Access static resource in server-side code in NextJs? - javascript

Im using the static render feature of NextJS to generate a static version of my site thus I want to ensure that on the very first render of the page all the data it needs to render correctly is supplied.
I have a number of blog posts which I have stored as .md files in /static and want to access them in a page such as:
import * as fs from "fs";
export default class extends React.Component<IProps, any> {
static async getInitialProps (props: IServerProps) {
const post = (await getDb()).posts.find(p => ==;
const markdown = fs.readFileSync(`/static/posts/${post.markdownFileName}`);
return { post, markdown }
But if try to run the above I get the following error:
This dependency was not found: * fs
So im not sure how I should go about accessing these static resources while on the server..

Unfortunately Next.js doesn't allow the use of webpack loaders to handle different file types on the server (Although they are used to build the client-side bundles), but it is possible to use a Babel plugin. One such plugin for Markdown content can be found here:
After configuring it in .babelrc:
"plugins": ["markdown"]
it's possible to use markdown.require() to pull in .md content:
const html = markdown.require('./')
More options are described at the link!


Installing Plaiceholder in Next.js / Webpack 5 causes: Module not found: Can't resolve 'child_process'

I'm building on Next.js app and when I install / import Plaiceholder (for generating placeholder images), I get the following error: Module not found: Can't resolve 'child_process'
Node v14.18.0
Next.js v11.1.2
Plaiceholder v2.2.0
Sharp v0.29.2
I understand this error message to mean that webpack5 is trying to bundle node packages that aren't available to the client. But I'm not clear why it is doing this. I haven't customized any of the webpack configs, and I can't find any mention of this issue in the Plaiceholder docs. How do I fix it?
NOTE: I want the base64 data URL to get created during the build, so that it available as soon as the page loads (not fetched asynchronously at run time).
Here's my next.config.js
module.exports = {
reactStrictMode: true,
My package.json only has scripts, dependencies, and devDependencies (nothing to change module resolution)
In case it's relevant, here's a simplified example using Plaiceholder:
import Image from "next/image";
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
import React, { useState } from "react";
const { base64 } = await getPlaiceholder(imgUrl);
return (<Image
It seems like plaiceholder is not suitable for client-side rendering. I believe that package is for the Node.js environment. That's why you get this error when you try to render your component on the client side.
To solve this problem, you need to move import { getPlaiceholder } from 'plaiceholder' to the NextJS API section. Then you can call that API with your URL data in the body. Then get the base64.
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder";
export default async (req, res) => {
const { body } = req;
const { url } = body;
const { base64 } = getPlaiceholder(url);
import Image from "next/image";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
const [base64, setBase64] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const _base64 = await'/api/getBase64', {url: imgUrl}); // wrote for demonstration
return (<Image
I know blurDataURL will be undefined until you fetch the data but this is the way how you can use plaiceholder library to manage your images. It should be imported only for the NodeJS environment. If you do not like this approach, you can try to find another library that also works for the browser environment (client)
UPDATED according to the comment:
If you want to generate this base64 at build time, you can use getStaticProps in the pages that use this Image component. NextJS is smart enough to understand which libraries are used in the client-side or server-side. So you can do this:
import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder"; // place it at the root of file. This will not be bundled inside of client-side code
export async function getStaticProps(context) {
const { base64 } = await getPlaiceholder(imgUrl);
return {
props: { base64 }, // will be passed to the page component as props
This way, by using getStaticProps, the page will be created at build time. You can get the base64 prop inside of the page that uses the image component and pass that prop to blurDataURL. Also, you can use this approach with getServerSideProps too.
This is from NextJS website:
Note: You can import modules in top-level scope for use in
getServerSideProps. Imports used in getServerSideProps will not be
bundled for the client-side.
It's necessary to Install plugin for Next Js dependency and configure next config based on Plaiceholder Docs for using getPlaiceholder() function in getStaticProps like the answer by #oakar.
npm i #plaiceholder/next
const { withPlaiceholder } = require("#plaiceholder/next");
module.exports = withPlaiceholder({
// your Next.js config

Include JSON files into React build

I know this question maybe exist in stack overflow but I didn't get any good answers, and I hope in 2020 there is better solution.
In my react app I have a config JSON file, it contains information like the title, languages to the website etc..
and this file is located in 'src' directory
"title":"chat ",
"keys":"chat,asd ,
"description":" website"
I want to make my website easy to edit after publishing it, but after I build my app, I can't find that settings.json file there in build directory.
I find out that files in public directory actually get included to build folder, I tried to put my settings.JSON in public,
but react won't let me import anything outside of src directory
I found other solutions like this one but didn't work
Also I tried to create in index.html a global var like (window.JSON_DATA={}), and attach a JS object to it and import it to App.js, but still didn't work.
How can I make a settings JSON file, and have the ability to edit it after publishing the app?
Add your settings.json to the public folder. React will copy the file to the root of build. Then load it with fetch where you need it to be used. For example if you need to load setting.json to the App.js then do the next:
function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState({settings: null});
fetch('settings.json').then(response => {
response.json().then(settings => {
// instead of setting state you can use it any other way
setState({settings: settings});
If you use class-components then do the same in componentDidMount:
class CustomComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {settings: null};
componentDidMount() {
fetch('settings.json').then(response => {
response.json().then(settings => {
this.setState({settings: settings});
Then you can use it in render (or any other places of your component):
function App() {
return (
{this.state.settings && this.state.settings.value}
The easiest way would be to require() the file on the server during server side rendering of the html page and then inline the json in the html payload in a global var like you mentioned window.JSON_DATA={}. Then in your js code you can just reference that global var instead of trying to use import.
Of course this approach would require you to restart your server every time you make a change to the json file, so that it get's picked up. If that is not an option then you'll need to make an api call on the server instead of using require().
You may want to look at using npm react-scripts ( to produce your react application and build. This will package will create a template that you can put your existing code into and then give you a pre-configure build option that you can modify if you would like. The pre-configured build option will package your .json files as well. Check out their getting started section (
If you don't want to go that route, and are just looking for quick fix, then I would suggest change your json files to a JS file, export the JS object and import it in the files you need it since you seem to be able to do that.
module.exports = {
sample: 'data'
//src/example.jsx (this can also be .js)
const sampledata = require('./sampledata');
console.log(sampledata.sample); // 'data'
you can use 'Fetch Data from a JSON File'
according to link

Loading chunks from dynamic imports though CDN URL like other assets

I have a CDN pointing to my base domain, there is 1:1 mapping basically. I'm trying to build my bundle on the server, and I want to load it using CDN URL. What I want to have after npm run build is:
And then my CDN will reflect that, so I want these resources to be loaded like this:
My current webpack.mix.js config:
.sass('resources/sass/app.css', 'public/css')
.js('resources/js/index.js', 'public/js')
It generates all files in the proper location, which is good. Then I include them in my index.blade.php:
<script src="{{ elixirCDN('/js/index.js') }}"></script>
elixirCDN is my custom function:
function elixirCDN($file)
$cdn = '';
$cdn = config('system.cdn_url');
return $cdn . elixir($file);
It basically prepends filename with CDN url, so it all works fine.
The problem begins when I use dynamic imports, like this:
const Home = () => import("./Home")
The ideal situation would be that it also loads with the CDN:
but instead, it doesn't, it loads with a relative path and my base domain:
Obviously, because it's dynamic. How can I make my chunks to be loaded from the CDN as well?
I've tried to set publicPath as my CDN url, but it doesn't have any effect. I've also tried setPublicPath() but it's the same.
Hi this is not the definitive answer but a step in the right direction. I got into this issue because my conditional import broke after updating all the webpack and babel packages.
Before the dynamic import you need to set the temporary public path for webpack to the location of the chunck which webpack needs to import dynamically
__webpack_public_path__ = '';
Than the import works
import(/* webpackChunkName: "state" */ './modules/BookingState/State')
.then(({createState}) => {
For me the dynamic import works, however it seems that the conditional import before, all the package updates, was working in without async behavior...
Just found out that Webpack has more magical comments, which can make the code behave procedural, at the cost of having both modules imported for the conditional import. This might also be helpful
/* webpackChunkName: "state" */
/* webpackMode: "eager" */
/* webpackPreload: true */
I had a similar problem, where my main script was loaded into another page, and when loading chunks it tried loading them from the root url instead of the cdn.
Using the answer above, I came to the following solution:
in root imported file
export function setWebpackToLoadChunksFromScriptUrl() {
const scriptPath: string = (document.currentScript as any || {}).src;
const loadPath = scriptPath ? scriptPath.substring(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf('/')) : '';
if (loadPath) {
__webpack_public_path__ = loadPath;
export async function loadApplication(elementId: string) {
const { loadApplicationOnHtmlElement } = (await import('./loaded-app'));

How to import a module from the static using dynamic import of es6?

I'm trying to add dynamic import into my code to have a better performance on the client-side. So I have a webpack config where is bundling js files. On SFCC the bundled files are in the static folder where the path to that files is something like this: /en/v1569517927607/js/app.js)
I have a function where I'm using dynamic import of es6 to call a module when the user clicks on a button. The problem is that when we call for that module, the browser doesn't find it because the path is wrong.
/en/lazyLoad.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
This is normal because the file is on /en/v1569517927607/js/lazyLoad.js.
There is a way to get it from the right path? Here is my code.
window.onload = () => {
const lazyAlertBtn = document.querySelector("#lazyLoad");
lazyAlertBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
import(/* webpackChunkName: "lazyLoad" */ '../modules/lazyLoad').then(module => {
I had the same problem and solved it using the Merchant Tools > SEO > Dynamic Mapping module in Business Manager.
There you can use a rule like the following to redirect the request to the static folder:
**/*.bundle.js i s,,,,,/js/{0}.bundle.js
All my chunk files are named with the <module>.bundle pattern.
Here you can find more info :
Hope this helps.
I believe you'll likely need to do some path.resolve() magic in either your import statement or your webpack.config.js file as is shown in the accepted answer to this question: Set correct path to lazy-load component using Webpack - ES6
We did it in a different way. That required two steps
From within the template file add a script tag that creates a global variable for the static path. Something like
// inside .isml template
// help webpack know about the path of js scripts -> used for lazy loading
window.__staticPath__ = "${URLUtils.httpsStatic('/')}";
Then you need to instruct webpack to know where to find chunks by changing __webpack_public_path__ at runtime
// somewhere in your main .js file
// eslint-disable-next-line
__webpack_public_path__ = window.__staticPath__ + 'js/';
Optional step:
You might also want to remove code version from your __staticPath__ using replace (at least we had to do that)
__webpack_public_path__ = window.__staticPath__.replace('{YOUR_CODE_VERSION_GOES_HERE}', '') + 'js/';

Nuxt Dynamic Routing on Firebase

My Nuxt.js App has this structure:
When user gets /{any_page}, it will use the path to build the page content:
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';
export default {
async asyncData({ params }) {
return { slug: params.slug }
This works perfectly when running the Nuxt App directly via yarn dev.
When I try to run this using firebase functions:
$ firebase serve --only functions,hosting
The static routes work perfectly, but the dynamic routes always render the default / page, instead of executing the dynamic one. How do I fix this?
If using nuxt generate, then the explanation below should work. If using nuxt build, look at this repo, it is a template i wrote for nuxt + firebase as ssr.
Generate says it skips over dynamic routes, unless you explicitly specify them, hence 404 errors. In your Nuxt config file, you want to specify those routes. Here is an example of fetching from the database during generation. Note that in my example below, the doc id is the slug for the page.
generate: {
async routes() {
const { db } = require('./services/fireInit');
const qs = await db.collection('recipes').get();
return => `/recipes/${}`);
The downside to this approach is as you add new items via a CMS, you will need to rebuild/deploy your site each time if you want to be able to use these new links without a 404. CMS without redeploy does work if you navigate to new content 'organically'...404 only occurs on a page refresh or on jumping directly to the page from a hyperlink.

