Generic phone number validation requirements [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Validate phone number with JavaScript
(30 answers)
How to validate phone numbers using regex
(43 answers)
Javascript Regex - What to use to validate a phone number?
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am developing an Ionic app, and I need to validate an input field that may accept either a phone number, an email or a username. However, my application should be prepared to accept phone numbers from all over the world, which means that I should have a sort of generic solution to guarantee I am sending a valid number to a server.
I was checking how Facebook accept different phone formats to log in and I would like to make something similar. So I was wondering how I could achieve such thing. It allows me to log in using three different formats:
0 (11) 9 1234-5678 when typing 011912345678
(11) 9 1234-5678 when typing 11912345678
55 (11) 9 1234-5678 when typing 5511912345678
But as I am in Brazil, I believe it is easier to control it using a RegEx to validate only brazilian format numbers. But, how could I validate different phone numbers when I don't know where the user is? I'd like to hear from you guys if someone has achieved a solution for such problem. Thanks!
Edit: The main problem here is not using a RegEx to validate an international phone number format itself, but, how can I guarantee that even though the user may not type his International Country Code I still allow him to log in if he uses only his central office codes plus his subscriber number?


Regular expression for EDU emails with sub domains [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I validate an email address using a regular expression?
(79 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am attempting to create a regular expression for validating edu emails which may or may not have a sub domain. Some schools have emails like "" while other schools have emails like "".
This is the current regular expression that I have but I am not well versed in these.
I am looking to create an expression that will validate emails with one domain and emails with a subdomain.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In most cases, /^[-\w.]+#[-\w.]+\.edu$/ should be enough.
The only problem with this solution would be, that it can also accept domains like
To prevent this, you could use this regex instead: /^[-\w.]+#([-\w]+\.)*[-\w]+\.edu$/
Edit: use \w instead of [0-9a-zA-Z_]
This should do the trick (modified from - referenced in How to validate an email address using a regular expression?):

Issue working with numbers in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Large numbers erroneously rounded in JavaScript
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm new in developing javascript apps, i have a doubt about a behaviour that i'm going to try to explain.
If i execute:
Result: 5555555555555555
But if i execute:
Result: 55555555555555550
Anybody can explain to me what is the reason of this? Thanks!!
If you need to work with such big numbers I would suggest you use some of the big integer libraries such as this. The reason this happens as far as I know is the way processors and memory work. It's no related to some "bug" in JS.
Integers (numbers without a period or exponent notation) are accurate up to 15 digits. Javacript simply adds zeros to keep the number accurate in terms of its digit length.

Regular Expression (JavaScript) to create a data validation where the number must be more than x

I am trying to write a regular expression using javascript in order to validate data entry on an online database. I have attached a screenshot (Screenshot) of the page which is asking me to do this. The question I am asking is what is the weight? The validation I am trying to create is that it needs to be more than 24 kg. I am complete novice at JS (I have good experience with SQL) and have been reading and
I have tried a few things and tested them on rubular but to no avail.
Any advice would be much appreciated and in the meantime I will continue reading.
Many thanks,
First off, this sounds the sort of situation for which a regular expression is not a reasonable choice for validation. Just comparing numbers would make much more sense.
However, a regular expression that would match a number greater than or equal to 24 would be:
That is, it matches one of:
\d{3,} a number at least 3 digits long
[3-9]\d a number in the range 30 - 99
2[4-9] a number in the range 24 - 29
To match only greater than 24, just change the last alternative:

email address validation in JavaScript using regular expression [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I validate an email address in JavaScript?
(79 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm currently trying to validate email address using regular expression in JavaScript. These are the requirements of the Email address:
The email field contains a user name part follows by "#" and a domain name part.
The user name contains word characters including hyphen ("-") and period (".").
The domain name contains two to four parts of alphabet characters word extension.
Each word extension is separated by a period (".") and the last extension must have two to three characters.
Among four requirements, the third one is most confusing to me. I will be very appreciate if someone can help me. Thank you.
I have tried the first answer in this page, but this answer accept even 5 or more extensions, so it doesn't meet my third requirement.
For Javascript, here is the regex you need which follows the RFC 5322 standard:
Side note: it is better to use a very weak regex (basically just matching the '#') and sending a confirmation email.

How can we Validate Credit Card Numbers with White Spaces using Jquery? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know how can we validate the Credit Card.
We have a script that allows the numbers like this
I want the credit card validation to accept credit card number in this format (with white spaces.)
4444 1111 2222 3333
How it can be possible in JavaScript.
try this
you could use regular expression to accomplish this task. take a look at this
and this short description of how to use regex in JavaScript

