Vertical side menus in Internet Explorer 6 - javascript

Does anyone know how to build menus just like the one here using IE6 (this almost works).
Perhaps some version of jquery-ui that works with IE6. I tried also this menu with this css hover fix but in my case it did not fix and that menu does not work either.
I am trying to replace an old applet menu in an old system (i.e. 6 compatible) for something less difficult to maintain and I am running out of ideas.


Page scroll menu not working Firefox and Chrome

I have created my first microsite with Umbraco/ASP.NET at I started with a bootstrap theme called Agency from, and find that the smooth page scrolling from my menu works on the Edge browser and both Safari and Firefox on an iPhone/iPad.
However, smooth page scrolling does not work on either Firefox or Chrome on a PC (fully updated Windows 10, and both Firefox and Chrome installed within last couple of days). This problem is not exhibited by the static bootstrap theme that I used.
I would really appreciate any help. By way of background I am competent with C# and okay with HTML/CSS. I have zero knowledge of javascript and the like.
This is no longer a problem. Oddly this was fixed with the passage of time. I guess it was a caching related issue.

Bootstrap 3 Navigation Javascripts Disabled

I started using bootstrap and had a very good experience with it.
Today when I was testing it, I understood that the navigation menu doesn't work when javascript is disabled. i.e. drop down menus don't work (i know that they cannot work without javascript but atleast some alternative should be there) and the menu is not at all accessible for mobile devices having javasript turned off.
I didn't find any resources which helped to fix this online. So, is there any way (if not fix drop down menus) make the menu work on mobile devices?
Or do I have to stop using bootstrap?
Most modern mobile devices should be able to support JavaScript. And it is the recommended way of doing responsive Web pages.
However you may be able to use css for this type of function by using a hover which will display a div that you've defined and hidden further up in the css
There is also css animations if you wish to have some sort of movement.

jQuery UI Draggable div sticks to mouse

I am using a div as a popup which is draggable as follows
The problem is if we mouseclick on this div and leave the click, then the div sticks to the mouse in some IE versions, especially on Windows 7. The div moves with the mouse even if its not click & drag action (its just a mouseover action). Please let me know if this is jQuery bug or some OS/browser bug with proper solution?
I am using jquery-ui-1.8.6 js with jquery-1.4.2 js.
i will recommend you to use the latest versions of both jquery-ui and jquery library file..
the code you provide has not much enough to be debate about but as you mentioned, it could be because of the older version of files.
i am using latest versions of both files (jquery-ui-1.8.21/jquery-1.7.1) and dragging is working fine in all ie versions.
but when you are using iframes, things went little different. because some browsers specially ie handles iframes differently, i might be guessing but it could be the case! :)

Drop Down Menu not working right in IE- Shooting off to right

I'm stuck. I've never done drop down menus before but wanted to try on a site I'm working on, so I imported someone else's java and css code and got it running just fine in Firefox. Problem is, the drop down menus are appearing way off to the right in IE.
I've created a separate style sheet just for IE, but I haven't been able to figure out what to put on it to correct this!
Here's the site:
There is a lot of superfluous nonsense in that style sheet as it was imported from an online example. That said, there may be issues in there too that are preventing ie from reading correctly? I'm not sure.. I'm new to this java/css drop down menu stuff! :)
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
The script you're using for the drop down menu is not very good. Also, it's quite possible to create that whole drop down menu using just CSS, without any JS.
The drop down menu, in its current state, does not work in IE7 or IE8.
In the spirit of "fixing your problem":
It will work in IE8 (and Firefox, etc) if you change Line 203 in dropdownMenuKeyboard.js from this:
? (isie ? li.offsetLeft + 'px' : 'auto')
to this:
? 'auto'
However, I recommend you replace the drop down menu code with something more modern.
Be careful when using 'em' as your unit of measurement. The size of 1 'em' is relative to the default font-size set in your browser (or in your CSS if you define it). By default, these font-sizes differ between Firefox and Internet Explorer. I'd recommend using pixels instead, but if you're set on using 'em', just be sure to add a new default font-size in your CSS by doing something like:
html { font-size: 16px; }
By standardizing the default font-size throughout the browser, you won't see any differences in Firefox or Internet Explorer.

"Son of Suckerfish" CSS Menu - sub menus not closing in IE7

Despite my most convincing cries to the contrary, I was recently forced to implement a horizontal drop-down navigation system, so I opted for the friendliest one I could find - Son of Suckerfish.
I tested in various browsers on my machine and all appeared to be fine. However, some (but not all!) IE7 users are experiencing an issue where sub menus do not close after they have been hovered over. The most annoying thing is that the affected users are using the exact version of IE7 that I am (7.0.5730.13), with the same privacy and security settings (I even had them send screenshots of the tabs in Internet Options) on the same OS (XP). I cannot verify if Vista is affected or not.
Obviously trying to debug this issue is a nightmare since I cannot replicate it, so I am wondering if anyone here can and might know how to solve it. I have set up an example page here:
Additionally, there's an annoying flicker on rollover of the sub items which I have also tried to solve with no success, so any help with that would also be appreciated.
This is a problem that occurs in IE7 when another part of the page has focus (ie, you clicked somewhere and then mouse-over the menu). It seems to be an issue with the :hover pseudo-class.
Adding a hasLayout trigger to the :hover style should fix the problem.
#nav li:hover {
position: static;
There are other solutions too. There's a great write-up about the problem here:
Sticky Sons of Suckerfish
For testing why not download the Vista IE7 VPC image from MS themselves?
Not sure about the bug though. Remember having similar issues I think its because you need a JS. Will try and find out

