Associative array not filling up in server-sent-event environement - javascript

I think I'm on the wrong track here:
I have an event source that gives me updates on the underlying system oprations. The page is intended to show said events in a jquery powered treetable. I receieve the events perfectly but I realized that there were a case I did not handle, the case where an event arrives but is missing it's parent. In this case I need to fetch the missing root plus all potentially missing children of that root node from the database. This works fine too.
//init fct
eventSource.addEventListener("new_node", onEventSourceNewNodeEvent);
function onEventSourceNewNodeEvent(event) {
let data =;
if (!data)
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
rows.each(function (index, row) {
let parentEventId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-parent-id");
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
// if headless state is not fully
// resolved yet keep adding new rows to array
if (headlessRows[parentEventId]) {
} else if (parentEventId && !parentNode) { // headless state found
if (!headlessRows[parentEventId])
headlessRows[parentEventId] = [];
insertNode(row, parentNode);
function fetchMissingNodes(parentEventId) {
let url ="url") + parentEventId;
$.get(url, function (data, textStatus, request) {
if (!data)
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
//insert root and children into table
_table.treetable("loadBranch", null, rows);
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
let lastLoadedRow = $(rows.last());
let headlessRowsArray = headlessRows[parentEventId];
while (headlessRowsArray && headlessRowsArray.length > 0) {
let row = headlessRowsArray.shift();
let rowId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-id");
if (rowId <= lastLoadedRow) // already loaded event from previous fetch
insertNode(row, parentNode);
let pendingUpdatesArray = pendingUpdates[rowId];
// shouldn't be more than one but who know future versions
while (pendingUpdatesArray && pendingUpdatesArray.length > 0) {
let updateEvent = headlessRowsArray.shift();
delete pendingUpdates[rowId]; // <- something better here?
delete headlessRows[parentEventId]; // <- something better here too?
The problem is around the line if (headlessRows[parentEventId]).
When I run it step by step (putting a debugger instruction just before) everything works fine, the headless array is created and filled correctly.
But as soon as I let it run full speed everything breaks.
The logs I printed seems to indicate that the array is not behaving in the way I was expecting it to. If I print the array with a console.log it shows as follow :
(2957754) [empty × 2957754]
length : 2957754
__proto__ : Array(0)
It seems to be missing any actual data. whereas it shows as follow when I execute it step by step:
(2957748) [empty × 2957747, Array(1)]
I'm missing something but it is still eluding me.

your code is async, you do http request but you treat him as synchronized code.
try this fix
//init fct
eventSource.addEventListener("new_node", onEventSourceNewNodeEvent);
async function onEventSourceNewNodeEvent(event) {
let data =;
if (!data)
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
rows.each(function (index, row) {
let parentEventId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-parent-id");
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
// if headless state is not fully
// resolved yet keep adding new rows to array
if (headlessRows[parentEventId]) {
} else if (parentEventId && !parentNode) { // headless state found
if (!headlessRows[parentEventId])
headlessRows[parentEventId] = [];
await fetchMissingNodes(parentEventId);
insertNode(row, parentNode);
function fetchMissingNodes(parentEventId) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
let url ="url") + parentEventId;
$.get(url, function (data, textStatus, request) {
if (!data){
let rows = $(data).filter("tr");
//insert root and children into table
_table.treetable("loadBranch", null, rows);
let parentNode = _table.treetable("node", parentEventId);
let lastLoadedRow = $(rows.last());
let headlessRowsArray = headlessRows[parentEventId];
while (headlessRowsArray && headlessRowsArray.length > 0) {
let row = headlessRowsArray.shift();
let rowId = row.getAttribute("data-tt-id");
if (rowId <= lastLoadedRow) // already loaded event from previous fetch
insertNode(row, parentNode);
let pendingUpdatesArray = pendingUpdates[rowId];
// shouldn't be more than one but who know future versions
while (pendingUpdatesArray && pendingUpdatesArray.length > 0) {
let updateEvent = headlessRowsArray.shift();
delete pendingUpdates[rowId]; // <- something better here?
delete headlessRows[parentEventId]; // <- something better here too?


javascript] Object's value update strangely

The value of the object is updated very strangely.
the current overall system structure is as follows.
There is a server that collects the status of each system.
Send the collected data from the server to the web server through websocket
When the web server receives the websocket, the callback function is called.
In the callback function, the object is updated with the received data.
The problem occurs when updating objects.
Here is the code for that part.
var systemDatas = {};
fn_callback = function(data){
function fn_set_metric(data){
Object.entries(data).forEach(([apps, appArr]) => {
for(let i = 0; i < appArr.length; i++){
var app = {};
if(appArr[i].name === "GW"){
var gwDatas = systemDatas["GW"];
try {
var keyIdx = 0;
for(let j = 0; j < (appArr[i].nodes).length ; j++){
if(appArr[i].nodes[j].name === key){
keyIdx = j;
if(appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].health === "on"){
gwDatas[key].process.cpuSystem = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[0].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].process.cpuProcess = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[1].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].memory.memUsed = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[2].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].memory.heapUsed = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[4].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].thread.threadDeamon = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[6].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].thread.threadLive = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[7].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].memory.memMax = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[3].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].memory.heapMax = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[5].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].thread.threadPeak = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[8].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].process.uptime = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[9].measurements[0].value;
gwDatas[key].process.cpuCount = appArr[i].nodes[keyIdx].metrics[10].measurements[0].value;
catch(e) {
and the result of executing the function.
As you can see in the area marked in yellow in the result image. depending on the scope of the object, the value is different.
my expectation is
after systemDatas["GW"]["GW_1"] is updated, systemDatas["GW"]["GW_2"] is updated. sequentially.
but it's behaving in an incomprehensible way
except the callback function there is no part to update systemDatas.
Can you explain why it works this way?
Your code complexity (nesting) is to high - It is not helping you solve the problem.
Break the function up into 2-3 separate functions const parseMetricsData, parseGWData; // etc..
Look over latest added Array methods, some of the new ones like [].find will make the code easier to read (MDN Array Docs).
Other tips after code example.
const systemDatas = {};
// ...
const fn_callback = function (data) {
// ...
// ...
const parseGWData = (app, gwDatas) => {
for (const key of gwDatas.keys()) {
const gwData = gwData || {},
foundNode = !app.nodes ? null : app.nodes.find(n => === key);
if (!foundNode || !== 'on') continue;
gwData.process.cpuSystem = foundNode.metrics[0].measurements[0].value;
gwData.process.cpuProcess = foundNode.metrics[1].measurements[0].value;
gwData.process.uptime = foundNode.metrics[9].measurements[0].value;
gwData.process.cpuCount = foundNode.metrics[10].measurements[0].value;
gwData.memory.memUsed = foundNode.metrics[2].measurements[0].value;
gwData.memory.heapUsed = foundNode.metrics[4].measurements[0].value;
gwData.memory.memMax = foundNode.metrics[3].measurements[0].value;
gwData.memory.heapMax = foundNode.metrics[5].measurements[0].value;
gwData.thread.threadDeamon = foundNode.metrics[6].measurements[0].value;
gwData.thread.threadLive = foundNode.metrics[7].measurements[0].value;
gwData.thread.threadPeak = foundNode.metrics[8].measurements[0].value;
function fn_set_metric(data) {
for (const [apps, appArr] of Object.entries(data)) {
for (const app of appArr) {
if ( !== 'GW' ||
!, 'GW')) continue;
Other code tips:
Put long property chains into variables, either via built-ins (app.nodes.find(app => === key)) or directly.
Use built-ins (Array.prototype.find, for of loops etc. (use whatever your platform/platform version supports (see MDN Array, etc., for more).
Use negative if checks (instead of nesting main part of code in if statements you can check the opposite condition to avoid creating deeply nested code).
~~Consider not mutating static structures until loops/manipulations are complete; E.g., perform manipulations on pure, new, objects and then merge results into static structure(s) - will help you pinpoint issues~~ Consider that appArr may have duplicate app entries which may be overriding each others' values.

Why do some functions recognize this global variable but others don't?

So I have the following JS function that adds rows to a table based on a global list, events. Events starts out empty and I have another function pushing dict object into it. Items are pushed to the list successfully, however, when events reaches fillTable(), it's empty. In the code below, the first console.log(events) (inside fillTable()), prints an empty list but the second console.log(events) prints the data as expected. events isn't being defined anywhere else so I am lost.
events = []
function otherFunction(repo, type, url) {
events.push({'repo': repo, 'type': type, 'url': url})
function fillTable() {
console.log(events); // {}
console.log(events.length); // 0
var table = document.getElementById("table")
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
let event = events[i];
const repo = document.createElement('td')
const type = document.createElement('td')
const url = document.createElement('td')
const row = document.createElement('tr')
otherFunction('a', 'b', 'c');
console.log(events); // {'repo': 'a', 'type': 'b', 'url': 'c'}
console.log(events.length); // 1
This is a problem with your usage of async functions.
events = []
getGithubActivity();//this function makes an xmlHttp request
fillTable();//this function is called straight after. There has been no chance for a return of the xmlHttp request.
i suggest placing fillTable like this
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
try {
//add events
catch (e) {
console.log('getGithubActivity() - Error: ' + e);
When you log an object in console. It will update upon being opened, this is why it appears filled to you even though at the time of logging the length was 0. By the time you open it in console, the request has returned.
Also I noticed that eventList isn't defined anywhere, could this possibly be a typo?

ForEach only looping through first item on DataSnapshot

I´m trying to loop through the content of a DataSnapshot and then depending on a condition do some work FOR EACH one of the elements but currently, the ForEach is only doing the work in the first item. The "serverStatus" sometimes is waiting and sometimes in "onCall". When the first item is "onCall" does not go through the rest of the items as I think is supposed to do. Below a snapchot of where I get the information from:
And here is my function:
exports.manageCallRequests = functions.database.ref('/resquests/{userId}').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const event = snap.val();
console.log("function manageCallRequests is being called")
var rootPath = admin.database().ref();
var userOnCall = context.params.userId;
var serversRef = rootPath.child('servers');
var callRequest = event;
var userTime = callRequest["time"];
var waiting= "waiting";
//We first get all the servers in ascending order depending on the last time they were used
var serversSorted = serversRef.orderByChild('lastTimeUsed')
//Gets the children on the "serversSorted" Query
return serversSorted.once("value").then(allServers =>{
//Checks if there is any child
allServers.forEach(async function(server) {
//we extract the value from the server variable, this contains all the information
//about each one of the servers we have
var serverInfo = server.val();
var serverKey = server.key;
var serverNumber = serverInfo["serverNumber"];
var serverStatus = serverInfo["serverStatus"];
console.log("server status "+serverStatus)
if(serverStatus === waiting){
const setCallRequest = await serversRef.child(serverKey).child("current").child("callRequest").set(callRequest);
const removeUserOnCall = await rootPath.child("resquests").child(userOnCall).remove();
const setServerStatus = await serversRef.child(serverKey).child("serverStatus").set("onCall");
console.log("No servers available")
I had the same behavior because my cloud function was exited before that all iterations were executed in the forEach loop.I get rid of it using this snippet of code:
for (const doc of {
// Do wathever you want
// for instance:
await doc.ref.update(newData);
I found 2 ways of getting this done. The first one is useful if we have a DataSnapshot without any OrderBy* call, in this case, would be:
var allServers = await serversRef.once("value");
for (let serverKey of Object.keys(allServers.val())){
var server = allServers[serverKey];
//Do some work
We need to first get the keys of the object to then be able to extract it from within the for loop, as explained here otherwise we´ll get a "TypeError: 'x' is not iterable"
Now the problem with this particular case is that a have a DataSnapshot that was previously sorted at var serversSorted = serversRef.orderByChild('lastTimeUsed') so when we call Object.keys(allServers.val()) the value returned is no longer sorted and that´s where forEach() comes in handy. It guarantees the children of a DataSnapshot will be iterated in their query order as explained here however for some reasons when doing some async work within the forEach loop this seems not to work, that´s why I had to do this:
var serversSorted = serversRef.orderByChild('lastTimeUsed')
var allServers = await serversSorted.once("value");
//Checks if there is any children
if (allServers.hasChildren()) {
//if there is iterate through the event that was passed in containing all
// the servers
var alreadyOnCall = false;
var arrayOfServers = []
var arrayOfKeys = []
for (var serveIndex = 0; serveIndex < arrayOfServers.length;serveIndex++){
var serverObj = arrayOfServers[serveIndex]
var serverObject = serverObj.val()
var serverKey = arrayOfKeys[serveIndex]
var serverStatus = serverObject["serverStatus"];
var serverNumber = serverObject["serverNumber"];
console.log("server info "+serverStatus+" "+serverKey);
if (serverStatus === waiting && alreadyOnCall === false) {
const setCallRequest = await serversRef.child(serverKey).child("current").child("callRequest").set(callRequest);
const removeUserOnCall = await rootPath.child("resquests").child(userOnCall).remove();
const setServerStatus = await serversRef.child(serverKey).child("serverStatus").set("onCall");
alreadyOnCall= true
console.log("Call properly set");

Limit number of records in firebase

Every minute I have a script that push a new record in my firebase database.
What i want is delete the last records when length of the list reach a fixed value.
I have been through the doc and other post and the thing I have found so far is something like that :
// Max number of lines of the chat history.
const MAX_ARDUINO = 10;
exports.arduinoResponseLength = functions.database.ref('/arduinoResponse/{res}').onWrite(event => {
const parentRef =;
return parentRef.once('value').then(snapshot => {
if (snapshot.numChildren() >= MAX_ARDUINO) {
let childCount = 0;
let updates = {};
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
if (++childCount <= snapshot.numChildren() - MAX_ARDUINO) {
updates[child.key] = null;
// Update the parent. This effectively removes the extra children.
return parentRef.update(updates);
The problem is : onWrite seems to download all the related data every time it is triggered.
This is a pretty good process when the list is not so long. But I have like 4000 records, and every month it seems that I screw up my firebase download quota with that.
Does anyone would know how to handle this kind of situation ?
Ok so at the end I came with 3 functions. One update the number of arduino records, one totally recount it if the counter is missing. The last one use the counter to make a query using the limitToFirst filter so it retrieve only the relevant data to remove.
It is actually a combination of those two example provided by Firebase :
Here is my final result
const MAX_ARDUINO = 1500;
exports.deleteOldArduino = functions.database.ref('/arduinoResponse/{resId}/timestamp').onWrite(event => {
const collectionRef =;
const countRef = collectionRef.parent.child('arduinoResCount');
return countRef.once('value').then(snapCount => {
return collectionRef.limitToFirst(snapCount.val() - MAX_ARDUINO).transaction(snapshot => {
snapshot = null;
return snapshot;
exports.trackArduinoLength = functions.database.ref('/arduinoResponse/{resId}/timestamp').onWrite(event => {
const collectionRef =;
const countRef = collectionRef.parent.child('arduinoResCount');
// Return the promise from countRef.transaction() so our function
// waits for this async event to complete before it exits.
return countRef.transaction(current => {
if ( && ! {
return (current || 0) + 1;
} else if (! && {
return (current || 0) - 1;
}).then(() => {
console.log('Counter updated.');
exports.recountArduino = functions.database.ref('/arduinoResCount').onWrite(event => {
if (! {
const counterRef =;
const collectionRef = counterRef.parent.child('arduinoResponse');
// Return the promise from counterRef.set() so our function
// waits for this async event to complete before it exits.
return collectionRef.once('value')
.then(arduinoRes => counterRef.set(arduinoRes.numChildren()));
I have not tested it yet but soon I will post my result !
I also heard that one day Firebase will add a "size" query, that is definitely missing in my opinion.

Clearing JS response

I am making a call to an API. The API returns a list of results. When it does so - the response is fed into an object which I then use to iterate through and display them.
Here is the function which does that:
var getAvailability = () => {
if (chosenData.hotel == "") {
showError("Please select a location before booking.");
$timeout(() => LTBNavService.setTab('location'), 50);
searchResponse = {};
WebAPI.getHotelAvailability(genSearchObject()).then((data) => {
searchResponse = data;
$timeout(() => $('[data-tab-content] .search-btn').first().focus(), 50);
}, (data) => searchResponse.error =[0].error);
The Problem:
The old results are still displayed until the new set of results are available. This causes a flicker and a delay which is a bad user experience.
The solution:(which i need help with)
What is the best possible way of handling this problem? Ideally, I would like to reset/clear the search response. As in, the new results are delivered and the old ones are cleared. Is this possible from within the getAvailability function?
What would be the best way to achieve this?
The Solution:
Thanks to #Daniel Beck for his suggestion to call the generateRoomTypeObject function and feed it an empty object - +1'd his comment.
This triggered an undefined error in my generateRoomTypeObject function where i was running a few length checks(makes sense, because the object was empty - so there was nothing to do length checks on).
I handled the error by handling the undefined exception and setting the searchResponse to an empty object.
var generateRoomTypeObject = (searchResponse) => {
var ratePlans = searchResponse.ratePlans,
errors = searchResponse.error,
roomTypes = [],
ignoreBiggerRooms = false;
rawRoomsObjs = [];
if (angular.isUndefined(errors)) {
// Iterate over the rate plan
if(ratePlans === undefined){
//generateRoomTypeObject -- Handle undefined by creating new object
searchResponse = {}
for (var i = 0; i < ratePlans.length; i++) {
var ratePlan = ratePlans[i],
rooms = ratePlan.rooms;
// Iterate over the rooms and add rooms to room object. Also keep a list of room types.
for (var j = 0; j < rooms.length; j++) {
//Stuff here

