spurious ajax OPTIONS request being made along with a GET request - javascript

I am making a standard ajax request with the code below
let x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.onload = function(event) { …};
x.open("GET", url, true);
x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
The problem is that, for some reason I can't fathom, two ajax requests are made. The first one is an OPTIONS request and the second one is the GET request that I actually wanted. Any idea why?
My server is a nodejs app which I am starting using nodemon which restarts the server if it senses index.js has changed (this is helpful in development when you don't want to stop and restart the server). With this OPTIONS business, nodemon thinks my index.js has changed and restarts nodejs.
Additionally, the OPTIONS request results in a successful request that returns http 200. But, nothing is returned to the web page that initiated that ajax request in the first place (this could be that immediately after the OPTIONS request, nodejs is restarted by nodemon. Then the GET request is repeated, also with 200, and the web page gets the result

The problem is that, for some reason I can't fathom, two ajax requests are made. The first one is an OPTIONS request and the second one is the GET request that I actually wanted. Any idea why?
Because you're making a cross-origin call (for instance, from http://localhost to http://localhost:someport), which is normally disallowed by the Same Origin Policy. So the browser sends a "pre-flight" OPTIONS request to see if the server wants to allow the call via Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.


XMLHttpRequest causes two network events

I'm noticing when I have use a XMLHttpRequest in my script, that for each time it gets called two events appear in Chrome's network waterfall.
The first event has a type xhr and a size of around ~27bytes and the second event has a type of text/html and a size of 0bytes.
I've noticed it in the past and have looked over it, but now I'm noticing its causing the page it connects to for it to run twice.
Is this normal? Did I implement something incorrectly?
function example(){
console.log('ran'); // this shows the function only ran once
var form = new FormData(), xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
form.append('test', '...');
xml.upload.onprogress = function(e){something.style.width = (e.loaded*100/e.total) + "%";}
xml.onload = function(){alert('done');}
xml.open('POST', 'https://externaldomainexample.net', true);
The two requests are being made because you are making a request to a different domain from which your page is hosted (cross origin). If you enable the "method" column in Chrome's network tab you'll see that the first request is an OPTIONS request, whereas the second is your POST request.
The first request is what's known as a Preflight request and asks the remote server what remote hosts are allowed to connect and what methods they are allowed to call. If this step fails, then you'll see an error in the browser saying the request has been "blocked by CORS policy".
If the preflight request is successful, then the second (POST) request is made.
Depending on how the server is configured, you may need to have it handle OPTIONS requests differently, so that it doesn't perform the same action twice.

why Axios send two request

I need help with axios, I don't know why is sending two request here an image of chrome network in one post call
I'm using react, and when I send request the function only trigger once (I debugged and put console.logs and get one response) but in chrome network I got two request, with different headers and type.
One have Authorization token, and the other don't have tokensuccess request and
wrong request this is in one call and I don't know what is happening.
Thanks for your time!
Is it an OPTION request?. OPTION requests are used to check if your client has permission to make the desired request to the API.
The HTTP OPTIONS method requests permitted communication options for a given URL or server. A client can specify a URL with this method, or an asterisk (*) to refer to the entire server.

Redirect Failing on CORS Request

I'm trying to download a file in client-side Javascript using the Box API, which redirects the request to a temporary download link once the file has been found. The browser is blocking the redirect, though, throwing the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.box.com/2.0/files/file-id/content. The request was redirected to 'https://dl.boxcloud.com/d/1/some-big-hash/download', which is disallowed for cross-origin requests that require preflight.
In the Network console I see three requests, the first is an OPTIONS (which must be the pre-flight because the actual code sends a GET) with a 200 response, and the second two are identical GET requests which both get 302'd (the expected response for that API call). Here's the code that makes the request:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer '+MyToken);
xhr.onload = function()
//some stuff
xhr.onerror = function()
//some other stuff
My question is (a): Why are two GETs being sent after the preflight comes back?
And (b): Is there any way I can format the request to allow following the redirect? And (c) if not, can I at least retrieve the redirect URL from the response and follow it with another explicit request? Every response in the console has the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header set with the correct origin.
I don't understand why you get three rather than two requests, but the way CORS has worked thus far is that a request with a preflight cannot be redirected. This has changed in the Fetch Standard, but user agents have not yet picked up the change.

XMLHTTPRequest Not returning

I created a java script to connect to my web service however I never return from the send method of my request:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", url, false);
I never see the alert. However when I step through my service it returns successfully so it has to be with this script.
Note: I can run the url from a browser, chorme or firefox tested, and I am able to get the response I want. I just cannot get it from js.
My web service was not set up to receive HTTP GET request (REST based service). I was only set up to handle SOAP based requests.
Perhaps it is because of the false in request.open(), which means that the request is synchronous, so the rest of the script won't continue executing until the response has arrived from the server. Does the server return the response package? If it doesn't, you should try changing the third argument of the function to true, it should continue with the script execution then.
Check this link out: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest#send()

http post request with cross-origin in javascript

i have a problem with a http post call in firefox. I know that when there are a cross origin, firefox first do a OPTIONS before the POST to know the access-control-allow headers.
With this code i dont have any problem:
Net.requestSpeech.prototype.post = function(url, data) {
if(this.xhr != null) {
this.xhr.open("POST", url);
this.xhr.onreadystatechange = Net.requestSpeech.eventFunction;
this.xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
I test this code with a simple html that invokes this function.
Everything is ok and i have the response of the OPTIONS and POST, and i process the response. But, i'm trying to integrate this code with an existen application with uses jquery (i dont know if this is a problem), when the send(data) executes in this case, the browser (firefox) do the same, first do a OPTION request, but in this case dont receive the response of the server and puts this message in console:
[18:48:13.529] OPTIONS http://localhost:8111/ [undefined 31ms]
Undefined... the undefined is because dont receive the response, but the code is the same, i dont know why in this case the option dont receive the response, someone have an idea?
i debug my server app and the OPTIONS arrive ok to the server, but it seems like the browser dont wait to the response.
edit more later: ok i think that the problem is when i run with a simple html with a SCRIPT tag that invokes the method who do the request run ok, but in this app that dont receive the response, i have a form that do a onsubmit event, i think that the submit event returns very fast and the browser dont have time to get the OPTIONS request.
edit more later later: WTF, i resolve the problem make the POST request to sync:
this.xhr.open("POST", url, false);
The submit reponse very quickly and can't wait to the OPTION response of the browser, any idea to this?
Due to the same origin policy, you can't send cross origin post,
you can workaround it by include sites in iframes (if have access to the domain) original site contains iframe to the outer site, the inner direction is legal.

