JavaScript - Determine how a user arrived at html page - javascript

I'm building a web application and for one of my pages, I need to determine how a user arrived at the page (i.e. by redirect or by directly typing in the URL).
Is this possible with vanilla JavaScript?

You can also read Referer header on your backend server, because browser automatically includes it.

You can try using document.referrer
If somone types url in address bar it should return an empty string, otherwise if a link was clicked it should return prior page url


Access website Y only after you are redirected from website X

I have a slightly strange question and I'm not sure if this could be achieved at all but anyway I'm curious to try.
I have 2 sites that are independent, lets say and
site2 will be placed in a href in site1. The question is - is it possible site2 to be accessible only after the user is redirected to it from site1 and if the user tries to open site2 directly or thru an a href from another site different then site1 to not be able to access it?
Check for:
// Empty if User is directly loading page.
The value is an empty string if the user navigated to the page directly (not through a link, but, for example, by using a bookmark). Because this property returns only a string, it doesn't give you document object model (DOM) access to the referring page.
MDN Documentation:
Browser Support:
You can check for a post parameter that you set from the website 1 redirection (either through a form or plain javascript). And then set a local storage variable to check for when loading site 2.
Local storage doc
JavaScript post request like a form submit
But keep in mind this can be easily bypassed with enough html/js knowledge.
To ensure that only your website can make post parameter, you could maybe (not sure about me there): generate code (used as post parameter) on the go from webserver 1 and send them to webserver 2 at the same time (or a little before) to ensure the code received by the server 2 is really generated at server 1
Depending on the backend server you are using, you can use something called REFERRER details that will be there in the http header of the request ( for your page for example). This REFERRER will have the information on who referred the user to this site. You can add a condition something like if REFERRER is then render the page .
Here is a link to start with

Modify current URL (Gatsby / Reach Router)

Question: Is it possible to modify the current URL that's shown in browser's address bar and browser history?
To be specific, I only want to modify the URL that is visible to the user; I don't want to trigger navigation. (I have a Gatsby app, and Gatsby is using Reach Router.)
Motivation: I have a gallery of images that the user can click and navigate to URL such as /images/?id=52. The advantage of this approach is that /images/ can be prefetched to enable instant rendering of the page. However, this scheme is unfriendly to users who have disabled JS, as they will see no images at all when they navigate with query parameters. So I have also prerendered pages like /images/52/ that work without JS. So what I want to do is navigate the JS users with query parameters, but then modify the URL that they see to a URL that can be shared with anyone including non JS users.
What I think you're looking for is either window.location.replace() or window.location.assign()
Replace is merely visual, so if the user were to copy the URL to share with their friends you can manipulate that url that they see and copy.
Assign loads a new document, as if the URL you passed it is the one that got the document.
Edit: a comparison
Difference between window.location.assign() and window.location.replace()
I believe you'll need to create a NodeJs server to handle this sort of action. It can take a query parameter from the URL ('images/?id=52') and then return the user to the URL 'images/52'.
Or you may be able to use the 'gatsby-source-filesystem' package.

How to grab referrer from a redirect using JavaScript?

I know that I can find out the referrer using:
However, I have a one page website, and a redirection set to send all other pages in that website to the home page. I would like to have a way of capturing the link that originated the redirection. In this case, document.referrer is always empty.
So I guess, I need to know:
How do I set a referrer parameter before the redirection?
How do I capture that parameter with JavaScript in the home page?
You could pass it along in a URL parameter. For example, Google does something similar when you click a search result; the browser actually goes to
So you could redirect your users to ''+ encodeURIComponent(document.referrer), and then once it hits the homepage, you can extract that value and run decodeURIComponent.
encodeURIComponent is a method that makes a value safe to put in a URL. decodeURIComponent is the reverse process.
Alternatively, you could put it in a hash rather than the querystring, like ''+ encodeURIComponent(document.referrer). Several client-side routers use this. Although that may break the back button unless you spend more time learning about pushState. When Twitter first used!/foo-bar as a URL scheme, it broke many things. But it may be useful to you.

get requested page url javascript

I know I can get the current URL in javascript with window.location.href, however is it possible to get the requested page URL as the user is leaving that page? I want to send it to ajax in the window.onunload function and do something with it in my session variables. Thanks
If a user is leaving your page via one of the links on your website, you can get the href attribute value with Javascript, but if he decides to type in new url address in address bar and hit enter, you won't be able to get this information using Javascript.

Can I change the URL string in the address bar using javascript

I've a link on my webpage, say 'about'. Clicking on it loads a particular div without refreshing the whole page using jquery .load(). This does not change the URL string in the browser address bar.
The same page can be accessed by going to
So what I want to do is, when the user clicks on the 'about' link, the pages will be loaded as it is (using jquery), but I want to change the URL string in the browser address bar also so that someone can actually copy or bookmark the exact page.
Is it possible to do so??
You have two possibilites to tackle this problem:
In newer browsers you can make use of the HTML5 history API, which lets change part of the URL, also the query string (and path afaik).
In browsers which don't support this, you can only change the fragment identifier # without reloading the page (via the location object). That means you have to change the URL to e.g.!page=about
#! is a convention from Google to make Ajax sites crawlable. As the fragment identifier is not sent to the server, you have to detect it with JavaScript and load the corresponding data from the server.
There are jQuery plugins that help you to handler this.
I would look for a good plugin makes use of the history API if available and falls back to the hash based solution.
As written in my comment, you can also find more information here:
How to change browser address bar without reloading page, especially #ThiefMaster's answer.
Yes, I've done it by doing
location.hash = 'foo';
There's other attributes of location you can change, not sure what it's called for '?', probably query-string, get, or soemthing like that.

