Combining two async results from MongoDB collection in NodeJS - javascript

I'm sure this was asked before, but for some reason I am not able to make it work. Started using NodeJS with Mongoose just lately (getting used to doing everything async)
One of the things I'm trying to achieve is combining two results from two different collections according to some logic.
So assuming I have this get function, it should go fetch asynchronously all skills (for example), then from another collection, i should fetch all specific user skills, and combine them into one set of results, which will add a "isSelected:true" property when it's found in the userSkills collection. This is written in ES6:
exports.get = (req, res) => {
const combineSkills = (allSkills)=>{
const { userid } = req.headers;
return UserSkills.GetUserSkills(userid).then((response)=>{
for(var i=0;i<=response.length-1;i++){
var userSkill = response[i];
var found = allSkills.filter(e=>;
return allSkills;
const respond = (response) => {
ReturnCode: 2,
ReturnObject: response
// error occured
const onError = (error) => {
ReturnCode: 0,
ReturnObject: error.message
As you can see, I'm trying to call Skills.GetAll() skills, then get results to combineSkills object, do some logic and return the new object.
I know my problem is in the combineSkills function, where my return statement returns the object before the logic change.
My question is what is the right syntax for such scenario?

filter function return an array, you have to return the needed skills using find method like :
const combineSkills = (allSkills) => {
const { userid } = req.headers;
return UserSkills.GetUserSkills(userid).then((response) => {
for (var i = 0; i <= response.length - 1; i++) {
var userSkill = response[i];
var found = allSkills.find(e => == userSkill.skillId);
if (found) {
found.isSelected = true;
return allSkills;


Why is the return statement executed before completion of the recursive function?

The below data function is called by a get route. The problem I have is that I can't figure out why the images array remains empty on return images but shows as correctly populated at console.log(images) in my recursive start(node) function -- which performs a DFS by repeatedly calling the Microsoft Graph API and allocates img objects to the images array. I initialise the traversal after res contains the object tree.
I assumed that return images would execute only after the recursion is complete and images is populated, but that doesn't look to be the case. I think it's an asynchrony issue which I'm not too familiar with, so would appreciate any help or solution. = (accessToken) => {
const token = accessToken;
const endpoint = ',23e7ef7a-a529-4dde-81ba-67afb4f44401,0fa8e0f7-1c76-4ad0-9b6e-a485f9bfd63c/drive/items/01GNYB5KPQ57RHLPZCJFE2QMVKT5U3NYY3/children'
var res = callMsGraph(token, endpoint);
var images = []
function start(node) {
if(node.value) {
node.value.forEach(function(child) {
var end = ',23e7ef7a-a529-4dde-81ba-67afb4f44401,0fa8e0f7-1c76-4ad0-9b6e-a485f9bfd63c/drive/items/' + + '/children';
var result = callMsGraph(token, end);
result.then(function(result) {
if (result.value.length > 0) {
if ('image' in result.value[0]) {
result.value.forEach(function(imgChild) {
let img = {
'job': imgChild.parentReference.path.split("/")[6],
'path': imgChild.webUrl
console.log('images object:')
res.then(function(result) {
return images;

firebase cloud functions oncall returns null

wondering what's the weird error.
I am using the onCall method from firebase cloud functions, but when I read it from my app it returns null value. I am trying to return some test data but it doesn't seem to be working. Am i returning the data wrongly?
exports.handleMassFollowAnalytics = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const brandArray = data.brandArray;
const followed = data.followed;
let done = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < brandArray.length; i++) {
let brand = brandArray[i];
.transaction(function(post) {
if (post !== null) {
return post;
function(error, committed, snapshot) {
if (done === brandArray.length) {
// returning result.
return {
data: "testabc",
const handleMassFollowAnalytics = firebase
brandArray: array,
followed: true,
}).then((result) => {
console.log("result: ", result) // returns null everytime
Your function needs to return a promise that resolves with the data to send to the client. Right now, your function returns nothing. The return statement inside the transaction callback is not returning from the main function.
Also, the code is ignoring the promises returned by the transactions you're performing. The final promise returned from the function must resolves only after all the other promises resolve.
So, I used Doug's information and arrived at the following answer, for reference to anyone in future.
This seems to return correctly for me.
Return individual promises
Return final promise
exports.handleMassFollowAnalytics = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const brandArray = data.brandArray;
const followed = data.followed;
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < brandArray.length; i++) {
let brand = brandArray[i];
.transaction(function(post) {
if (post !== null) {
return post;
return Promise.all(promisess).then((result)=>{
return {
data: "testabc",

Issue with never returning inside of promise

Update !!
I fixed my initial issue with the help of Dacre Denny answer below however when writing tests for my code it turned out that the changes were not being saved before the server responded therefor the company collection in my test database was empty, I fixed this issue with the following code
Companies.find({ company_name: company.company_name }).then(found => {
if (found.length !== 0) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Company already exists" });
var userForms = company.users;
company.users = [];
const finalCompany = new Companies(company);
var userPromises = [];
for (var x = 0; x < userForms.length; x++) {
var user = userForms[x].user; = finalCompany._id;
return Promise.all(userPromises).then(responses => {
for (var x in responses) {
if (!responses[x].errors) {
} else {
return finalCompany;
// I moved the save in here !!!
.then((finalCompany) => {>{
},(err) => {
res.json({error: err});
Original Issue
I am trying to create a mongoose document to represent a company, this code saves the model in my db however it does not seem to be responding with a status code or reply to postman when I make a request
I've used a debugger to step through the code but I am very rusty on my JS and I am afraid I've gone into deep water with promises thats gone over my head.'/c_signup', auth.optional, (req, res, next) => {
const { body: { company } } = req;
var error_json = cbc(company);
if( error_json.errors.length > 0 ){
return res.status(422).json(error_json);
Companies.find({company_name: company.company_name})
.then((found) => {
if (found.length !== 0) {
return res.status(400).json({error: "Company already exists"});
var userForms = company.users;
company.users = [];
const finalCompany = new Companies(company);
var userPromises = [];
for (var x =0; x < userForms.length; x ++) {
var user = userForms[x].user; = finalCompany._id;
Promise.all(userPromises).then((responses) => {
for (var x in responses){
if (!responses[x].errors){
else {
console.log("h2"); () {
return res.status(200);
return res.status(404);
This is the output from the debug but the execution is hanging here
There are a few issues here:
First, the save() function is asynchronous. You'll need to account for that by ensuring the promise that save() returns, is returned to the handler that it's is called in.
The same is true with the call to Promise.all() - you'll need to add that promise to the respective promise chain by returning that promise to the enclosing handler (see notes below).
Also, make sure the request handler returns a response either via res.json(), res.send(), etc, or by simply calling res.end(). That signals that the request has completed and should address the "hanging behaviour".
Although your code includes res.json(), there are many cases where it's not guaranteed to be called. In such cases, the hanging behaviour would result. One way to address this would be to add res.end() to the end of your promise chain as shown below:
Companies.find({ company_name: company.company_name }).then(found => {
if (found.length !== 0) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Company already exists" });
var userForms = company.users;
company.users = [];
const finalCompany = new Companies(company);
var userPromises = [];
for (var x = 0; x < userForms.length; x++) {
var user = userForms[x].user; = finalCompany._id;
/* Add return, ensure that the enclosing then() only resolves
after "all promises" here have completed */
return Promise.all(userPromises).then(responses => {
for (var x in responses) {
if (!responses[x].errors) {
} else {
/* Add return, ensure that the enclosing then() only resolves
after the asnyc "save" has completed */
return {
return res.status(200);
.then(() => {
},(err) => {

Chained and Nested promises with For Loop

I am trying to get each property of my games within chained promises (Each of the property is coming from a different async calls).
Logic of my algorithm:
Check the Network and Get the smart contract address
Register the contract containing the addresses of all the Games
Get the number of Games
For each game, perform one aSync call
per property
Print all the games and details (here I am not able
to get the updated object)
var games = [];
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Check the Network and assign the smart contract address
.then(function(networkId) {
let contractAddressRegistry;
if (networkId == 1) {
contractAddressRegistry = "0xQWERTYUIOPQWERTYUIOPQWERTY"
} else {
contractAddressRegistry = "0x12345678901234567890123456"
return contractAddressRegistry;
.then(function(contractAddressRegistry) {
let contractRegistry = new web3.eth.Contract(contractAbiRegistry, contractAddressRegistry);
.then(function(numberOfGames) {
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfGames; i++) {
let game = {};
game.propertyA = aSyncCallGetPropertyA(i); // Promise
game.propertyB = aSyncCallGetPropertyB(i); // Promise
game.propertyC = aSyncCallGetPropertyC(i); // Promise
.then(function() {
console.log(games) // Empty
I tried used Promises.all() but I am not able to sync it properly as some async calls are within a then().
How can I make sure to get the object Games filled with all its properties?
You should use Promise.all like this. Basically, you need to wrap all three aSyncCallGetProperty async calls in Promise.all for waiting until they really finish then assign the results to object game.
.then(function(contractAddressRegistry) {
let contractRegistry = new web3.eth.Contract(contractAbiRegistry, contractAddressRegistry);
return contractRegistry.methods.numberOfGames().call();
.then(function(numberOfGames) {
return Promise.all( => {
return Promise.all([
]).then(results => {
let game = {};
game.propertyA = results[0];
game.propertyB = results[1];
game.propertyC = results[2];
return game;
.then(function(games) {
#Lewis' code seems right but I can not make sure what numberOfGames is. Assuming that it's an integer as used in your question (not an array as treated in the other answer) here is a further rephrased version without nested .then()s.
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
.then(networkId => networkId === 1 ? "0xQWERTYUIOPQWERTYUIOPQWERTY"
: "0x12345678901234567890123456")
.then(contractAddressRegistry => new web3.eth.Contract(contractAbiRegistry, contractAddressRegistry).methods.numberOfGames().call())
.then(numberOfGames => Promise.all(Array(numberOfGames).fill()
.map(_ => Promise.all([aSyncCallGetPropertyA(),
games = => ({propertyA: game[0],
propertyB: game[1],
propertyC: game[2]}));

node.js: structure multiple API requests, work on them and combine them

currently I am struggeling a little bit with node.js (I am new to it) doing different API requests (Usabilla API), work on the results and then combine them in order to work on the whole set (e.g. export).
Requesting the API is not the problem but I can't get the results out to do some other stuff on it (asynchronous code drives me crazy).
Attached please find a overview how I thought to do this. Maybe I am totally wrong about this or maybe you have other more elegant suggestions.
My code works until I have to request the two different API "adresses" (they are provided) and then extract the results to do some other stuff.
My problem here is that there are nested functions with a promise and I cant figure out how to pass this through the parent function inside waterfall to get handled by the next function.
In the code, of course there is nothing parallel as shown in the diagram.
Thats another point, how to do that ? Simply nest parallel and series/ another waterfall inside waterfall ?
I am a little bit confused because that gets more and more complex for a simple problem when this would be done with synchronous code.
Here I build up all my request querys (at the moment 4):
function buildQuery(IDs,callback){
var i = 0;
var max = Object.keys(IDs).length;
function(){return i < max},
FeedbackQuery[i] =
identifier: IDs[i].identifier,
{id: IDs[i].id,
params: {since:sinceDate,}
callback (null,FeedbackQuery);
I then have to decide which type of query it is and add it to an object which should contain all the items of this identifier type:
function FeedbackRequest(FeedbackQuery,callback)
var i = 0;
var max = Object.keys(FeedbackQuery).length;
function(){return i < max},
function (callback){
identifier = FeedbackQuery[i].identifier;
APIquery = FeedbackQuery[i].query;
case 'mobilePortal':
console.log(FeedbackQuery[i].identifier, 'aktiviert!');
var result =;
var item = Object.keys(feedbackResults).length;
feedbackResultsA[item] = feedback;
callback(null, feedbackResultsA);
case 'apps':
console.log(FeedbackQuery[i].identifier, 'aktiviert!');
var result =;
var item = Object.keys(feedbackResults).length;
feedbackResultsB[item] = feedback;
callback(null, feedbackResultsB);
Currently the functions are bundled in an async waterfall:
// a function to do something on the whole feedbackResults array
],function (err, result) {
// result now equals 'done'
if (err) { console.log('Something is wrong!'); }
return console.log('Done!');
How it actually should be:
Thank you very much for any tips or hints!
I'm not proficient with async, and I believe if you'r new to this, it's harder than a simple Promise library like bluebird combine with lodash for helpers.
What I would do based on your schemas :
var firstStepRequests = [];
firstStepRequests.push(buildQuery());// construct your first steps queries, can be a loop, goal is to have firstStepRequests to be an array of promise.
.then((allResults) => {
var type1 = _.filter(allResults, 'request_type_1');
var type2 = _.filter(allResults, 'request_type_2');
return {
type1: type1,
type2: type2
.then((result) => {
result.type1 = //do some work
result.type2 = //do some work
return result;
.then((result) => {
//export or merge or whatever.
Goal is to have a simple state machine.
If you want to keep identifier for a request, you can use props to have :
var props = {
Promise.props(props).then((results) => {
// results is {
id_1:result of promise,
id_2:result of promise,
You could do something like :
var type1Promises = getType1Requests(); //array of type 1
var type2Promises = getType2Requests(); // array of type 2
var props = {
type_1: Promise.all(type1Promises),
type_2: Promise.all(type2Promises)
Promise.props(props).then((result) => {
//result is : {
type_1: array of result of promises of type 1
type_2: array of result of promises of type 2

