Ok, I have looked at similar questions like Firebase function onWrite not being called and thought it was my fault getting the reference, but I have no idea what is happening here with my Firebase functions.
I am just trying to get a function to write to my database when a write has been made to database. I followed the firebase tutorial exactly:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access the Firebase Realtime Database.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// const gl = require('getlocation');
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
response.send("Hello from Firebase!");
exports.enterLocation = functions.database.ref('/Users/{name}') //brackets is client param
.onWrite(event => {
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
// const original = event.data.val();
console.log('SKYLAR HERE:', event.params.name);
// You must return a Promise when performing asynchronous tasks inside a Functions such as
return firebase.database().ref('/Users/{name}').set({ location: 'test loc' });
The function is being run, yet in my logs I get a pretty unhelpful error that it is getting the {name} param, and data is definitely written to my database, however my SERVER code is not writing:
I get -
ReferenceError: firebase is not defined at
Which makes no sense as it is defined. I just want to add an extra child under the user I create, like I do already with "password"
What am I doing wrong?
Two problems here. First, you haven't defined firebase anywhere in your code. I think you meant to use admin instead to use the Admin SDK.
Second, it looks like you're trying to do variable interpolation into a string to build the name of the ref. Your syntax is wrong here.
I imagine you're trying to say this instead in your last line of code:
return admin.database().ref(`/Users/${name}`).set({ location: 'test loc' });
Note the backticks on the string quotes. That JavaScript syntax lets you use ${exp} to insert the contents of some expression in the string.
It turns out you don't even need to use the admin SDK here. Since you're trying to write back to the same location that triggered the function, you can just use the ref that comes from the event object:
return event.data.adminRef.set({ location: 'test loc' });
instead of this:
return firebase.database().ref('/Users/{name}').set({ location: 'test loc' });
use this:
return admin.database().ref('/Users/{name}').set({ location: 'test loc' });
New to MongoDB, very new to Atlas. I'm trying to set up a trigger such that it reads all the data from a collection named Config. This is my attempt:
exports = function(changeEvent) {
const mongodb = context.services.get("Cluster0");
const db = mongodb.db("TestDB");
var collection = db.collection("Config");
config_docs = collection.find().toArray();
the function is part of an automatically created realm application called Triggers_RealmApp, which has Cluster0 as a named linked data source. When I go into Collections in Cluster0, TestDB.Config is one of the collections.
Some notes:
it's not throwing an error, but simply returning {}.
When I change context.services.get("Cluster0"); to something else, it throws an error
When I change "TestDB" to a db that doesnt exist, or "Config" to a collection which doesn't exist, I get the same output; {}
I've tried creating new Realm apps, manually creating services, creating new databases and new collections, etc. I keep bumping into the same issue.
The mongo docs reference promises and awaits, which I haven't seen in any examples (link). I tried experimenting with that a bit and got nowhere. From what I can tell, what I've already done is the typical way of doing it.
Linked Data Source:
I ended up taking it up with MongoDB directly, .find() is asynchronous and I was handling it incorrectly. Here is the reply straight from the horses mouth:
As I understand it, you are not getting your expected results from the query you posted above. I know it can be confusing when you are just starting out with a new technology and can't get something to work!
The issue is that the collection.find() function is an asynchronous function. That means it sends out the request but does not wait for the reply before continuing. Instead, it returns a Promise, which is an object that describes the current status of the operation. Since a Promise really isn't an array, your statment collection.find().toArray() is returning an empty object. You write this empty object to the console.log and end your function, probably before the asynchronous call even returns with your data.
There are a couple of ways to deal with this. The first is to make your function an async function and use the await operator to tell your function to wait for the collection.find() function to return before continuing.
exports = async function(changeEvent) {
const mongodb = context.services.get("Cluster0");
const db = mongodb.db("TestDB");
var collection = db.collection("Config");
config_docs = await collection.find().toArray();
Notice the async keyword on the first line, and the await keyword on the second to last line.
The second method is to use the .then function to process the results when they return:
exports = function(changeEvent) {
const mongodb = context.services.get("Cluster0");
const db = mongodb.db("TestDB");
var collection = db.collection("Config");
collection.find().toArray().then(config_docs => {
The connection has to be a connection to the primary replica set and the user log in credentials are of a admin level user (needs to have a permission of cluster admin)
I am testing my REST API with jest for the first time and I am having a hard time unit testing the controllers.
How should I go about testing a function that contains other function calls (npm modules as well as other controllers). Here's pseudo code. (I've tried mocking but can't seem to get it right)
async insertUser(uid, userObject){
// Function to check user role and permissions
const isAllowed = await someotherController.checkPermissions(uid);
//Hash password using an npm module
const pass = password.hash;
//const user = new User(userObj)
So basically, how to test such a function that contains all these different functions.
I have written tests for simple function and they went all good but I am stuck at these functions.
I would go with https://sinonjs.org/ and mock somecontroller. Be carefull with the user.save(). It looks like you use some kind of persistence here. In case you use mongoose, you should have a look at https://github.com/Mockgoose/Mockgoose.
I am using angularfire2 to try and update my Firestore document. I have a reference that I use valueChanges and then subscribe to get the data, but then since I'm updating the data inside the function it will keep calling it since the values change. I figured a 'hack' solution using first() from rxjs/operators, however, there has to be a better way to do this. Below is the code I am trying to implement.
this.storeCollectionRef = this.afs.collection('storeInfo');
this.storeDocumentRef= this.storeCollectionRef.doc<StoreInfo>(window.localStorage.getItem("uid"));
var pictures = storage().ref(`${userid}/${data.itemcount+1}`);
pictures.putString(image, "data_url").then(()=>{
pictures.getDownloadURL().then(url => {
this.storeInfo.itemcount = data.itemcount+1;
this.storeInfo.image = url;
Annoyingly, it's not included in the official AngularFire2 docs for working with Firestore documents. However, as you might know, AngularFire2 is just a wrapper around the original Firebase package - intended to make it easier to work with Firebase in an Angular environment. Checking out the docs for the original Firebase package provides this example of how to accomplish this goal with the basic Firebase package:
var docRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF");
docRef.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:", doc.data());
} else {
// doc.data() will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
... which is pretty simple. If you were using the original Firebase package you could just get the reference to your document and call .get()... if only AngularFire2 included that functionality! Digging a little deeper, it DOES appear to wrap that method too. Looking at the source code for AngularFire2 Firestore documents, waaayyyyyy at the bottom, the very last method, after valueChanges(), is get()! So it looks like it IS SUPPORTED just not documented.
* Retrieve the document once.
* #param options
get(options?: firestore.GetOptions) {
return from(this.ref.get(options)).pipe(
I'm not in a position to test this myself, so I can't promise it will work. Try it and let me know. As a last resort if you can't get AF2 to behave, you could skip using the AngularFire2 package for that particular feature and also import the original Firebase package to that component, and just reference the document using the Firebase package's method instead.
Incase it wasn't clear, I'm suggesting you try something like:
this.storeCollectionRef = this.afs.collection('storeInfo');
this.storeDocumentRef= this.storeCollectionRef.doc<StoreInfo>(window.localStorage.getItem("uid"));
this.storeDocumentRef.get().then( data => {
// ... etc...
// continue doing your picture uploading stuff here
// ...
I am trying to make my first firebase cloud function.
I want to add the value of name field -which is in 'amr' document -inside ahmed document with the field name newName . I made this function but each time it gives an error or don't show anything
what is the problem in my function
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin=require('firebase-admin');
const name=change.data().name;
return admin.firestore().document('Users/ahmed').add({newName:name});
Change this:
const name=change.data().name;
into this:
const name=change.after.data().name;
to be able to retrieve the data after the write
more info here:
also change
return admin.firestore().document('Users/ahmed').add({newName:name});
return admin.firestore().doc('Users/ahmed').add({newName:name});
I want to use method getPlayers(callback) which is defined as:
callback - Required. Called with an object of players
players - An object containing all the players connected to the server, with their name as the key
Retrieve all players connected to the server.
Here is the link to complete module for further details :
If you want to use it and access the data, you'll need to do something like this:
getPlayers(function(players) {
// Here your players will be available
Bonus: If you're using ES6, you can use Arrow functions, that are more elegant, like this (single line):
getPlayers(players => console.log(players))
or (multi line):
getPlayers(players => {
You can read more about the async nature of Javascript here
If you refer source code of npm package you can see this code
Livescore.prototype.getPlayers = function(callback) {
You can use getPlayers like this :
// you will get players here