This is an extension to a problem statement, I initially had to merge folders with same name,
move all data from one folder to another, delete the empty duplicate folder.
Mentioned below is the code which works when you move all data to one folder in drive.
function Main(){
var rootFolder=DriveApp.getRootFolder();
var rootFolderIterator= rootFolder.getFolders();
function MergeFiles(folder) {
var parentFolder = folder;
var childFolderIterator = parentFolder.getFolders(); //all folders within parent folder
//iteration over all folders in parent directory
while (childFolderIterator.hasNext()) {
var childFolder =;
var childFolderName = childFolder.getName();
var childSameNameIterator = parentFolder.getFoldersByName(childFolderName);
//just check if folder with givn name exist (there should be at least one)
if(childSameNameIterator.hasNext()) {
var destFolder =;
//iteration over 2nd and all other folders with given name
while (childSameNameIterator.hasNext()) {
var toMergeFolder =;
var filesToMove = toMergeFolder.getFiles();
var foldersToMove = toMergeFolder.getFolders()
//iteration over all files
while (filesToMove.hasNext()) {
var file =;
moveFile(file, destFolder);
//iteration over all subfolders
while (foldersToMove.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
moveFolder(folder, destFolder);
//trashes empty folder
}//custom function which removes all parents from speciefied file and adds file to new folder
function moveFile(file, destFolder) {
var currentParents = file.getParents();
while (currentParents.hasNext()) { // be careful, this loop will remove all parents from the file... if you want to have this file in multiple folders you should add if statement to remove it only from specified folder
var currentParent =;
Logger.log("File moved to " + destFolder.getName());
//custom function which removes all parents from speciefied folder and adds that folder to new one
function moveFolder(folder, destFolder) {
var currentParents = folder.getParents();
while (currentParents.hasNext()) { // be careful, this loop will remove all parents from the folder... if you want to have this folder in multiple folders you should add if statement to remove it only from specified folder
var currentParent =;
Logger.log("Folder moved to " + destFolder.getName());
I have to now look for files with same name in destination folders, keep only the latest file, deleting the old version.
I need help with placement and script of
Searching files with similar names, get files in the folders .
Compare the last modified date of both files.
Keep the latest modified file out of two and move to trash the other file.
I need to be able to take all files from a a folder within drive and input the data into the spreadsheet. I am also creating a Menu Tab so I can just Run the script without going to editor. It would be great if I can create a way enter names of existing folder name without always going to the script in order to take out that extra step. This is the script I am using. I really need assistance with this.
function importTimesheets() {
var spreadsheets = DriveApp.
var data = [];
while (spreadsheets.hasNext()) {
var currentSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(;
data = data.concat(currentSpreadsheet
getRange(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length).
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Generate Timesheets')
.addItem('Generate', 'importTimesheets')
As far as I understand you are trying to find a solution for this line of code, whereby you currently have to enter the Id manually.
My suggestions would be to prompt the user for the folder Id, because prompting for the folder name may cause errors if more than one folder has the same name. My suggestion is implemented as follows:
const folderId = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().prompt("Please enter the Folder Id").getResponseText()
const folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId)
You could also use the Google File/Folder picker, as described here to search and select the folder.
Try this:
var level=0;
function getFnF(folder = DriveApp.getRootFolder()) {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1')
const files=folder.getFilesByType(MimeType.GOOGLE_SHEETS);
while(files.hasNext()) {
let firg=sh.getRange(sh.getLastRow() + 1,level + 1);
firg.setValue(Utilities.formatString('File: %s', file.getName()));//need editing
const subfolders=folder.getFolders()
while(subfolders.hasNext()) {
let forg=sh.getRange(sh.getLastRow() + 1,level + 1);
forg.setValue(Utilities.formatString('Fldr: %s', subfolder.getName()));//needs editing
function runThisFirst() {
let r = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().prompt('Folder id','Enter Folder Id',SpreadsheetApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK);
let folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(r.getResponseText())
I have a javascript function in "sample.js" file. It is like this:
var mapDict = { '100': 'test_100.js', '200': 'test_200_API.js', '300': 'test_300_API.js' }
function mapAPI()
this.version = 0.1;
mapAPI.prototype.getFileName = function( id ) {
return mapDict[id]
module.exports = mapAPI;
in another file named "institute.js" I want to require the above "test_xxx_API" files dynamically. I have the following code:
const mapAPI = require('../../sample.js');
const map = new mapAPI();
const mapFile = map.getFileName("100");
var insAPI = require(mapFile);
When I run this code by "node institute.js" command, I get the following error:
Error: Cannot find module './test_100_API.js'.
But the "test_100_API.js" file exists and is located in the current folder besides "institute.js". When I changed var insAPI = require(mapFile); to var insAPI = require("./test_100_API.js"); and give it the exact path instead of dynamic path, it works fine. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
I have code which checks all the files in subfolders for a folder. But how can I change it to not only check on subfolder level but also the subfolders of the subfolder and so on?
This is the code i have for the folder and its subfolders:
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fso = fso.getFolder(path);
var subfolders = new Object();
subfolders = fso.SubFolders;
var oEnumerator = new Enumerator(subfolders);
for (;!oEnumerator.atEnd(); oEnumerator.moveNext())
var itemsFolder = oEnumerator.item().Files;
var oEnumerator2 = new Enumerator(itemsFolder);
var clientFileName = null;
for(;!oEnumerator2.atEnd(); oEnumerator2.moveNext())
var item = oEnumerator2.item();
var itemName = item.Name;
var checkFile = itemName.substring(itemName.length - 3);
if(checkFile == ".ac")
var clientFileName = itemName;
On each level of subfolders I need to check all the files if it can find a .ac file.
The solution I mentioned in my comment would look something like this (I don't know much about ActiveX, so there are a lot of comments so hopefully you can easily correct any mistakes):
//this is the function that looks for the file inside a folder.
//if it's not there, it looks in every sub-folder by calling itself
function getClientFileName(folder) {
//get all the files in this folder
var files = folder.Files;
//create an enumerator to check all the files
var enumerator = new Enumerator(files);
for(;!enumerator.atEnd(); enumerator.moveNext()) {
//get the file name we're about to check
var file = enumerator.item().Name;
//if the file name is too short skip this one
if (file.length<3) continue;
//check if this file's name matches, if it does, return it
if (file.substring(file.length - 3)==".ac") return file;
//if we finished this loop, then the file was not inside the folder
//so we check all the sub folders
var subFolders = folder.SubFolders;
//create an enumerator to check all sub folders
enumerator = new Enumerator(subFolders);
for(;!enumerator.atEnd(); enumerator.moveNext()) {
//get the sub folder we're about to check
var subFolder = enumerator.item();
//try to find the file in this sub folder
var fileName = getClientFileName(subFolder);
//if it was inside the sub folder, return it right away
if (fileName!=null) return fileName;
//if we get this far, we did not find the file in this folder
return null;
You would then call this function like so:
var theFileYouAreLookingFor = getClientFileName(theFolderYouWantToStartLookingIn);
Again, beware of the above code: I did not test it, nor do I know much about ActiveX, I merely took your code and changed it so it should look in all the sub folders.
What you want is a recursive function. Here's a simple recursive function that iterates thru each file in the provided path, and then makes a recursive call to iterate thru each of the subfolders files. For each file encountered, this function invokes a provided callback (which is where you'd do any of your processing logic).
function iterateFiles(path, recursive, actionPerFileCallback){
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
//Get current folder
folderObj = fso.GetFolder(path);
//Iterate thru files in thisFolder
for(var fileEnum = new Enumerator(folderObj.Files); !fileEnum.atEnd(); fileEnum.moveNext()){
//Get current file
var fileObj = fso.GetFile(fileEnum.item());
//Invoke provided perFile callback and pass the current file object
//Recurse thru subfolders
//Step into each sub folder
for(var subFolderEnum = new Enumerator(folderObj.SubFolders); !subFolderEnum.atEnd(); subFolderEnum.moveNext()){
var subFolderObj = fso.GetFolder(subFolderEnum.item());
//Make recursive call
iterateFiles(subFolderObj.Path, true, actionPerFileCallback);
Usage (here I'm passing in an anonymous function that get's called for each file):
iterateFiles(pathToFolder, true, function(fileObj){
Wscript.Echo("File Name: " + fileObj.Name);
Now.. That is a pretty basic example. Below is a more complex implementation of a similar function. In this function, we can recursively iterate thru each file as before. However, now the caller may provide a 'calling context' to the function which is in turn passed back to the callback. This can be powerful as now the caller has the ability to use previous information from it's own closure. Additionally, I provide the caller an opportunity to update the calling context at each recursive level. For my specific needs when designing this function, it was necessary to provide the option of checking to see if each callback function was successful or not. So, you'll see checks for that in this function. I also include the option to perform a callback for each folder that is encountered.
More Complex Function:
function iterateFiles(path, recursive, actionPerFileCallback, actionPerFolderCallback, useFnReturnValue, callingContext, updateContextFn){
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
//If 'useFnReturnValue' is true, then iterateFiles() should return false IFF a callback fails.
//This function simply tests that case.
var failOnCallbackResult = function(cbResult){
return !cbResult && useFnReturnValue;
//Context that is passed to each callback
var context = {};
//Handle inputs
if(callingContext != null){
context.callingContext = callingContext;
//Get current folder
context.folderObj = fso.GetFolder(path);
//Do actionPerFolder callback if provided
if(actionPerFolderCallback != null){
var cbResult = Boolean(actionPerFolderCallback(context));
if (failOnCallbackResult(cbResult)){
return false;
//Iterate thru files in thisFolder
for(var fileEnum = new Enumerator(context.folderObj.Files); !fileEnum.atEnd(); fileEnum.moveNext()){
//Get current file
context.fileObj = fso.GetFile(fileEnum.item());
//Invoke provided perFile callback function with current context
var cbResult = Boolean(actionPerFileCallback(context));
if (failOnCallbackResult(cbResult)){
return false;
//Recurse thru subfolders
//Step into sub folder
for(var subFolderEnum = new Enumerator(context.folderObj.SubFolders); !subFolderEnum.atEnd(); subFolderEnum.moveNext()){
var subFolderObj = fso.GetFolder(subFolderEnum.item());
//New calling context that will be passed into recursive call
var newCallingContext;
//Provide caller a chance to update the calling context with the new subfolder before making the recursive call
if(updateContextFn != null){
newCallingContext = updateContextFn(subFolderObj, callingContext);
//Make recursive call
var cbResult = iterateFiles(subFolderObj.Path, true, actionPerFileCallback, actionPerFolderCallback, useFnReturnValue, newCallingContext, updateContextFn);
if (failOnCallbackResult(cbResult)){
return false;
return true; //if we made it here, then all callbacks were successful
//Note: The 'lib' object used below is just a utility library I'm using.
function copyFolder(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, recursive){
var actionPerFileCallback = function(context){
var destinationFolder = context.callingContext.toPath;
var destinationPath = lib.buildPath([context.callingContext.toPath, context.fileObj.Name]);
return copyFile(context.fileObj.Path, destinationPath, context.callingContext.overwrite);
var actionPerFolderCallback = function(context){
var destinationFolder = context.callingContext.toPath;
return lib.createFolderIfDoesNotExist(destinationFolder);
var callingContext = {
fromPath : fromPath,
toPath : lib.buildPath([toPath, fso.GetFolder(fromPath).Name]), //include folder in copy
overwrite : overwrite,
recursive : recursive
var updateContextFn = function(currentFolderObj, previousCallingContext){
return {
fromPath : currentFolderObj.Path,
toPath : lib.buildPath([previousCallingContext.toPath, currentFolderObj.Name]),
overwrite : previousCallingContext.overwrite,
recursive : previousCallingContext.recursive
return iterateFiles(fromPath, recursive, actionPerFileCallback, null, true, callingContext, updateContextFn);
I know this question is old but I stumbled upon it and hopefully my answer will help someone!
I'm trying to navigate through my music directory using a click event - I can get the original listview showing up ok to begin with, the click event will drill down to the next directory, but on the third click my index position keeps returning the fullPath of the original directoryentry object.
function readerSuccess(entries) {
for (i=0;i<entries.length;i++){
var ListClickHandler = function(something){
$(document).on("click","#test li",function(event){
var mylistname = $(this).text();
var index = $("#test li").index(this);
var listpath = something[index].fullPath; //this is causing the problem. entries never changes.
if(something[index].isFile ===true)
alert("this is a file");
else if(something[index].isDirectory===true)
var directoryentry = new DirectoryEntry(mylistname,listpath);
var directoryreader = directoryentry.createReader();
//alert("this is a directory"+mylistname+listpath);
I managed to get this working using the following code. Im sure its a bit of mess but hopefully will help someone out if they are stumped on the same issue. Basically this will start off by reading the first directories in my music root folder, then when each list directory item is clicked it will refresh with the subdirectories, files etc.
I had to move the $(document),on("click" .....) into the readerSuccess function so it was picking up the correct list entry when the list click event was fired. I also added two new arrays to contain and entries.fullPath which get emptied on each iteration and repopulated with the correct data. The following code is how i got it to work but im sure there is a better way out there. I couldn't find anything after googling hopelessly.
function readerSuccess(entries) {
var listnames = new Array();
var listpositions = new Array();
for (i=0;i<entries.length;i++){
if (entries[i].isDirectory===true)
alert("this is a directory");
if (entries[i].isFile===true){
alert("this is a file")
$(document).on("click","#test li",function(event){
var mylistname = $(this).text();
var index = $("#test li").index(this);
var listpath = listpositions[index];
listnames.length=0; //resets the array so new data appends with correct pos
listpositions.length=0; //resets the array so new data appends with correct pos
var directoryentry= new DirectoryEntry(mylistname,listpath);
var directoryreader = directoryentry.createReader();