Testing Redux Thunk Action Creator - javascript

I've got a redux action creator that utilizes redux-thunk to do some logic to determine what to dispatch to the store. Its not promise-based, like an HTTP request would be, so I am having some issues with how to test it properly. Ill need a test for when the value meets the condition and for when it doesn't. Since the action creator does not return a promise, I cannot run a .then() in my test. What is the best way to test something like this?
Likewise, I believe it would be pretty straightforward testing the getRemoveFileMetrics() action creator as it actually does return a promise. But how can I assert that that will called if the value is removeFiles and meets the condition? How can that be written in the test?
Thanks in advance as this has had me stuck for the last couple of days.
Action Creators
export const handleSelection = (value, cacheKey) => {
return dispatch => {
if (value === "removeFiles") {
dispatch({ type: HANDLE_SELECTION, value });
export const getRemoveFileMetrics = cacheKey => {
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: IS_FETCHING_DELETE_METRICS });
return axios
.get(`../GetRemoveFileMetrics`, { params: { cacheKey } })
.then(response => {
dispatch({ type: GET_REMOVE_FILE_METRICS, payload: response.data });
.catch(err => console.log(err));
it("should dispatch HANDLE_SELECTION when selecting operation", () => {
const store = mockStore({});
const value = "switchVersion";
const expectedAction = [{
}]; // TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
return store.dispatch(MOA.handleSelection(value)).then(() => {
const returnedActions = store.getActions();
So based off of Danny Delott's answer to return a promise, I acheived a passing test as follows:
export const handleSelection = (value, cacheKey) => {
return dispatch => {
if (value === "removeFiles") {
return dispatch(getRemoveFileMetrics(cacheKey));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(dispatch({ type: HANDLE_SELECTION, value }));

Is there a reason to explicitly NOT return a promise in your action creator? It looks like getRemoveFileMetrics is returning the promise, it just gets swallowed in handleSelection...
Easiest solution is to just return the promise:
export const handleSelection = (value, cacheKey) => {
return dispatch => {
if (value === "removeFiles") {
return dispatch(getRemoveFileMetrics(cacheKey));
dispatch({ type: HANDLE_SELECTION, value });
return new Promise();
Otherwise, you'll need make your assertions after the event loop is finished. You can do with a setTimeout wrapped in a Promise to get the .then behavior.
it("should dispatch HANDLE_SELECTION when selecting operation", () => {
const store = mockStore({});
const value = "switchVersion";
const expectedAction = [{
// flush outstanding async tasks
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
.then(() => {
const returnedActions = store.getActions();


jest Mocking a jQuery function from a promise

I have a function that calls a jQuery function.
the jQuery function called dataFunc and should return an object.
I want to test the promise, not the dataFunc function.
For that, I want to mock the response that dataFunc should return
I want this row const { data } = await service.auth( buttonData ); data to return
{ access_level: 0 };
How can I do that?
This is my code:
This function with the promise I want to test:
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const success = (e, data) => {
resolve({data, error: null});
const error = () => {
resolve({data: null, error: 'Error'});
return myPromise;
This is what I have done in jest so far:
describe('service.test.js', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
global.jQuery = () => {
return {
dataFunc: jest.fn(() => ({access_level: 0})),
afterEach(() => {
test('should do something', async () => {
// Arrange
const service = new Service();
const approveButton = document.createElement('button');
// Act
const {data} = await service.auth(buttonData);
To fulfill auth function you need either reject or resolve the value.
However, when you mock jQuery method dataFunc to return an explicit value, you override the default behavior and it never calls resolve or reject. Therefore your promise will hang.
You don't necessarily need to mock but provide the original functionality dataFunc carries or provide one that is necessary for the current test.
To fix your example you can pass the argument and call it.
global.jQuery = () => {
return {
dataFunc: ({success, error}) => {
success(jest.fn(), {access_level: 0})

Redux - Asynchronous response from web socket request

I have a websocket interface which I implemented so that I can use to send requests.
The problem is that the response is asynchronous and it initially returns the empty array because retObj is not updated from the callback function that I sent in. How can I make this function so that it will return the populated array when it has been updated.
This is how my Service looks like:
import * as interface from '../webSocket'
const carService = () => {
return {
getCars: () => {
interface.sendRequest(function (returnObject) {
}).then(d => d)
export default carService()
And this is how my action looks like:
import { GET_CARS } from '../constants'
import carService from '../carService'
export const getCars = () => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const cars = await carService.getCars()
console.log("At cars actions: ", cars) // logs: Array []
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error: ', err)
const getCarsSuccess = (cars) => ({
type: GET_CARS,
payload: cars
You simply have to wrap your callback into promise, since it was not a promise to begin with, which is why you cannot use then or await
import * as interface from '../webSocket'
const carService = () => {
return {
getCars: () => {
return new Promise(resolve => interface.sendRequest(function (returnObject) {
export default carService()
The problem is, you cant await a function unless it returns a Promise. So, as you can guess, the problem lies in carService.getCars's definition. Try this:
getCars: () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
interface.sendRequest(function(returnObject) {
// if theres an error, reject(error)
Or, if sendRequest os am async function, simply return the return value of sendRequest:
getCars: () => {
return interface.sendRequest()

How to return Promise using Rxjs in React?

I am learning RxJS/Redux-Observable in React.
But I have a question about return Promise.
Without using RxJS/Redux-Observable
so that I can return promise to component let it can use .then() for next action
In the Action of React
export const getData = () => (dispatch) => {
try {
const dataResponse = await dataAPI.getData();
return Promise.resolve(dataResponse);
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
In the Component of React
componentDidMount = () => {
const {
} = this.props;
getData().then(function(response) {
// I can use this response action for some UX Action.
With using RxJS/Redux-Observable
I don't know how to return promise
In the Epic Action of React
export const getDataEpic = (action$, state$) => {
return action$.pipe(
mergeMap(action => {
let _response = ajax.getJSON(dataAPI.getData());
return _response.pipe(
map(response => {
return fetchDataFulfilledAction(response);
action => action.type === CANCEL_FETCH_DATA
In the Component of React
componentDidMount = () => {
const {
} = this.props;
getData().then(function(response) {
// How to get this response result ?
I know using Reducer is the one of way to handle, but I still want to know how to return promise.
Thanks guys
So you made a classic mistake when we are returning a promise you should not return a new Promise for the success or error but return two function:
resolve -> for the sucess chaining it with then
reject -> for the faileure chaining it with catch !
Hope this code will help you, tell me if you need clarification
export const getData = () => (dispatch) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const dataResponse = await dataAPI.getData();
if(dataResponse.status === '200') {
return resolve(dataResponse) }
else {
return reject(dataResponse.error)

Javascript - Redux actions don't run consecutively

I have a situation when I need 2 Redux Actions to be run consecutively.
The context is a user clicks on a Preview button, and I want to display a loader until the puzzle is done generating.
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
onPreview: () => {
In order to do it, I use the middleware redux-thunk and the action I want to be executed first returns a Promise.resolve() and my second action is in the then():
export function generatingPreview() {
return dispatch => {
return Promise.resolve();
export function generatePreview() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(generatingPreview()).then(() => {
const state = getState();
const conf = state.getIn(['login', 'conf']).toJS();
const wordList = state.getIn(['login', 'wordList']);
try {
const newPuzzle = Wordfind.newPuzzleLax(wordList, conf);
} catch (err) {
export function generatePreviewError(error) {
return {
export function generatePreviewSuccess(payload) {
return {
Unfortunately, the loader never appears. I console.logged the state setting the loading to true when my component renders, and it changes! I can see the log but not the loader, the component doesn't really re-render until the actions generatePreviewSuccess() or generatePreviewError() are dispatched. And it's not an issue from the loader, if I replace the newPuzzleLax function by a loop in order to make enough time to see it, I can see it!
My theory is this function Wordfind.newPuzzleLax(wordList, conf) that I use to generate the puzzle is blocking the queue of actions because on the Chrome Redux Tools I an see the first action appearing at the same time that the second one:
Link to the function.
If I add a 1-microsecond delay between the dispatch of the two actions, the loader appears... but I would really like to understand what is happening. Thank you in advance. If it's any help, I use the react-boilerplate
I also tried to transform the function generating the puzzle as an async one by doing this:
const wordFindAsync = async (wordList, conf) =>
Wordfind.newPuzzleLax(wordList, conf);
export function generatePreview() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
.then(() => {
const state = getState();
const conf = state.getIn(['login', 'conf']).toJS();
const wordList = state.getIn(['login', 'wordList']);
wordFindAsync(wordList, conf);
.then(res => dispatch(generatePreviewSuccess(res)))
.catch(err => {
In your second version you're not returning the Promise from wordFindAsync(wordList, conf) back into your original Promise chain, and so its not being resolved/waited on by then next then.
export function generatePreview() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
.then(() => {
const state = getState();
const conf = state.getIn(['login', 'conf']).toJS();
const wordList = state.getIn(['login', 'wordList']);
return wordFindAsync(wordList, conf); // 🌟 return your promise here
.then(res => dispatch(generatePreviewSuccess(res)))
.catch(err => {
Here's a simple example demoing the behavior I'm refering to.
This one will only wait 1 second until logging "done":
const waitOneSec = () =>
new Promise(resolve => {
console.log("waiting 1 secoond");
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
.then(() => {
waitOneSec(); // Promise not returned
.then(() => console.log("done"));
Whereas this one will wait full 2 seconds until logging "done":
const waitOneSec = () =>
new Promise(resolve => {
console.log("waiting 1 secoond");
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
.then(() => {
return waitOneSec(); // 🌟 Promise returned
.then(() => console.log("done"));
Hope that helps.

how to assert an async action dispatched inside an async action in redux-thunk

I'm trying to assert an async action is dispatched by an async action like so :
// synchronous actions
export const getObjects = () => ({ type: 'GET_OBJECTS' });
export const addObject = object => ({ type: 'ADD_OBJECT', object });
// an async action
export const getObjectsAsync = () =>
dispatch =>
axios.get(URL).then((data) => {
// another async action that dispatches the previous async action
export const postObjectAsync = newObject =>
dispatch =>
axios.post(URL, newObject)
.then(() => { dispatch(addObject(newObject)); })
.then(() => { dispatch(getObjectAsync()); });
// the test
describe('postObjectAsync()', () => {
it('should return ADD_OBJECT and GET_OBJECT actions', () => {
const object = mockedObject;
const store = mockedStore;
const expectedActions = [
{ type: 'ADD_OBJECT', object },
{ type: 'GET_OBJECTS', objects }, // I expected to see this object on store.getActions()[1]
return store.dispatch(postObjectAsync(object))
.then(() => {
// AssertionError: expected [ Array(1) ] to deeply equal [ Array(2) ]
I expected store.getActions() to contain an array with both the GET_OBJECTS and ADD_OBJECT actions inside it but it only contains the ADD_OBJECT action
Can anybody weigh in?
Figured it out, the problem is not in the test,
// another async action that dispatches the previous async action
export const postObjectAsync = newObject =>
dispatch =>
axios.post(URL, newObject)
.then(() => { dispatch(addObject(newObject)); })
.then(() => { dispatch(getObjectAsync()); });
should be
// another async action that dispatches the previous async action
export const postObjectAsync = newObject =>
dispatch =>
axios.post(URL, newObject)
.then(() => {
return dispatch(getObjectAsync());
I just realized shouldn't use .then() on a synchronous function.
This post helped : How to handle two consecutive and dependant async calls in redux

