Variable unchanged and value is undefined inside Firebase callback function - javascript

I am working on a firebase project. During testing the
return user.val().name;
will return an
value however the
will return the actual string stored in the .name field. Why is that. Also even if assign the
to a variable, the variable remains undefined.Please help figure out why this happens. I am printing it to a csv.
Here is my code:
var database = firebase.database();
var ref2 = database.ref('information/');
var id;
var name;
ref2.on("value", function (one) {
one.forEach(function (two) {
if (typeof two.val().Id !== 'undefined') {
id = two.val().Id;
name = program(id); //name undefined
else {
id = "";
csv = name + "," + id +"\n";
function program (id) {
var database = firebase.database();
var ref = database.ref("users/" + id + "/");
if (typeof user.val().name === 'undefined') {
return null;
else {
console.log(user.val().name); //this doesnt show undefined
return user.val().name; //this shows undefined when returned to the name variable
Note: In the firebase database, the name value is not null. It has a string added to it.


Why the Code After Array.foreach doesn't execute?

I am trying to get value of a global variable (screenDisplay) after completing the for each portion.
But it seems whenever the 2nd Part is put before the 1st Part, the value that i am supposed to get from screenDisplay comes undefined and the console throws an error.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toFixed')
Why does the screenDisplay's value gets affected when part 2 is kept after part 1?
To find the error directly input values to the screen without using calculator key. ex. (2+3)
Live Link Here
const screenDisplay = document.getElementById("screen-input-selector");
const result = () => {
try {
**//1st Part**
// * auto multiplication feature
const screenItems = [...screenDisplay.value];
let screenPosition = screenDisplay.selectionStart;
screenItems.forEach((item, index) => {
let indexno = index + 1;
if (
screenItems.length != indexno &&
![")", "+", "-", "*", "/"].includes(screenItems[index + 1]) &&
item == ")"
) {
let remainingDataFirstPortion = screenItems.slice(0, index + 1); //selects and stores the rest of the portion of the text after cursor
let remainingDataLastPortion = screenItems.slice(
index + 1,
const clearedArray = remainingDataFirstPortion.concat("*");
const clearedArray1 = clearedArray.concat(remainingDataLastPortion);
screenDisplay.value = clearedArray1.join("");
screenDisplay.setSelectionRange(screenPosition, screenPosition);
//2nd Part
const inputData = localStorage.getItem("display");
if (inputData != null) {
//when inputdata and screendisplay value are same
if (inputData == screenDisplay.value) {
//when local storage has some value
// screenDisplay.value = eval(localStorage.getItem("display"));
screenDisplay.value = Function("return " + inputData)().toFixed(4); //using function constructor instead of EVAL function cause EVAL() executes the code it's passed with the privileges of the caller
} else {
//when inputdata and screendisplay value are not same
screenDisplay.value = Function(
"return " + screenDisplay.value
} else {
//when local storage is empty
screenDisplay.value = Function("return " + screenDisplay.value)().toFixed(
} catch (error) {
Problem Resolved.
displaylocalStorageDATA() (which reassigns locally saved data to the global variable) of Part 1 was causing the problem. It was redefining the screenDisplay.value.
Removing that line has solved the problem.
Thanks, Everyone.

why my alert shows undefined in javascript

var database = require('../../db');
var rightponame = '1';
var rightdevname = '';
var rightpopassword = '';
var rightdevpassword = '';
database.db.once('open', function() {
var cursor = database.db.collection('user').find({}, {
_id: 0
cursor.each(function(err, doc) {
if (doc != null) {
rightponame = doc.productOwner;
rightdevname = doc.developer;
rightpopassword = doc.popassword;
rightdevpassword = doc.devpassword;
} else {
function login() {
var getusername = document.getElementById("username").value;
var getpassword = document.getElementById("password").value;
Finally, I get rightponame, rightdevname, rightpopassword and rightdevpassword value. But in the login function, I get undefined in the alert.
In JavaScript, alert is only available in the browser. It appears you're using node.js or the like. Try console.log instead, as you're doing on db open.
Then when you check the terminal window where the process is running, you should see the value of console.log.
Since console.log takes multiple values, it's helpful to prefix with something distinguishable like:
console.log('<<<<<<<', rightponame)

How to use localStorage to save variable with random value

I'm trying to use localStorage to save a variable with value generated randomly from an array in a JavaScript file, and pass it to another HTML file. However, the value in Javascript file (Random_Msg) and the value in HTML file (Random_Msg1) are not the same, means it's not saved, instead it generated randomly another value.
These are the code to generate variable and save in localStorage:
function CreateRandomMsg(){
var RandomMsg = Msgs_Arr[Math.floor(Math.random()* Msgs_Arr.length)];
return RandomMsg;
var Random_Msg = CreateRandomMsg();
function alertMsg(){
In my HTML file, I just retrieved the variable first:
var Random_Msg1 = window.localStorage.getItem("Random_Msg1");
And use it in if statement:
if (Random_Msg1 == Msgs_Arr[0] || Random_Msg1 == Msgs_Arr[1]){
value =[0].tags[0].attributes.glasses.value;
confidence =[0].tags[0].attributes.glasses.confidence;
} else if (Random_Msg1 == Msgs_Arr[2] || Random_Msg1 == Msgs_Arr[3]) {
value =[0].tags[0].attributes.smiling.value;
confidence =[0].tags[0].attributes.smiling.confidence;
You can check on pageload if value for necessary key exists in localStorage. If value is missing, then compute and save new value. You can also have an extra event on which you can override value of this key, but this will be a user action.
Note: Stack Overflow does not give access to localStorage and any testing should be done on JSFiddle.
function computeRandomValue() {
var data = ["test", "test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"];
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) % data.length;
return data[index];
function setToLocalStorage(newVal) {
var lsKey = "_lsTest";
localStorage.setItem(lsKey, newVal);
function getFromLocalStorage() {
var lsKey = "_lsTest";
return localStorage.getItem(lsKey);
function initializePage() {
var _val = getFromLocalStorage();
if (!(_val && _val.trim().length > 0)) {
_val = computeAndSaveNewValue();
printValue(_val, "lblResult");
function computeAndSaveNewValue() {
var newVal = computeRandomValue();
return newVal;
function printValue(value) {
var id = "lblResult";
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = value;
(function() {
window.onload = initializePage;
<p id="lblResult"></p>
<button onclick="computeAndSaveNewValue()">Save new Value</button>

Can't update javaScript global variable

Here I have global variable userId, and i want to update it inside signInUserFunction(), to use is in other function. I have tried to define it using var, window, But all these didn't help. This variable doesn't update. As i see its about AJAX async. So, what can i do with it?
And yes, I know that its not good to make authentication with JS, I am quite new to it. So, I am just creating random methods to improve.
var userId = 1;
function signInUser() {
$.getJSON('http://localhost:8887/JAXRSService/webresources/generic/getAllUsers', function(data) {
var items = [];
var i = 0;
$.each(data, function(firstname, value) {
var str = JSON.stringify(value);
data = JSON.parse(str);
var innerId;
for (p in data) {
innerId = data[p].id;
if ($('#nameSignIn').val() == data[p].first_name && $('#passwordSignIn').val() == data[p].password) { //
userId = innerId;
window.location.href = "content.html";
} else {
if (i == data.length) {
alert("Ощибка в логине или пароле!")
How are you determining whether or not it has been set? It looks like immediately after you set it, you navigate to a different page. When you get to that page, you will have an entirely new window.
Try alerting the value before navigating away.
EDITED: Here is how you could pass it to the other page (but you shouldn't do this in a real app)
//this isn't a very secure way to do this. I DON'T recommend this
window.location.href = "content.html?id=" + innerId ;
Then in the other page, you could access it off the document.location:
After reading my comments, you may want to try this:
var userId = 1;
function signInUser(){
$.getJSON('http://localhost:8887/JAXRSService/webresources/generic/getAllUsers', function(data){
var items = [], actors = data.Actors, l = 0;
$.each(actors, function(i, o){
if($('#nameSignIn').val() === o.first_name && $('#passwordSignIn').val() === o.password){
userId =;
// this will redirect before any other code runs -> location = 'content.html';
if(l === actors.length){
alert('End of Loop');
I would not store sensitive data in JSON such as passwords. Use a database. There is no need to get all the data at the same time either.
Using the idea #mcgraphix proposed (and giving you the same warning...this would certainly not be the way to transfer data like this in a production environment), here is one way to do it:
function signInUser() {
var url = 'http://localhost:8887/JAXRSService/webresources/generic/getAllUsers';
var userId;
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$.each(data.Actors, function(index, actor) {
// Cache the values of the #nameSignIn and #passwordSignIn elements
var name = $('#nameSignIn').val();
var password = $('#passwordSignIn').val();
if (actor.first_name === name && actor.password === password) {
// We have found the correct actor.
// Extract its ID and assign it to userId.
userId =;
window.location.href = "content.html?userId=" + userId;
// This alert should only be reached if none of the actor objects
// has a name and password that matches your input box values.
alert("Ощибка в логине или пароле!");
// On the next page...
// Top answer from
// This approach can handle URLs with more than one query parameter,
// which you may potentially add in the future.
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split('=');
if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
console.log('Query variable %s not found', variable);
var userId = getQueryVariable('userId');
Thanks you for help.Ended it all with usage of:
sessionStorage.setItem('label', 'value')

How to get a SharePoint-UserField with JavaScript?

i need to write some javascript that gets the contents of a userfield in a sharepoint-website. I can get most fields with the javascript-function 'getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle' of Using Javascript to Manipulate a List Form Field, but not UserFields.
So how can i get UserFields?
I traced how address book interacts with user field. To get values it uses function getUplevel(ctx) and to set values can be used function EntityEditorCallback(xml, ctx). First function will return html/xml mixed string with user information. Second function input must be special formatted xml string.
// Get values
var ctx='ctl00_m_g_e5a1501a_..._ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_UserField';
var values=getUplevel(ctx);
// Set values
var xml='<Entities Append="False" Error="" Separator=";" MaxHeight="3">'+
'<Entity Key="DOMAIN\\loginname" DisplayText="Display Name" IsResolved="True" Description="DOMAIN\\loginname">'+
'<ArrayOfDictionaryEntry xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">DisplayName</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string">Display Name</Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">Email</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string"></Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">SPUserID</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string">1</Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">PrincipalType</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string">User</Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<MultipleMatches />'+
Tricky part is ctx attribute that must be target field id. In user field html there is no title attribute, so to find right element by display name with js is very complex. I suggest to pass field id to the javascript from server side. For example you can create custom WebPart where you write to the page field id-s from collection SPContext.Current.FormContext.FieldControlCollection.
Here is the custom code that I put together. It relies on the exact HTML that SharePoint uses for the PeoplePicker. It does work on both IE and Firefox. For the columnName parameter, pass the "public" name of the column, not the internal name.
function getParentElementByTagName(baseNode, tagName)
var currNode;
if(baseNode !== null)
currNode = baseNode.parentNode;
while((currNode !== null) && (currNode.nodeName != tagName))
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
return currNode;
return null;
function getPeoplePickerCell(columnName)
var search = 'FieldName="' + columnName + '"';
var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA");
for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++)
if(nodes[i].title == "People Picker")
var outerCell = getParentElementByTagName(nodes[i], "SPAN").parentNode.parentNode;
if(outerCell.innerHTML.indexOf(search) > 0)
return nodes[i].parentNode;
return null;
function getSPPeoplePicker(columnName, value)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)
return cell.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
return null;
function setSPPeoplePicker(columnName, value)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)
cell.childNodes[0].innerHTML = value;
cell.childNodes[1].value = value;
function disableSPPeoplePicker(columnName)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)
function enableSPPeoplePicker(columnName)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)

