Syntax - what does square brackets around a variable declaration mean [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Multiple assignment in JavaScript? What does `[ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2, 3 ]` mean?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Take the following line of code
const [component] = router.getMatchedComponents({ })
Could anyone advise what the square brackets around component means here? I have tried to google this but struggling to find an answer

It's called Destructuring assignment, and it's used to unpack the values of an array and assign them to new variables.
So here in your code:
const [component] = router.getMatchedComponents({ })
You are assigning to the component variable the first element held in the array that will be returned by router.getMatchedComponents({}), where to is an array-like structure turned into object using the spread operation.


What does this declaration mean in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Syntax - what does square brackets around a variable declaration mean [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Multiple assignment in JavaScript? What does `[ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2, 3 ]` mean?
(4 answers)
Javascript. Assign array values to multiple variables? [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
Consider the declarations of variable "x" and "y"
const x = 1;
const [y] = [1]
What is the meaning of 2nd declaration?
Can someone suggest an article about such declaration type.
This is destructuring assignment.
You are unpacking values from arrays or object properties.
In your above code, a const variable y will be defined with value 1.

How to get the keyword of a json varible? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get all key in JSON object (javascript)
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a varible, if I print it out, I see this output:
Well, if I'd know the number '118', it would be easy, but in the program where I am using it, I don't know it. So is there any mode to get it without knowing that value?
You could use the Object.keys function to retrieve all keys of your object.
The Object.keys returns an array, you can then access the first element of that array like any other array.
const JSONString = '{"118": {"input1": 6, "input2": 1, "input3": 3}}';
const json = JSON.parse(JSONString);
const keys = Object.keys(json);

how to return array of objects from .map [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
ECMAScript 6 arrow function that returns an object
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
in the below code, activeProgs is an array contains program objects. i am using .map because i would like to have an array containing the name of the
program and a token value. this token value is an integer and it could be incremented by one for each program as shown below in the code.
my question is, if i want to have the same array that contains the program name and the token but as an object. in other words, i want the .map()
to return an array but that array contains objects with two attributes "progName" and "token". can i do the following?> {progName: prog.getHeader().getName(), token: (++i)} )
please let me know how to do it correctly
code:> prog.getHeader().getName() + '->' + (++i))
like so: => ({progName: prog.getHeader().getName(), token: (++i)}) );
or like so: => {
return {progName: prog.getHeader().getName(), token: (++i)}
In the first example, adding brackets around the {} forces it to be parsed as an expression containing an object literal. In your code, it is interpreted as part of the function declaration, making the next bit a syntax error.
The second one makes that more explicit
You weren't far off with the example you suggested, you just needed to wrap the object in brackets so the compiler understands you are returning an object and not declaring a function body => ({
progName: prog.getHeader().getName(),
token: (++i)

What is this syntax in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multiple assignment in JavaScript? What does `[ a, b, c ] = [ 1, 2, 3 ]` mean?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Take the following line of code
const [component] = router.getMatchedComponents({ })
Could anyone advise what the square brackets around component means here? I have tried to google this but struggling to find an answer
It's called Destructuring assignment, and it's used to unpack the values of an array and assign them to new variables.
So here in your code:
const [component] = router.getMatchedComponents({ })
You are assigning to the component variable the first element held in the array that will be returned by router.getMatchedComponents({}), where to is an array-like structure turned into object using the spread operation.

Can I generate new array with another variable in javascript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What do square brackets around an expression mean, e.g. `var x = a + [b]`?
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
function construct(head, tail) {
return cat([head], _.toArray(tail));
I'd like to know the role of '[' and ']' above.
Is it an operator?
Is it the array initialize literal?
This question is answered here and on the previous QnA(Use of [square brackets] around JavaScript variables).
I felt this weird because I am not used to javascript.
But this is not a matter any more.
I thought wrong and this is explained. Thanks!
It is initializing a 1 element array to pass to cat here. Brackets can be used to access elements on objects and arrays, and to represent an array literal like you have here.

