How to create two columns without blocking horizontal rows [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has an answer here:
How to reorder divs using flex box?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have got a Wordpress loop of posts. This outputs some kind of post-list. To make it easy, we can consider it a ordered-list like that:
Each list item got a unique, different height. When a certain device width is given, I want them to display side by side, without a "row like behavior". So each column should place the next post right below it, like illustrated below (no unnecessary white space below the shorter items):
Using float, flex-box and css-grid or display: inline-block did not work for me.
Although I would love to avoid two loops with the same content inside my DOM, as its a bad behavior for screen-readers etc.
Is there a solution I do not see without a lot of javascript? The internet is full of float: left; examples searching for "two columns", "flexible columns" and I did not find anything helpful.

You can use display: flex and flex-direction: column;. By adding a height (or max-height) to the parent container, you make the elements automatically go to next column. Then you can change order attribute of some element to push them into the second row.
This solution is not very generic as it will depend on the content, but it may give an idea on how you can do it.
$('li').each(function() {
$(this).css('height',Math.floor((Math.random() * 50) + 30)+"px");
ol {
list-style: none;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: column;
max-height: 100vh;
li {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 10px;
background: red;
max-width: 50%;
margin: 5px;
li:nth-child(2n) {
<script src=""></script>
Important notice (added by #Marian Rick):
This approach does only work if the left column is bigger than the right one
You need to set a fixed height, which does not allow dynamic content
Both of these problems can be solved using a javascript snippet to keep the solution dynamic.

I have another fancy answer. It uses flex-direction:coulmn and the page-break-before to force every second elemend in the second column. This way you have no restriction to the height of the full list.
Please check the jsfiddle in a separate tab to check how I used the breakpoint to toggle from normal listing to two coulmns.
Also check if it runs in all targeted browser:
section {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
article {
box-sizing: border-box;
border:1px solid grey;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
#media (min-width: 500px) {
section {
flex-direction: column;
article {
width: 50%;
article:nth-child(even) {
order: 2;
article:nth-child(2) {
/* this breaks into the second column after the 2nd child
(which is not the first element of the second half of elements) */
page-break-before: always;
/* just for demo */
article:first-child {
height: 66px;
background-color: #e0e0fe;
article:nth-child(4) {
height: 80px;
background-color: #aee0e0;
article:nth-child(6) {
height: 130px;
background-color: yellow;

Based on the great idea of #TemaniAfif, I have written a small, barely tested jQuery snippet, that achieves the following:
Each item will be placed as close as possible to the top, regarding to its position inside the container
While resizing the browser, each item updates its position
Its very few and fast javascript, while CSS does most of the work
The whole concept is still based on the idea of pushing items either to the left or right side, using the order: x attribute.
There is a CODEPEN DEMO to play around with.
Notice: Browser support is equal to the browser support of flex-box.
"use strict";
// DEMO STYLE - Should be removed
// calculate random heights for each item
$("li").each(function() {
$(this).css("height", Math.floor(Math.random() * 300 + 2) + "px");
// Calculate columns
// 1. loop through each item.
// 2. first get the height of item
// 3. than check which column is shorter
// 4. if left column is shorter or equal, keep item on the left side
// 5. if right column is shorter, push this item to the right side
// 6. check which side will be higher
// 7. if left column is higher, assign height of column to parent container
// 8. if right column is higher, create a margin-bottom equal of the column offset and assign it to the left column
// calculation is finished. test it.
// finally add the height of the bigger column to the div
// if its the left column, assign the height of the right
var container = $("ol");
var items = container.find("li");
var breakPoint = 768; // if equal or bigger, the calculation will be fired
var calcPositions = function calcPositions() {
// quit function if its a mobile device
if ($(window).width() < breakPoint) return;
// reset margin of left column item
container.find("li.push-left").last().css("margin-bottom", "15px");
var leftColumnHeight = 0;
var rightColumnHeight = 0;
// 1. loop through each item
items.each(function(i, e) {
// 2. get height of item
var height = $(this).outerHeight(true);
// 3. check which column is shorter
if (leftColumnHeight <= rightColumnHeight) {
// 4. if left column is shorter or equal, keep item on the left side
leftColumnHeight += height;
return; // skip rest and continue with next item
// 5. if right column is shorter, push this item to the right side
// using .push-right { order: 5 } inside css
rightColumnHeight += height;
// 6. check which side will be higher
if (leftColumnHeight >= rightColumnHeight) {
// 7. if left column is higher, assign height of column to parent container
return; // end of function
// 8. if right column is higher, create a margin-bottom equal of the column offset and assign it to the left column
// otherwhise the second object can be displayed at the bottom of the left column
// get offset of columns
var columnOffset = rightColumnHeight - leftColumnHeight;
// assign offset to last element of left sidebar
container.find("li.push-left").last().css("margin-bottom", columnOffset + "px");
// assign height to container
// calculate initially
// calculate on resize
$(window).resize(function() {
/* functional classes needed for this grid */
/* keep this breakpoint in sync with "breakPoint" inside the javascript */
#media (min-width: 768px) {
ol {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex-wrap: wrap;
li {
max-width: 50%;
li.push-right {
order: 1;
margin-right: 0;
/* demo styles that can be removed */
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
ol {
padding: 0;
max-width: 800px;
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
li {
background: red;
margin-bottom: 15px;
#media (min-width: 768px) {
li {
max-width: 49%;
margin-right: 2%;
<script src=""></script>
<p>Breakpoint is set to >=768px for two columns:</p>

You can do this with inline-block if you want you avoid flex for some reason. Just use media queries when you to have all items in one column.
div {
width: 95%;
margin: auto;
li {
background: red;
width: 49%;
min-height: 300px;
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
font-size: 50px;
margin-top: 10px;
#media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
li {
width: 98%;
.one {
background: blue;
.three {
background: green;
<li class='one'>1</li>
<li class='three'>3</li>


Let the highest element control the flex wrapper height

I'm designing a footer mega menu containing a number of submenus. The content is dynamic. I want to make the largest submenu span a whole column of the wrapper, and therefore also set the height of it.
I've come up with a solution where I'm measuring the height of the blocks and sets the wrapper height to the height of the highest block.
While this works OK - The solution feels a bit naive and something tells me there are more elegant solutions to it. Preferably without javascript. What do you think? I tried with CSS grid but could not get the result I wished for.
nav {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 80%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
The height of the wrapper element is set with Javascript
Set the height of the wrapper to the highest blocks height
function rearrangeBlocks() {
// Grab the whole menu
const section = document.querySelector('nav');
// Grab all the blocks
const allBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('.block');
// Grab the highest block
const longestBlock = Array.from(allBlocks).reduce((longest, current) => {
if (current.getBoundingClientRect().height > longest.getBoundingClientRect().height) {
return current;
} else {
return longest;
// Set the height of the menu to the same height of the highest menu item = `${longestBlock.offsetHeight}px`;
Change some CSS
nav {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 80%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
background: red;

Keep the same flex-growth between lines [duplicate]

My problem is that I want the flexbox with variable range width, and all works well, but not on the last row. I want the same dimension for all children even where the row is not full of children (the last row).
#products-list {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
#products-list .product {
margin:10px 10px 20px 10px;
I created a dynamic situation in jsFiddle
My flex divs can shrink until 150px and grow up to 250px, but all must be with the same size (and obviously I want a CSS solution, with JS I know the way).
Unfortunately, in the current iteration of flexbox (Level 1), there is no clean way to solve the last-row alignment problem. It's a common problem.
It would be useful to have a flex property along the lines of:
This problem does appear to be a high priority for Flexbox Level 2:
CSS Working Group Wiki - Specification Issues and Planning
Although this behavior is difficult to achieve in flexbox, it's simple and easy in CSS Grid Layout:
Equal width flex items even after they wrap
In case Grid is not an option, here's a list of similar questions containing various flexbox hacks:
Properly sizing and aligning the flex item(s) on the last row
Flex-box: Align last row to grid
Flexbox wrap - different alignment for last row
How can a flex item keep the same dimensions when it is forced to a new row?
Selector for an element alone in a row?
Aligning elements in last flexbox row
How can I allow flex-items to grow while keeping the same size?
Left-align last row of flexbox using space-between and margins
Inconsistent margin between flex items on last row
How to keep wrapped flex-items the same width as the elements on the previous row?
How to align left last row/line in multiple line flexbox
Last children of grid get giant gutter cause of flexbox space-between
Managing justify-content: space-between on last row
Flexbox space between behavior combined with wrap
Possible to use CSS Flexbox to stretch elements on every row while maintaining consistent widths?
As a quick and dirty solution one can use:
.my-flex-child:last-child/*.product:last-child*/ {
flex-grow: 100;/*Or any number big enough*/
You could try using grid instead of flexbox here:
#products-list {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 5px;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(100px, 250px)); //grid automagic
justify-content: start; //start left
Fiddle link
There is a great solution that works always.
add a div with class product (The same class for other items that are under flex) and add a style for this div:height:0px;
you need to add as many dives that are possible to be in one row.
<div class="product" style="height:0px">
as many that can be in one row.
That's all. Works always.
If all your rows have the same number of items, you can use :nth-last-child. For example, if all the rows have 3 items, you can do something like this to remove the margin of the last 3 items:
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
background: yellow;
width: calc((100% - 2*10px)/3);
height: 50px;
background: blue;
color: white;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 5px;
box-sizing: border-box;
/* last item of each row */
margin-right: 0;
font-size: 150%;
/* last 3 items */
margin-bottom: 0;
background: green;
<div class="container">
<div class="item" >1</div>
<div class="item" >2</div>
<div class="item" >3</div>
<div class="item" >4</div>
<div class="item" >5</div>
<div class="item" >6</div>
<div class="item" >7</div>
A simple trick adds a flexible space to fill the rest of the last row:
flex-flow: row wrap;
#products-list::after {
content: "";
flex: auto;
flex-basis: 200px;/*your item width*/
flex-grow: 0;
But you shouldn't use margins on items then. Rather wrap them into containers with padding.
I used this workaround, even if it's not very elegant and it doesn't use the power of Flexbox.
It can be carried out on the following conditions:
All the items have the same width
The items have a fixed width
You use SCSS/SASS (can be avoided though)
If this is the case, you can use the following snippet:
$itemWidth: 400px;
$itemMargin: 10px;
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.flex-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;
margin: 0 auto;
border: solid 1px blue;
#for $i from 1 through 10 {
#media only screen and (min-width: $i * $itemWidth + 2 * $i * $itemMargin) {
.flex-container {
width: $i * $itemWidth + 2 * $i * $itemMargin;
.item {
flex: 0 0 $itemWidth;
height: 100px;
margin: $itemMargin;
background: red;
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item" style="flex: 500 0 200px"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
Here I have created an example on codepen which also implements margin.
The second and the third conditions can be avoided respectively using css variables (if you decided to provide support for it) and compiling the above scss snippet.
Well, it's true, we could do it also before flexbox, but display: flex can be still essential for a responsive design.
I was facing this same issue where I wanted to have a variable number of items in a resizable container.
I wanted to use all of the horizontal space, but have all of the flex items at the same size.
I ultimately came up with a javascript approach that dynamically added padding spacers as the container was resized.
function padLastFormRow() {
let topList = [];
let nSpacersToAdd = 0;
$('#flexContainer').find('.formItem').each(function(i, formItem) {
let allRowLengths = getFlexLineLengths(topList);
let firstRowLength = allRowLengths[0];
let lastRowLength = allRowLengths[((allRowLengths.length) - 1)];
if (lastRowLength < firstRowLength) {
nSpacersToAdd = firstRowLength - lastRowLength ;
for (var i = 1; i <= nSpacersToAdd; i ++) {
Please see my Fiddle:
I was having a similar challenge with menu rows. I wanted more spacing on the top of the second row of menu items.
The use of flex-box's row-gap worked well.
.menu {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
row-gap: 10px;
This added a margin-top type effect to menu items were wrapped to the second line.
If all your rows have the same number of items, you can use :nth-last-child. For example, if all the rows have 3 items, you can do something like this:
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
background: yellow;
width: calc((100% - 2*10px)/3);
height: 50px;
background: blue;
color: white;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 5px;
box-sizing: border-box;
// last item of each row
margin-right: 0;
background: green;
// last 3 items
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 150%;
<div class="container">
<div class="item" >1</div>
<div class="item" >2</div>
<div class="item" >3</div>
<div class="item" >4</div>
<div class="item" >5</div>
<div class="item" >6</div>
<div class="item" >7</div>

Setting a length (height or width) for one element minus the variable length of another, i.e. calc(x - y), where y is unknown

I know we can use calc when lengths are defined:
flex-basis: calc(33.33% - 60px);
left: calc(50% - 25px);
height: calc(100em/5);
But what if a length is variable?
height: calc(100% - <<header with variable height>>);
width: calc(100% - 50px - <<box with variable width>>);
Is there a standard way to do this in CSS?
I know the overall task is possible with flexbox and tables, but I'm wondering if CSS offers a simpler method. Flexbox, tables and simple Javascript are acceptable alternatives.
height demo
width demo
You can use CSS tables:
.wrapper {
display: table;
width: 100%;
margin: 15px 0;
.horizontal.wrapper > div {
display: table-cell;
white-space: nowrap; /* Prevent line wrapping */
border: 1px solid;
.left { width: 100px } /* Minimum width of 100px */
.center { width: 0; } /* Width given by contents */
.vertical.wrapper { height: 200px; }
.vertical.wrapper > div {
display: table-row;
.vertical.wrapper > div > span {
display: table-cell;
border: 1px solid;
.top { height: 100px; } /* Minimum heigth of 100px */
.middle { height: 0; } /* Height given by content */
.bottom { height: 100%; } /* As tall as possible */
<div class="horizontal wrapper">
<div class="left">100px wide</div>
<div class="center">Auto width, given by contents</div>
<div class="right">Remaining space</div>
<div class="vertical wrapper">
<div class="top"><span>100px tall</span></div>
<div class="middle"><span>Auto height, given by contents</span></div>
<div class="bottom"><span>Remaining space</span></div>
The horizontal case can also be achieved with floats:
#wrapper, .right { overflow: hidden; } /* Establish BFC */
#wrapper > div { border: 1px solid; }
.left, .middle { float: left; }
.left { width: 100px }
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="left">100px</div>
<div class="middle">Auto width, given by contents</div>
<div class="right">Remaining space</div>
Flexbox can do that.
Support is IE10 and up.
JSfiddle Demo
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
height: 100%;
#container {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#top {
background-color: lightgreen;
#bottom {
background-color: lightblue;
flex: 1;
<div id="container">
<div id="top">green box variable height</div>
<div id="bottom">blue box no longer overflows browser window</div>
I'm looking for something simple and portable. In the same way a CSS
property can be easily applied across documents, I'm looking for
something similar in terms of ease-of-application for this function.
... isolated fix is preferred.
This can be achieved using CSS only. As you do not prefer a flex layout solution, the next best bet would be a table layout.
A simple CSS snippet which you could drop into your project (and be done with) would look like this:
div.flexh {
display: table; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0;
div.flexh > div {
display: table-cell; width: auto;
box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: middle;
div.flexh > div:first-child {
/* Override your custom styling below */
min-width: 75px; width: 75px; max-width: 75px;
div.flexh > div:last-child { width: 100%; }
You can then add your site-specific styling to this base CSS as per site requirements. Like, nowrap etc.
Two apparent advantages of this solution are:
You do not need to change your markup and also do not need to decorate all children with classes. Just apply the class flexh to your parent div and that would be it.
Minimal Markup Required:
<div class="flexh">
You are not limited to just three columns. You could have as many columns as need be. The first one will have fixed width, the last one will be flexible, and all the columns in-between would get content-based widths.
Demo Fiddle:
Demo Snippet:
div.flexh {
display: table; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0;
/* Override your custom styling below */
width: 80%; border: 2px solid black;
border-right: 2px dashed black;
font-size: 1em;
div.flexh > div {
display: table-cell; width: auto;
box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: middle;
/* Override your custom styling below */
background-color: lightgreen; border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 15px 5px;
div.flexh > div:first-child {
/* Override your custom styling below */
min-width: 75px; width: 75px; max-width: 75px;
background-color: orange;
div.flexh > div:last-child {
width: 100%;
/* Override your custom styling below */
background: skyblue;
<div class="flexh">
<div>75px Fixed Width</div>
<div>Variable Content Width</div>
<div>Flexible Remaining Width</div>
<div class="flexh">
<div>75px Fixed Width</div>
<div><img src='//' /></div>
<div>Flexible Remaining Width</div>
<div class="flexh">
<div>75px Fixed Width</div>
<div>Variable TextWidth</div>
<img src='//' />
<p>Variable ContentWidth</p>
<div>Flexible Remaining Width</div>
This is a bit tricky to achieve without flex layout. A table layout would not work here mainly because, the table-row would not keep a fixed height as required by your use-case. The height on a table-row or table-cell is only an indicative of the minimum height required. If the space is constrained, or the content exceeds the available space, then the cell or row will increase its height depending on the content.
As per the specs here:
The height of a 'table-row' element's box is calculated once the user
agent has all the cells in the row available: it is the maximum of the
row's computed 'height', the computed 'height' of each cell in the
row, and the minimum height (MIN) required by the cells...
...the height of a cell box is the minimum height required by the
This effect can be seen here:
(Resize the window pane and you will see that the first row will increase in height as the content cannot be fit into the specified height, hence defeating the purpose)
Therefore, you can restrict the height indirectly either using inner markup like a div element, or let go of the table-layout and calculate the height for the flexible one. In your use-case, you prefer not to change the markup, hence I am not proposing an inner markup.
The best-bet here would be to use the time-tested model of plain block-level divs with the height of the flexible one to be calculated. As you have already discovered that it is not possible with CSS, you will need a small JavaScript snippet to do that for you.
A simple JavaScript snippet (no jQuery) which you could wrap in a window.load and drop into your project (and be done with) would look like this:
var flexv = document.querySelectorAll('div.flexv');
/* iterate the instances on your page */
[], function(div) {
var children = [], // get all children
flexChild = children.splice(-1, 1), // get the last child
usedHeight = 0, totalHeight = div.offsetHeight;
children.forEach(function(elem) {
usedHeight += elem.offsetHeight; // aggregate the height
/* assign the calculated height on the last child */
flexChild[0].style.height = (totalHeight - usedHeight) + 'px';
The CSS snippet is more or less like the horizontal one, sans table layout, which also you could just drop into your project and just add the additional site-specific styling. Minimal markup required remains the same.
Demo Fiddle 2:
Demo Snippet:
document.addEventListener("load", flexit);
function flexit(e) {
var flexv = document.querySelectorAll('div.flexv');
[], function(div) {
var children = [],
flexChild = children.splice(-1, 1),
usedHeight = 0, totalHeight = div.offsetHeight;
children.forEach(function(elem) {
usedHeight += elem.offsetHeight;
flexChild[0].style.height = (totalHeight - usedHeight) + 'px';
div.flexv {
display: inline-table; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
/* Override your custom styling below */
height: 320px; width: 20%; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 1em;
margin: 8px;
div.flexv > div {
display: block; height: auto; box-sizing: border-box;
overflow: hidden;
/* Override your custom styling below */
background-color: lightgreen; border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 5px 15px;
div.flexv > div:first-child {
/* Override your custom styling below */
min-height: 36px; height: 36px; max-height: 36px;
background-color: orange;
div.flexv > div:last-child {
height: 100%;
/* Override your custom styling below */
background: skyblue;
<div class="flexv">
<div>36px Fixed Height</div>
<div>Variable Content Height</div>
<div>Flexible Remaining Height</div>
<div class="flexv">
<div>36px Fixed Height</div>
<div><img src='//' /></div>
<div>Flexible Remaining Height</div>
<div class="flexv">
<div>36px Fixed Height</div>
<div>Variable Text Height</div>
<img src='//' />
<p>Variable Content Height</p>
<div>Flexible Remaining Height</div>
Note: As pointed out by #LGSon, the display: inline-table used for the demo does not play well with Firefox. This is only for a demo and should be replaced by either block or inline-block as per your use-case.
As I commented earlier, and besides flex, this is also solvable using display: table and here is a fiddle demo I made showing that.
If a fixed top also were required for the vertical demo, here is an update of my original display:table version: fiddle demo
Sometimes I haven't been able (or didn't want) to use either flex nor tables, and I have, on and off, looked into making use of css calc() and css attr().
Both come short though, as calc() can only use +-*/ and attr() can only return a string value, which can't be computed by calc().
My suggestion, using plain javascript, is based on that these 2 methods, at some point, might be extended so we can make better use of them.
This is how I would like see them work;
width: calc(100% - attr(
but as they don't, and I can't add it to my css either as it wouldn't validate properly (might even break the parsing, who knows) I added a variant as an attribute on the element instead, with some quirks to make it easier to compute.
And in this case (the 2 demos) it looks like this:
<div id="bottom" data-calcattr="top,height,calc(100% - toppx)">...</div>
<div class="box right" data-calcattr="left,width,calc(100% - leftpx)">...</div>
Together with below script, which by no means is fully developed/tested on all property combinations, it does adjust the div's size.
In short, when runned, it take the attribute, split it into an array, take the first item value as from which property to read, the second to which property to set and the third to which the read value gets inserted/replaced and assigned to the property to be set (hmmm, still working on a better way to express this, but hopefully the script is clear enough with whats going on).
Here is a fiddle showing both the height and width demo, integrated, making use of the same script.
function calcattr() {
var els = document.querySelectorAll('[data-calcattr]');
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
var what = els[i].getAttribute('data-calcattr');
if (what) {
what = what.split(',');
var rect = els[i].getBoundingClientRect();
var parentrect = els[i].parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
var brd = window.getComputedStyle(els[i].parentNode,null).getPropertyValue('border-' + what[0] + '-width');
what[2] = what[2].replace(what[0],parseInt(rect[what[0]]-parentrect[what[0]]) - parseInt(brd));
els[i].setAttribute("style", what[1] + ":" + what[2]);
Although I've never tried it, I believe that this would work:
.top {
.main {
height:calc(100% - var(height));
$top_height: 50px
.main {
height: calc(100% - $top_height)
Sass Variable in CSS calc() function
In both cases on container css you should put:
#container {
overflow: hidden;
But, it will hide the information that overflows the container. I think that is the point, since you put white-space: nowrap; it means that you don't want to change the height, so you have to hide the text that can't fits the container.

How to remove/change print document margin in printTask?

I wonder how I can achieve a borderless print.
At the moment my output looks like this:
I'd like to have the image start at the very top left corner. Is this possible? I already tried to set a negative margin to my print-style box, but the image will get cut then.
I know that maybe not all printers are capable of printing the area of the border, but in my use-case the picture will be white in these areas. (The mountain-image is just for demo purposes)
Can I specify the document border somehow via printTask?
See my current setup:
<div id="pdf-render-output"></div>
body > #pdf-render-output {
display: none;
#media print {
body > * {
max-width: 100%;
html {
max-width: 100%;
border-top: 0;
body > #pdf-render-output {
display: block;
border: none;
max-width: 100%;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
margin: 0; /* I tried to set negative margin/padding eg. here */
padding: 0;
$('#pdf-render-output').append("<img src="..." style=\"width: 100%\" />");
I played around with all possible margins/paddings and stuff, but the image will get cut and the white border stays 'over' it.
I hope that there might be a printTask-option I missed browsing the msdn?
I tried to set all margin/padding/border values with !important. No change.
Here is a screenshot from the simulator, displaying only the print-css-style:
I got to the point thinking it's an issue with the printTask itself. Are there any options regarding to this problem?
If the margin values of DocumentSource is set to 0, gaps will decrease very much. However, compared with PrintTask by C#+XAML, a top margin(Probably header/footer area) is made a little.
var printTask = printEvent.request.createPrintTask("Print Sample", function (args) {
var src = MSApp.getHtmlPrintDocumentSource(document);
src.rightMargin = 0;
src.leftMargin = 0;
src.topMargin = 0;
src.bottomMargin = 0;
src.shrinkToFit = false;
In my environment, when this CSS was used, it has removed the margin without the necessity for src.rightMargin, etc.
#page {

How do I achieve equal height divs (positioned side by side) with HTML / CSS ?

I have two divs inside of a container. One on the left, one on the right, side by side. How am I able to make each one be of equal height, even though they have different content.
For example, the right div has a lot of content, and is double the height of the left div, how do I make the left div stretch to the same height of the right div?
Is there some JavaScript (jQuery) code to accomplish this?
You could use jQuery, but there are better ways to do this.
This sort of question comes up a lot and there are generally 3 answers...
1. Use CSS
This is the 'best' way to do it, as it is the most semantically pure approach (without resorting to JS, which has its own problems). The best way is to use the display: table-cell and related values. You could also try using the faux background technique (which you can do with CSS3 gradients).
2. Use Tables
This seems to work great, but at the expense of having an unsemantic layout. You'll also cause a stir with purists. I have all but avoided using tables, and you should too.
3. Use jQuery / JavaScript
This benefits in having the most semantic markup, except with JS disabled, you will not get the effect you desire.
Here's a way to do it with pure CSS, however, as you'll notice in the example (which works in IE 7 and Firefox), borders can be difficult - but they aren't impossible, so it all depends what you want to do. This example assumes a rather common CSS structure of body > wrapper > content container > column 1 and column 2.
The key is the bottom margin and its canceling padding.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Equal Height Columns</title>
<style type="text/css">
* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
#wrapper { margin: 10px auto; width: 600px; }
#wrapper #main_container { width: 590px; padding: 10px 0px 10px 10px; background: #CCC; overflow: hidden; border-bottom: 10px solid #CCC; }
#wrapper #main_container div { float: left; width: 263px; background: #999; padding: 10px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #000; margin-bottom: -1000px; padding-bottom: 1000px; }
#wrapper #main_container #right_column { background: #FFF; }
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="main_container">
<div id="left_column">
<p>I have two divs inside of a container. One on the left, one on the right, side by side. How am I able to make each one be of equal height, even though they have different content.</p>
</div><!-- LEFT COLUMN -->
<div id="right_column">
<p>I have two divs inside of a container. One on the left, one on the right, side by side. How am I able to make each one be of equal height, even though they have different content.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>For example, the right div has a lot of content, and is double the height of the left div, how do I make the left div stretch to the same height of the right div?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Is there some JavaScript (jQuery) code to accomplish this?</p>
</div><!-- RIGHT COLUMN -->
</div><!-- MAIN CONTAINER -->
</div><!-- WRAPPER -->
This is what it looks like:
you can get it working with js:
$(document).ready(function() {
var height = Math.max($("#left").height(), $("#right").height());
I've seen many attempts to do this, though none met my OCD needs. You might need to dedicate a second to get your head around this, though it is better than using JavaScript.
Known downsides:
Does not support multiple element rows in case of a container with dynamic width.
Does not work in IE6.
The base:
red is (auxiliary) container that you would use to set margin to the content.
green is position: relative; overflow: hidden and (optionally, if you want columns to be centered) text-align: center; font-size: 0; line-height: 0;
blue display: block; float: left; or (optionally, if you want columns to be centered) display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;
So far nothing out of ordinary. Whatever content that blue element has, you need to add an absolutely positioned element (yellow; note that the z-index of this element must be lower than the actual content of the blue box) with this element and set top: 0; bottom: 0; (don't set left or right position).
All your elements now have equal height. For most of the layouts, this is already sufficient. My scenario required to have dynamic content followed by a static content, where static content must be on the same line.
To achieve this, you need to add padding-bottom (dark green) eq to the fixed height content to the blue elements.
Then within the yellow elements create another absolutely positioned (left: 0; bottom: 0;) element (dark blue).
Supposedly, if these boxes (yellow) had to be active hyperlinks and you had any style that you wanted to apply to the original blue boxes, you'd use adjacent sibling selector:
yellow:hover + blue {}
Here is a the code and demo:
<div id="products">
<li class="product a">
<a href="">
<p class="name">Ordinary product description.</p>
<div class="icon-product"></div>
<p class="name">Ordinary product description.</p>
<li class="product b">
<a href="">
<p class="name">That lenghty product description or whatever else that does not allow you have fixed height for these elements.</p>
<div class="icon-product"></div>
<p class="name">That lenghty product description or whatever else that does not allow you have fixed height for these elements.</p>
<li class="product c">
<a href="">
<p class="name">Another ordinary product description.</p>
<div class="icon-product"></div>
<p class="name">Another ordinary product description.</p>
#products {
ul { position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; font-size: 0; line-height: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;
li { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 130px; padding: 0 0 130px 0; margin: 0; }
li {
a { display: block; position: absolute; width: 130px; background: rgba(255,0,0,.5); z-index: 3; top: 0; bottom: 0;
.icon-product { background: #ccc; width: 90px; height: 90px; position: absolute; left: 20px; bottom: 20px; }
.name { opacity: 1; }
.name { position: relative; margin: 20px 10px 0; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; opacity: 0; }
a:hover {
background: #ddd; text-decoration: none;
.icon-product { background: #333; }
Note, that the demo is using a workaround that involves data-duplication to fix z-index. Alternatively, you could use pointer-events: none and whatever solution for IE.
here is very simple solution with a short css display:table
<div id="main" class="_dt-no-rows">
<div id="aside" contenteditable="true">
Here's the aside content
<div id="content" contenteditable="true">
geht's pellentesque wurscht elementum semper tellus s'guelt Pfourtz !. gal hopla
TIP : Just clic on this block to add/remove some text
here is css
#main {
display: table;
width: 100%;
#aside, #content {
display: table-cell;
padding: 5px;
#aside {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #333333;
width: 250px;
#content {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #E69B00;
its look like this
Well, I don't do a ton of jQuery, but in the CSS/Javascript world I would just use the object model and write a statement as follows:
if( > =;
else =
There's also a jQuery plugin called equalHeights that I've used with some success.
I'm not sure if the one I'm using is the one from the filament group mentioned above, or if it's this one that was the first google result... Either way a jquery plugin is probably the easiest, most flexible way to go.
Use this in jquery document ready function. Considering there are two divs having ids "left" and "right."
var heightR = $("#right").height();
var heightL = $("#left").height();
if(heightL > heightR){
$("#right").css({ height: heightL});
} else {
$("#left").css({ height: heightR});
Although many disagree with using javascript for this type of thing, here is a method that I used to acheive this using javascript alone:
var rightHeight = document.getElementById('right').clientHeight;
var leftHeight = document.getElementById('left').clientHeight;
if (leftHeight > rightHeight) {
} else {
With "left" and "right" being the id's of the two div tags.
This is what I use in plain javascript:
Seems long, but is very uncomplicated!
function equalizeHeights(elements){
//elements as array of elements (obtain like this: [document.getElementById("domElementId"),document.getElementById("anotherDomElementId")]
var heights = [];
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++){
var maxHeight = heights[biggestElementIndex(heights)];
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++){
function getElementHeight(element, isTotalHeight){
// isTotalHeight triggers offsetHeight
//The offsetHeight property is similar to the clientHeight property, but it returns the height including the padding, scrollBar and the border.
isTotalHeight = typeof isTotalHeight !== 'undefined' ? isTotalHeight : true;
if (isTotalHeight){
return element.offsetHeight;
return element.clientHeight;
function setElementHeight(element,pixelHeight, setAsMinimumHeight){
//setAsMinimumHeight: is set, we define the minimum height, so it can still become higher if things change...
setAsMinimumHeight = typeof setAsMinimumHeight !== 'undefined' ? setAsMinimumHeight : false;
var heightStr = "" + pixelHeight + "px";
if (setAsMinimumHeight){ = heightStr; // pixels
}else{ = heightStr; // pixels
function biggestElementIndex(arr){
var max = arr[0];
var maxIndex = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] > max) {
maxIndex = i;
max = arr[i];
return maxIndex;
I agree with initial answer but the JS solution with equal_heights() method does not work in some situations, imagine you have products next to each other. If you were to apply it only to the parent container yes they will be same height but the product name sections might differ if one does not fit to two line, this is where i would suggest using below
function make_children_same_height(element_parent, child_elements) {
for (i = 0; i < child_elements.length; i++) {
var tallest = 0;
var an_element = child_elements[i];
$(element_parent).children(an_element).each(function() {
// using outer height since that includes the border and padding
if(tallest < $(this).outerHeight() ){
tallest = $(this).outerHeight();
tallest = tallest+1; // some weird shit going on with half a pixel or something in FF and IE9, no time to figure out now, sowwy, hence adding 1 px
$(element_parent).children(an_element).each(function() {

