the hover animation out into a separate function, so we can call it on page load
var expand = function(jQuerythis) {
//I have moved the unhover animation out into a separate function, so we can contract the first active item from hoverMe()
var contract = function() {
//Now expand the first item
I have put together a simplified version demonstrating the logic. Please let me know how you get on.

jQuery slide changing with index and fadeout -- jumpiness

I am working on a jQuery slideshow plugin. One of my methods involves switching back and forth between pictures. I have been pretty successful in creating it, here is an isolated case with the code thus far for the particular method:
var images = $("#simpleslides").children("img");
$(".slideButtons ul li").on("click", "a", function() {
var anchorIndex = $(this).parent().index();
var $activeSlide = $("#simpleslides img:visible");
var $targetSlide = $(images[anchorIndex]);
if($activeSlide.attr("src") == $targetSlide.attr("src") || $targetSlide.is(":animated")) {
return false;
} else {
$activeSlide.css({ "z-index" : 0 });
$targetSlide.css({ "z-index" : 1 });
$targetSlide.stop().fadeIn("slow", function() {
Here is a fiddle to see it in working action: http://jsfiddle.net/ase3E/
For the most part, this works as you would expect it to. When a user clicks on the corresponding number, it fades in the picture.
However, I am running into some jumpiness and occasionally a complete hide of the slides when I am clicking around quickly. If you play with the fiddle, you will see what I am referring to Try clicking around on each image to see.
I have adopted stop which I thought would fix the problem but has not. I have put the hide method after the fadeIn callback, but that has also not helped the situation.
What am I doing wrong here??
var images = $("#simpleslides").find("img");
$(".slideButtons ul").on("click", "li", function(e) {
var i = $(this).index();

