Change detection cycle in Angular - clarification? - javascript

Regarding ChangeDetectorRef, I already know that -
detectChanges actually triggers change detection while with -
markForCheck - The actual change detection for the component is not
scheduled but when it will happen in the future (either as part of the
current or next CD cycle)
Taken from here
Looking at markForCheck - if it's not scheduled, so when will it run? Obviously after Observables callback, async callbacks and setTimout and events.
The docs has a component with OnPush strategy
selector: 'cmp',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
template: `Number of ticks: {{numberOfTicks}}`
class Cmp {
numberOfTicks = 0;
constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef) {
setInterval(() => {
// the following is required, otherwise the view will not be updated
}, 1000);
If it marks for checking its ancestors, for the next cycle, so who ran the current cycle? (Is it the prev setTimeout invocation?)
Because this code is showing each second being replaced by another - in other words each second there is a change detection (?!).
What is actually going on here via a POV of steps?

markForCheck, as you guessed, and as the name suggests, will tell the Angular to mark the component to be change-detectable for the next cycle.
When you're writing setInterval, this is what you're actually writing:
constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef) {
setInterval(() => {
// the following is required, otherwise the view will not be updated
detectChangesFromZoneJS(); // this is a psudo code, but you can imagine something like this will happen, which is patched by NGZone
// Note that this is the last function that will always be called by Zone at the end of all the async events
}, 1000);
This is handled by ZoneJS.
Zone monkey patches all of the async events, and when they finish, Zone will notify Angular and then Angular. knows it's time to detect the changes ( update the view based on the latest model changes), but when you're component is OnPush is not going to detect the changes, unless there has special things happened inside the component, ( like a click event, or any of the #input's is changed).
So when you're deliberately saying markForCheck, you're basically saying: "I know you shouldn't detect the changes because it's OnPush only, but I'm telling you to detect it anyway"
So here is step by step:
Component is initialized, Angular will detect all the changes, your view is updated
You run a setInterval, inside it, you're mutating your model, Angular knows it shouldn't update the view because it's OnPush
the first interval's callback gets called, we're inside the first function, you're marking the component to be deliberately checked, we're at the end of the interval function ( still the first one interval).
Zone notify's Anguar that an Async event is just finished, time to detect the changes
Angular looks at the OnPush and wants to ignore it, but remembers that you've marked the component to be checked by force
the view get's updated
we go to the second interval and so on.


Angular - RxJS : afterViewInit and Async pipe

I tried to do the following in my component which uses changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
#ViewChild('searchInput') input: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.searchText$ = fromEvent<any>(this.input.nativeElement, 'keyup')
map(event =>,
And in the template
<div *ngIf="searchText$ | async as searchText;">
results for "<b>{{searchText}}</b>"
It doesn't work, however if I remove the OnPush, it does. I am not too sure why since the async pipe is supposed to trigger the change detection.
Following the answers, I have tried to replace what I have by the following:
this.searchText$ = interval(1000);
Without any #Input, the async pipe is marking my component for check and it works just fine. So I don't get why I haven't got the same behavior with the fromEvent
By default Whenever Angular kicks change detection, it goes through all components one by one and checks if something changes and updates its DOM if it's so. what happens when you change default change detection to ChangeDetection.OnPush?
Angular changes its behavior and there are only two ways to update component DOM.
#Input property reference changed
Manually called markForCheck()
If you do one of those, it will update DOM accordingly. in your case you don't use the first option, so you have to use the second one and call markForCheck(), anywhere. but there is one occasion, whenever you use async pipe, it will call this method for you.
The async pipe subscribes to an Observable or Promise and returns the
latest value it has emitted. When a new value is emitted, the async
pipe marks the component to be checked for changes. When the component
gets destroyed, the async pipe unsubscribes automatically to avoid
potential memory leaks.
so there is nothing magic here, it calls markForCheck() under the hood. but if it's so why doesn't your solution work? In order to answer this question let's dive in into the AsyncPipe itself. if we inspect the source code AsyncPipes transform function looks like this
transform(obj: Observable<any>|Promise<any>|null|undefined): any {
if (!this._obj) {
if (obj) {
this._latestReturnedValue = this._latestValue;
return this._latestValue;
....// some extra code here not interesting
so if the value passed is not undefined, it will subscribe to that observable and act accordingly (call markForCheck(), whenever value emits)
Now it's the most crucial part
the first time Angular calls the transform method, it is undefined, because you initialize searchText$ inside ngAfterViewInit() callback (the View is already rendered, so it calls async pipe also). So when you initialize searchText$ field, the change detection already finished for this component, so it doesn't know that searchText$ has been defined, and subsequently it doesn't call AsyncPipe anymore, so the problem is that it never get's to AsyncPipe to subscribe on those changes, what you have to do is call markForCheck() only once after the initialization, Angular ran changeDetection again on that component, update the DOM and call AsyncPipe, which will subscribe to that observable
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.searchText$ =
fromEvent<any>(this.input.nativeElement, "keyup").pipe(
map((event) =>,
The changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush allow to the component to not triggered the changeDetection all the time but just when an #Input() reference is updated. So if you do all your stuff in the same component, no #Input() reference are updated so the view is not updated.
I propose you to Create your dumb component with your template code above, but give it the searchText via an #Input(), and call your dumb component in your smart component
Smart component
<my-dumb-component [searchText]="searchText$ | async"></my-dumb-component>
Dumb component
#Input() searchText: SearchText
<div *ngIf="searchText">
results for "<b>{{searchText}}</b>"
This is because Angular is updates DOM interpolations before ngAfterViewInit and ngAfterViewChecked. I know this sounds confusing a bit. It's because of the first change detection cycle Angular does. Referring to Max Koretskyi's article about change detection algorithm of Angular, in a change detection cycle these happens sequentially:
sets ViewState.firstCheck to true if a view is checked for the first time and to false if it was already checked before
checks and updates input properties on a child component/directive
updates child view change detection state (part of change detection
strategy implementation)
runs change detection for the embedded views (repeats the steps in
the list)
calls OnChanges lifecycle hook on a child component if bindings
calls OnInit and ngDoCheck on a child component (OnInit is called
only during first check)
updates ContentChildren query list on a child view component
calls AfterContentInit and AfterContentChecked lifecycle hooks on
child component instance (AfterContentInit is called only during
first check)
updates DOM interpolations for the current view if properties on
current view component instance changed
runs change detection for a child view (repeats the steps in this
updates ViewChildren query list on the current view component
calls AfterViewInit and AfterViewChecked lifecycle hooks on child
component instance (AfterViewInit is called only during first
disables checks for the current view (part of change detection
strategy implementation)
As you see, Angular updates DOM interpolations (at step 9) after AfterContentInit and AfterContentChecked hooks are called, so if you call rxjs subscriptions in AfterContentInit or AfterContentChecked lifecycle hooks (or earlier, like OnInit etc.) your DOM will be updated because Angular updates DOM at step 10, and when you change something in ngAfterViewInit() and you are using OnPush, Angular won't update DOM because you are at step 12 on ngAfterViewInit() and Angular has already updated DOM before you change something!
There are workaround solutions to avoid this to subscribe it in ngAfterViewInit. First, you can call markForCheck() function, so you basically say by using it on the first cycle that "hey Angular, you updated DOM on step 9, but I have something to change at step 12, so please be careful, have a look at ngAfterViewInit I have still something to change". Or as a second solution, you can trigger a change detection manually again (by triggering and event handler or using detecthanges() function of ChangeDetectorRef) so that Angular repeats all these steps again, and when it reaches at step 9 again, Angular updates your DOM.
I have created a Stackblitz example that you can try these out. You can uncomment the lines of subscriptions placed in lifecycle hooks 1 by 1, so that you can see after which lifecycle hook Angular updates DOM. Or you can try triggering an event or triggering change detection cycle manually and see that Angular updates DOM on the next cycle.

Changing ContentChildren models on QueryList.changes

Suppose I have a parent component with #ContentChildren(Child) children. Suppose that each Child has an index field within its component class. I'd like to keep these index fields up-to-date when the parent's children change, doing something as follows:
this.children.changes.subscribe(() => {
this.children.forEach((child, index) => {
child.index = index;
However, when I attempt to do this, I get an "ExpressionChangedAfter..." error, I guess due to the fact that this index update is occurring outside of a change cycle. Here's a stackblitz demonstrating this error:
How can I work around this? One obvious way is to simply bind the index in the template. A second obvious way is to just call detectChanges() for each child when you update its index. Suppose I can't do either of these approaches, is there another approach?
As stated, the error comes from the value changing after the change cycle has evaluated <div>{{index}}</div>.
More specifically, the view is using your local component variable index to assign 0... which is then changed as a new item is pushed to the array... your subscription sets the true index for the previous item only after, it has been created and added to the DOM with an index value of 0.
The setTimout or .pipe(delay(0)) (these are essentially the same thing) work because it keeps the change linked to the change cycle that this.model.push({}) occurred in... where without it, the change cycle is already complete, and the 0 from the previous cycle is changed on the new/next cycle when the button is clicked.
Set a duration of 500 ms to the setTimeout approach and you will see what it is truly doing.
ngAfterContentInit() {
this.foos.changes.pipe(delay(0)).subscribe(() => {
this.foos.forEach((foo, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
foo.index = index;
}, 500)
It does indeed allow the value to be set after the element is rendered on
the DOM while avoiding the error however, you will not have the value
available in the component during the constructor or ngOnInit if
you need it.
The following in FooComponent will always result in 0 with the setTimeout solution.
Passing the index as an input like below, will make the value
available during the constructor or ngOnInit of FooComponent
You mention not wanting to bind to the index in the template, but it unfortunately would be the only way to pass the index value prior to the element being rendered on the DOM with a default value of 0 in your example.
You can accept an input for the index inside of the FooComponent
export class FooComponent {
// index: number = 0;
#Input('index') _index:number;
Then pass the index from your loop to the input
<foo *ngFor="let foo of model; let i = index" [index]="i"></foo>
Then use the input in the view
selector: 'foo',
template: `<div>{{_index}}</div>`,
This would allow you to manage the index at the app.component level via the *ngFor, and pass it into the new element on the DOM as it is rendered... essentially avoiding the need to assign the index to the component variable, and also ensuring the true index is provided when the change cycle needs it, at the time of render / class initialization.
One way is update the index value using a Macro-Task. This is essentially a setTimeout, but bear with me.
This makes your subscription from your StackBlitz look like this:
ngAfterContentInit() {
this.foos.changes.subscribe(() => {
// Macro-Task
setTimeout(() => {
this.foos.forEach((foo, index) => {
foo.index = index;
}, 0);
Here is a working StackBlitz.
So the javascript event loop is coming into play. The reason for the "ExpressionChangedAfter..." error is highlighting the fact that changes are being made to other components which essentially mean that another cycle of change detection should run otherwise you can get inconsistent results in the UI. That's something to avoid.
What this boils down to is that if we want to update something, but we know it shouldn't cause other side-effects, we can schedule something in the Macro-Task queue. When the change detection process is finished, only then will the next task in the queue be executed.
The whole event loop is there in javascript because there is only a single-thread to play with, so it's useful to be aware of what's going on.
This article from Always Be Coding explains the Javascript Event Loop much better, and goes into the details of the micro/macro queues.
For a bit more depth and running code samples, I found the post from Jake Archibald very good: Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules
The problem here is that you are changing something after the view generation process is further modifying the data it is trying to display in the first place. The ideal place to change would be in the life-cycle hook before the view is displayed, but another issue arises here i.e., this.foos is undefined when these hooks are called as QueryList is only populated before ngAfterContentInit.
Unfortunately, there aren't many options left at this point. #matt-tester detailed explanation of micro/macro task is a very helpful resource to understand why the hacky setTimeout works.
But the solution to an Observable is using more observables/operators (pun intended), so piping a delay operator is a cleaner version in my opinion, as setTimeout is encapsulated within it.
ngAfterContentInit() {
this.foos.changes.pipe(delay(0)).subscribe(() => {
this.foos.forEach((foo, index) => {
foo.index = index;
here is the working version
use below code, to make that changes in the next cycle
this.foos.changes.subscribe(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.foos.forEach((foo, index) => {
foo.index = index;
I really don't know the kind of application, but to avoid playing with ordered indexes , it is often a good idea to use uid's as index.
Like this, there is no need to renumber indexes when you add or remove components since they are unique.
You maintain only a list of uids in the parent.
another solution that may solve your problem , by dynamically creating your components and thus maintain a list of these childs components in the parent .
regarding the example you provided on stackblitz ( , it can be easily solved without monitoring changes :
replace with the following code :
<hello [(model)]="model">
<foo *ngFor="let foo of model;let i=index" [index]="i"></foo>
remove changes monitoring
added foocomponent index parameter
import { ContentChildren, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Input, Host, Inject, forwardRef, QueryList } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'foo',
template: `<div>{{index}}</div>`,
export class FooComponent {
#Input() index: number = 0;
constructor(#Host() #Inject(forwardRef(()=>HelloComponent)) private hello) {}
getIndex() {
if (this.hello.foos) {
return this.hello.foos.toArray().indexOf(this);
return -1;
selector: 'hello',
template: `<ng-content></ng-content>
<button (click)="addModel()">add model</button>`,
export class HelloComponent {
#Input() model = [];
#ContentChildren(FooComponent) foos: QueryList<FooComponent>;
constructor(private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {}
addModel() {
I forked this working implementation :

How to ensure I am reading the most recent version of state?

I may be missing something. I know setState is asynchronous in React, but I still seem to have this question.
Imagine following is a handler when user clicks any of the buttons on my app
1. ButtonHandler()
2. {
3. if(!this.state.flag)
4. {
5. alert("flag is false");
6. }
7. this.setState({flag:true});
9. }
Now imagine user very quickly clicks first one button then second.
Imagine the first time the handler got called this.setState({flag:true}) was executed, but when second time the handler got called, the change to the state from the previous call has not been reflected yet -- and this.state.flag returned false.
Can such situation occur (even theoretically)? What are the ways to ensure I am reading most up to date state?
I know setState(function(prevState, props){..}) gives you access to previous state but what if I want to only read state like on line 3 and not set it?
As you rightly noted, for setting state based on previous state you want to use the function overload.
I know setState(function(prevState, props){..}) gives you access to previous state
So your example would look like this:
handleClick() {
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
flag: !prevState.flag
what if I want to only read state like on line 3 and not set it?
Let's get back to thinking why you want to do this.
If you want to perform a side effect (e.g. log to console or start an AJAX request) then the right place to do it is the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. And it also gives you access to the previous state:
componentDidUpdate(prevState) {
if (!prevState.flag && this.state.flag) {
alert('flag has changed from false to true!');
if (prevState.flag && !this.state.flag) {
alert('flag has changed from true to false!');
This is the intended way to use React state. You let React manage the state and don't worry about when it gets set. If you want to set state based on previous state, pass a function to setState. If you want to perform side effects based on state changes, compare previous and current state in componentDidUpdate.
Of course, as a last resort, you can keep an instance variable independent of the state.
React's philosophy
The state and props should indicate things the components need for rendering. React's render being called whenever the state and props change.
Side Effects
In your case, you're causing a side effect based on user interaction which requires specific timing. In my opinion, once you step out of rendering - you probably want to reconsider state and props and stick to a regular instance property which is synchronous anyway.
Solving the real issue - Outside of React
Just change this.state.flag to this.flag everywhere, and update it with assignment rather than with setState. That way you
If you still have to use .state
You can get around this, uglily. I wrote code for this, but I'd rather not publish it here so people don't use it :)
First promisify.
Then use a utility for only caring about the last promise resolving in a function call. Here is an example library but the actual code is ~10LoC and simple anyway.
Now, a promisified setState with last called on it gives you the guarantee you're looking for.
Here is how using such code would look like:
explicitlyNotShown({x: 5}).then(() => {
// we are guaranteed that this call and any other setState calls are done here.
(Note: with MobX this isn't an issue since state updates are sync).

AngularJS component: $doCheck won't run for fake HTTP request with $q.when()

I created Simple Angular textarea component with characters counter, made with $doCheck component hook on Plunker, which counts characters on $doCheck hook. I read that it should run for every digest cycle, so it should work:
$ctrl.load = function () {
function _bindElement (element) {
$ctrl.element = element;
Cause at least digets runs - value changes inside component, it is also displayed on parent's <p>. But counter does not change, am I missing something, this is not true that $doCheck runs on every digest cycle? I use $q.when() for simulation of HTTP request - I also tried $timeout to force digest, but it didn't work. Thank you in advance for every help.
I found a solution, I have to manually call digest with timeout when character count changes, cause it looks like assignments inside $doCheck to not trigger digest, and that's why view was out of sync with model. Working plunk:

Angular2, doe's EventEmitter require

I'm using ionic2, I implemented a class:
import {EventEmitter, Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
export class LocalPushClear extends EventEmitter<number> {
constructor() {
The class is used by on of my components to connect cordova plugin event to another component which subscribe to LocalPushClear, I listen to clear events, ones it fires, I emit using LocalPushClear and some other component subscribes:
this._LocalPushClear.subscribe(data => {
// Some action is taken here
The thing is that, I was expecting automatic change detection to be executed upon subscription callback execution(when its done), but it seems like there is no change detection execution at all, I have to do something like click a button or wrap my Some action with, I'm not sure if its a valid behavior or maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I traces the code and it leads to Subject, so its basically custom event emitter that angular NgZone don't know about(at least I think), but I'm sure, if anyone could confirm, maybe future explain I will be very thankful.
You definitely should not extend EventEmitter. EventEmitter is only supposed to be used for #Output()s. Just use a Subject instead.
Angular doesn't get notified about values emitted by EventEmitter (when used this way) or Subject. Normally the code that causes the Observable (Subject) to emit new values is executed by code that causes change detection when completed for example when called from an event handler or setTimeout.
In your case the cause seems to be that the code that emits new values using LocalPushClear runs outside Angulars zone.
You can use one of the methods explained in to trigger change detection after the Observable emits an event.

