Memory issues in recursion - javascript

I'm trying to solve this leetcode problem here:
Simply my solution is to try every combination that is valid and then set my ans variable to the one that is closest to the original time. It does print out all the combinations however the diff variable never changes. In the for loop after (if cur.length ==4) it prints every possible combination because it still thinks that diff is 9007199254740991. Also when I assign ans to cur.slice(), I receive a blank array. Even when I uncomment it in the nextClosestTime function I still have the same issue.
* #param {string} time
* #return {string}
var diff = 9007199254740991;
function calcSeconds(digits) {
var hours = (digits[0] * 10) + digits[1];
var seconds = (digits[2] * 10) + digits[3];
return (hours * 3600) + (seconds * 60);
function nextClosestTime(time) {
var digits = [];
// diff = 9007199254740991;
var cur = [];
var ans = [];
for (var i = 0; i < time.length; i++) {
if (isFinite(time.charAt(i))) {
var target = calcSeconds(digits);
nch(digits, cur, diff, target, ans);
return ans;
function nch(digits, cur, diff, target, ans) {
if (cur.length == 4) {
var curSec = calcSeconds(cur);
if (Math.abs(curSec - target) < diff) {
diff = Math.abs(calcSeconds(digits) - calcSeconds(cur));
//ans = cur.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) {
if ((((cur[0] * 10) + cur[1]) >= 24) || (((cur[2] * 10) + cur[3]) >= 60)) {
nch(digits, cur, diff, target, ans);


brute force polynomial evaluation algorithm javascript

what is required is a brute force algorithm, and not some other!
I'm trying to implement the brute force method for a polynomial in javascript, but an error occurs, the answer is different from the other method above (horner method) - this method is checked and it gives the correct answer
but here is the second brut force- method that gives an excellent result, which is not correct.
What is the error in my code?
input :
_x = 6 _n = 5 polyEval = [2,3,5,-6,2]
output Horner method:
3386 // good. correct answer
output Bruforce method:
1496 // bad. incorrect answer
class Programm {
constructor(x:number, n:number) {
this._x = 4;
this._n = 5;
this.polyEval = [2,3,5,-6,2] //this.RandomArray(this._n);
private _x:number;
private _n:number;
private polyEval:number[] = [];
//working method
private Horner(poly:number[], n:number, x:number){
let time =;
let result = poly[0];
for (let i = 1; i < n; i++){
result = result * x + poly[i];
time = - time;
console.log("Method: Horner |" ,`Result: ${result}, array: ${this.polyEval} |` ,`time: ${time.toFixed(5)}`);
// method with an error that I can't find
private BruteForce(poly:number[], n:number, x:number){
let time =;
let p: number = 0;
for(let i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){
let coefficient = 1;
for(let j = 1; j <= i; j++){
coefficient = coefficient * x;
p = p + poly[i] * coefficient;
time = - time;
console.log("Method: Brute Force |" ,`Result: ${p}, array: ${this.polyEval} |` ,`time: ${time.toFixed(5)}`);
// generate random array
private RandomArray(n: number):number[]{
let result:number[] = new Array(n);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(Math.round(Math.random() * 1) > 0){
result[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10 - 1)) + 1;
result[i] = Math.floor(((Math.random() * (10 - 1)) + 1) * -1);
return result;
public Main() {
console.log(`n - array length: ${this._n} | x - coefficient: ${this._x}`);
this.Horner(this.polyEval, this._n, this._x);
this.BruteForce(this.polyEval, this._n, this._x);
const random_N:number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 1)) + 3;
const random_X:number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 1)) + 2;
const poly = new Programm(random_N, random_X);
The Horner's scheme works like this:
// initially
result = poly[0] == p_0;
// iteration 1
result = result * x + poly[1] == p_0 * x + p_1
// iteration 2
result = result * x + poly[2] == (p_0 * x + p_1) * x + p_2
== p_0 * x^2 + p_1 * x + p_2
Thus, the polynomial coefficients in the array poly are in order of highest to lowest. Then to replicate that in the brute force solution, one needs to apply the formula as
result = sum(poly[i] * pow(x, n-1-i)) ==
result = sum(poly[n-1-i] * pow(x, i))

Creating svg paths with javascript(shape morphing)

So I have this class which is used for shape morphing:
class ShapeOverlays {
constructor(elm) {
this.elm = elm;
this.path = elm.querySelectorAll('path');
this.numPoints = 18;
this.duration = 600;
this.delayPointsArray = [];
this.delayPointsMax = 300;
this.delayPerPath = 100;
this.timeStart =;
this.isOpened = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
toggle() {
this.isAnimating = true;
const range = 4 * Math.random() + 6;
for (var i = 0; i < this.numPoints; i++) {
const radian = i / (this.numPoints - 1) * Math.PI;
this.delayPointsArray[i] = (Math.sin(-radian) + Math.sin(-radian * range) + 2) / 4 * this.delayPointsMax;
if (this.isOpened === false) {;
} else {
open() {
this.isOpened = true;
this.timeStart =;
close() {
this.isOpened = false;
this.timeStart =;
updatePath(time) {
const points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.numPoints + 1; i++) {
points[i] = ease.cubicInOut(Math.min(Math.max(time - this.delayPointsArray[i], 0) / this.duration, 1)) * 100
let str = '';
str += (this.isOpened) ? `M 0 0 V ${points[0]} ` : `M 0 ${points[0]} `;
for (var i = 0; i < this.numPoints - 1; i++) {
const p = (i + 1) / (this.numPoints - 1) * 100;
const cp = p - (1 / (this.numPoints - 1) * 100) / 2;
str += `C ${cp} ${points[i]} ${cp} ${points[i + 1]} ${p} ${points[i + 1]} `;
str += (this.isOpened) ? `V 0 H 0` : `V 100 H 0`;
return str;
render() {
if (this.isOpened) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
this.path[i].setAttribute('d', this.updatePath( - (this.timeStart + this.delayPerPath * i)));
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
this.path[i].setAttribute('d', this.updatePath( - (this.timeStart + this.delayPerPath * (this.path.length - i - 1))));
renderLoop() {
if ( - this.timeStart < this.duration + this.delayPerPath * (this.path.length - 1) + this.delayPointsMax) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
else {
this.isAnimating = false;
(function() {
const elmHamburger = document.querySelector('.hamburger');
const gNavItems = document.querySelectorAll('.global-menu__item');
const elmOverlay = document.querySelector('.shape-overlays');
const overlay = new ShapeOverlays(elmOverlay);
elmHamburger.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (overlay.isAnimating) {
return false;
if (overlay.isOpened === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < gNavItems.length; i++) {
Can some one please explain this code? I don't really get how the paths are created using time,how the points are placed and how could I modify it.What is range used for? Why are trigonometral functions used for the delayPointsArray?
Basically it's this part that I don't get:
updatePath(time) {
const points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.numPoints + 1; i++) {
points[i] = ease.cubicInOut(Math.min(Math.max(time - this.delayPointsArray[i], 0) / this.duration, 1)) * 100
let str = '';
str += (this.isOpened) ? `M 0 0 V ${points[0]} ` : `M 0 ${points[0]} `;
for (var i = 0; i < this.numPoints - 1; i++) {
const p = (i + 1) / (this.numPoints - 1) * 100;
const cp = p - (1 / (this.numPoints - 1) * 100) / 2;
str += `C ${cp} ${points[i]} ${cp} ${points[i + 1]} ${p} ${points[i + 1]} `;
str += (this.isOpened) ? `V 0 H 0` : `V 100 H 0`;
return str;
render() {
if (this.isOpened) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
this.path[i].setAttribute('d', this.updatePath( - (this.timeStart + this.delayPerPath * i)));
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) {
this.path[i].setAttribute('d', this.updatePath( - (this.timeStart + this.delayPerPath * (this.path.length - i - 1))));
Why is time being used? What is the purpose of this:
points[i] = ease.cubicInOut(Math.min(Math.max(time - this.delayPointsArray[i], 0) / this.duration, 1)) * 100
If you look at how updatePath() is being called, it's like this:
this.updatePath( - (this.timeStart + this.delayPerPath * i))
So the time value passed in is the difference between the current time, and the start time of the path we are working with.
So what then is the line of code you are interested in, doing?
points[i] = ease.cubicInOut(Math.min(Math.max(time - this.delayPointsArray[i], 0) / this.duration, 1)) * 100
I'm going to ignore delayPointsArray. It is modifying the start time slightly based on angle. Without seeing the full demo, I'm not sure of the reason for that.
The purpose of this line of code is to calculate how far through the current path's animation we are. The result is in the form of a coordinate value from 0 to 100.
It's doing a lot in that one line of code. So let's break down the individual steps.
Firstly, we are clamping the elapsed time to minimum of 0.
Math.max(time, 0)
In other words, anything before the animation start time becomes zero.
Then we divide by the animation's duration.
Math.max(time, 0) / duration
This will result in a value from 0, representing the start of the animation, to 1, representing the end of the animation. However, the value might also be greater than 1 if the elapsed time is after the end of the animation. Hence the next step.
Now clamp this value to a maximum of 1.
Math.min( Math.max(time, 0) / duration, 1)
We now have a value >= 0 and <= 1 whichdescribes where in the course of the animation, the path is supposed to be. 0 if we should be at the animations start position. 1 if we should be at the animations end position. And somewhere in between if the animation is in progress.
However this value is strictly linear, corresponding with the progression of time. And usually linear movement is not what you want. It is unnatural. Objects accelarate when the start moving and decelerate when the come to a stop. That will be what the easeInOut() function will be doing. If you are not familiar with easing curves, take a look at the diagram below.
Source: Google: The Basics of Easing
So we pass in a linear time value from 0..1 (horizontal axis). It will return a modified value that takes into account acceleration and deceleration.
The final step is to multiply by 100, to convert to a final coordinate value (0..100).
Hope this helps.

Calculate the nearest value on a circular variable

I have an problem where i have 3 times of the 24 hour day. To keep it simple i can use the decimal representation:
a) 23:45 (23.75)
b) 11:30 (11.50)
c) 00:15 (00.25)
I'd like to know , for each time, which other time is closest.
var closestTime = 24
var closestActualTime = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
if (times[i].time == this.time) continue;
var temp = Math.abs(this.time - times[i].time)
if (temp < closestTime) {
closestTime = temp;
closestActualTime = times[i].time;
My issue is that 23:45 and 00:25 are actually really close but i don't know how process a variable with a modulo type
I suggest to build a list with the pairs and then calculate the difference.
The difference is the third element in the pairs array.
Basically you need to check the delta and if it greater than 12 hours, take the difference from 24 and delta.
delta = Math.abs(aa - bb);
if (delta > 12) {
delta = 24 - delta;
function combination(array, size) {
function c(part, start) {
var i, l, p;
for (i = start, l = array.length + part.length + 1 - size; i < l; i++) {
p = part.slice();
p.length < size ? c(p, i + 1) : result.push(p);
var result = [];
c([], 0);
return result;
function timeDelta(a, b) {
function decimalTime(s) {
var p = s.split(':');
return +p[0] + p[1] / 60;
function padZero(v) {
return (v < 10) ? '0' + v : String(v);
var aa = decimalTime(a),
bb = decimalTime(b),
delta = Math.abs(aa - bb);
if (delta > 12) {
delta = 24 - delta;
return padZero(Math.floor(delta)) + ':' + padZero(Math.round(60 * (delta - Math.floor(delta))));
var times = ['23:45', '11:30', '00:15'],
pairs = combination(times, 2);
pairs.forEach(function (a, i, aa) {
aa[i][2] = timeDelta(a[0], a[1]);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Loop over times.
Try combinations of delta time, offset by 24 hours.
Pick smallest delta time.
var times = [23.75, 11.50, 3, 6, 7];
* timeClosestTo
* #param {number} time
* #returns {number}
function timeClosestTo(time) {
//Distance variable to compare against
var distance = 100;
//Hours in a day
var day = 24;
//Current best
var best = null;
//Test against all times
for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
//Find best score based upon day
var d = Math.min(Math.abs((times[i]) - (time)), Math.abs((times[i] + day) - time), Math.abs((times[i]) - (time + day)), Math.abs((times[i] + day) - (time + day)));
//If best found distance yet, set best to current
if (d < distance) {
best = times[i];
distance = d;
//Return best
return best;
console.log("times to deal with:",times.join(", "));
console.log("closest to 1:", timeClosestTo(1), "closest to 11:", timeClosestTo(11), "closest to 5:", timeClosestTo(5));
Quite functionally i would do this job as follows
var times = [23.75,11.50,0.25],
diffs = times.reduce((d,t1,i,a) => a[i+1] ? d.concat(a.slice(i+1)
.map(t2 => [t1,t2,[Math.min(Math.abs(t1-t2),24-Math.abs(t1-t2))]
.map(n => ~~n + ":" + (n%1)*60)[0]]))
: d,[]);

Adding all columns together?

function subTotals() {
var otTableTotal = 0;
var sTableTotal = 1;
var r = parseFloat($('#rate').val());
$('.ot').each(function(index) {
if ($(this).data('mins') !== undefined) {
otTableTotal += $(this).data('mins');
$('#otE_subtotal').text((((otTableTotal / 60) * r) * 1.5).toFixed(2));
var hoursTableTotal = 0;
$('.hours').each(function(index) {
if ($(this).data('mins') !== undefined) {
hoursTableTotal += $(this).data('mins');
$('.sick').each(function(index) {
sTableTotal += parseInt($(this).val());
//$('#tE_subtotal').text(((hoursTableTotal / 60) * r).toFixed(2));
$('#tE_subtotal').text(((((hoursTableTotal / 60) * r)) +(((otTableTotal / 60) * r) * 1.5)).toFixed(2));
$('#rE_subtotal').text((((hoursTableTotal / 60) * r)).toFixed(2));
I am having trouble getting my sick column to add up and display where totals is. (The first 2 zeroes are for Hours and Overtime Hours which I have working.) I just can't get this darned sick thing to work.
Try removing the context (this) here:

Add two timestamps of format "HH+:MM:SS"

So basically i have two strings of timestamps which i want to add:
a = "00:10:12";
aParts = a.split(/:/);
b = "00:30:34";
bParts = b.split(/:/);
time1 = 3600000 * parseInt(aParts[0]) + 60000 * parseInt(aParts[1]) + 1000 * parseInt(aParts[2]);
time2 = 3600000 * parseInt(bParts[0]) + 60000 * parseInt(bParts[1]) + 1000 * parseInt(bParts[2]);
dateTime = time1 + time2;
hours = parseInt(dateTime/3600000);
dateTime = parseInt(dateTime%3600000);
minutes = parseInt(dateTime/60000);
dateTime = parseInt(dateTime%60000);
seconds = parseInt(dateTime/1000);
newTime = addLeadingZeros(hours,2) + ':' + addLeadingZeros(minutes,2) + ':' + addLeadingZeros(seconds,2);
// returns correct "00:40:46"
function addLeadingZeros (n, length){
var str = (n > 0 ? n : -n) + "";
var zeros = "";
for (var i = length - str.length; i > 0; i--)
zeros += "0";
zeros += str;
return n >= 0 ? zeros : "-" + zeros;
While writing this question i managed to come up with the above code :-) that works somehow - is that a proper way of adding two string timestamps or is there a better approach?
Forgot to mention - i did try converting the two strings into Date objects and using .getTime() adding the two datetimes - but that gives me a wrong time in the date.
There is nothing notably wrong with your code, but be sure to set the radix when using parseInt
An integer that represents the radix of the value to parse. Always
specify this parameter to eliminate reader confusion
and to guarantee predictable behavior. Different implementations
produce different results when a radix is not specified.
There is no standard method for performing the task that you have described.
Here is an example that I have used in the past.
/*jslint maxerr: 50, indent: 4, browser: true, devel: true */
(function () {
"use strict";
function zeroPad(num) {
var str = num.toString();
if (num < 2) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;
function addTimes() {
if (!arguments.length) {
throw new SyntaxError("No arguments provided.");
var total = {
hours: 0,
minutes: 0,
seconds: 0
for (argIndex = 0, argLength = arguments.length; argIndex < argLength; argIndex += 1) {
time = arguments[argIndex];
if (typeof time !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a string.");
parts = time.split(":");
if (parts.length !== 3) {
throw new SyntaxError("Argument is incorrectly formatted.");
for (partIndex = 0; partIndex < 3; partIndex += 1) {
part = parts[partIndex];
if (partIndex < 2) {
if (part === "" || !/^\d*$/.test(part)) {
throw new SyntaxError("Argument is incorrectly formatted.");
parts[partIndex] = parseInt(part, 10);
} else {
if (part === "" || !/^\d*\.?\d+$/.test(part)) {
throw new SyntaxError("Argument is incorrectly formatted.");
parts[partIndex] = parseFloat(part);
temp = (parts[2] + total.seconds);
total.seconds = temp % 60;
temp = (parts[1] + total.minutes) + (temp - total.seconds) / 60;
total.minutes = temp % 60;
total.hours = (parts[0] + total.hours) + (temp - total.minutes) / 60;
return zeroPad(total.hours) + ":" + zeroPad(total.minutes) + ":" + zeroPad(total.seconds);
var a = "00:10:12",
b = "00:30:34",
c = "10:40:40";
console.log(addTimes(a, b, c));
On jsfiddle

