Run JavaScript targeting iframe in electron - javascript

Is it possible to execute JavaScript in either a preload script or manually targeting an iframe in a webview /The webview is based on chrome , my intuition says it should be possible.
Basically I would like to click a button inside the iframe using:
document.querySelector('button selector').click();
The page looks something like this. (The page is loaded in the webview)
<button id="foo">Click</button>


Change Chrome extension tab title

My Chrome extension create a tab using the API
'url': other_extension_url
The url is the the url of another extension and looks like:
I would like to change the the title of the newly created tab (document.title).
I tried to do it using content script but as far as I understand there is no way to use content script with url that looks like chrome-extension://
Is there an any other way to do that?
No, there is no way to do that, since security model will not allow you to access other extensions' pages.
The title is set by the document itself, and cannot be modified by tabs API.
Here is one way to do it.
<title>My title</title>
<body style="margin:0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;">
<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;" src="chrome-extension://extension_id/page.html"></iframe>
Note I haven't tried it from within an extension html but it did work from a html file:// opening an extension page in the iframe.
Based on this, you can have a single "wrapper" page that receives the title and the iframe url as a url parameter and updates its DOM to change the title and iframe src.

Javascript/DOM not detecting new HTML

I'm working on a private Chrome extension that injects some code into specific websites. I am successful for all except THIS 1 website (which I cant provide you with login access, sorry).
My extension doesn't detect the new(most) of the html content being loaded on the page after navigating through the site only.
For example, when I run document.documentElement.innerHTML; the return string is only the barebones of the page.
The site is using JQuery and I do have JQuery also loaded in my extension, but it still doesn't want to read any elements. The elements do show up in Developer Console but NOT on the Source Page or Frame's Source Page
I really need access to those Elements but I can't figure it out.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a bunch.
EDIT: Turns out nothing was working because all the new content was being loaded into an iFrame. Now I have to research iframes :(
This is what the code in the developer's tools looks like
<iframe src="..." >
<div id="im trying to get">this content</div>

Loading links within iframes inside the iframe

I'm getting started with using iframes and am getting examples done from here. So far I have been able to load the webpage in an iframe. my sample code is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe src=""></iframe>
My question is is there a way where I can click on the hyperlinks inside the iframe and that page again loads within the iframe itself without loading as a new page?

using window.location.href to point to javascript enabled page

I am creating a personal website.So,its a very lightweight website!
The website uses jquery heavily.So if target browser doesn't have javascript enabled,my website would not work.
To resolve this issue I used this html
/*Since javascript is enabled redirect to javascript based page*/
Showing Static Website since javascript is not enabled..
As you can see,I am redirecting to javascript enabled page if the target browser supports it.
But if javascript is not enabled,the script would not work and then static html would be loaded which is in body tag!
I have two questions.
1>Is this the best way to resolve javacript-no javascript issue browser issue?
2>If I use window.location.href and the browser is javascript enabled,would it download the full page or would it stop at window.location.href?
To keep things simple, yes it's an OK idea. You can load content with <noscript> tags
As soon as the browser hits that window.location.href it will start redirecting, but it will still download all DOM. Browsers download all Document then it will start to render.
You can use: <body onload=" = 'none';"> to hide it's contents until redirect occurs.

Printing a PDF in an iFrame from the parent frame in Firefox

So I have a main document which contains an iFrame, in which is a PDF file, which contains a barcode (Created by iTextSharp and sized for a Dymo Label printer).
HTML looks something like:
<div class="content">
<iframe src="/pdfs/label.pdf" NAME="loyaltyBadge" ID="loyaltyBadge"></iframe>
<button id="printPdf">Print</button>
Using jQuery or standard JS, how can I make the button trigger the print dialog on the PDF frame?
$('#printPdf').click(function () {
Seems to work in Chrome, but not FF where I get an error document.loyaltyBadge is undefined
I've tried Googling, but most results are people giving suggests where the document in the iFrame is HTML so we can put the print control in the iFrame itself, which of course in this case I can't do.
The iFrame is small so the native Print control from the embeded Adobe Reader is no use.

