How can I remove empty image frames? - javascript

On my website I have empty image frames like this when the load resource fails because it doesn't exist:
This is an example image tag:
<img class="thumbnail" src="{{event.venue.icon}}" id="thumbnail">
How can I simply remove these empty frames?

Bind to the error event for the images and from within that method you can remove the containers for any images that fail to load. Here is an example, but post your code if you want something more specific:
$('.yourImageSelector').error(function() {

Check out onerror event, when image is loaded hide it if loading fails:
<img src="someimage.jpg" onerror="'none';" />

Bind error event on img tag like this,
$('#myImg').on("error", function() {
$(this).remove(); // Execute with commenting this line and see the result
<script src=""></script>
<img id="myImg" src="compman.gif" alt="Computerman" width="107" height="98">
Comment $(this).remove(); and execute, you will get the "Computerman" as the text alternative specified by alt attribute also the img element in the console as result.


How to add class/id to image based on its title or alt

I have this old website that needs some fixes, but they need to be quick.
Now I have this image with
Iam going to change the source with the following code:
// Change src attribute of image
$(this).attr("src", "images/card-front.jpg");
But I cant select the image, since it is dynamic content.
How do I add a class or ID to this image, based on its title or alt?
If it's created dynamically, listen on document.
Also .click() is deprecated. Use .on():
$(document).on("click", '[alt="Schwimmbäder"]', function(){
// Change src attribute of image
$(this).attr("src", "");
<script src=""></script>
<p>Click the image:</p>
<img src="unknown" title="Schwimmbäder" alt="Schwimmbäder">
Targetting title and setting a class to an image and then use that new class to handle click events: this is how you can do it...
$(this).attr("src", "");
<script src=""></script>
<img width="250" title="imgTitle" src="" />

How to use the attr function to get src of picture

When the user clicks a "Vacation" image on the left, a larger copy
of it will appear to the right of the images in the image with
an id of "currentimage" inside the "bigimage" div. (See the HTML file)
At the same time one of the following should appear below
the "currentimage": "Mountain Vacation", "Ocean Vacation", or "Desert Vacation"
depending on which image was selected.
this is part of the HTML code
<div id="bigimage">
<img id="currentimage" src="" alt="ocean vacation" width="300" height="225" border="0">
<p id="imagedesc"></p>
This is part of the JS code
$("img").click(function ()
var mySrc = $(this).attr("src");
$("#currentimage").attr("src", mySrc);
I also tried
$("img").click(function ()
$("#currentimage").attr("src", this.src);
but when i click the image a larger copy of it is not appearing on the right
Browsers not reload image after change src. Try remove old element with old image and paste new element with new image src.
Or: How to reload/refresh an element(image) in jQuery
Your click handler is on any img this means that the #currentimage element is the only element which this handler is added. You are then setting the src to the src that it already is.
you instead want to change the src to something else. Here I set an initial smaller placeholder which is replaced with a larger one on click.
$("img").click(function() {
this.src = '';
<script src=""></script>
<img id="currentimage" src="" alt="ocean vacation" />
<p id="imagedesc"></p>

how to show an image in another div after clicking the image in jquery

I have an image in my webpage i want when the user click on the image the current image also appear in the other div i have in my web page i am totally confuse please help me out here is my code.
<div id="img"><img src="download1.jpg"></div>
<div><img src="" class="img2"></div>
<img src="download1.jpg" alt="" class="imgs" id="the_id" width="180" height="60" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var idimg = $(this).attr('id');
var srcimg = $(this).attr('src');
alert('ID is: '+ idimg+ '\n SRC: '+ srcimg);
Tried using a fiddle and it works, here is the code which I used.
<div id="img"><img src=""></div>
<div><img src="" class="img2"></div>
<div>click me </div>
<img src="" alt="" class="imgs" id="the_id" width="180" height="60" />
$(document).ready(function() {
var idimg = $(this).attr('id');
var srcimg = $(this).attr('src');
alert('ID is: '+ idimg+ '\n SRC: '+ srcimg);
your code is perfect and will work check out you jquery library that is loaded correctly or not I have not seen any error in your code.
You can achieve this by setting the destination image's src to the same as the img src in the clicked div. Try:
$('.source-img').on('click', function(){
var src = $(this).children('img').attr('src');
$('#destination').children('img').attr('src', src);
Check out this jsFiddle.
If you want the images to not have wrappers, then just change the jQuery targetting and leave out the .children(img) part.
If you're looking for a better method, see this JSFiddle
It uses the clone function
$(this).clone().appendTo('#LoadImageHere').attr('id', 'ClonedImage');
It means you don't have an image with an empty src attribute lying around, and you can add attributes to the cloned image as you wish (I added an ID in the example).
If you try width this code or here combination you can get very interesting result.Plz look" . Div element have in self img tag width source image,class "img2". Other image in gallery must have equal id, like is id "the_id". And if we clicking any picture that picture is show in space of div tag. How you can get bouncing effect picture must have equal size. I make combination two div tag where firs have class "img2", and second where is my picture distribute my pictures. With this first code on this page I make nice image gallery. Try and you self, this is not hard.

jquery onclick source image from php array

I'm very new to PHP and jquery, and am trying to set up an image gallery with thumbnails that when clicked, display a larger image in the div above them.
So far, I have this:
$(function() {
What I want to do is change the image source to be from an array of images. When someone clicks thumbnail A, for instance, I want it to load the corresponding large image A into the div above the thumbnails. I have two arrays, one for the thumbnails and one for the larger images. Seems like a pretty basic thing to do, but like I said, I am totally new at this!
Your javascript code looks correct. Can I see your html code.
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container">
<img id="large" src="" />
<div id="thumbnail-container">
<img class="thumbnail" src="large.PNG" width="50" height="50" alt="test1"/>
<img class="thumbnail" src="large2.PNG" width="50" height="50" alt="test2"/>
$(function() {
And I simply use your js code on the sample above.
You need to pass the array to your javascript first, store in a javascript array, and with proper index (javascript only accept number index), and load it with click event.
there is two way(from my knowledge) to do this.
1) At ur index page, after you load your JS file, you echo <script>loading_function("array_in_string")</script>;, and process the string in JS and store into array.
2) using Ajax, call to server and request for the full list.
In the HTML of the thumbnail images, add a data-tag such as
<img src="image.jpg" data-full-imgpath="http://..." class="thumbnail" />
<img src="image2.jpg" data-full-imgpath="http://..." class="thumbnail" />
Then change your JS to this:
$(function() {
var imgPath = $(this).data("full-imgpath");

How to append HTML to images using JQuery?

I am using Galleria and I need to wrap my images that Galleria puts into a slide with a link.
I was going to use this methodology: Give the <img> a bogus title= value and then append a <a> tag around the <img>, drawing the link I need from the title= tag.
This is the code I've got so far.
$("img#gallery").this.title.appendTo("img#gallery") { });
I'm trying to get the script to loop through all of the images and append the html.
I also don't know if I should be using .appendTo or .before and .after
That approach will work. You're looking for the wrap function:
var title = $('#test').attr('title');
$('#test').wrap('<a href="'+title+'" />');
This $.each will let you iterate through a series:
<img src="" class="test" alt="test" title="" />
<img src="" class="test" alt="test" title="" />
$.each($(".test"), function() {
var title = $(this).attr('title');
$(this).wrap('<a href="'+title+'" />');
You could just listen for a click on the entire thing and then figure out if an image was clicked and if so which image and then change the location object.
Use $.each to iterate through all the images you want to wrap and then use
$('img#gallery').wrap('<a href='whatever'>)
to wrap it. It will automatically close the A tag.

