Rotate a cube to be isometric - javascript

I'm following this rotating cube tutorial and I'm trying to rotate the cube to an isometric perspective (45 degrees, 30 degrees).
The problem is, I think, is that the rotateY and rotateX functions alter the original values such that the two red dots in the middle of the cube (visually) don't overlap. (If that makes any sense)
How can I rotate the cube on it's X and Y axis at the same time so the functions don't effect each other?
const canvas = document.getElementById('stage');
canvas.width = canvas.parentElement.clientWidth
canvas.height = canvas.parentElement.clientHeight
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var node0 = [-100, -100, -100];
var node1 = [-100, -100, 100];
var node2 = [-100, 100, -100];
var node3 = [-100, 100, 100];
var node4 = [ 100, -100, -100];
var node5 = [ 100, -100, 100];
var node6 = [ 100, 100, -100];
var node7 = [ 100, 100, 100];
var nodes = [node0, node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7];
var edge0 = [0, 1];
var edge1 = [1, 3];
var edge2 = [3, 2];
var edge3 = [2, 0];
var edge4 = [4, 5];
var edge5 = [5, 7];
var edge6 = [7, 6];
var edge7 = [6, 4];
var edge8 = [0, 4];
var edge9 = [1, 5];
var edge10 = [2, 6];
var edge11 = [3, 7];
var edges = [edge0, edge1, edge2, edge3, edge4, edge5, edge6, edge7, edge8, edge9, edge10, edge11];
var draw = function(){
for (var e=0; e<edges.length; e++){
var n0 = edges[e][0]
var n1 = edges[e][1]
var node0 = nodes[n0];
var node1 = nodes[n1];
//draw nodes
for (var n=0; n<nodes.length; n++){
var node = nodes[n];
context.arc(node[0], node[1], 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.fillStyle = 'red';
var rotateZ3D = function(theta){
var sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
var cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
for (var n=0; n< nodes.length; n++){
var node = nodes[n];
var x = node[0];
var y = node[1];
node[0] = x * cos_t - y * sin_t;
node[1] = y * cos_t + x * sin_t;
var rotateY3D = function(theta){
var sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
var cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
for (var n=0; n<nodes.length; n++){
var node = nodes[n];
var x = node[0];
var z = node[2];
node[0] = x * cos_t - z * sin_t;
node[2] = z * cos_t + x * sin_t;
var rotateX3D = function(theta){
var sin_t = Math.sin(theta);
var cos_t = Math.cos(theta);
for (var n = 0; n< nodes.length; n++){
var node = nodes[n];
var y = node[1];
var z = node[2];
node[1] = y * cos_t - z * sin_t;
node[2] = z * cos_t + y * sin_t;
#stage {
background-color: cyan;
<canvas id="stage" height='500px' width='500px'></canvas>
Edit: I should have included a picture to further explain what I'm trying to achieve. I have a room picture that is isometric (45°,30°) and I'm overlaying it with a canvas so that I can draw the cube on it. As you can see it's slightly off, and I think its the effect of two compounding rotations since each function alters the original node coordinates.

You want projection not rotation
Your problem is that you are trying to apply a projection but using a transformation matrix to do it.
The transformation matrix will keep the box true to its original shape, with each axis at 90 deg to the others.
You want to have one axis at 45deg and the other at 30deg. You can not do that with rotations alone.
Projection matrix
The basic 3 by 4 matrix represents 4 3D vectors. These vectors are the direction and scale of the x,y,z axis in 3D space and the 4th vector is the origin.
The projection matrix removes the z part converting coordinates to 2D space. The z part of each axis is 0.
As the isometric projection is parallel we can just create a matrix that sets the 2D axis directions on the canvas.
The axis
The xAxis at 45 deg
const xAxis = Math.PI * ( 1 / 4);
iso.x.set(Math.cos(xAxis), Math.sin(xAxis), 0);
The yAxis at 120 deg
const yAxis = Math.PI * ( 4 / 6);
iso.y.set(Math.cos(yAxis), Math.sin(yAxis), 0);
And also the z axis which is up the page
The transformation
Then we just multiply each vertex coord by the appropriate axis
// m is the matrix (iso)
// a is vertex in
// b is vertex out
// m.o is origin (not used in this example
b.x = a.x * m.x.x + a.y * m.y.x + a.z * m.z.x + m.o.x;
b.y = a.x * m.x.y + a.y * m.y.y + a.z * m.z.y + m.o.y;
b.z = a.x * m.x.z + a.y * m.y.z + a.z * m.z.z + m.o.z;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
// move x dist move y dist move z dist
// along x axis along y axis along y axis
// 45deg 120deg Up -90deg
An example of above code
I have laid out a very basic Matrix in the snippet for reference.
The snippet creates 3D object using your approx layout.
The transform needs a second object for the result
I also added a projectIso that takes the directions of x,y,z axis and the scale of the x,y,z axis and creates a projection matrix as outlined above.
So thus the above is done with
const mat = Mat().projectIso(
Math.PI * ( 1 / 4),
Math.PI * ( 4 / 6),
Math.PI * ( 3 / 2) // up
); // scales default to 1
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;
var cw = w / 2; // center
var ch = h / 2;
const V = (x,y,z) => ({x,y,z,set(x,y,z){this.x = x;this.y = y; this.z = z}});
const Mat = () => ( {
x : V(1,0,0),
y : V(0,1,0),
z : V(0,0,1),
o : V(0,0,0), // origin
const m = this;
return m;
rotX(r) {
const m = this.ident();
m.y.set(0, Math.cos(r), Math.sin(r));
m.z.set(0, -Math.sin(r), Math.cos(r));
return m;
rotY(r) {
const m = this.ident();
m.x.set(Math.cos(r), 0, Math.sin(r));
m.z.set(-Math.sin(r), 0, Math.cos(r));
return m;
rotZ(r) {
const m = this.ident();
m.x.set(Math.cos(r), Math.sin(r), 0);
m.y.set(-Math.sin(r), Math.cos(r), 0);
return m;
projectIso(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, xScale = 1, yScale = 1, zScale = 1) {
const m = this.ident();
iso.x.set(Math.cos(xAxis) * xScale, Math.sin(xAxis) * xScale, 0);
iso.y.set(Math.cos(yAxis) * yScale, Math.sin(yAxis) * yScale, 0);
iso.z.set(Math.cos(zAxis) * zScale, Math.sin(zAxis) * zScale, 0);
return m;
transform(obj, result){
const m = this;
const na = obj.nodes;
const nb = result.nodes;
var i = 0;
while(i < na.length){
const a = na[i];
const b = nb[i++];
b.x = a.x * m.x.x + a.y * m.y.x + a.z * m.z.x + m.o.x;
b.y = a.x * m.x.y + a.y * m.y.y + a.z * m.z.y + m.o.y;
b.z = a.x * m.x.z + a.y * m.y.z + a.z * m.z.z + m.o.z;
return result;
// create a box
const Box = (size = 35) =>( {
nodes: [
V(-size, -size, -size),
V(-size, -size, size),
V(-size, size, -size),
V(-size, size, size),
V(size, -size, -size),
V(size, -size, size),
V(size, size, -size),
V(size, size, size),
edges: [[0, 1],[1, 3],[3, 2],[2, 0],[4, 5],[5, 7],[7, 6],[6, 4],[0, 4],[1, 5],[2, 6],[3, 7]],
// draws a obj that has nodes, and edges
function draw(obj) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
const edges = obj.edges;
const nodes = obj.nodes;
var i = 0;
while(i < edges.length){
var edge = edges[i++];
ctx.moveTo(nodes[edge[0]].x, nodes[edge[0]].y);
ctx.lineTo(nodes[edge[1]].x, nodes[edge[1]].y);
i = 0;
while(i < nodes.length){
const x = nodes[i].x;
const y = nodes[i++].y;
ctx.arc(x,y, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
// create boxes (box1 is the projected result)
var box = Box();
var box1 = Box();
var box2 = Box();
// create the projection matrix
var iso = Mat();
// angles for X, and Y axis
const xAxis = Math.PI * ( 1 / 4);
const yAxis = Math.PI * ( 4 / 6);
iso.x.set(Math.cos(xAxis), Math.sin(xAxis),0);
iso.y.set(Math.cos(yAxis), Math.sin(yAxis), 0);
// the direction of Z
iso.z.set(0, -1, 0);
// center rendering
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,cw* 0.5,ch);
// transform and render
iso.projectIso(Math.PI * ( 1 / 6), Math.PI * ( 5 / 6), -Math.PI * ( 1 / 2))
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,cw* 1,ch);
iso.rotY(Math.PI / 4);
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,cw* 1.5,ch);
<canvas id="canvas" height='200' width='500'></canvas>

I think the issue may be that the rotation about the x-axis of the room is not 30°. In isometric images there is often an angle of 30° between the sides of a cube and the horizontal. But in order to get this horizontal angle, the rotation around the x-axis should be about 35° (atan(1/sqrt(2))). See the overview in the Wikipedia article.
Having said that, sometimes in computer graphics, the angle between the sides of a cube and the horizontal is about 27° (atan(0.5)), since this produces neater rastered lines on a computer screen. In that case, the rotation around the x-axis is 30°. Check out this article for a lot more information about the different types of projection.


Dynamic Wavy Path/Border

There is something I need to build, but my math ability is not up to par. What I am looking to build is something like this demo, but I need it to be a hybrid of a circle and polygon instead of a line, so to speak. The black line should be dynamic and randomly generated that basically acts as a border on the page.
Currently, I am dissecting this answer with the aim of hopefully being able to transpose it into this, but I am having massive doubts that I will be able to figure this out.
Any idea how to do this or can anybody explain the mathematics?
Below are my notes about the code from the answer I linked above.
cw = cvs.width = window.innerWidth,
ch = cvs.height = window.innerHeight,
cx = cw / 2,
cy = ch / 2,
xs = Array(),
ys = Array(),
npts = 20,
amplitude = 87, // can be val from 1 to 100
frequency = -2, // can be val from -10 to 1 in steps of 0.1
ctx.lineWidth = 4
// creates array of coordinates that
// divides page into regular portions
// creates array of weights
for (var i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
xs[i] = (cw/npts)*i
ys[i] = 2.0*(Math.random()-0.5)*amplitude
function Draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch);
for (let x = 0; x < cw; x++) {
y = 0.0
wsum = 0.0
for (let i = -5; i <= 5; i++) {
xx = x; // 0 / 1 / 2 / to value of screen width
// creates sequential sets from [-5 to 5] to [15 to 25]
ii = Math.round(x/xs[1]) + i
// `xx` is a sliding range with the total value equal to client width
// keeps `ii` within range of 0 to 20
if (ii < 0) {
xx += cw
ii += npts
if (ii >= npts){
xx -= cw
ii -= npts
// selects eleven sequential array items
// which are portions of the screen width and height
// to create staggered inclines in increments of those portions
w = Math.abs(xs[ii] - xx)
// creates irregular arcs
// based on the inclining values
w = Math.pow(w, frequency)
// also creates irregular arcs therefrom
y += w*ys[ii];
// creates sets of inclining values
wsum += w;
// provides a relative position or weight
// for each y-coordinate in the total path
y /= wsum;
//y = Math.sin(x * frequency) * amplitude;
ctx.lineTo(x, y+cy);
This is my answer. Please read the comments in the code. I hope this is what you need.
// initiate the canvas
const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let cw = (canvas.width = 600),
cx = cw / 2;
let ch = (canvas.height = 400),
cy = ch / 2;
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
// define the corners of an rectangle
let corners = [[100, 100], [500, 100], [500, 300], [100, 300]];
let amplitud = 20;// oscilation amplitude
let speed = 0.01;// the speed of the oscilation
let points = []; // an array of points to draw the curve
class Point {
constructor(x, y, hv) {
// the point is oscilating around this point (cx,cy) = x; = y;
// the current angle of oscilation
this.a = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
this.hv = hv;// a variable to know if the oscilation is horizontal or vertical
// a function to update the value of the angle
update() {
this.a += speed;
if (this.hv == 0) {
this.x =;
this.y = + amplitud * Math.cos(this.a);
} else {
this.x = + amplitud * Math.cos(this.a);
this.y =;
// a function to divide a line that goes from a to b in n segments
// I'm using the resulting points to create a new point object and push this new point into the points array
function divide(n, a, b) {
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
let p = {
x: (b[0] - a[0]) * i / n + a[0],
y: (b[1] - a[1]) * i / n + a[1],
hv: b[1] - a[1]
points.push(new Point(p.x, p.y, p.hv));
divide(10, corners[0], corners[1]);points.pop();
divide(5, corners[1], corners[2]);points.pop();
divide(10, corners[2], corners[3]);points.pop();
divide(5, corners[3], corners[0]);points.pop();
// this is a function that takes an array of points and draw a curved line through those points
function drawCurves() {
//find the first midpoint and move to it
let p = {};
p.x = (points[points.length - 1].x + points[0].x) / 2;
p.y = (points[points.length - 1].y + points[0].y) / 2;
ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
//curve through the rest, stopping at each midpoint
for (var i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {
let mp = {};
mp.x = (points[i].x + points[i + 1].x) / 2;
mp.y = (points[i].y + points[i + 1].y) / 2;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(points[i].x, points[i].y, mp.x, mp.y);
//curve through the last point, back to the first midpoint
points[points.length - 1].x,
points[points.length - 1].y,
function Draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch); => {
canvas{border:1px solid; background:#6ab150}

HTML5 Canvas generate isometric tiles [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
True Isometric Projection with HTML5 Canvas
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to generate basic tiles and stairs in HTML5 Canvas without using images.
Here's what I did until now:
but I'm trying to reproduce this:
and I have no idea how to.
Here's my current code:
class IsometricGraphics {
constructor(canvas, thickness) {
this.Canvas = canvas;
this.Context = canvas.getContext("2d");
if(thickness) {
this.thickness = thickness;
} else {
this.thickness = 2;
LeftPanelWide(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + i * 2, y + i * 1, 2, this.thickness * 4);
RightPanelWide(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + (i * 2), y + 15 - (i * 1), 2, this.thickness * 4);
UpperPanelWide(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + 16 + 16 - (i * 2), y + i - 2, i * 4, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + i * 2, y + (32 / 2) - 1 + i, ((32 / 2) - i) * 4, 1);
UpperPanelWideBorder(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
var y = y + 2;
for(var i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + 17 + 16 - (i * 2) - 2, y + i - 2, (i == 17) ? 1 : 2, 1);
this.Context.fillRect(x + 17 + 16 + (i * 2) - 2, y + i - 2, (i == 17) ? 1 : 2, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < 32 / 2; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + i * 2, y + 16 - 1 + i, 2, 1);
this.Context.fillRect(x + 62 - i * 2, y + 16 - 1 + i, 2, 1);
RightUpperPanelSmall(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 32 / 2 + 4; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + (i * 2), (i >= 4) ? (i - 1) + y : 3 - i + 3 + y, 2, (i >= 4) ? (i <= 20 - 5) ? 8 : (20 - i) * 2 - 1 : 1 + (i * 2));
LeftUpperPanelSmall(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 32 / 2 + 4; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + (i * 2), (i >= 16) ? y + (i - 16) : 16 + y - (i * 1) - 1, 2, (i >= 4) ? (i >= 16) ? 8 - (i - 16) - (i - 16) - 1 : 8 : 8 * i - (i * 6) + 1);
LeftPanelSmall(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 8 / 2; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + i * 2, y + i * 1, 2, this.thickness * 4);
RightPanelSmall(x, y, fillStyle) {
this.Context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < 8 / 2; i++) {
this.Context.fillRect(x + (i * 2), y + 3 - (i * 1), 2, this.thickness * 4);
class IsoGenerator {
constructor() {
var Canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
var Context = Canvas.getContext("2d");
//Context.scale(5, 5);
this.Context = Context;
this.IsometricGraphics = new IsometricGraphics(Canvas, 2);
StairLeft(x, y, Color1, Color2, Color3) {
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.IsometricGraphics.RightPanelWide((x + 8) + (i * 8), (y + 4) + (i * 12), Color1);
this.IsometricGraphics.LeftUpperPanelSmall(x + (i * 8), y + (i * 12), Color2);
this.IsometricGraphics.LeftPanelSmall((i * 8) + x, (16 + (i * 12)) + y, Color3);
StairRight(x, y, Color1, Color2, Color3) {
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.IsometricGraphics.LeftPanelWide(x + 24 - (i * 8), (4 + (i * 12)) + y, Color1);
this.IsometricGraphics.RightUpperPanelSmall(x + 24 - (i * 8), y + (i * 12) - 3, Color2);
this.IsometricGraphics.RightPanelSmall(x + 56 - (i * 8), (16 + (i * 12)) + y, Color3);
Tile(x, y, Color1, Color2, Color3, Border) {
this.IsometricGraphics.LeftPanelWide(x, 18 + y, Color1);
this.IsometricGraphics.RightPanelWide(x + 32, 18 + y, Color2);
this.IsometricGraphics.UpperPanelWide(x, 2 + y, Color3);
if(Border) {
this.IsometricGraphics.UpperPanelWideBorder(x, y, Border);
var Canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
var Context = Canvas.getContext("2d");
Context.scale(3, 3);
new IsoGenerator().Tile(0, 0, "#B3E5FC", "#2196F3", "#03A9F4")
new IsoGenerator().StairLeft(70, 0, "#B3E5FC", "#2196F3", "#03A9F4")
new IsoGenerator().StairRight(70 * 2, 0, "#B3E5FC", "#2196F3", "#03A9F4")
// What I'm trying to reproduce:
<canvas width="1000" height="1000"></canvas>
Axonometric rendering
The best way to handle axonometric (commonly called isometric) rendering is by modeling the object in 3D and then render the model in the particular axonometric projection you want.
3D object as a Mesh
The most simple object (in this case) is a box. The box has 6 sides and 8 vertices and can be described via its vertices and the polygons representing the sides as a set of indexes to the vertices.
Eg 3D box with x from left to right, y going top to bottom, and z as up.
First create the vertices that make up the box
UPDATE as requested in the comments I have changed the box into its x,y,z dimensions.
// function creates a 3D point (vertex)
function vertex(x,y,z){ return {x,y,z} };
// an array of vertices
const vertices = []; // an array of vertices
// create the 8 vertices that make up a box
const boxSizeX = 10; // size of the box x axis
const boxSizeY = 50; // size of the box y axis
const boxSizeZ = 8; // size of the box z axis
const hx = boxSizeX / 2; // half size shorthand for easier typing
const hy = boxSizeY / 2;
const hz = boxSizeZ / 2;
vertices.push(vertex(-hx,-hy,-hz)); // lower top left index 0
vertices.push(vertex( hx,-hy,-hz)); // lower top right
vertices.push(vertex( hx, hy,-hz)); // lower bottom right
vertices.push(vertex(-hx, hy,-hz)); // lower bottom left
vertices.push(vertex(-hx,-hy, hz)); // upper top left index 4
vertices.push(vertex( hx,-hy, hz)); // upper top right
vertices.push(vertex( hx, hy, hz)); // upper bottom right
vertices.push(vertex(-hx, hy, hz)); // upper bottom left index 7
Then create the polygons for each face on the box
const colours = {
dark : "#444",
shade : "#666",
light : "#aaa",
bright : "#eee",
function createPoly(indexes,colour){ return { indexes, colour} }
const polygons = [];
// always make the polygon vertices indexes in a clockwise direction
// when looking at the polygon from the outside of the object
polygons.push(createPoly([3,2,1,0],colours.dark)); // bottom face
polygons.push(createPoly([0,1,5,4],colours.dark)); // back face
polygons.push(createPoly([1,2,6,5],colours.shade)); // right face
polygons.push(createPoly([2,3,7,6],colours.light)); // front face
polygons.push(createPoly([3,0,4,7],colours.dark)); // left face
polygons.push(createPoly([4,5,6,7],colours.bright)); // top face
Now you have a 3D model of a box with 6 polygons.
The projection describes how a 3D object is transformed into a 2D projection. This is done by providing a 2D axis for each of the 3D coordinates.
In this case you are using a modification of a bimetric projection
So lets define that 2D axis for each of the 3 3D coordinates.
// From here in I use P2,P3 to create 2D and 3D points
const P3 = (x=0, y=0, z=0) => ({x,y,z});
const P2 = (x=0, y=0) => ({x, y});
// an object to handle the projection
const isoProjMat = {
xAxis : P2(1 , 0.5) , // 3D x axis for every 1 pixel in x go down half a pixel in y
yAxis : P2(-1 , 0.5) , // 3D y axis for every -1 pixel in x go down half a pixel in y
zAxis : P2(0 , -1) , // 3D z axis go up 1 pixels
origin : P2(100,100), // where on the screen 3D coordinate (0,0,0) will be
Now define the function that does the projection by converting the x,y,z (3d) coordinate into a x,y (2d)
project (p, retP = P2()) {
retP.x = p.x * this.xAxis.x + p.y * this.yAxis.x + p.z * this.zAxis.x + this.origin.x;
retP.y = p.x * this.xAxis.y + p.y * this.yAxis.y + p.z * this.zAxis.y + this.origin.y;
return retP;
Now you can render the model. First you must project each vertices into the 2D screen coordinates.
// create a new array of 2D projected verts
const projVerts = => isoProjMat.project(vert));
Then it is just a matter of rendering each polygon via the indexes into the projVerts array
polygons.forEach(poly => {
ctx.fillStyle = poly.colour;
poly.indexs.forEach(index => ctx.lineTo(projVerts[index].x, projVerts[index].y) );
As a snippet
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// function creates a 3D point (vertex)
function vertex(x, y, z) { return { x, y, z}};
// an array of vertices
const vertices = []; // an array of vertices
// create the 8 vertices that make up a box
const boxSizeX = 10 * 4; // size of the box x axis
const boxSizeY = 50 * 4; // size of the box y axis
const boxSizeZ = 8 * 4; // size of the box z axis
const hx = boxSizeX / 2; // half size shorthand for easier typing
const hy = boxSizeY / 2;
const hz = boxSizeZ / 2;
vertices.push(vertex(-hx,-hy,-hz)); // lower top left index 0
vertices.push(vertex( hx,-hy,-hz)); // lower top right
vertices.push(vertex( hx, hy,-hz)); // lower bottom right
vertices.push(vertex(-hx, hy,-hz)); // lower bottom left
vertices.push(vertex(-hx,-hy, hz)); // upper top left index 4
vertices.push(vertex( hx,-hy, hz)); // upper top right
vertices.push(vertex( hx, hy, hz)); // upper bottom right
vertices.push(vertex(-hx, hy, hz)); // upper bottom left index 7
const colours = {
dark: "#444",
shade: "#666",
light: "#aaa",
bright: "#eee",
function createPoly(indexes, colour) {
return {
const polygons = [];
// always make the polygon vertices indexes in a clockwise direction
// when looking at the polygon from the outside of the object
polygons.push(createPoly([3, 2, 1, 0], colours.dark)); // bottom face
polygons.push(createPoly([0, 1, 5, 4], colours.dark)); // back face
polygons.push(createPoly([3, 0, 4, 7], colours.dark)); // left face
polygons.push(createPoly([1, 2, 6, 5], colours.shade)); // right face
polygons.push(createPoly([2, 3, 7, 6], colours.light)); // front face
polygons.push(createPoly([4, 5, 6, 7], colours.bright)); // top face
// From here in I use P2,P3 to create 2D and 3D points
const P3 = (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) => ({x,y,z});
const P2 = (x = 0, y = 0) => ({ x, y});
// an object to handle the projection
const isoProjMat = {
xAxis: P2(1, 0.5), // 3D x axis for every 1 pixel in x go down half a pixel in y
yAxis: P2(-1, 0.5), // 3D y axis for every -1 pixel in x go down half a pixel in y
zAxis: P2(0, -1), // 3D z axis go up 1 pixels
origin: P2(150, 75), // where on the screen 3D coordinate (0,0,0) will be
project(p, retP = P2()) {
retP.x = p.x * this.xAxis.x + p.y * this.yAxis.x + p.z * this.zAxis.x + this.origin.x;
retP.y = p.x * this.xAxis.y + p.y * this.yAxis.y + p.z * this.zAxis.y + this.origin.y;
return retP;
// create a new array of 2D projected verts
const projVerts = => isoProjMat.project(vert));
// and render
polygons.forEach(poly => {
ctx.fillStyle = poly.colour;
poly.indexes.forEach(index => ctx.lineTo(projVerts[index].x, projVerts[index].y));
canvas {
border: 2px solid black;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
That is the basics, but by no means all. I have cheated by making sure that the order of the polygons is correct in terms of distance from the viewer. Ensuring that the further polygons are not drawn over the nearer. For more complex shapes you will need to add Depth sorting. You also want to optimise the rendering by not drawing faces (polygons) that face away from the viewer. This is called backface culling.
You will also want to add lighting models and much more.
Pixel Bimetric projection.
The above is in fact not what you want. In gaming the projection you use is often called a pixel art projection that does not fit the nice mathematical projection. The are many sets of rules concerning anti aliasing, where vertices are rendered depending on the direction of the face.
eg a vertex is drawn at a pixel top,left or top,right, or bottom,right, or bottom,left depending on the face direction, and alternating between odd and even x coordinates to name but a few of the rules
This pen Axonometric Text Render (AKA Isometric) is a slightly more complex example of Axonometric rendering that has options for 8 common axonometric projections and includes simple depth sorting, though not built for speed. This answer is what inspired writing the pen.
Your shape.
So after all that the next snippet draws the shape you are after by moving the basic box to each position and rendering it in order from back to front.
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// function creates a 3D point (vertex)
function vertex(x, y, z) { return { x, y, z}};
// an array of vertices
const vertices = []; // an array of vertices
// create the 8 vertices that make up a box
const boxSize = 20; // size of the box
const hs = boxSize / 2; // half size shorthand for easier typing
vertices.push(vertex(-hs, -hs, -hs)); // lower top left index 0
vertices.push(vertex(hs, -hs, -hs)); // lower top right
vertices.push(vertex(hs, hs, -hs)); // lower bottom right
vertices.push(vertex(-hs, hs, -hs)); // lower bottom left
vertices.push(vertex(-hs, -hs, hs)); // upper top left index 4
vertices.push(vertex(hs, -hs, hs)); // upper top right
vertices.push(vertex(hs, hs, hs)); // upper bottom right
vertices.push(vertex(-hs, hs, hs)); // upper bottom left index 7
const colours = {
dark: "#004",
shade: "#036",
light: "#0ad",
bright: "#0ee",
function createPoly(indexes, colour) {
return {
const polygons = [];
// always make the polygon vertices indexes in a clockwise direction
// when looking at the polygon from the outside of the object
//polygons.push(createPoly([3, 2, 1, 0], colours.dark)); // bottom face
//polygons.push(createPoly([0, 1, 5, 4], colours.dark)); // back face
//polygons.push(createPoly([3, 0, 4, 7], colours.dark)); // left face
polygons.push(createPoly([1, 2, 6, 5], colours.shade)); // right face
polygons.push(createPoly([2, 3, 7, 6], colours.light)); // front face
polygons.push(createPoly([4, 5, 6, 7], colours.bright)); // top face
// From here in I use P2,P3 to create 2D and 3D points
const P3 = (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) => ({x,y,z});
const P2 = (x = 0, y = 0) => ({ x, y});
// an object to handle the projection
const isoProjMat = {
xAxis: P2(1, 0.5), // 3D x axis for every 1 pixel in x go down half a pixel in y
yAxis: P2(-1, 0.5), // 3D y axis for every -1 pixel in x go down half a pixel in y
zAxis: P2(0, -1), // 3D z axis go up 1 pixels
origin: P2(150, 55), // where on the screen 3D coordinate (0,0,0) will be
project(p, retP = P2()) {
retP.x = p.x * this.xAxis.x + p.y * this.yAxis.x + p.z * this.zAxis.x + this.origin.x;
retP.y = p.x * this.xAxis.y + p.y * this.yAxis.y + p.z * this.zAxis.y + this.origin.y;
return retP;
var x,y,z;
for(z = 0; z < 4; z++){
const hz = z/2;
for(y = hz; y < 4-hz; y++){
for(x = hz; x < 4-hz; x++){
// move the box
const translated = => {
return P3(
vert.x + x * boxSize,
vert.y + y * boxSize,
vert.z + z * boxSize,
// create a new array of 2D projected verts
const projVerts = => isoProjMat.project(vert));
// and render
polygons.forEach(poly => {
ctx.fillStyle = poly.colour;
ctx.strokeStyle = poly.colour;
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
poly.indexes.forEach(index => ctx.lineTo(projVerts[index].x , projVerts[index].y));
canvas {
border: 2px solid black;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

Isometric simple sorting with xdim and ydim

I have a simple isometric sorting system with this function (code is in Typescript/Javascript) :
public Sort(a: PIXI.Sprite, b: PIXI.Sprite) {
return ((a.IsoZ - b.IsoZ) == 0 ? (a.TileZ - b.TileZ == 0 ? (a.Tile2Z ? (a.Tile2Z < b.Tile2Z ? -1 : (a.Tile2Z > b.Tile2Z ? 1 : 0)) : 0) : a.TileZ - b.TileZ) : (a.IsoZ - b.IsoZ));
It depends on three parameters:
IsoZ: the first sorting variables, used to sort tiles
TileZ: the tile
sorting variable, used if a.IsoZ == b.IsoZ
Tile2Z: used if a.TileZ == b.TileZ
Here's how IsoZ is basically calculated for most objects:
this.Position is an array of x and y coordinates
this.Position[0] + this.Position[1] + 1000;
now I want to support object x and y dimensions, so how can I implement something like this in this expression?
x and y dimensions values are for example (2, 2) for a cube or (2, 4) for a cuboid
this.Position[0] + this.Position[1] + 1000 // + x dimension + y dimension ???
Isometric visual occlusion sort (depth sort)
Defining depth:
Higher depths values are closer to the screen. Unlike 3D perspective projection where depth is distance from the front plane, this answer uses depth as distance towards the screen.
Iso projection
If you have a iso projection
const P2 = (x = 0,y = 0) => ({x, y});
const isoProjMat = {
xAxis : P2(1 , 0.5),
yAxis : P2(-0.5, 1 ),
zAxis : P2(0 , -1 ),
That takes a 3d point and projects to screen space
const P3 = (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) => ({x, y, z});
isoProjMat.project = function (p, retP = P2()) { // p is 3D point
retP.x = p.x * this.xAxis.x + p.y * this.yAxis.x + p.z * this.zAxis.x;
retP.y = p.x * this.xAxis.y + p.y * this.yAxis.y + p.z * this.zAxis.y;
return retP;
You can add the depth of a point as the z value of the 2D projected point. You need to add a transform axis for the depth.
isoProjMat.depth = P3(0.5,1, 1 );
For x move closer by half its size, y * 1 and z * 1.
The modified project now adds z to the returned point.
isoProjMat.project = function (p, retP = P3()) {
retP.x = p.x * this.xAxis.x + p.y * this.yAxis.x + p.z * this.zAxis.x;
retP.y = p.x * this.xAxis.y + p.y * this.yAxis.y + p.z * this.zAxis.y;
retP.z = p.x * this.depth.x + p.y * this.depth.y + p.z * this.depth.z;
return retP;
Thus for a set of points in 3D space projected to 2D iso screen space you sort on the z
const points = mySetOfPoints(); // what ever your points come from
const projected = => isoProjMat.project(p));
projected.sort((a,b) => a.z - b.z);
All good for points but for sprites which occupy a 3D volume this does not work.
What you need to do is add a bounding volume ie a square. If your projection is static then we can simplify the bounding volume to the nearest point. For the box that is the vertex at the top bottom right eg sprite at (0,0,0) has a size (10,10,20) the nearest point in 3d is at (10,10,20).
I can not work your sort out as there is not enough info in the question but I am guessing sprite.Iso is the base origin of the sprite and sprite.Tile & Tile2 represent bounding box.
Thus to get the nearest point
const depthProj = P3(0.5,1, 1 ); // depth projection matrix
// get the depth of each sprite adding the property depth
sprites.forEach(spr => {
const p = {
x : spr.IsoX + Math.max(spr.TileX,spr.Tile2X),
y : spr.IsoY + Math.max(spr.TileY,spr.Tile2Y),
z : spr.IsoZ + Math.max(spr.TileZ,spr.Tile2Z)
spr.depth = p.x * depthProj.x + p.y * depthProj.y + p.z * depthProj.z;
sprites.sort((a,b) => a.depth - b.depth);
Then render from index 0 up.
An example.
The following is not fully applicable as it sorts by polygons and uses the polygons mean depth rather than its max depth (really should use max but cant be bothered ATM)
I add it only to show how the above code for the isoProjMat is used. It draws stacked boxes from pixel alpha and color rendered on a canvas.
Click rendered result to switch projections from bi-morphic to tri-morphic (as you did not specify the type of projection you used this shows how the depth transform changes between two types of parallel projection.
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var count = 0;
var firstRun = 0;
function doIt(){
// 3d 2d points
const P3 = (x=0, y=0, z=0) => ({x,y,z});
const P2 = (x=0, y=0) => ({x, y});
// isomorphic projection matrix
const isoProjMat = {
xAxis : count ? P2(1 , 0.5) : P2(1 , 0.5) ,
yAxis : count ? P2(-0.5, 1) : P2(-1 , 0.5) ,
zAxis : count ? P2(0 , -1) : P2(0 , -1) ,
depth : count ? P3(0.5,1, 1) : P3(0.5,0.5,1) , // projections have z as depth
origin : P2(), // (0,0) default 2D point
project (p, retP = P3()) {
retP.x = p.x * this.xAxis.x + p.y * this.yAxis.x + p.z * this.zAxis.x + this.origin.x;
retP.y = p.x * this.xAxis.y + p.y * this.yAxis.y + p.z * this.zAxis.y + this.origin.y;
retP.z = p.x * this.depth.x + p.y * this.depth.y + p.z * this.depth.z;
return retP;
// isomorphic mesh shape as vertices and polygons
const isoMesh = (()=>{
const polygon = {
inds : null,
depth : 0,
fillStyle : "#888",
lineWidth : 0.5,
strokeStyle : "#000",
setStyle(ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = this.fillStyle;
ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle;
const isoShape = {
verts : null,
pVerts : null, // projected verts
polys : null,
addVert(p3 = P3()) { this.verts.push(p3); return p3 },
addPoly(poly = isoShape.createPoly()) { this.polys.push(poly); return poly },
createPoly(options = {}) { return Object.assign({}, polygon, {inds : []}, options) },
render(ctx,mat = isoProjMat) {
var i,j,d;
const pv = this.pVerts === null ? this.pVerts = [] : this.pVerts;
const v = this.verts;
const ps = this.polys;
for(i = 0; i < v.length; i += 1){ pv[i] = mat.project(v[i], pv[i]) }
for(i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 1) {
const p = ps[i];
j = 0; d = 0;
while(j < p.inds.length) { d += pv[p.inds[j++]].z }
p.depth = d / p.inds.length;
ps.sort((a,b)=>a.depth - b.depth);
for(i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 1) {
const p = ps[i];
j = 0;
while(j < p.inds.length) { ctx.lineTo(pv[p.inds[j]].x, pv[p.inds[j++]].y) }
if (p.fillStyle !== "") { ctx.fill() }
if (p.strokeStyle !== "" && p.lineWidth !== 0) {ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke() }
return () => Object.assign({},isoShape,{verts : [], polys : []});
// Lazy coding I am using Point3 (P3) to hold RGB values
function createBoxMesh(box = isoMesh(), pos = P3(), size = P3(10,10,10), rgb = P3(128,128,128)){ // x,y,z are sizes in those directions
const PA3 = (x,y,z) => P3(x + pos.x, y + pos.y, z + pos.z);
const RGB = (s) => `rgb(${(rgb.x * s) | 0},${(rgb.y * s) | 0},${(rgb.z * s) | 0})`;
const indA = (inds) => => ind + i);
const i = box.verts.length; // get top vert index
if(typeof size === "number") { size = P3(size,size,size) }
const x = size.x / 2;
const y = size.y / 2;
const z = size.z;
box.addVert(PA3(-x,-y, 0)); // ind 0
box.addVert(PA3( x,-y, 0));
box.addVert(PA3( x, y, 0));
box.addVert(PA3(-x, y, 0));
box.addVert(PA3(-x,-y, z)); // ind 4
box.addVert(PA3( x,-y, z));
box.addVert(PA3( x, y, z));
box.addVert(PA3(-x, y, z));
// box.addPoly(box.createPoly({ inds : indA([0,1,5,4]), fillStyle : RGB(0.5) }));
box.addPoly(box.createPoly({ inds : indA([1,2,6,5]), fillStyle : RGB(0.7) }));
box.addPoly(box.createPoly({ inds : indA([2,3,7,6]), fillStyle : RGB(1) }));
// box.addPoly(box.createPoly({ inds : indA([3,0,4,7]), fillStyle : RGB(0.8) }));
box.addPoly(box.createPoly({ inds : indA([4,5,6,7]), fillStyle : RGB(1.5) }));
return box;
function createDrawable(w,h){
const c = document.createElement("canvas");
c.width = w;
c.height = h;
c.ctx = c.getContext("2d");
return c;
const map = createDrawable(40,30);
map.ctx.font = "20px arial";
map.ctx.textAlign = "center";
map.ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
map.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,128,0,0.5)";
map.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)";
map.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
map.ctx.fillRect(1,1,map.width - 2, map.height - 2);
map.ctx.strokeRect(1,1,map.width - 2, map.height - 2);
map.ctx.fillStyle = "#AAA";
map.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,128,0,0.5)";
map.ctx.strokeText("text",map.width / 2, map.height / 2);
map.ctx.fillText("text",map.width / 2, map.height / 2);
var dat = map.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, map.width , map.height).data;
// get total projection area and size canvas so that the iso projection fits
const boxSize = P3(10,10,5);
const topLeft = isoProjMat.project(P3(0,0,10 * boxSize.z));
const botRight = isoProjMat.project(P3(map.width * boxSize.x,map.height * boxSize.y,0));
const topRight = isoProjMat.project(P3(map.width * boxSize.x,0,0));
const botLeft = isoProjMat.project(P3(0,map.height * boxSize.y,0));
canvas.width = ((topRight.x - botLeft.x) + 10)|0;
canvas.height = ((botRight.y - topLeft.y) + 10)|0;
ctx.font = "32px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillText("Rendering will take a moment.",Math.min(innerWidth,canvas.width)/2,Math.min(innerHeight,canvas.height)/2)
const alphaThresh = 100;
const boxes = isoMesh();
for(var y = 0; y < map.height; y ++){
for(var x = 0; x < map.width; x ++){
const ind = (x + y * map.width) * 4;
if(dat[ind + 3] > alphaThresh){
const h = (((dat[ind + 3]-alphaThresh)/(255-alphaThresh)) * 10) | 0;
for(var z = 0; z < h; z++){
P3(x * boxSize.x,y * boxSize.y, z * boxSize.z),
if(firstRun === 0){
firstRun = 1;
ctx.font = "24px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillText("Bimorphic projection. Click for Trimorphic projection..",canvas.width/2,30)
canvas.onclick =()=>{
count += 1;
count %= 2;
canvas {
border : 2px solid black;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

How to curve a texture by offsetting X Pixels

Refer to this fiddle:
// get canvas references (canvas=collar, canvas1=texture)
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvas1 = document.getElementById("canvas1");
var ctx1 = canvas1.getContext("2d");
// preload the texture and collar images before starting
var textureImg, collarImg;
var imageURLs = [];
var imagesOK = 0;
var imgs = [];
function loadAllImages(callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < imageURLs.length; i++) {
var img = new Image();
img.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
img.onload = function () {
if (imagesOK == imageURLs.length) {
textureImg = imgs[0];
collarImg = imgs[1];
img.src = imageURLs[i];
function start() {
// set both canvas dimensions
canvas.width = collarImg.width;
canvas.height = collarImg.height + 5;
canvas1.width = textureImg.width;
canvas1.height = textureImg.height;
// draw the textureImg on canvas1
ctx1.drawImage(textureImg, 0, 0, canvas1.width, canvas1.height);
// curve the texture into a collar shaped curved
curveTexture(collarImg.width, collarImg.height);
// draw the collarImg on canvas
ctx.drawImage(collarImg, 0, 0);
// set compositing to source-atop
// any new drawing will ONLY fill existing non-transparent pixels
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop";
// draw the curved texture from canvas1 onto the collar of canvas
// (the existing pixels are the collar, so only the collar is filled)
ctx.drawImage(canvas1, 0, 0);
function curveTexture(w, h) {
// define a quadratic curve that fits the collar bottom
// These values change if the collar image changes (+5,-32)
var x0 = 0;
var y0 = h + 5;
var cx = w / 2;
var cy = h - 32;
var x1 = w;
var y1 = h + 5;
// get a,b,c for quadratic equation
// equation is used to offset columns of texture pixels
// in the same shape as the collar
var Q = getQuadraticEquation(x0, y0, cx, cy, x1, y1);
// get the texture canvas pixel data
// 2 copies to avoid self-referencing
var imageData0 = ctx1.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);
var data0 =;
var imageData1 = ctx1.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);
var data1 =;
// loop thru each vertical column of pixels
// Offset the pixel column into the shape of the quad-curve
for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
// the pixel to write
var n = ((w * y) + x) * 4;
// the vertical offset amount
var yy = parseInt(y + h - (Q.a * x * x + Q.b * x + Q.c));
// the offset pixel to read
var nn = ((w * yy) + x) * 4;
// offset this pixel by the quadCurve Y value (yy)
data0[n + 0] = data1[nn + 0];
data0[n + 1] = data1[nn + 1];
data0[n + 2] = data1[nn + 2];
data0[n + 3] = data1[nn + 3];
ctx1.putImageData(imageData0, 0, 0);
// Quadratic Curve: given x coordinate, find y coordinate
function getQuadraticY(x, Q) {
return (Q.a * x * x + Q.b * x + Q.c);
// Quadratic Curve:
// Given: start,control,end points
// Find: a,b,c in quadratic equation ( y=a*x*x+b*x+c )
function getQuadraticEquation(x0, y0, cx, cy, x2, y2) {
// need 1 more point on q-curve, so calc its midpoint XY
// Note: since T=0.5 therefore TT=(1-T)=0.5 also [so could simplify]
var T = 0.50;
var TT = 1 - T;
var x1 = TT * TT * x0 + 2 * TT * T * cx + T * T * x2;
var y1 = TT * TT * y0 + 2 * TT * T * cy + T * T * y2;
var A = ((y1 - y0) * (x0 - x2) + (y2 - y0) * (x1 - x0)) / ((x0 - x2) * (x1 * x1 - x0 * x0) + (x1 - x0) * (x2 * x2 - x0 * x0));
var B = ((y1 - y0) - A * (x1 * x1 - x0 * x0)) / (x1 - x0);
var C = y0 - A * x0 * x0 - B * x0;
return ({
a: A,
b: B,
c: C
body {
background-color: ivory;
canvas {
border:1px solid red;
<h3>"Curve" a texture</h3>
<p>by offsetting Y pixels based on Q-curve</p>
<canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas>
<p>The temporary texture canvas (canvas1)</p>
<canvas id="canvas1" width=300 height=300></canvas>
I want to convert that horizontal generated lines to vertical. I tries to change the values but unable to achieved it.
I think that "Curve" a texture by offsetting X pixels based on Q-curve might work for getting vertical lines. Please help me for this.
For more you can refer this link : How to fill pattern in canvas and curving along the shape?

How to curve a unit mesh between 2 unit vectors

I'm trying to draw 2 unit vectors and then draw an arc between them. I'm not looking for any solution, rather I want to know why my specific solution is not working.
First I pick 2 unit vectors at random.
function rand(min, max) {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
var points = [{},{}];
points[0].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
points[1].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
Note: the math here is in 3D but I'm using a 2d example by just keeping the vectors in the XY plane
I can draw those 2 unit vectors in a canvas
// move to center of canvas
var scale = ctx.canvas.width / 2 * 0.9;
ctx.transform(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.scale(scale, scale); // expand the unit fill the canvas
// draw a line for each unit vector
points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(point.direction[0], point.direction[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = point.color;
That works.
Next I want to make a matrix that puts the XY plane with its Y axis aligned with the first unit vector and in the same plane as the plane described by the 2 unit vectors
var zAxis = normalize(cross(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
var xAxis = normalize(cross(zAxis, points[0].direction));
var yAxis = points[0].direction;
I then draw a unit grid using that matrix
xAxis[0] * scale, xAxis[1] * scale,
yAxis[0] * scale, yAxis[1] * scale,
ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
for (var y = 0; y < 20; ++y) {
var v0 = (y + 0) / 20;
var v1 = (y + 1) / 20;
for (var x = 0; x < 20; ++x) {
var u0 = (x + 0) / 20;
var u1 = (x + 1) / 20;
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u1, v0);
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u0, v1);
That works too. Run the sample below and see the pink unit grid is always aligned with the green unit vector and facing in the direction of the red unit vector.
Finally using the data for the unit grid I want to bend it the correct amount to fill the space between the 2 unit vectors. Given it's a unit grid it seems like I should be able to do this
var cosineOfAngleBetween = dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction);
var expand = (1 + -cosineOfAngleBetween) / 2 * Math.PI;
var angle = x * expand; // x goes from 0 to 1
var newX = sin(angle) * y; // y goes from 0 to 1
var newY = cos(angle) * y;
And if I plot newX and newY for every grid point it seems like I should get the correct arc between the 2 unit vectors.
Taking the dot product of the two unit vectors should give me the cosine of the angle between them which goes from 1 if they are coincident to -1 if they are opposite. In my case I need expand to go from 0 to PI so (1 + -dot(p0, p1)) / 2 * PI seems like it should work.
But it doesn't. See the blue arc which is the unit grid points as input to the code above.
Some things I checked. I checked zAxis is correct. It's always either [0,0,1] or [0,0,-1] which is correct. I checked xAxis and yAxis are unit vectors. They are. I checked manually setting expand to PI * .5, PI, PI * 2 and it does exactly what I expect. PI * .5 gets a 90 degree arc, 1/4th of the way around from the blue unit vector. PI gets a half circle exactly as I expect. PI * 2 gets a full circle.
That makes it seem like dot(p0,p1) is wrong but looking at the dot function it seems correct and if test it with various easy vectors it returns what I expect dot([1,0,0], [1,0,0]) returns 1. dot([-1,0,0],[1,0,0]) returns -1. dot([1,0,0],[0,1,0]) returns 0. dot([1,0,0],normalize([1,1,0])) returns 0.707...
What am I missing?
Here's the code live
function cross(a, b) {
var dst = []
dst[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
dst[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
dst[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
return dst;
function normalize(a) {
var dst = [];
var lenSq = a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2];
var len = Math.sqrt(lenSq);
if (len > 0.00001) {
dst[0] = a[0] / len;
dst[1] = a[1] / len;
dst[2] = a[2] / len;
} else {
dst[0] = 0;
dst[1] = 0;
dst[2] = 0;
return dst;
function dot(a, b) {
return (a[0] * b[0]) + (a[1] * b[1]) + (a[2] * b[2]);
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
canvas.width = 200;
canvas.height = 200;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
function rand(min, max) {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
var points = [
direction: [0,0,0],
color: "green",
direction: [0,0,0],
color: "red",
var expand = 1;
var scale = ctx.canvas.width / 2 * 0.8;
function pickPoints() {
points[0].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
points[1].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
expand = (1 + -dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction)) / 2 * Math.PI;
console.log("expand:", expand);
function render() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);;
ctx.translate(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
ctx.lineWidth = 3 / scale;
points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(point.direction[0], point.direction[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = point.color;
var zAxis = normalize(cross(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
var xAxis = normalize(cross(zAxis, points[0].direction));
var yAxis = points[0].direction;
xAxis[0] * scale, xAxis[1] * scale,
yAxis[0] * scale, yAxis[1] * scale,
ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.lineWidth = 0.5 / scale;
ctx.strokeStyle = "pink";
ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
function drawPatch(curved) {
for (var y = 0; y < 20; ++y) {
var v0 = (y + 0) / 20;
var v1 = (y + 1) / 20;
for (var x = 0; x < 20; ++x) {
var u0 = (x + 0) / 20;
var u1 = (x + 1) / 20;
if (curved) {
var a0 = u0 * expand;
var x0 = Math.sin(a0) * v0;
var y0 = Math.cos(a0) * v0;
var a1 = u1 * expand;
var x1 = Math.sin(a1) * v0;
var y1 = Math.cos(a1) * v0;
var a2 = u0 * expand;
var x2 = Math.sin(a0) * v1;
var y2 = Math.cos(a0) * v1;
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
} else {
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u1, v0);
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u0, v1);
window.addEventListener('click', pickPoints);
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
div {
display: flex;
<div><canvas></canvas><p> Click for new points</p></div>
There's nothing wrong with your dot product function. It's the way you're using it:
expand = (1 + -dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction)) / 2 * Math.PI;
should be:
expand = Math.acos(dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
The expand variable, as you use it, is an angle (in radians). The dot product gives you the cosine of the angle, but not the angle itself. While the cosine of an angle varies between 1 and -1 for input [0,pi], that value does not map linearly back to the angle itself.
In other words, it doesn't work because the cosine of an angle cannot be transformed into the angle itself simply by scaling it. That's what arcsine is for.
Note that in general, you can often get by using your original formula (or any simple formula that maps that [-1,1] domain to a range of [0,pi]) if all you need is an approximation, but it will never give an exact angle except at the extremes.
This can be seen visually by plotting the two functions on top of each other:

