What's the purpose of keyPath in IDBObjectStore.createIndex()? - javascript

I've been reading all around the MDN, but I get stuff like:
The key path for the index to use. Note that it is possible to create an index with an empty keyPath, and also to pass in a sequence (array) as a keyPath.
Well, no s#!t, keyPath is a key path. But what is that?
In all examples, it's the same thing as the name of the column (or index, as they call it):
objectStore.createIndex("hours", "hours", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("day", "day", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("month", "month", { unique: false });
objectStore.createIndex("year", "year", { unique: false });
They say that you can pass:
An empty string - ""
A valid JavaScript identifier (I assume this means valid JS variable name)
Multiple javascript identifiers separated by periods, eg: "name.name2.foo.bar"
An array containing any of the above, eg.: ["foo.bar","","name"]
I can't imagine what purpose does this serve. I absolutely do not understand what keyPath is and what can I use it for. Can someone please provide example usage where keyPath is something else than the name of the column? An explanation what effect do values of keyPath have on the database?

Examples might help. If you use a key path with an object store, you can have keys plucked out of the objects being stored rather than having to specify them on each put() call. For example, with records that just have an id and name, you could use the record's id as a primary key for the object store:
store = db.createObjectStore('my_store', {keyPath: 'id'});
store.put({id: 987, name: 'Alice'});
store.put({id: 123, name: 'Bob'});
Which gives you this store:
key | value
123 | {id: 123, name: 'Bob'}
987 | {id: 987, name: 'Alice'}
But if you want to look record up by name, you create an index:
name_index = store.createIndex('index_by_name', 'name');
Which gives you this index:
key | primary key | value
'Alice' | 987 | {id: 987, name: 'Alice'}
'Bob' | 123 | {id: 123, name: 'Bob'}
(The index doesn't really store a copy of the value, just the primary key. But it's easier to visualize this way. This also explains the properties you'll see on a cursor if you iterate over the index.)
So now you can look up a record by name with:
req = name_index.get('Alice')
When records are added to the store, the key path is used to generate the key for the index.
Key paths with . separators can be used for lookups in more complex records. Key paths that are arrays can either produce compound keys (where the key is itself an array), or multiple index entries (if multiEntry: true is specified)

A great way to understand things is to think how you would design it yourself.
Let's take a step back, and look at how a very simple NoSQL database would store data, then add indices.
Each Store would look like a JavaScript object (Or dictionary in python, a hash in C# ) etc...
"1": {"name": "Lara", "age": "20"},
"2": {"name": "Sara", "age": "22"},
"3": {"name": "Joe", "age": "22"},
This structure is basically a list of values, plus an index to retrieve the values, like so:
//Raw JS:
var sara = data["2"]
// IndexedDB equivalent:
This is super fast for direct object retrieval, but sucks for filtering. If you want to get people of a specific age, you need to loop over every value.
If you knew in advance you would be doing your queries by age, you could really speed up such queries by creating a new object which indexes the value by age:
"20": [<lara>],
"22": [<joe>, <sara>],
But how would you query that? You can't use the default indexing syntax (e.g. data[22] or store.get(22)) because those expect the key.
One way would be to name that second index, e.g. by_age_index and give our store object a way to access that index by name, so you could to this:
store.index('by_age_index').get(22) // Returns Joe and Sara
The last bit of the puzzle would be telling that index how to determine which records go against which key (because it has to keep itself updated when records are added/changed/removed)
In other words, how does it know Joe and Sara go against key 22, but Lara goes against key 20?
In our case, we want to use the field age from each record. This is what we mean by a keyPath.
So when defining an index, it makes sense that we would specify that as well as the name, e.g.
store.createIndex('by_age_index', 'age');
Of course, if you want to access your index like this:
store.index('age').get(22) // Returns Joe and Sara
Then you need to create your index like this:
store.createIndex('age', 'age');
Which is what most people do, which is why we see that in examples, which gives the impression that the first argument is the keyPath (whereas it's actually just the arbitrary name we give that index) leaving us unsure about what the second argument might be for.
I could have explained all this by saying:
The first parameter is the handle by which you access the index on the store, the second parameter is the name of the field on the record by which that index should group its records.
But maybe this rundown will help other people too :-)

A keypath is how you indicate to indexedDB which properties of your object play a special role. Similar to how you would indicate to an SQL database that a certain column in a table is the primary key of the table, or how you could tell a database to create an index on one or more particular columns in a table.
In other words, it is the path that the indexedDB implementation should follow when determining which property should be used for some calculation. For example, when searching for a value with a given key.
It is a path, and not a simple key, because it considers that object property values can also be objects. In other words, there is a hierarchy. For example, {a:{b:1}}. The "path" to the value 1 is "a.b". The path is the sequence of properties to visit to get to the value.
The key part of the name signifies that the columns play an important role. For example, in identifying the primary key property, or a particular indexed property.
Properties that are not part of the keypath are ignored in the sense that the indexedDB implementation just treats the whole object as a bag of properties, and only pays attention to those, or gains awareness of those, that are a part of a keypath.


What's the limit of arrays you can create?

What's the limit of arrays you can create? Is there a browser cap or limitation?
The idea is that I want to dynamically create an array for each employee information (includes name, active directory, employee number etc...)
Loop through employee list and create array:
window["arr_" + employee number]
Then when the user needs it, my code will call the array name based on their employee number. The button has the empn as an attribute so I can pass it:
console.log( window["arr_" + empn] )
I'm worried that I'll have more employees that I'm allowed to create arrays.
To answer the question you asked, your problem is not the theoretical limit of how many things you can store in an array, it's the practical limit at which point you'll start running out of memory or the site will be too slow. 100,000 is likely a good rule of thumb.
But there are a lot of other problems here too. First of all,
is not an array, it's a property on the window object. And the window object is definitely the wrong place to store a list of employees. It's hard to tell with so little info, but what you probably want to do is create an object:
var employees = {};
and then populate it with key:value pairs, where the key is something like "employee_"+num and the value is the object you got from whatever you're looping over:
employees["employee_"+number] = data
The result of that will be an object like:
"employee_0" : { "name" : "John", "number": 0 }
"employee_1" : { "name" : "Joe", "number": 1 }
and you would reference them by key, like so:
console.log("Employee 0's name is " + employees["employee_0"].name);
Hope that helps. If you need more help, you'll need to be clearer about how you're looping over the employee data and what it looks like.
The maximum length until "it gets slow" is totally dependent on your target machine and your actual code, so you'll need to test on that (those) platform(s) to see what is acceptable.
However, the maximum length of an array according to the ECMAEdition specification is bound by an unsigned 32-bit integer due to the ToUint32 abstract operation, so the longest possible array could have 232-1 = 4,294,967,295 = 4.29 billion element.

Multiple objects inside main object cannot be sorted by key value, but objects inside an array can be - how and why does this happen?

This is a follow up to a previous question I asked:
Sort JSON response by key value
So I know that objects cannot be sorted using the .sort method and if I push each object into an array, I can sort it the way I want.
Why does .sort not work on this:
{ A:{...}, B:{...}, C:{...} }
but works on this:
[ {...}, {...}, {...} ]
It's still accessing and working with object properties in both examples, right?
Here's some code:
var query = {
ns: 42,
pageid: 12,
lang: "en",
index: 3
ns: 12,
pageid: 36,
lang: "en",
index: 4
ns: 2,
pageid: 19,
lang: "en",
index: 1
var queryArr = [{ns: 42, pageid: 12, lang: "en", index: 3}, {ns: 12, pageid: 36, lang: "en", index: 4}, {ns: 2, pageid: 19, lang: "en", index: 1}];
query is an object with multiple objects in it, and queryArr is an arry with multiple objects in it. If I wanted to sort query by its index key's value, I'd have to convert it to an arry first, and then run .sort on that array, correct?
What I want to know is why. What prevents query from being sorted, but allows the objects inside queryArr to be sorted? They're both still objects right? The only difference is the outer body is an object in the first, and an array in the second - but it's still working with objects when sorting.
My sort function still referneces the index using the object property accessor:
return j.index - i.index;
Array object is object where the positive integer keys are used:
a = [, 1]
a[.1] = .1
a[-1] = -1
console.log( a )
console.log( { ...a } )
If the order of the properties can't be guaranteed, then for example array object [0, 1] can be stored as { "0": 0, "1": 1 } or { "1": 1, "0": 0 }.
Most array looping constructs will look for the "0" property before the "1" property, so the property order doesn't really matter.
Sorting array doesn't change it's properties order, but swaps the values associated with the properties.
Arrays are a special way of sequentially storing data. In the earliest implementations, this would be done by actually storing the array objects sequentially in memory. And resorting would actually physically move the objects in memory. So in your example where you have indices 102, 421, and 736. If you translated this to an array, you would actually have an array of length 737. 0 to 101 would be undefined, then you would have your object at 102. 103 to 420 would be undefined, then object 421. Et cetera.
Good to note that in your example when you translated your object into an array, you lost your keys (102, 421, 736). They simply became (0,1,2). In your example maybe this was okay, but if you had an object with properties like width, height, length, having these replaced with simple array indices like 0,1,2 would be a pretty significant loss of information.
Objects don't work the same way at all. They are not designed to store data sequentially, but hierarchically. So you can have a key 102 that points to an object, but you don't have to have keys 0-101. And key 102 doesn't designate the "order" of the item. It's just a name, and it could just as easily be length or fred or green as 102.
This mirrors reality. For example you might have an array to store a group of people, perhaps starting in order of age. And you could re-sort the list by different properties, like alphabetical by last name, or by height, etc.
But if we look at the objects within that array, it really makes no sense to talk about the order of firstName, lastName, height, weight, age, etc. There isn't really any "order" to speak of: weight doesn't have to come before height, or vice versa. And some people may like to see Last,First, while others prefer First Last. These properties are things we mostly want to be able to access directly by name, so an array isn't really ideal. We want named properties. Hence an object. Don't be confused just because you chose numbers as your property names...they're still names, not indices.
However it is of course possible to iterate all the properties of an object, and it is even possible to control the order in which you iterate them. Traditionally in javascript this iteration was done with the for...in syntax, which goes all the way back to es1. But you couldn't control the order in which the object's keys were iterated. To control order we would have to use for...in to populate an array of keys, then sort the array, then re-loop over the array.
However, it is possible in the newer es6 javascript world to iterate in some great new ways. For example, you can use Object.keys() to get an array of all the object keys (property names), and then you could sort this array. Saves the step of populating an array with for...in.
Another more advanced possibility in es6 (which uses Object.keys) is to actually make the object itself iterable by adding a Symbol.iterator. Again, this only works in es6+.
However the Symbol.iterator gives you a lot of power. This is what it looks like:
query[Symbol.iterator] = function*() {
let properties = Object.keys(this).sort();
for(let p of properties) {
yield {key:p, value:this[p]}
Once you add this iterator to the object, now you can use things like for...of. And in this example I added a .sort(), so this would iterate over the object's properties in ascending numeric order by key: 102, 421, 736. And since we are yielding an object with key and value, we are still able to see the key value, which we would NOT have if we had just translated to an array.
for(let {key,value} of query) {

how to access key/value pairs from json() object?

I'm calling an external service and I get the returned domain object like this:
var domainObject = responseObject.json();
This converts the response object into a js object. I can then easily access a property on this object like this
var users = domainObject.Users
Users is a collection of key/value pairs like this:
1: "Bob Smith"
2: "Jane Doe"
3: "Bill Jones"
But CDT shows users as Object type and users[0] returns undefined. So how can I get a handle to the first item in the collection? I'm assuming that some type of type cast is needed but not sure how I should go about doing this
Here is one way I could access the values:
//get first user key
//get first user value
But I need to databind through ng2 so I was hoping for a simpler way like this:
<div *ngFor="let user of users">
User Name: {{user.value}}
Maybe I should just create a conversion function in my ng2 component which converts the object into what I need before setting the databinding variable?
So after scouring through a few docs I found the "newish" Object.entries() javascript function. You can read about it here. Pretty cool.
Anyways, give this a try. I am ashamed to say that I don't have time to test it, but it should get you going in the right direction.
usersArray = []
// Turn Users object into array of [key, value] sub arrays.
userPairs = Object.entries(users);
// Add the users back into an array in the original order.
for (i=0; i < userPairs; i++) {
usersArray.push(_.find(userPairs, function(userPair) { return userPair[0] == i }))
I would use either underscore.js or lodash to do this. Both are super helpful libraries in terms of dealing with data structures and keeping code to a minimum. I would personally use the _.values function in lodash. Read more about it here.. Then you could use users[0] to retrieve the first item.
The only caveat to this is that lodash doesn't guarantee the iteration sequence will be the same as it is when the object is passed in.
users = _.values(users);
How about this:
let user= this.users.find(() => true)
This should return the "first" one.
If your initial object is just a plain object, how do you know it is sorted. Property members are not sorted, ie: looping order is nor guaranteed. I´d extract the user names into an array and the sort that array by the second word. This should work (as long as surnames are the second word, and only single spaces are used as separators).
var l=[];
for(var x in users) {
var l1=l.sort ( (a,b) => return a.split(" ")[1]<b.split(" ")[1]);

object identifications in javascript and restful service

Consider classes
Product = {
variations: [],
properties: []
Property = {
values: []
Variation = {
values: []
Value = {
On the client (in JS) I first create products with properties and the possible values each property may have.
After that I create variations. Each of them can have a set of several values. But it only can "use" the values, which do already exist for properties.
In the next step, I move that product-object over to rest api.
While in JS the values used in a variation points to the original object in the product property, after encoding to JSON and backwarts to stdClass in PHP behind the restful service, this link gets lost.
Of course I could give them IDs on my own and call them temp_id or so. Hacky.
How would pros do it?
I simply deserialize the incomming JSON $object = json_decode($json); and use RedBeans and Piped to manage that end. What it does is mainly just moving through the properties and create objects with ..._id == null (then they get a unique ID).
Let's say I would do it manually:
I'd walk through the properties and store each value-object into the MySQL-db. Say
value_id: null,
simpleString: 'Green'
After storing it will have the value_id = 111.
Now I walk through the variations. One of these uses the Green-Value. But since this value will also be
value_id: null,
simpleString: 'Green'
how could I identify them? The string, of course, is too weak - no one could consider that. As mentioned above, I could give them temporary IDs. But surely there is a better way.

Retrieving JS' Object value without knowing it's name

This is a fairly common question here in SO, and I've looked into quite a few of them before deciding to ask this question.
I have a function, hereby called CheckObjectConsistency which receives a single parameter, an object of the following syntax:
objCheck: anotherObject,
properties: [
//PropertyValue: (integer,string,double,whatever), //this won't work.
PropertyName: string,
ifDefined: function,
ifUndefined: function
What this function does is... considering the given parameter is correctly designed, it gets the objCheck contained within it (var chk = objEntry.objCheck;), It then procedes to check if it contains the properties contained in this collection.
Like this
What I want is... I want to bring it to yet another level of dynamicity: Given the propositions that IfDefined and IfUndefined are functions to be called, respectively, if the currently-pointed PropertyName exists, and otherwise, I want to call these functions while providing them, as parameters, the very objCheck.PropertyName's value, so that it can be treated before returning to the user.
I'll give a usage example:
I will feed this function an object I received from an external provider (say, a foreign JSON-returning-WebService) from which I know a few properties that may or may not be defined.
For example, this object can be either:
var userData1 = {
userID : 1
userName: "JoffreyBaratheon",
cargo: "King",
age: 12,
motherID : 2,
//fatherID: 5,--Not defined
Status: Alive
var userData2 = {
userID :
userName: "Gendry",
cargo: "Forger Apprentice",
//age: 35, -- Not Defined
//motherID: 4,-- Not Defined
fatherID: 3,
Status: Alive
My function will receive:
var objEntry=
objCheck: userData1,
properties: [
PropertyName: "age",
ifDefined: function(val){alert("He/she has an age defined, it's "+val+" !");},
ifUndefined: function(){alert("He/she does not have an age defined, so we're assuming 20.");},
PropertyName: "fatherID",
ifDefined: function(val){alert("He/she has a known father, his ID is "+val+" !");},
ifUndefined: function(){alert("Oh, phooey, we don't (blink!blink!) know who his father is!");},
CheckObjectConsistency(objEntry); // Will alert twice, saying that Joffrey's age is 12, and that his father is supposedly unknown.
ifDefined will only actually work if, instead of properties[x].ifDefined();, I somehow provide it with properties[x].ifDefined(PropertyValue);. And here, at last, lies my question.
Being inside the consistency-checking-function, I only know a given property's name if it's provided. Being inside it, I can't simply call it's value, since there is no such function as properties[x].ifUndefined(properties[x].GetValueFromProperty(properties[x].PropertyName)) ,... is there?
I'm sorry. Not being a native english speaker (I'm brazilian), I can't properly express my doubts in a short way, so I prefer to take my time writing a long text, in an (hopefully not wasted) attempt to make it clearer.
If, even so, my doubt is unclear, please let me know.
I think you're looking for the bracket notation here. It allows you to provide an arbitrary value as key to access the object. Also, you know its name. You have your properties object right?
// Check if objCheck has a property with name given by PropertyName
// If it doesn't, call isUndefined
} else {
// If it does, call isDefined and passing it the value
// Note the bracket notation, allowing us to provide an arbitrary key
// provided by a variable value to access objCheck which in this case is
// the value of PropertyName
Oh yeah, forEach is a method of arrays which allows you to loop over them. You can still do the same with regular loops though.

