ES6 Destructuring assignment with `this` - javascript

The code below works. Is there a way that is more convenient, if possible even a one-liner?
const { nextUrl, posts } = await postService.getCommunityPosts(6);
this.communityPosts = posts;
this.nextUrl = nextUrl;
I know about giving destructured properties aliases but I don't think that helps in this case. MDN doesn't say anything about that case.

You can assign to the properties of an existing object by giving aliases and encapsulating the assignment in parentheses (await codepen).
const demo = { nextUrl: 'nextUrl', posts: 'posts' };
const target = {}; // replace target with this
({ nextUrl: target.nextUrl, posts: target.communityPosts } = demo);

function Person() {
this.obj = {
firstName: 'Dav',
lastName: 'P'
({firstName: this.firstName, lastName: this.lastName} = this.obj);
let p = new Person();

An alternative that doesn't require duplicate property keys that ({key1: this.key1, key2: this.key2} = ... does is to use Object.assign().
class X {
constructor(properties) {
({...this} = properties); // Invalid destructuring assignment target
x = new X({a: 3});
class X {
constructor(properties) {
Object.assign(this, properties);
x = new X({a: 3});


Extend either item type or type for items in an array

I've a function that processes some entities and in the end adds properties to them. It is quite flexible and can work with different types of values: properties can be assigned to the objects or if it's an array, for every object in the array (real stuff is way more complex and can't be splitted into different functions). In the end it extends the incoming type and returns extended one with few properties. So it looks like so:
function addSomeStuff<T>(data): TypeWithAddedProperty<T> {
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return => {
const newElement = { ...element, addedProperty: 'something' }
return newElement;
} else {
const newElement = {, addedProperty: 'something' }
return newElement;
export type TypeWithAddedProperty<T> = T & {addedProperty: string};
So the question is: can the TypeWithAddedProperty be conditional so it will support array there? Now if I pass an array inside, I'll have TypeWithAddedProperty<Array<T>> instead of actual Array<TypeWithAddedProperty<T>>.
If I understand you correctly you can achieve what you need with function overloading:
The idea is to define that addSomeStuff when given an array returns an array and when given a regular value returns a regular value.
function addSomeStuff<T>(data: T[]):TypeWithAddedProperty<T>[];
function addSomeStuff<T>(data: T):TypeWithAddedProperty<T>;
function addSomeStuff<T>(data: T|T[]): TypeWithAddedProperty<T>|TypeWithAddedProperty<T>[] {
if (isArray(data)) {
return => {
const newElement = { ...element, addedProperty: 'something' }
return newElement as TypeWithAddedProperty<T>;
} else {
const newElement = {, addedProperty: 'something' }
return newElement;
export type TypeWithAddedProperty<T> = T & {addedProperty: string};
const a : TypeWithAddedProperty<{}> = addSomeStuff({}); // works
const b : TypeWithAddedProperty<{}>[] = addSomeStuff([ {} ]); // works
const c : TypeWithAddedProperty<{}>[] = addSomeStuff({}); // error
I think you can do that in a more generic way. First, declare a type that is either T or an arbitrary nested array of T's:
interface Subtree<T> extends Array<T | Subtree<T>> { }
type Tree<T> = T | Subtree<T>;
(see Describe a deeply nested array in TypeScript for details).
Now define a function that accepts Tree<T> and a function T->U and returns Tree<U>:
function fmap<T, U>(fn: (arg: T) => U) : (arg: Tree<T>) => Tree<U> {
return function(x: Tree<T>) {
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
} else {
return fn(x)
Now you can do things like:
type Foo = { foo: number };
type FooBar = Foo & { bar: string };
let addBar = fmap((x: Foo) => ({...x, 'bar': 'hey'}));
let data = [{foo: 1}, [{foo: 2}, [{foo: 3}]]];
let res = addBar(data); // checks as Tree<FooBar>

What does 3 dots actually do here

I saw a react component that has the state showed below:
class MyComp extends BaseComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedColumns: [],
params: {
offset: 0,
sort_by: {}
Then this react component has a method getValue below. Inside this method allParams object is created by using spread syntax. I.e. it is spreading methods argument params, and after that updates params object in components state.
const allParams = {
this.setState((prevState) => {
return {
params: allParams
It is then called like below in a child component inside MyComp:
goNext() {
const offset = 15 // IT IS NOT JSON, it is a value 15.
I see that setState is ok but is allParams creation correct? Must not the params be an object (json) to be used with ...? Am i missing something?
In other cases the spread syntax is used like this:
const ob1 = {foo: 123};
const ob2 = {bar: 234};
const merged = {...ob1, ...ob2};
console.log(merged) //Output: { foo: 123, bar: 234 }
But in my case it would be:
const ob1 = {foo: 123};
const ob2 = 15;
const merged = {...ob1, ...ob2};
console.log(merged) //Output: { foo: 123}, and ob2 is not assigned!
The ES6 spread operator can be used on Objects to 'spread' their values into another object to create a clone of that object. It is similar in concept to using Object.assign
const x = { a : 1 };
const y = {...x}; // y = {a:1} Equivalent to : const y = Object.assign({},x);
const z = {...x , b: 2} // z = {a:1,b:2} Equivalent to Object.assign({a:1},{b:2})
const w = {...x , a: 2} // w = {a:2} Equivalent to Object.assign({a:1},{a:2})
const p = {a:2, ...x} // p={a:1} Equivalent to using Object.assign({a:2},{a:1})
Handy link explaining this in the context of Redux
EDIT: Based on discussion in comments:
In your goNext method, when this happens:
You are actually creating an object like this {offset:15}. So when this is used in getValue like:
const allParams = {
You are essentially overriding the old offset value with 15 and creating a new object. So essentially, we are NOT spreading over 15 but over {offset:15}

Assign methods to object by iterating over an array

In ES5, I know that it's possible to assign methods to an object using a forEach loop in the following way:
var myMethods = [
name: 'start',
src: someFn
name: 'stop',
src: someOtherFn
var myObject = {};
myMethods.forEach(function(method) {
myObject[] = method.src;
In ES2015 (or ES6), is it possible to define these methods in tandem with creating the object? Here is an example of how I might expect this to work:
// example
const myObject = {
[ =>]: [ => method.src)]
The end result would look like this:
const myObject = {
start: someFn,
stop: someOtherFn
If there is a way to iterate over these methods and assign them to myObject, I would happily restructure the myMethods array so that this is possible.
The end goal is to be able to assign each of these methods in an external module and not have to duplicate the definition.
Yes, you can use Object.assign and the spread operator in conjunction with computed property names to do
var myObject = Object.assign({},{name, src}) => ({[name]: src})));
First we map myMethods to an array of little one-property objects, whose key is given by the value of the name property and value by the src property. Then we use the spread operator ... to pass these to Object.assign as parameters. Object.assign then glues them all together for us.
Reduce should do the trick for you. Note that the optional second parameter is used to start with an empty object at the beginning.
var myMethods = [{
name: 'start',
src: function() {
}, {
name: 'stop',
src: function() {
var myObject = myMethods.reduce((obj, method) => {
obj[] = method.src;
return obj;
}, {})
Try assigning to myObject at same line of myMethods assignnemts
var myObject = {};
someFn = function(){console.log(this)};
someOtherFn = function(){console.log(this)};
var myObject = {};
someFn = function(){};
someOtherFn = function(){}
var myMethods = [
name: (myObject["start"] = "start"),
src: (myObject["start"] = someFn)
name: (myObject["stop"] = "stop"),
src: (myObject["stop"] = someOtherFn)

Is it possible to destructure onto an existing object? (Javascript ES6)

For example if I have two objects:
var foo = {
x: "bar",
y: "baz"
var oof = {}
and I wanted to transfer the x and y values from foo to oof. Is there a way to do that using the es6 destructuring syntax?
perhaps something like:
oof{x,y} = foo
While ugly and a bit repetitive, you can do
({x: oof.x, y: oof.y} = foo);
which will read the two values of the foo object, and write them to their respective locations on the oof object.
Personally I'd still rather read
oof.x = foo.x;
oof.y = foo.y;
['x', 'y'].forEach(prop => oof[prop] = foo[prop]);
IMO this is the easiest way to accomplish what you're looking for:
let { prop1, prop2, prop3 } = someObject;
let data = { prop1, prop2, prop3 };
// data === { prop1: someObject.prop1, ... }
Basically, destructure into variables and then use the initializer shorthand to make a new object. No need for Object.assign
I think this is the most readable way, anyways. You can hereby select the exact props out of someObject that you want. If you have an existing object you just want to merge the props into, do something like this:
let { prop1, prop2, prop3 } = someObject;
let data = Object.assign(otherObject, { prop1, prop2, prop3 });
// Makes a new copy, or...
Object.assign(otherObject, { prop1, prop2, prop3 });
// Merges into otherObject
Another, arguably cleaner, way to write it is:
let { prop1, prop2, prop3 } = someObject;
let newObject = { prop1, prop2, prop3 };
// Merges your selected props into otherObject
Object.assign(otherObject, newObject);
I use this for POST requests a lot where I only need a few pieces of discrete data. But, I agree there should be a one liner for doing this.
EDIT: P.S. -
I recently learned you can use ultra destructuring in the first step to pull nested values out of complex objects! For instance...
let { prop1,
prop2: { somethingDeeper },
prop3: {
nested1: {
} = someObject;
let data = { prop1, somethingDeeper, nested2 };
Plus, you could use spread operator instead of Object.assign when making a new object:
const { prop1, prop2, prop3 } = someObject;
let finalObject = {...otherObject, prop1, prop2, prop3 };
const { prop1, prop2, prop3 } = someObject;
const intermediateObject = { prop1, prop2, prop3 };
const finalObject = {...otherObject, ...intermediateObject };
No, destructuring does not support member expressions in shorthands but only plain propertynames at the current time. There have been talks about such on esdiscuss, but no proposals will make it into ES6.
You might be able to use Object.assign however - if you don't need all own properties, you still can do
var foo = …,
oof = {};
let {x, y} = foo;
Object.assign(oof, {x, y})
Other than Object.assign there is the object spread syntax which is a Stage 2 proposal for ECMAScript.
var foo = {
x: "bar",
y: "baz"
var oof = { z: "z" }
oof = {...oof, }
/* result
"x": "bar",
"y": "baz",
"z": "z"
But to use this feature you need to use stage-2 or transform-object-rest-spread plugin for babel. Here is a demo on babel with stage-2
BabelJS plugin
If you are using BabelJS you can now activate my plugin babel-plugin-transform-object-from-destructuring (see npm package for installation and usage).
I had the same issue described in this thread and for me it was very exhausting when you create an object from a destructuring expression, especially when you have to rename, add or remove a property. With this plugin maintaining such scenarios gets much more easier for you.
Object example
let myObject = {
test1: "stringTest1",
test2: "stringTest2",
test3: "stringTest3"
let { test1, test3 } = myObject,
myTest = { test1, test3 };
can be written as:
let myTest = { test1, test3 } = myObject;
Array example
let myArray = ["stringTest1", "stringTest2", "stringTest3"];
let [ test1, , test3 ] = myArray,
myTest = [ test1, test3 ];
can be written as:
let myTest = [ test1, , test3 ] = myArray;
It's totally possible. Just not in one statement.
var foo = {
x: "bar",
y: "baz"
var oof = {};
({x: oof.x, y: oof.y} = foo); // {x: "bar", y: "baz"}
(Do note the parenthesis around the statement.)
But keep in mind legibility is more important than code-golfing :).
You can just use restructuring for that like this:
const foo = {x:"a", y:"b"};
const {...oof} = foo; // {x:"a", y:"b"}
Or merge both objects if oof has values:
const foo = {x:"a", y:"b"};
let oof = {z:"c"}
oof = Object.assign({}, oof, foo)
You can return the destructured object in an arrow function, and use Object.assign() to assign it to a variable.
const foo = {
x: "bar",
y: "baz"
const oof = Object.assign({}, () => ({ x, y } = foo));
You can destruct an object assigning directly to another object attribute.
Working example:
let user = {};
[, user.username] = "Stack Overflow".split(' ');
1st attr: ${} <br />
2nd attr: ${user.username}`);
You can work with destructing using variables with the same name of object attribute you want to catch, this way you don't need to do:
let user = { name: 'Mike' }
let { name: name } = user;
Use this way:
let user = { name: 'Mike' }
let { name } = user;
The same way you can set new values to object structures if they have the same attribute name.
Look this working example:
// The object to be destructed
let options = {
title: "Menu",
width: 100,
height: 200
// Destructing
let {width: w, height: h, title} = options;
// Feedback
document.write(title + "<br />"); // Menu
document.write(w + "<br />"); // 100
document.write(h); // 200
var a = {a1:1, a2: 2, a3: 3};
var b = {b1:1, b2: 2, b3: 3};
const newVar = (() => ({a1, a2, b1, b2})).bind({...a, ...b});
const val = newVar();
// print: Object { a1: 1, a2: 2, b1: 1, b2: 2 }
console.log({...(() => ({a1, a2, b1, b2})).bind({...a, ...b})()});
I came up with this method:
exports.pick = function pick(src, props, dest={}) {
return Object.keys(props).reduce((d,p) => {
if(typeof props[p] === 'string') {
d[props[p]] = src[p];
} else if(props[p]) {
d[p] = src[p];
return d;
Which you can use like this:
let cbEvents = util.pick(, {onFocus:1,onBlur:1,onCheck:'onChange'});
let wrapEvents = util.pick(, {onMouseEnter:1,onMouseLeave:1});
i.e., you can pick which properties you want out and put them into a new object. Unlike _.pick you can also rename them at the same time.
If you want to copy the props onto an existing object, just set the dest arg.
This is kind of cheating, but you can do something like this...
const originalObject = {
hello: 'nurse',
meaningOfLife: 42,
your: 'mom',
const partialObject = (({ hello, your }) => {
return { hello, your };
console.log(partialObject); // ​​​​​{ hello: 'nurse', your: 'mom' }​​​​​
In practice, I think you'd rarely want to use that though. The following is MUCH more clear... but not nearly as fun.
const partialObject = {
hello: originalObject.hello,
your: originalObject.your,
Another completely different route, which includes mucking with the prototype (careful now...):
if (!Object.prototype.pluck) {
Object.prototype.pluck = function(...props) {
return props.reduce((destObj, prop) => {
destObj[prop] = this[prop];
return destObj;
}, {});
const originalObject = {
hello: 'nurse',
meaningOfLife: 42,
your: 'mom',
const partialObject2 = originalObject.pluck('hello', 'your');
console.log(partialObject2); // { hello: 'nurse', your: 'mom' }
This is the most readable and shortest solution I could come up with:
let props = {
isValidDate: 'yes',
badProp: 'no!',
let { isValidDate } = props;
let newProps = { isValidDate };
It will output { isValidDate: 'yes' }
It would be nice to some day be able to say something like let newProps = ({ isValidDate } = props) but unfortunately it is not something ES6 supports.
You can use JSON class methods to achieve it as follows
const foo = {
x: "bar",
y: "baz"
const oof = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(foo, ['x','y']));
// output -> {x: "bar", y: "baz"}
Pass properties that need to be added to the resulting object as second argument to stringify function in an array format.
MDN Doc for JSON.stringify
This works in chrome 53.0.2785.89
let foo = {
x: "bar",
y: "baz"
let oof = {x, y} = foo;
console.log(`oof: ${JSON.stringify(oof)}`);
//prints oof: { "x": "bar", "y": "baz"}
It's not a beautiful way, nor I recommend it, but it's possible this way, just for knowledge.
const myObject = {
name: 'foo',
surname: 'bar',
year: 2018
const newObject = ['name', 'surname'].reduce(
(prev, curr) => (prev[curr] = myObject[curr], prev),
console.log(JSON.stringify(newObject)); // {"name":"foo","surname":"bar"}

How can I get console.log to output the getter result instead of the string "[Getter/Setter]"?

In this code:
function Cls() {
this._id = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'id', {
get: function() {
return this._id;
set: function(id) {
this._id = id;
enumerable: true
var obj = new Cls(); = 123;
I would like to get { _id: 123, id: 123 }
but instead I get { _id: 123, id: [Getter/Setter] }
Is there a way to have the getter value be used by the console.log function?
You can use console.log(Object.assign({}, obj));
Use console.log(JSON.stringify(obj));
Since Nodejs v11.5.0 you can set getters: true in the util.inspect options. See here for docs.
getters <boolean> | <string> If set to true, getters are inspected. If set to 'get', only getters without a corresponding setter are inspected. If set to 'set', only getters with a corresponding setter are inspected. This might cause side effects depending on the getter function. Default: false.
You can define an inspect method on your object, and export the properties you are interested in. See docs here:
I guess it would look something like:
function Cls() {
this._id = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'id', {
get: function() {
return this._id;
set: function(id) {
this._id = id;
enumerable: true
Cls.prototype.inspect = function(depth, options) {
return `{ 'id': ${this._id} }`
var obj = new Cls(); = 123;
I needed a pretty printed object without the getters and setters yet plain JSON produced garbage. For me as the JSON string was just too long after feeding JSON.stringify() a particularly big and nested object. I wanted it to look like and behave like a plain stringified object in the console. So I just parsed it again:
There. If you have a simpler method, let me know.
On Node.js, I suggest using util.inspect.custom, which will allow you to pretty print getters as values, while keeping other properties output unchanged.
It will apply to your specific object only and won't mess the general console.log output.
The main benefit vs Object.assign is that it happens on your object, so you keep the regular generic console.log(object) syntax. You don't have to wrap it with console.log(Object.assign({}, object)).
Add the following method to your object:
[util.inspect.custom](depth, options) {
const getters = Object.keys(this);
for getters set on prototype, use instead:
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
const getters = Object.keys(prototype);
const properties = => [getter, this[getter]]);
const defined = properties.filter(([, value]) => value !== undefined);
const plain = Object.fromEntries(defined);
const object = Object.create(this, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(plain));
// disable custom after the object has been processed once to avoid infinite looping
Object.defineProperty(object, util.inspect.custom, {});
return util.inspect(object, {
depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1,
Here is a working example in your context:
const util = require('util');
function Cls() {
this._id = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'id', {
get: function() {
return this._id;
set: function(id) {
this._id = id;
enumerable: true
this[util.inspect.custom] = function(depth, options) {
const getters = Object.keys(this);
for getters set on prototype, use instead:
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
const getters = Object.keys(prototype);
const properties = => [getter, this[getter]]);
const defined = properties.filter(([, value]) => value !== undefined);
const plain = Object.fromEntries(defined);
const object = Object.create(this, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(plain));
// disable custom after the object has been processed once to avoid infinite looping
Object.defineProperty(object, util.inspect.custom, {});
return util.inspect(object, {
depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1,
var obj = new Cls(); = 123;
Cls { _id: 123, id: 123 }
Use spread operator:
console.log({ ... obj });

