jQuery remove or hide all svg on the canvas - javascript

I want to remove or hide the svg I double click on.
var draw = SVG('output').size(1000, 500);
var table = draw.circle(50)
.center(50, 50);
table.attr("class", "table");
var desk = draw.rect(50,50)
desk.attr("class", "desk");
var chair = draw.rect(50,50)
desk.attr("class", "chair");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/svg.js/2.6.3/svg.min.js"></script>
<div id="output"></div>
I want to hide the one that I double click on, but now the result is that, all of them are hidden if I double click any one of them. Even if I double click the blank space of canvas, all of the SVG images are also hidden.

When you write $("svg"), that targets every single svg element on the page.
When this code runs $("svg").on('dblclick',function(event){ $(".table").hide(); }); for example,
every SVG on the page gets the "dblclick" event to hide ".table". To solve this, instead of globally selecting all svg elements, use CSS selectors https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors to only grab the svg related to the class you give it (e.g. maybe you want $("svg.table").on('dblclick') or something like that)


Hide div inside (e.g. Twitter) shadow-dom with JavaScript

Using TamperMonkey to streamline page view on my side, and wish to hide part of the externally-sourced Twitter card(s) from printing. The image in the EmbeddedTweet does not print anyway, and leaves a large empty rectangle that wastes valuable space.
The DOM looks like the image below - how would I target the DIV with class SummaryCard-image (green arrow)? It doesn't matter to me if the DIV is removed from the DOM, or just hidden with CSS.
I have tried the below methods, which do not work:
(1) Injecting CSS with .SummaryCard-image{display:none !important;}
(2) jQuery: $('.SummaryCard-image').remove();
$('.SummaryCard-image').length returns 0
(Note the #shadow-root (open), 2nd element from the top)
You need to select the shadow root first inorder to traverse to that element. You need something like this
var twitterWidget= document.querySelector('twitterwidget').shadowRoot;
twitterWidget.querySelector('.SummaryCard-image').style.display = "none";
For multiple twitter widgets
var twitterWidgets = document.querySelectorAll('twitterwidget');
var root = item.shadowRoot; root.querySelector('.SummaryCard-image').style.display = 'none';
var tabs= document.querySelector('fancy-tabs').shadowRoot
tabs.querySelector('#tabs').style.display = none

javascript click image display

What I'm trying to do is, when one of six divs is clicked, a separate div will have 3 specific divs appear in it. Each of the original six divs have three similar but different divs related to it.
$(document).ready(function () {
How do I make it so that when you click a "talkbubble" div, a different "sidebar" div appears with all its contained elements, and when you mouseout, the first talkbubble div automatically activates?
Here is a demo of how to do this: http://jsfiddle.net/n1xb48z8/2/
The main part of this example is some javascript that looks like this:
var sidebarIndex = $(this).data('sidebar-index');
function showSideBar(index){
$('.sidebarContent[data-index="' + index + '"]').show();
.data('some-name') will get you the attribute data-some-name="" on the specific element, this is a html 5 attribute and if you do not want to use it you can instead give each of the elements their own class names such as:
<div class="sidebarContent subBarContent_1">
<!-- content -->
and use the '.subBarContent_1' as your jquery selector instead. You would then also have to have some sort of data attached to your clickable divs to identify which one you wanna show, you could use a hidden field to do that like:
<input type="hidden" class="subContentSelector" value="subBarContent_1" />
The javascript for that looks like this:
var sidebarSelector = $(this).find('.subContentSelector').val();
showSideBar(sidebarSelector );
function showSideBar(selector){
$('.sidebarContent.' + selector).show();
Ps. the overflow:hidden css is because chrome was messing up the placement of the sidebar content otherwise... oh chrome, you silly goose

jQuery: inserting text into container div on hover

I'm using a simple jQuery image slider (Owl Carousel) to show a list of speakers at a convention with photos, and I'm trying to find a way to overlay text associated with each speaker onto a div placed above the slider. I have a mockup page here. As you can see on the mockup, I have two primary divs-- i.e. div#sit and div#carousel-sit; within the former I have an container with the class .sit-quote-container into which I'd like the quote text/markup injected. I would like this overlay text to pull from the paragraph elements with the .sit-quote class that exist for each speaker.
In addition to the problem of displaying the appropriate text within the container div, I'm seeing that placing the .sit-quote paragraph within each slide is causing a gap to appear under the speaker name (the grey box underneath) and I have no idea why this is happening given that I've set .sit-quote to display:none. I'm wondering if perhaps I need to move the elements containing the quotations out of the slider markup altogether (?)
As for the actual hover function, this is what I have so far, with the help of another SO user; but it doesn't seem to be working:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
}, function(){
$(".sit-quote-container").html(""); // this clears the content on mouseout
Ultimately, I'd like the quotes to fade in/out positioned within the main div. Thanks for any assistance, and please let me know if I need to provide further clarification as to the aim here.
you should first visible that quote
try this:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
clone.appendTo(".sit-quote-container").show(); // Here you should show the quote
}, function(){
if you want to fade in:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
clone.appendTo(".sit-quote-container").fadeIn(); //Here if you want to fade the quote
}, function(){
Use the below script to pull the text from .sit-quote p tag of the hovered item and display it in the .sit-quote-container
If needed wrap the quote in a para tag and to avoid complexity use a different class name, in this case .sit-quote_inner.
CSS : .sit-quote_inner{ display:none; }
$('.sit-carousel-container .owl-item').hover(function(){
var quote = $(this).find('.sit-quote').text(); //Only text not the p tag
quote = '<p class="sit-quote_inner">' + quote + '</p>';
$('.sit-header .sit-quote-container').html(quote);
$('.sit-quote_inner').fadeIn(); //Add this
$('.sit-header .sit-quote-container').html('');
The carousel seems to be dynamically injecting clones of the slides. In this case, you might want to delegate your event handler so that it works with the dynamically generated slides.
Also, if you want to fadeOut the text, you should remove it in the complete callback of fafeOut instead of simply emptying the html Try
$(document).on("mouseenter",".slide-sit",function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
$(document).on("mouseleave",".slide-sit", function(){
.fadeOut("slow",function(){ // Fadeout and then remove the text
The gap (grey background) is the background of .slide-sit, which is visible due to the margin-bottom: 15px; applied on the paragraph containing name (style rule .item p main.css line 67 it seems), removing this will fix the issue.
It'd be better if you keep a .slide-sit inside the .sit-quote-container so that you can fade it in/out properly using the below script.
$(document).on("mouseenter",".sit-carousel-container .slide-sit",function() {
var content = $(this).find(".sit-quote").html();
(".sit-quote-container .sit-quote").html(content).fadeIn("slow");
$(document).on("mouseleave",".sit-carousel-container .slide-sit", function(){

Add canvas attributes dynamically?

Say I have the canvas tag in my HTML5 document
<canvas id="fooBar" width="500" height="200"></canvas>
And I also have an empty anchor tag
and I build my canvas in the head
var fooCanvas = document.getElementById("fooBar");
var barContext = fooCanvas.getContext("2d");
Is there a way I can add:
barContext.fillText("fubar", x,y);
Dynamically via clicking on the anchor tag? What I want is to have a variable in my JS which doesn't always hold the same value, and clicking the a tag would update the canvas fillText attribute every time the link is clicked, My idea to overcome this is to use jQuery and have something like this:
// Something here
Obviously this would work on every a tag I have in the document so I'll specify that later on but I'm not too sure on the syntax required to append that canvas attribute to my canvas? Any ideas?
var fooCanvas = document.getElementById("fooBar");
var barContext = fooCanvas.getContext("2d");
barContext.fillText("fubar", x,y);
Although you might want to use button elements instead of a, since they're not actually links.

How to 'copy and paste' an element in jQuery?

I'm making a simple lightbox. If you click on an image, it takes that image and shows it full screen with a black background behind it.
Here is my code:
$('.theContent img').live('click', function(e) {
var lbImg = $(this);
Thing is, it takes away the variable lbImg and puts it in the lightbox. I dont want that, i just want to copy that bit of info and duplicate, rather than reposition. How would you go about that?
Use the .clone() method to copy the element:
var lbImg = $(this).clone();
Normally, when an element is re-appended, it is removed from the previous location. When an element have to be appended without removing it from the previous spot, it has to be duplicated.

