What would be the right approach to use await instead of Promises? - javascript

I have being using Promises for a long time, and they are always the "thing" that I use to control the workflow of my programs. Example:
And now, I would like to change to a try-catch style, but I don't know exactly what would be the right approach.
try {
var body = await Promise
} catch (error) {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
try {
var body = await Promise
.then(body => {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
} catch (error) {
What would be the right approach?

You don't have to use a callback function in order to switch to async/await. An async function is just a Promise-returning function, and await is there as a convenience. So the equivalent of your original function is simply:
async function fn() {
try {
const obj = ...;
const result1 = await doSomething1(obj);
const result2 = await doSomething2(result1);
return result2;
} catch (err) {
return handleError(err);
If you do want that callback:
async function fn(callback) {
try {
const obj = ...;
const result1 = await doSomething1(obj);
const result2 = await doSomething2(result1);
callback(null, result2);
} catch (err) {


Promisify a curried (higher order function) callback

I am trying to promisify (or leverage async await feature) the callback in the function getId, using new Promise(resolve => ..., but because of the usage of the higher order function getAddresses, I am a bit stumped. I am not great at functional programming. Any suggestions on how do I promisify this one?
const {queryRecord, getData} = require(“#xyzLib”);
const getId = (callback) => {
const getAddresses = (callback) => (result) => {
if (!result.success) {
callback(new Error(‘Exception details’))
} else {
queryRecord(objectName, (result) => {
callback(null, result.name);
// invoking call
getId(async (error, zip, state) => {
if (error) {
} else {
await fetch(encodeURI(settingsUrl), {
method: 'GET',
Since getId() accepts a callback as the last argument and that callback uses the nodejs calling convention, you can just directly use util.promisify() on getId like this:
const { promisify } = require('util');
const getIdPromise = promisify(getId);
getIdPromise().then(result => {
let fetchResult = await fetch(...);
}).catch(err => {
Or, if you're already inside an async function body:
try {
const result = await getIdPromise();
const fetchResult = await fetch(...);
} catch (err) {
You should promisify on the lowest level available, i.e. the imported functions from the library. Then you don't even need that currying. With
const { promisify } = require('util');
const xyz = require(“#xyzLib”);
const queryRecord = promisify(xyz.queryRecord);
const getData = promisify(xyz.getData);
you can write simply
async function getId() {
return getAddresses(await getData("attr1", "attr2"));
async function getAddresses(data) {
if (!data.success) throw new Error("Exception details");
const result = await queryRecord(objectName);
return result.name;
// invoking call
try {
const zip = getId();
await fetch(encodeURI(settingsUrl), {
method: 'GET',
} catch(error) {

async await not waiting for resolve

So, im my nodeJS project I have this part of my code, that is not waiting for the await call
exports.getList = async function(request, response) {
try {
const result = await useCase.getList()
if (result == undefined) {
else if (result == null || result.length == 0) {
utils.respond(response, 404, errCodes.NOT_FOUND)
else utils.respond(response, 200, result)
catch(e) {
This is the function on the controller, it calls the response from the useCase
exports.getList = async function() {
return await new Promise(function(resolve) {
Which also calls the repository
exports.getList = async function() {
MongoClient.connect(Constants.DB_URL, function(err, db) {
if (err) {
return undefined
const dbo = db.db(Constants.DB_NAME)
dbo.collection(Constants.DB_FEATURE1_COLLECTION).find({}).toArray(function(err, result) {
if (err) {
return undefined
return result
So, what happens is that on the controller, the result is always undefined, since result hasn't been initialized, when it should have actually waited for the response of the Promise on the UseCase. So what am I doing wrong?
getList function does not have return statement, and since it is async it returns a Promise that always resolves with undefined. I am not very familiar with MongoClient, but documentation says it returns a promise if no callback is specified. So you can change your code:
exports.getList = async function () {
try {
const db = await MongoClient.connect(Constants.DB_URL);
const dbo = db.db(Constants.DB_NAME);
const result = await dbo.collection(Constants.DB_FEATURE1_COLLECTION).find({}).toArray();
return result
} catch (err) {
return undefined
and UseCase.js:
exports.getList = function() {
return repository.getList(); // it returns a Promise there is no need to wrap it in async

Capturing errors with Async/Await

I have a part of my code that makes several API calls to different endpoints and I want to know if any of those calls fail so I can display an appropriate error message. Right now, if an error happens in one() it will stop all other calls from happening, but that's not what I want; If an error occurs, I want it to populate the errors object and have the program continue on.
async function gatherData() {
let errors = { one: null, two: null, three: null };
const responseOne = await one(errors);
const responseTwo = await two(errors);
const responseThree = await three(errors);
if (!_.isNil(errors.one) || !_.isNil(errors.two) || !_.isNil(errors.three)) {
// an error exists, do something with it
} else {
// data is good, do things with responses
async function one(errors) {
await axios
.then(res => {
return res;
.catch(err => {
errors.one = err;
return err;
async function two(errors) {
await axios
.then(res => {
return res;
.catch(err => {
errors.two = err;
return err;
async function three(errors) {
await axios
.then(res => {
return res;
.catch(err => {
errors.three = err;
return err;
If you pass the errors to the async functions, so pass the errors object as parameter
const responseOne = await one(errors);
const responseTwo = await two(errors);
const responseThree = await three(errors);

How to chain Promises while keeping the data?

I have two API-calls chained like so:
let weatherPromise;
if (crds) {
weatherPromise = mapbox.getLocation(crds)
.then(locData => darksky.getWeather(crds))
.then(weatherData => Object.assign(weatherData, {city: locData.city}));
} else if (term) {
weatherPromise = mapbox.getCoords(term)
.then(locData => darksky.getWeather(locData.crds));
} else {
weatherPromise = Promise.reject({error: 'Aborted due to unexpected POST-Body'});
weatherPromise.then(weatherData => {
io.emit('update', weatherData);
console.log(`Answer sent: ${JSON.stringify(weatherData)}`);
}, reject => {
io.emit('update', reject);
But it is not working at all. The error-handling is all over the place (mainly just logging undefined and failing) and for example locData doesn't seem to be accessible in that second then() anymore. I tried nesting Promises and it worked fine but I would like to avoid that anti-pattern if I can.
You can nest `.thens´, but in this case, I'd clearly go with async / await:
async function retrieveWeather() {
if (crds) {
const locData = await mapbox.getLocation(crds);
const weatherData = await darksky.getWeather(crds);
return Object.assign(weatherData, {city: locData.city});
} else if (term) {
const locData = await mapbox.getCoords(term);
const weatherData = await darksky.getWeather(locData.crds);
return weatherData;
} else {
throw {error: 'Aborted due to unexpected POST-Body'};
(async function sendWeather() {
try {
const weatherData = await retrieveWeather();
io.emit('update', weatherData);
console.log(`Answer sent: ${JSON.stringify(weatherData)}`);
} catch(error) {
io.emit('update', error);

Async await of a promise

I have to wait to func1 to be termined to run func2. But Since func1/2/3 contains promises it prints "termined" to early.
async function executeAsyncTask () {
const res1 = await func1(a,b,c)
const res2 = await func2(a,b,c)
const res3 = await func2(a,b,c)
return console.log(res1 , res2 , res3 )
executeAsyncTask ()
class A{
//some code here..
//so work here...
this.promise_API_CALL(params, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
return data;
//so work here...
EDIT: promise_API_CALL is a function of an external library
Try wrapping the api call in a promise. Otherwise I can't see this working the way you want it to:
func1(a, b, c) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.promise_API_CALL(params, function(data, err) {
if (err) {
//so work here...
In order to improve your code, the definition of executeAsyncTask should be like this:
async function executeAsyncTask () {
try {
const res1 = await func1(a,b,c)
const res2 = await func2(a,b,c)
const res3 = await func3(a,b,c)
return [res1, res2, res3]; // Return all values from 'each await' as an array
} catch (err) {
throw 'Promise Rejected';
As you can see, it uses try and catch even to handle the errors. In other words, if one of the await functions is rejected, then catch throws the error automatically.
// This 'func1 code' from 'Carl Edwards' is the same
func1(a, b, c) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promise_API_CALL(params, function(data, err) {
if (err) {
//so work here...
And finally you call executeAsyncTask like this:
executeAsyncTask().then(function(result) {
console.log("result => " + result); // Result of 'res1, res2, res3'
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("error => " + error); // Throws 'Promise Rejected'
And remember:
Every async function returns a Promise object. The await statement operates on a Promise, waiting until the Promise
resolves or rejects.
You can use await as many times as you like.
If you want all your promises (func1, func2, func3) execute in parallel (not one after another), you can modify your executeAsyncTask function like this:
async function executeAsyncTask () {
try {
return [ res1, res2, res3 ] = await Promise.all([
} catch (err) {
throw 'Promise Rejected';
In order for you code to work func1 would have to be like this:
async func1(a,b,c){
const res = await promise_API_CALL(params, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
return data;
return res;
Then running this would work
async function executeAsyncTask () {
const res1 = await func1(a,b,c);
const res2 = await func2(a,b,c);
const res3 = await func2(a,b,c);
//yada yada yada
This answer is very closely related to Carl Edward's answer but builds on node.js' conventions.
It's really unfortunate that promise_API_CALL()'s callback doesn't pass the error first. Otherwise you could have used util.promisify(). One alternative is to follow node.js' Custom promisified functions. It would look something like this:
const util = require("util");
promise_API_CALL[util.promisify.custom] = function (params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promise_API_CALL(params, function (data, err) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
The only issue that I see is that doing this mutates the original function (which isn't yours and is a little rude bad practice). But the issue is slightly mitigated since it uses ES6's new Symbol type which should mean that you won't clobber each other.
Here is a complete example:
const util = require("util");
* Use to force the API along the failure path
* #constant {Boolean}
const SHOULD_FAIL = false;
* Callback to deal with API responses
* #callback apiCallback
* #param {Object} data The data of the response
* #param {Error} [err] Optional error that says something went wrong
* Dummy API calling function
* #param {Object} kwargs api arguments
* #param {apiCallback} cb The callback that handles the response
function apiCall(kwargs, cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
// Allow testing of failure path
return cb(undefined, new Error("Purposefull failure"));
// Success path
foo: "bar"
}, 1000);
* Create a function that wraps the apiCall function in a Promise
* and attach it to apiCall's util.promisify.custom Symbol
apiCall[util.promisify.custom] = function (kwargs) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
apiCall(kwargs, (data, err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
// Create shorthand function to the promisified function
const asyncApiCall = util.promisify(apiCall);
// Sanity check to make sure that they are the same
console.log(`Are promisifies the same? ${asyncApiCall === apiCall[util.promisify.custom]}`);
// Run tester function
(async function main() {
// Do some stuff
// Use the async func
let some_data_from_api;
try {
some_data_from_api = await asyncApiCall({
fizz: "buzz"
} catch (err) {
// Print the data after we have it
//so work here...

